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Can't Breathe Without You, 2

"She could just see the headlines now: Hip-Hop’s Bad Girl and Her Small Town Cowboy ."

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After her performance, Keisha sat in her dressing room cooling down. Tonight was her last of two nights performing in Las Vegas. The shows went smoothly as hours of rehearsing her dance routine had paid off, and her screaming adoring fans loved her. Yet, she felt distracted during the entire performance. It wasn’t until she had a moment alone that she realized she had been thinking about Tom the whole time.

Right on cue, as if he just heard her thoughts, her phone lit up signaling an incoming text message. It was from Tom. He was in Vegas waiting at her hotel, waiting just for her.

Keisha smiled as she typed in her response but before she could press the send button Patricia poked her head into her dressing room, “Hey, it was a great show tonight!” she said excitedly.

“You think so?” Keisha smiled over her shoulder at her cousin, as she sent the message to Tom.

“Of course, I do, but you sound skeptical.”

Keisha shrugged. “I just wasn’t feeling it tonight.”

“Are you okay?”

“Maybe just a little tired. Maybe I’ll just go back to my hotel suite.”

“Sure, yeah, we can head back to the hotel,” Patricia offered.

“Um, you don’t have to go with me, I’ll be fine. Besides, you were really excited about hanging out with the crew tonight. Don’t worry about me. I’ll probably just order room service and watch movies in my PJs all night. You know, nothing too exciting.” Keisha hoped that her state of arousal, just thinking of Tom, didn’t give away her real plans for the night.

“Well, only if you promise to call or text me if you feel any worse. I’ll be there in a second,” Patricia said, always the savior and care-taker to her younger cousin.

“I promise I will text you, Patti. Now go, have fun.”

Keisha felt a tinge guilty for lying to Patricia but quickly got over that feeling when her phone buzzed, again. Tom sent her an explicit text detailing exactly what he wanted to do to her once he got his hands on her. Motivated, she hurriedly wrapped things up at the venue before running back to her hotel room to be with him.

When Keisha stepped off the elevator, Tom stood outside her hotel suite just as tall and handsome as ever, she thought. She loved how casually he dressed in perfectly fitted jeans, a plaid western shirt, and a worn cowboy hat. But the best thing that he wore was the big charming smile that greeted her.

Keisha couldn’t resist teasing. “Hey, cowboy. Waiting for someone?”

“Yes, you,” He said as pulled her into his arms to kiss her. She was stunning, he thought, and he didn’t think there was a sexier creature on this earth. And just for tonight, she was all his!

The second Tom had her inside the suite, he tore her clothes off. He laid her down on the plush carpet of the hotel and beginning with her painted toes, he kissed her. Moving his lips slowly upwards, past her ankles and over her calves, softly brushing past her knees, up her thighs until his hungry mouth finally landed on what he sought most.

“Oh, my God! Yes!” Keisha cried out as his talented tongue danced against her clit.

His tongue was merciless as it lashed over and over at the sensitive nub. Keisha desperately reached for anything to anchor herself down as her hips flew from the ground. She dug her heels into the carpet, as her fingers buried into his scalp. Holding him right there, yeah, right there just a bit longer until her orgasm exploded like fireworks in the sky.

As the last ethers of smoke trails evaporated in her mind’s sky, Keisha wriggled and slithered free from his hold. Rolling over to her flat stomach, she stretched her arms above her head, pushing her round ass back to Tom.

“Fuck me!” she demanded, knowing he didn’t have to be asked twice.

On his knees, he grabbed her hips, pulling her rear end back to him. When he entered her he couldn’t hold back his own sounds of satisfaction, moaning as their bodies connected in the most primal way. He planted his large hands around her waist, as he slipped deeper and deeper into her wet core.

Keisha loud moans of passion filled the room, as he plowed his hard length into her over and over again. She felt him deeper than his physical limitations. He filled her in ways she didn't know was possible.

Tom leaned forward against her smoothness of her brown back and pushed her wayward curls from her neck as he softly kissed her. “I can never have enough of you, Keisha,” he whispered against her hot skin.

"Please, don't stop." Keisha purred, loving the caress of his lips on her neck.

Tom slipped his hand between her thighs. His fingers strummed a melody across her swollen clit which caused her to throw her head back and scream out even louder.

“I’m going to fucking come!” Keisha cried out as she grew weak in the knees.

“Please do,” Tom whispered into her neck as he gently kissed her.

Her hips rocked back and forth, driving his swollen head harder and deeper into her slick center. As the intense pleasure built up, Keisha lost all control and collapsed onto the carpet, moaning for her release.

Hovering over her quivering form, Tom groaned as his own climax peaked. His body spasmed as his load unleashed deep within her. He collapsed on top of her, breathing heavily as he tried to regain his ability to speak.

