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Alternate Therapy

"Bill's family turns against him, but alternate therapist finds him."

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Author's Notes

"What happens when your family rejects you for another? How do you react when they openly cuckold you for their own pleasure? This is Bill's nightmare, but he never expected help from the source it came from. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Bill heals through her and also finds true acceptance and love. He finds his little sparrow. Thanks to dronette56 for her guidance in fine-tuning the story."

I am lying in my bed, in the guest room. My wife Leigh-Anne just shared the depravity my life is heading to: Victoria (my sixteen-year-old) ruling all the sex to be had, and me not getting to fuck my wife unless Brad Davis (a subordinate of mine) agrees. It seemed the triplets had a sexual explosion as well, and everybody was fucking everybody, except me. I had sensed something was off, especially with Victoria. I just never expected this, my wife, pregnant by another man who is now ruling my household as a proxy for my baby girl. There was no way I would have even consented to this ten years ago. I was working my ass off, and she assumes I am fucking students as Brad had made her believe I was cheating.

Now I know why I always had to talk to Brad and Larry about their work not being on time the last few months. They were fucking my wife whilst I was cleaning up after them, every day until after seven. I was working long hours so Brad could have family time his tardiness robbed me of, and that with my family. The most hurtful part is when my wife told me he had a bigger cock and was a much better lover than me. I got up and put on my running gear as I needed to get rid of the pain. It was one in the morning. I walked past Victoria’s open door, Marty and John were in her bed, John fucking her whilst Marty yanked his cock. She grinned viciously at me, and I knew. I will not consent to this. I had recorded the conversation as I had a feeling it will be bad.

I pounded the streets. I had been doing it for a few weeks now, just at five normally, not one. I ran to the river, ten miles away, and I sat on a bench. I was pissed that Leigh-Anne thought I was screwing co-eds, but I know who her source was. I trotted back home and saw my now ex-family in the dining room talking.

“Bill, we were worried.”

“Sorry,” I grunted and walked to the bedroom where I pulled track pants and a t-shirt from the shelf. I took my briefcase and car keys.

“Bill, aren’t you going to kiss us goodbye?” Leigh-Anne asked.

“Yes daddy, I demand it,” Victoria said, that same grin on her face that I saw at one that morning.

I just turned and walked. Somehow they felt like aliens to me. I felt no emotion. At the office I called Brad in, handing him a written warning.

“You have not been on time with your reports three times in a row, Brad.”

“Don’t push, Bill,” Brad threatened.

“I have been covering for you and Larry, and this is how you repay me.”

“You will be cut off completely for this.”

“You say it like it is a bad thing.”

I had already gotten my head down, and I waved him out. I had a student conference, Becky Smith. She was failing, and she was dressed to seduce.

“Becky, I know what you think you are going to do. It will not happen, I am a lousy lover, according to my wife, and I care for you.”

“What can I do then, I have to get this credit?” She started to cry.

“I am well aware. I need an assistant, which means an extra credit for you.”

“Really, me?”

“Yes Becky, as long as you don’t try to seduce me.”

“Okay, when do I start.”

“After your classes, we can work out your schedule. I must warn you, some others in my department will grab your ass.”

“Thanks, and it will not happen.”

I handed her a letter to the administration, declaring how she will earn her extra credit and that I will be giving her tests regularly so she can get her grade up. I found a gym close to home and joined. If I was going to be single because of this then I want to be ready to catch someone’s attention when I have recovered. I kept the pain down but it was simmering. It was better than blowing up. I had enough work to keep Becky busy for months, thanks to Brad and Larry. I left after everybody had gone, knowing Brad will be at my house. The gym was clean, and I hired a trainer for all-around training. That evening I arrived home to my family having dinner with Brad, so in my mind, they became his.

“We have dinner for you.”

“I ate,” I replied tersely and walked upstairs.