Keisha moaned and turned in his arms. She reached between his legs to rub his drained cock. Using their combined moisture, she began to slowly stroke him.

Tom managed a hopeful smile, “More?”

“Yes!” she said greedily as she lowered her mouth to his cock.

Tom woke early the next morning to the bright Las Vegas sunlight beaming through the windows and falling across his face. Still in a sex-induced sleep daze, he reached out to pull Keisha closer to him. He just wanted to feel her soft welcoming body curl up next to him. He knew it would make leaving her a harder task, but he would take that risk. Instead, he was greeted with the cool emptiness of the luxury bedsheets.

Tom let out a frustrated sigh. It has been over a month of their clandestine sexual affair, and he was at his wits end. He was thinking of Keisha every single moment they were apart. And knew she was always thinking of him from across the country. He hated that their relationship was so fleeting. just a series of steamy one-night stands strung together over multiple cities. If it wasn’t his schedule pulling him away, it was hers.

Sulking as he headed toward the bathroom for a much needed cold shower, Tom found the note that she left on the hotel stationery for him. Tucked into the brim of his cowboy hat, it read: To my cowboy lover, thanks for the wild ride last night. Until next time. Then simply signed ‘K. Love’. Seeing the note with a promise of another hot encounter lifted his spirits and Tom couldn’t stop smiling as he continued to the shower.

Keisha sat in the chair as Miguel applied her makeup before another concert. Miguel, as usual, was dishing out the latest gossip while he worked. Keisha had her earbuds from her iPod in, not really paying too much attention to whatever shady celebrity news he was gossiping about.

Miguel paused in his colorful story to address Keisha. “Girl, you aren’t even listening and you’re being really quiet today with your earphones on and everything. What’s up, are you feeling okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. I was just thinking.” Keisha omitted that the subject of her thoughts was Tom Walker.

“What are you listening to anyway?” Miguel said as he lifted her earbud from her ear to listen. “Ugh, when did you start listening to country music?”

“Since it's my business who I listen to,” Keisha said defensively. “It’s actually a really good song. It’s by Tom Walker. He just won a Grammy for songwriter of the year, you know.”

“Okay. Go ahead, get your country on. I do love me some Patsy Cline. What’s that song she sings? Stand By Your Man?” Miguel asked.

Keisha smiled, “Yeah, that’s her song.”

Keisha couldn’t help thinking, was Tom her man? Sure, he was the only man she has thought about and wanted to be with since that night their paths crossed that night on the terrace. And yes, the sex was phenomenal. Actually, the sex was the best she’d ever experienced. But did that give her the right to claim him as her man? Wasn’t it just a booty call?

So far, Tom hadn’t given any inclination that he wanted more than just sex. In fact, he had made it explicitly clear from the moment that they met, that he wanted sex. Of course, that’s what Keisha wanted from him, too. Their mutual physical attraction was undeniable. Their chemistry was strong, and after just two months, insatiable.

She was thinking about all this while she listened to Tom’s crooning. She had been listening to Tom’s songs more often when they were apart. It was a way to hear his voice and to feel connected to him. She actually enjoyed his album and songwriting. When she was home alone, she often sang out loud to his songs, putting her own R&B twist to the music.

Was it even possible to have something more with Tom? Was there enough to build something on? Keisha lived a busy life in L.A. with her tours, rehearsals and promotions, while Tom’s time was already divided between Nashville and Texas, along with his constant traveling for concerts and interviews. Their paths were too divided. They had a lot on their plates and barely had time to spend together, especially outside the bedroom.

Other than great sex, did they even have similar interests? Sure, they were both entertainers, but she was R&B’s bad girl with a reputation for partying too hard and hanging out with bad boys, whereas he has been a rising country superstar just getting his first taste of fame and celebrity. What would bind them together when the sex grew rote?

Keisha shuddered at the thought of their sex growing dull. For now, it was enough for her to take the relationship one day at a time, and have fun while it lasted.

A month later…

Tom and Keisha laid in her bed after a long and intense evening of sex. They had a rare moment of not needing to run off right away, so they laid cuddled together, smiling happily at one another.

“I’m glad you came to visit me.” Keisha smiled as she rested her head on his chest.

“I can’t think of any other place I would rather be.” He smiled back, kissing her forehead.

“Me too.” She moved closer to his long, nude body. Keisha found that when they laid together like this, she had an impulse to wrap her body around his. “But, I thought you flew in from your ranch in Texas. The way you talk about it, I can’t imagine you would leave there to be here in L.A.”

“Not to be in L.A., to be with you,” he corrected. Tom ran his hand up and down her back as they spoke, loving how perfect her petite, curvy brown body molded to him.

“Still, you’re leaving in the morning to go back.” Keisha tried not to sound too disappointed.

“Well, yes. I’m taking a much-needed break from the studio and all the press. I told Christie I needed some time to check on the ranch and my family down in Texas.”

“Yet, here you are with me.”

“Maybe I can have both. Come with me, Keisha,” Tom offered.

“With you? You mean to your ranch house in Texas?”

“Yeah, I can get you on my flight in the morning, and we could be in Texas by noon.”

“You are serious, aren’t you?” Keisha sat up in bed to look into his blue eyes for clarity.

“Yes, I’m serious. Keisha, I want to spend more time with you, more than just a stolen night or two. We’ve been crisscrossing all around the country to be together, and you know it hasn’t been just about sex.” He softened his tone, his Texas drawl more pronounced as he turned serious, “There’s something more here and I think it’s time we gave that a chance. So, what do you say? Are you coming to Texas with me?”

Keisha liked the idea of spending more time with Tom, and was only hesitant to agree because she was unsure about introducing her life to him. She worried that the paparazzi that followed her would encroach into Tom’s life. She knew he liked to keep his personal life private and stayed out of the spotlight as much as he could.

“I have studio time tomorrow. I can’t just up and leave. Patti would kill me if I missed it,” she said making a weak excuse.

“So? I’ve left things in Nashville hanging to be with you,” he said unfairly, then quickly added nicely, “Look, this doesn’t have to be a final answer on our relationship. Just come to Texas with me for the weekend. I want you to see my home and get to know me outside of all this L.A. celebrity paparazzi stuff. If you don’t like it, we can always come back here. It really doesn’t matter where I’m making love to you, just as long as I’m making love with you,” Tom said as he placed a soft kiss on her lips.

Keisha couldn’t resist smiling at his words. He always knew just the right words to say to make her breathless. “Okay, okay, yes! I’ll go to Texas with you!” She threw her arms around his neck.

“Are you sure you packed enough for just two days? And I said to dress relaxed and comfortable.” Tom teased Keisha as he carried her Louis Vuitton bags onto the porch of his modest two-story ranch house.

“Well, I wasn’t sure what to bring. I’ve never been on a ranch before,” Keisha said.

She was dressed ‘comfortable’ in ripped jeans that looked as if they were painted onto her curves. Along with a crop top baring her slim midriff and pierced belly button, four-inch tall spiked heels, and of course, her blinged out sunglasses.

“You know, I’m just teasing. Besides, I think you look perfect wearing anything.” He sat her bags down when they stepped inside his home.

“I thought you like me best wearing nothing?” Keisha smiled as he pulled her into his arms.

“Also, very true.” He grinned wickedly before kissing her full luscious lips. What he had meant to be just a quick peck turned into a long heated kiss. The reality of being back home and having Keisha in his arms finally hit him. Tom couldn’t help thinking that so far, everything was too good to be true.

He pulled away reluctantly, “Um, before we get carried away, I want to welcome you to my home.” He made a grand sweeping gesture to their surroundings.

“It’s nice. I like it.” Keisha said as she pushed her sunglasses to the top of her head and took a look around.

Keisha was surprised at how warm and welcoming his home felt. His home didn’t scream “western” or “country” as she had envisioned. She’d pictured animal heads as hunting trophies, wood paneling, and plaid. Instead, his place was furnished with quality yet modest contemporary decor in a neutral palette. She smiled to herself thinking how easy a place like this could become like a second home.

“Come on, I’ll show you around,” he said before a huge chocolate Labrador ran towards them barking excitedly and circling around their legs. “Whoa, whoa. Bear, sit!” he commanded. The big dog obeyed immediately, yet his wagging tail told of his uncontainable enthusiasm.

“He heard you pulling up and I couldn’t stop him," a tall, lanky old man said as he entered the foyer. He stopped short when he saw Keisha. “Oh, sorry, Tom, ma’am. I didn’t realize you had company.” He quickly removed his worn cowboy hat in a show of good manners.

“Oh, hey, Jake, no worries. We just got in.” Tom introduced Keisha to Jake Shupe, the caretaker of his ranch while he was away on the road.

Keisha smiled politely, “Hi, nice to meet you, Jake.”

Jake smiled back charmingly. He noticed the expensive luggage in the entryway. “Should I take her bags to the guest room?” he offered.

“Thanks, but I’ll be taking them up to my room,” Tom said.

Keisha noticed the old man as he smiled knowingly at Tom, then widen his smile back at her. “Well, then, I’ll just leave you two be. I still have to check in with that new foal,” Jake said as he shuffled off.

“So, what do you want to do first?” Tom asked.

Keisha shrugged, “What do you usually do when you first get home?”

“Well, after making sure Bear has received sufficient ear scratches, I head out to the stables for a ride.”