I emptied out my cupboards and moved to the spare room. In the coming week, I will clear out the basement, and create a living space there for myself. Somehow that did not really hit me that hard. I heard Brad leave, and Leigh-Anne came upstairs, then gasped.

“Bill, why have you moved out?”

“Oh, I assumed you would want privacy. This just seems better.”

“It is not, I told you we are still married, and I want us to be married. I just need to heal from the pain of your cheating.”

I shook my head at her and how she really thought she had all the cards. She wanted a cuckold because I allegedly cheated on her.

“You placed another man above me in my own house, Anette. I actually realized the allure of sex with you has been tempered by that.”

“Well, you are not exceptional, so I was not looking forward to it either but I am your wife.”

I just shook my head and carried on packing my things away.

“Please Bill, it is for just a while.”

“I gave Brad a written warning for his sloppy work, the reason I had to work late so much. He threatened I would be cut off. See, that is what you are allowing.”

“Please, the department will find out and you will be embarrassed.”

“I am humiliated. And my daughter and sons, you all see me as pathetic. You did not stop it when you could as you should have. You escalated it.”

She turned after swearing at me. I slept well enough and went for my run. My family became passing ships within a week. One afternoon a week I used on a prostitute, asking her to teach me to be a better lover.

I could see Leigh-Anne and Victoria sharing looks when I came in. They would be wearing skimpy outfits, and I knew they wanted me to ask for sex. By the middle of the next week, I moved to the basement with its separate entrance. This meant I had no need to see them, which made me calm. I saw the neglect of the house, my boys were not doing their chores.

“John, Marty. The lawn needs mowing,” I said.

“Fuck off cuck,” John answered, and high fived Marty.

I mowed the lawn that Saturday, after Brad fetched them for a picnic. My body was responding to the training, and I was eating differently, so I was losing my extra fat, not that I ever had much. That Monday morning, Victoria waited for me at the car.

“Daddy, can you take me to school?”

“Bill, you have a new daddy. I will take you, though.”

I saw her face fall, and it hurt me. But she had to understand what she is doing, that it is her doing that I am pushed away, her and her mothers. We left.

“Why do you not like me?” she asked as we drove.

“I like you, just a lot less now that you have started enjoying my humiliation.”

“You have not asked me for sex – I would give it to you.”

“With a condom, as per Brad’s wishes?”


“Then no. I would have considered it. But see, sweetie. You would need permission, which means the act in itself humiliates me. I will not ask.”

“And if I give?”

“Again, with or without his permission?”

“With,” she said softly.

“No, sorry. Your mom is the same story. You don’t want me, the boys disrespect me. You want me to be your house slave. And Victoria.”

“Yes, Da…Bill.”

“Don’t push me, okay. You have already started to lose me as your father.”

“Please, don’t leave.”

“You are pushing me away, Victoria. You are choosing for me to leave. Please take some time to think about me and my feelings.”

“Jesus Bill! Just stop being so difficult, please.”

“Have a nice day, Victoria.”

She sat, looking at me as I looked ahead, then she got out and slammed my door. That evening, after I got home Leigh-Anne was waiting for me in the basement.

“Bill, can we make love?”

“Pussy, without a condom?”

“No, you know the rules.”

“Then no, sorry.”

“Am I not beautiful to you anymore?”

“Is that what this is about? He says you are beautiful, and I get pushed away?”

“No, yes. He makes love to me.”

“No condom and pussy, then I will make love to you too.”

“Fuck you, Bill. This was your last offer.”

“And when he leaves, or do you have another lined up?” she swore at me and left. I stripped and showered, only to find my two sons in the basement.

“You should be grateful we let you stay, cuck,” Marty said

“We could say the word and you are out,” John added

“Perhaps you should find out who actually pays for all of this, boys, before you start thinking you are men.”

“Fuck you.”

“John, start searching for a blood donor, I know it is almost time. You have not shown me any respect, so my blood stays in my body.”

“You fucking asshole!” He screamed and ran out, Marty following.