“You have a stable? With horses?” Keisha said surprised, then added, “Well, of course, you do. You are a real life cowboy!” she said impressed.

“Come on, I’ll show you.” As they headed out back to the stables, Tom inquired, “Have you ever ridden a horse before?”

“Cowboy, yes. A horse, no,” she joked with a big smile.

After their ride across his acreage and the nearby trail, they returned to the stable to cool down the horses. Tom was extremely proud of Keisha for handling her horse so well on her first ride.

“Even in those heels, maybe you’re more of a cowgirl than you think,” Tom teased her as they walked back to the house.

“Well, I’ve learned from my favorite cowboy.” 

Tom pulled her into his arms, “I think you mean your one and only cowboy.”

“Mm, I don’t know. That Blake Shelton is kind of cute and I hear he’s single now.”

“What is it with that guy?” Tom said feigning jealousy.

“He’s cute,” Keisha teased, then quickly added, “But you, Tom Walker, you’re sexy.” She grinned wrapping her arms around his neck.

“You think I’m sexy, huh?”

“You know I do, and seeing you in your element, doing what you love to do is sexy as hell.”

“Did I get you all hot and bothered?” 

“Mm, yes. Just because I’m a city girl, doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate a smoking hot and sexy cowboy.” Keisha purred as she stood on her tiptoes to place a kiss on his lips.

“Then I guess I need to help cool you off.” Tom picked her up and wrapped her legs behind his back as he carried her the rest of the way up to the house. They headed upstairs to his bedroom where they made love until they were both limp with exhaustion.

Afterward, Keisha laid on her back, staring up at the ceiling. She couldn’t help think how great it felt being there in Tom’s arms, in his bed, in his house. She thought about how easy their relationship had been so far. Yes, there had been hurdles with both of their busy careers, but nothing that they couldn’t work out. Keisha wanted nothing more than to claim Tom Walker as hers. In her head, she had already done so, but not out loud. Not to Tom. Especially not to others. She was hesitant to put it out there knowing that the tabloids were going to have a field day with it. She could just see the headlines now: Hip-Hop’s Bad Girl and Her Small Town Cowboy.

No, she cared too much about Tom to put him through the mess of dating her and what that all entailed. She was satisfied just keeping Tom undercover and all to herself.

Tom turned to his side, smiling at her, “You’re very quiet. What are you thinking about?”

Keisha smiled back, “Nothing, just how much I’ve worked up an appetite. Who do I have to fuck around here to get something to eat?” she teased.

“Ah, I thought you would never ask. That would be me. Considering that you have already fulfilled your part, thrice over, I’ll make dinner for us.”

Keisha laughed, “You can cook?”

“I’m a great cook,” Tom said as they dressed before heading down to the kitchen.

In Tom’s modern stainless steel kitchen, he prepared dinner; a thick Texas sized porterhouse steak with oven roasted veggies. Keisha tried to help with chopping the vegetables, but between Tom’s constant critique of her knife skills and nearly losing one of her designer manicured fingernails, she finally admitted she was awful in the kitchen.

“Don’t worry, babe. I’ve got this. Just sit back and relax,” he said taking over the cutting board. He pointed her toward the wine cabinet, “Why don’t you help yourself to a glass of wine. You can do that without my help, right?” he joked.

“Of course.” Smiling as she picked out a nice bottle of wine, she was actually relieved to turn over the kitchen duties to Tom.

After a really good home-cooked meal, Keisha and Tom cuddled on his couch with Bear nearby at their feet. Keisha felt a peace and contentment she had not felt in a long while.

“I have to admit, I’ve never had a guy cook dinner just for me. It’s usually some fancy restaurant or room service or whatever. I’ve just hadn't had anyone go through all the trouble for me. And it was really delicious,” she smiled. “There’s a lot about you, Tom Walker, I’m still learning, I guess.”

“Anything else you want to learn about me?” Tom asked as he held her close, running his hand slowly up and down her arm. He couldn’t get enough of touching his soft brown skin.

Keisha gave a pensive look, then asked, “Okay, yes there is. I’ve been wondering, since you’re a born and bred Texan, are you a red state Republican?”

Tom laughed, “Um, would it be a deal breaker if I was?”

Keisha pulled away from his embrace, “Are you? I don’t know. I mean, I’ve fundraised and campaigned for the Obamas, twice.

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Michelle invited me to perform for Malia’s birthday party. I might take it personal if you said anything bad about the President.”

“You can relax, I’m not a Republican, or Democrat, for that matter,” he admitted. “And although I might not agree on a lot of his policies, I do support our current P.O.T.U.S. I’m a registered Independent. Anything else you want to know about me, besides politics?”

Keisha snuggled closer to him again, “Yes. Are you real? I mean, you cook like a five-star chef, ride a horse with ease, you’re talented and very handsome with the sexiest voice, and let me not forget how mind-blowing amazing you are in bed. I just keep thinking I’m going to wake up from this dream.”

“If you’re dreaming, I’m having the same dream,” Tom smiled.

“I guess I’m just surprised that you even want to spend time with a girl like me. I’m not exactly the girl-next-door type, more like that chick-from-around-the-block that your mama tells you to avoid.”

“Are you kidding me? Keisha, you’re beautiful and sexy as hell, and also very talented. I would be an idiot to not see all that, not to want all that. I’ve never wanted the girl-next-door. I want you.”

“I’ve never been with anyone who could see past all of the bling and fame. I guess I’ve only been with guys who only wanted to be seen with me because of who I am and what that would mean for them. This is all kind of new for me, in a way.”

“Keisha, you know I don’t care about how famous you are. I want to be with you because I see an amazing woman. And I’m not going anywhere because I’m…”

Keisha’s iPhone rang loudly interrupting him. “Sorry, that’s Patti,” Keisha recognized the ringtone set for her manager. “I should probably get that or she’ll be worried sick. Sorry.” Keisha said as she jumped up to answer her phone.

“Keisha, where are you?” Patricia asked right away when Keisha answered. “Derrick said you called and postponed your session with him.”

“Patti, relax. I’m okay,” Keisha said into the phone as she smiled at Tom.

Tom smiled back, gesturing that he was going to step away to refill their wine glasses.

“That’s not what I asked. Where are you? I swear if you are with Sean…”

“You can relax. I promise you I’m not with Sean,” Keisha said, then with a cleansing sigh, she confessed, “I’m in Texas, staying with a friend for a couple of days.”

“Is this a male friend?” Patricia asked curiously.

“Yes, and before you say anything else, Patti, it’s not what you think.”

“Oh, and what do I think?”

“That it’s just some fling. Or that I’m naive and don’t know when I’m being used. But, it’s not like that. Not with him. Yeah, we have amazing hot sweaty sex…”

“TMI,” Patricia interjected.

“But there’s more. I mean, I think I might be falling for him,” Keisha admitted before she realized that she actually meant it.

“So, who is this mystery guy? Is he another young Hollywood actor? When do I get to meet him?” Patricia wanted to know.

“He’s not an actor, but he’s an artist. A musician. You’ve actually already met him before, briefly.”

“Okay, so who is he?” Patricia inquired losing her patience.

“Tom Walker,” Keisha said.

“Why does that name sound familiar?” Patricia asked.

“He just won a Grammy. He’s been having a great year so far.”

“So, this Tom Walker, why haven’t you mentioned him to me before?”

Keisha shrugged her shoulders even if Patti couldn’t see the gesture over the phone and thought, Here comes the dreaded scolding. “I didn’t know I needed your permission to see someone.”

“No, not my permission. Keisha, I’m your cousin first and always. I just want to see you happy.”

“I am happy! Very happy” Keisha couldn’t contain a big smile that spread across her face as soon as Tom walked back into the room.

“Good. Now get back to L.A. and get back in the studio.” Patricia was already pushing Keisha back to work.

“Sorry, Patti, I have to go.” Keisha cut her off, hanging up the phone as she went to Tom. She threw her arms around his neck, pulling him closer for a deliciously long kiss.

"Mm, wow! I'm not complaining at all, but you are certainly in a good mood. I didn't expect that to happen after a call from your manager." Tom smiled, loving how perfectly she felt in his arms.

"Me, too. I guess I still learning things about myself, too." Keisha smiled. She was relieved to have the weight off her shoulders of keeping a secret from her cousin. Now, if only she could summon the courage to share her feelings with Tom. She was still wary of making it official. If only they could stay at this time and moment forever.

"So, what did you two talk about?"

"Oh, business stuff mostly. She demanded that I get back to L.A. and back in the recording studio. But I want to stay here, with you for at least one more day in your arms, making love to you."

"I can make that happen, you know," he said as he carried her off to the bedroom.

Tom loved waking up with Keisha’s curvy body curled up next to him in his bed. He loved the smoothness of her brown skin as it pressed against his lean muscled body. He smiled at her sleeping so peacefully, the look of contentment on her face was everything he had always wanted. He had visions of a lifetime like this and it didn’t scare him off one bit. All of the globe-trotting and discreet hook-ups were worth it to get to this moment.

He didn’t want to disturb her but he couldn’t keep his hands off her, as he let his fingertips gently play along her lush lips, tracing her sleepy smile.

Keisha moaned softly before flickering her eyes open. She smiled even bigger when she saw Tom smiling down at her. This is what love feels like, she thought.

"Good morning, beautiful," Tom smiled.

"Good morning to you, too." As she looked into his eyes, she felt now was the time to lay her heart all out on the line. "Tom, I..." she started then was interrupted by Bear jumping up onto the bed and wiggling between them.

"Hey, whoa! Look who wants to join us." Tom grabbed Bear and gave him a good belly rub. "I bet he's hungry. I know I am. I'll go whip up some food, for him and us. Meet me downstairs when you are ready." Tom pressed a kiss on her forehead before hopping out of bed.

Keisha let out a big rush of air as she flopped back into bed. She was so close to risking it all by telling Tom she loved him. She was almost certain that it was best to keep it to herself. Getting too deep in her feelings always ended in messy relationships and more news for the gossip rags.

As Keisha showered and dressed for the day, Tom started breakfast as promised. He had a cup of coffee waiting for her when she came down to the kitchen. He couldn’t stop smiling at her.

Keisha had dressed in simple cut-off shorts and a tank top, She wore her massive curls loose around her shoulders. She was clean faced, starting her morning off without her usual makeup routine. Free of any of her makeup and false eyelashes, her natural beautiful skin glowed.

“What? Do I have something on my face?” Keisha asked aware of his constant staring.

“No, not at all. You’re just so beautiful, I can’t take my eyes off you.”

“Mm, Tom, you’re spoiling me. And this is so delicious!” Keisha said as dug into the eggs he’d prepared for her.

“You can’t blame me for wanting to take care of the woman I…”

The doorbell chimed interrupting him.

Tom couldn’t get over the feeling of déjà vu. Just last night it was the phone call from Patricia, now it was this stupid doorbell. Twice he had been interrupted while trying to tell her how he felt. Maybe it was a sign he was getting ahead of himself? Keisha had been hesitant to even come on this trip with him, confessing his love to her was almost a surefire way of pushing her away.

“Aren’t you going to get that?” Keisha grinned at Tom sensing he was frustrated by the interruption.

“We will continue this conversation later,” he placed a kiss on her forehead before he reluctantly went to answer the door.

Tom opened the door to see his sister standing before him. “Sarah? What are you doing here?”

“I heard you were back home for a while and I wanted to see my big brother,” she smiled. “And your nieces wanted to see their uncle, too,” she added as her two daughters ran in to hug him.

“Uncle Tommy!” They screamed in unison.

“Hey, girls. I’ve missed you too,” Tom said in pure glee.

Sarah and the girls made their way into Tom’s home.

“I know you’re an award-winning country music star now, but mom and dad said that you haven’t called in awhile. And I haven’t heard from you since the award show.” 

“Well, that’s why I’m home now. I wanted to check in on everybody. I was going to stop by this afternoon.” Tom lied, as he only had plans to be with Keisha all day.

Keisha walked into the room smiling, “Hey Tom, about that conversation we started…” she stopped short when she saw Tom’s guests standing in the foyer.

“Why didn’t you say you had company over, Tom. We didn’t mean to interrupt y’all,” Sarah grinned, teasing her big brother. “My brother has no manners. I’m Sarah Walker, his baby sister.” Sarah extended her hand to Keisha.

“Hi.” Keisha smiled tentatively as she recognized Sarah from images with Tom. “I’m Keisha.”

The two young girls giggled. The oldest, Emily, smiled. “I know who you are. You’re Keisha Love. I’ve seen your videos.”

Keisha smiled, “Yeah, I’m Keisha Love.”

“Oh my god! Joanie isn’t going to believe this!” Emily shrieked.

“So, I take it you’re a fan?” Tom teased his niece.

“Uncle Tommy, I’ve always thought you were cool because you’re like famous. But now, you know Keisha Love, you are like way cool!” Emily explained.

“Look at that. You’re way cool, now.” Keisha mocked Tom.

As the girls bombarded Keisha with millions of questions, she politely answered. She always loved meeting her adoring fans and taking selfies with them.

Sarah turned to her brother with a knowing smile on her face.

“What?” Tom asked.

“So, now I see why you’ve been too busy to call or visit your family.”

“We’re just friends.” Tom dismissed her accusation.

“And I’m the Queen of England. Tom, it’s barely eight in the morning, clearly, she's spent the night. Now, I know I’ve been a little out of the game for a while, but I know that you two are not ‘just friends’. Besides, you look at her like she walks on water.”

Tom sighed, “It’s that obvious, huh?”

“Yes, and I mean, she is drop-dead gorgeous. If she really were just a friend, I would think something was wrong with you. Is something wrong with you?”

“Okay, so, I like her. I like her a lot. We are actually more than just friends. In fact, if you didn’t ring that doorbell when you did, I might have loused up and told her how much more.”

“Tommy! That’s good news. Isn’t it?” Sarah said excited for her brother.

“I don’t know. I mean, I don’t want to push and assume things. Things between us have been happening so fast, but I practically had to beg her to come here with me for the weekend.”

“Seems like she’s having a good time so far,” Sarah said looking over at Keisha as she posed with her daughters to take pictures with their cell phones.

“Yeah, if only I can manage to keep my big foot out of my mouth.”

“Hey, I think you’re being too hard on yourself, Tommy. You don’t know, maybe she feels the same way and just waiting for you to say something. Hey, so I have an idea.” Sarah said suddenly changing the subject, “I was just going to take the girls to mom and dad’s. Why don’t you both come with us?”

“I don’t think she’ll be into that.” Tom shook his head at the idea.

Keisha and they girls walked up to them. “Into what?”

“Sarah wants us to join them on a visit to our parents.”

“Actually, that sounds kind of fun.” Keisha smiled at Tom.

“Well, that settles that.” Sarah gave a victorious smile at her big brother.

During the visit to his parents' house, Keisha was greeted warmly by the weather-beaten yet strong couple. It was evident where Tom inherited his towering height and rugged good looks as he stood next to his father. His charm and storytelling definitely came from his mom. She playfully embarrassed her son by sharing stories of a lanky teenaged Tom working on the ranch and playing his guitar in the stables whenever he could.

“Not quite the ladies’ man he is today,” his dad teased as they sat around in their cozy family room.

“Okay, okay, no more stories,” Tom changed the subject as Keisha laughed at him.

“Why don’t you sing for us like you used to?” his mom suggested.

“Yeah,” Sarah joined in. “Give us one of your Grammy winning performances.”

“Sorry, I didn’t bring my guitar,” Tom tried to get out of it.

“No worries.” Tom’s mom went over to the closet and pulled out his old guitar case. “We’ve got you covered.”

Tom’s eyes lit up at the sight of his old guitar. He had fond memories of learning to strum on those six strings as a kid. “I don’t know, maybe need a little tuning.” He plucked a few strings and to his amazement the sound that came out was clear and in tune.

“We kind of keep it ready for you whenever you want to come back,” his mother admitted. “Go on, play a little something for us.”

As he played his guitar, Tom smiled and sang to his family. He enjoyed seeing their happy faces, but, one smiling face stood out to him more – Keisha’s. He loved how well she blended into his small family. All of her fame and stardom stripped away, she was just the beautiful girl that he was falling in love with.

Keisha sat between his two nieces and enjoyed hearing him sing just as much as the rest of his family. She loved that he was just as charismatic with his family as he was on stage in front of thousands of fans.

“Keisha, I hear you’re a singer, too,” Mrs. Walker said. “Why don’t you join in?”

“Me?” Keisha asked modestly.

“That would be so cool!” Emily chimed in.

“You can’t let your fans down,” Tom teased her.

“Okay, okay. Only if you accompany me.”

They spent the rest of the afternoon singing and entertaining his family. They stayed well into the evening, having such a great time with his family that they didn’t realize how fast the day had gone by.

Tom finally called it a night, wanting to slip away with Keisha. He wanted to spend her last night in Texas alone with just her. They returned to his ranch home where Tom started a fire in the fireplace and they cuddled in front of it. Before settling down, Tom asked for Keisha’s cell phone.

“Why? What are you going to do with it? If you want to take a dick pic, please, let me!” Keisha teased.

“No, just making sure we don’t get interrupted, again,” Tom said turning her phone off.

Keisha smiled, she knew he was finally getting around to their earlier conversation before they were interrupted by his sister’s visit. She was sure now, after her talk with Patricia and the whole day she spent getting to know his family, that she had to tell him how she felt because she wanted to spend more days like this.

Tom took her hand in his, entwining his fingers with her delicate brown fingers before bringing them to his lips.

“Do you believe in love at first sight? I mean, I guess there’s no other way to explain how I felt about you since the moment I’d laid eyes on you, Keisha.”

“I thought it was lust at first sight,” Keisha teased him.

“Definitely that, but this other feeling that I have of wanting to be with you, needing to be with you, is more than just physical. You are my air and I can’t breath without you.”

“Yeah, me too.” 

Tom realized that she agreed with him. “What are you saying, Keisha?”

“Exactly what you've been trying to say all weekend. Tom, I’m in love with you, too.”


"Don't sound so surprised, Tom. I've been falling in love with you since the moment we'd met."

"And here I thought I was going to push you away by telling you how I felt."

"I'm not going anywhere, Tom Walker."

Upon landing in L.A., Keisha felt energetic and invincible. She was in love with Tom Walker. And Tom Walker loved her. Even though he had to fly off in the opposite direction to Nashville, their declaration of love was enough to make her float on clouds.

As she promised Patricia, Keisha headed straight to the recording studio with Derrick. Her phone buzzed with an incoming text message from Wendy asking for a girls night out to catch up on the latest news. Keisha texted her back that girls night was indeed needed. A few seconds later, another buzz on her phone from Miguel sharing a link to a Youtube video. Keisha swiped it away. Miguel was always sending her funny gifs or videos to watch.

As soon as she stepped into the studio with Derrick everyone went quiet.

“What?” Keisha asked concerned. “What are you watching?”

“Just this video some kid posted on Youtube,” Derrick said over his shoulder.

“Oh, yeah. Is it any good?”

“Yeah, she’s great. Actually, you both are.”

“What are you talking about?” Keisha asked confused as she leant over his shoulder to look at his iPad screen. There was an amateur Youtube video of Keisha singing a duet with Tom while he played his guitar at his parents house.

“You should have told me that you have been working on a project with Tom Walker. Is that why you skipped out of town this weekend?”

“Um, I didn’t know about this video.” Keisha’s guess was that Tom’s niece, Emily, used her phone to record the candid intimate moment to share with her friends. But she had no clue how her music producer was now watching it. “How did you find that?”

“It’s actually all over the web, it’s going viral. Everyone’s talking about it. So, tell me about this project with Tom Walker?” Derrick asked curiously.

“Um, I need a moment.” Keisha stepped away and pulled out her phone. She wasn’t shocked that her screen was lit up with messages and missed calls. A quick scroll through, she saw that none of them were from Tom. He probably hasn't seen the video yet since he was still traveling. Soon as he landed, he was certain to be bombarded with inquiries about the video. She had to do damage control fast, she thought as she dialed him up.

“Hey, Tom.” she smiled when he answered on the first ring.

“Hey, Love. You miss me already?” he asked with a smile.

“You know I do.”

“I just landed and I’m on my way to my apartment before heading to the studio, but I can just as easily head back west.”

“No, you don’t have to do that. I was just calling to give you a heads up about something.” Keisha explained about the video of them going viral. She was surprised that he took it so well. He promised to talk to his niece about it, but otherwise, he didn’t seem to mind.

“My producer thinks we are working on a new song together,” Keisha laughed jokingly.

Tom shrugged, “Maybe we should.”

“What? Are you serious? You want to record a song with me?” Keisha asked incredulously.

“My producers have been wanting to put a duet on my new album. They are shopping it around to other country female vocalists, but honestly, I rather do it with you. So, yeah, I’m very serious,” Tom said.

Keisha had to take a moment to pinch herself. She had really enjoyed singing with Tom the other day, their voices complemented each others and she really loved his lyrics.

“Okay, yeah. I think it’s a great idea,” Keisha finally said. It also gave them an excuse to spend time together without officially announcing they were a couple. The press would draw their own conclusions, but from her experience, she thought it best to get ahead of them and create their own timeline.

“Great. I’ll send you some music and lyrics I’ve been working on and you can let me know what you think.” Tom said, then added, “Of course this is a collaboration, so feel free to give me honest feedback."

“Yeah, sure.” Before Keisha ended the call, she smiled, “Hey, you’re taking this a lot better than I expected. Are you sure this wasn’t your idea?”

“I wish it was. Any excuse to spend more time with the woman I love, I’ll take it.” He smiled.

Keisha could stop smiling when she turned back to Derrick.

“So?” Derrick asked, “You’re working with Tom Walker or what?”

Keisha smiled, “Yes, Tom and I are working on a new single together.”

Over the next few weeks, Keisha squashed her fears of outing them to the media. Since the Youtube video of them singing went viral, rumors had already been sparked about them as a couple, dubbing them the new Brangelina – Tomisha. Keisha had only commented that they were good friends and they enjoyed working together. Tom followed her lead and agreed that they were close friends and left it at that.

But someone was sitting by watching the whole debacle who had already drawn his own conclusions on “Tomisha”. Sean Kidd immediately recognized Tom Walker from the night he walked out onto the terrace of the Beverly Hilton. He remembered seeing Tom corner Keisha against the wall. He always knew there was more to the story but couldn’t put anything together. Now, he knew that Keisha was fucking Tom all along. Maybe even while they were still together. He thought it was so hypocritical of her to blast him as the cheater while she was the same. Or even worse!

Their break-up was such a public event that the tabloids and paparazzi had paid top dollar to get the latest details on her love life. The press dragged his name through the mud after their break-up. He was dropped from big movie projects after the public showdown. Of course, producers didn’t say it was because of the public display with Keisha, but Sean knew better. Sean knew he had to expose Keisha Love for the cheating, dirty slut she was. Once he was done with her, neither Tom Walker nor any man, would want to touch her.

Written by missluv2write
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