I felt my breaking point approach and was at a loss. I needed an anchor as I was adrift in an emotional storm. The next morning Becky was there on time and I did consider trying to seduce her, knowing from her looks at me that she would easily fold. But I respected her too much to turn her into a cheap fuck.

Thankfully the confrontations at home subsided to some form of equilibrium in the next month. I was steadily dropping the flab as I ate better and trained. I bought myself a Kawasaki Ninja, and used that most of the time. I barely saw my family now, just heard them try to rub it in when Brad came around.

One afternoon I came home and saw Vicky with Veronica Smythe, her friend. I had always liked the raven-haired beauty with her green eyes, and she was sweet to me. Today was nothing different as she walked to me and hugged me.

“Hey, Mr Waters. Looking trim there,” she commented.

“Just trying to not get old. You are still just as beautiful as I remember.”

She blushed and thanked me. I walked to my entrance without greeting Vicky and I saw the hurt on her face. I decided I was not going to engage any of them again, they will now have to do all the work if they want me back, and I suspect they don’t. Vicky and Veronica stayed outside chatting.

“Why is your dad using the basement?” Veronica asked.


“Is his office down there?”

“No, he lives there.”

“Jesus, are your parents getting a divorce?”

“No. My dad cheated.”

“Bullshit. There is no fucking way that happened.”

“What the fuck do you know, you fucking weirdo. Just fuck off home,” Vicky snapped and I heard the front door slam.

I quickly walked out and saw Veronica crying. I called her to the basement and gave her a soda. She calmed down after a bit.

“Did you cheat?” she asked.

“No, but it is a moot point. They have responded in a way that will probably never make me part of the family again.”

“What do you mean?”

“Leigh-Anne is pregnant with another man’s baby. The kids prefer him and have given him all my privileges.”

“They threw you away?”

“Yep, so I need to make a plan.”

I saw Veronica mull something over.

“Have you eaten yet?”

“No, Veronica. If I want dinner I would have to sit at the table with my family and the man they replaced me with. I will go to a restaurant later.”

“Take me home, I will cook for us. I think I am done with Vicky as a friend.”

“Okay, I have a spare helmet and a jacket, though it will be a bit big.”

We left and Veronica held on to me. I was sure I felt her rub my chest a few times, but I put any thoughts on that line out of my mind. At her house, I finally met her mother, Diane. They could be twins, as Diane looked very young. She smiled secretively at me when Veronica told her that I was there for dinner. I wondered if I was being set up. We all started doing something in the kitchen, and the banter was cathartic. Veronica insisted on showing me how to cut the vegetables, holding my hand that held the knife. She teased me about not knowing anything, and I noticed Diane look at us every few minutes, smiling. Veronica decided I needed better instruction and slid in front of me, still holding my hand.

She leaned back against me as she made a show of teaching me, but I was only aware of her perfect gymnast ass in my crotch and I got hard. I was about to step back when she rubbed her ass on my crotch, and there was no mistaking that move. She turned around and gave me a hug, then kissed my cheek. She pulled back and I looked into her eyes. She was searching my face, and I smiled. This settled her and she carried on with her part. She would return to show me again, and I chanced my other hand on her hip the next time she had her ass in my crotch. She quickly grabbed it and pulled it around her, holding my hand as I felt her hard abdomen.

“Are we okay, Vee?” I asked softly.

“I am, you are not.”

“I do not follow,” I said as her words confused me.

“Will you trust me, William?”

“With what?”

“That I want you free. That I want you without pain.”

“If I say yes, then what?”

“I need you to say yes, please,” she begged as she turned and looked into my eyes again. I saw that she definitely was pleading.

“Say yes, Bill. My daughter will never do anything to hurt you,” Diane said behind me as she also wrapped her arms around me from behind.

I had no idea what was happening, but their touches made me say yes. That earned me a soft lingering kiss on the cheek from Veronica. They held me for a while and I felt the pain subside. Maybe this will be a family for me and I wondered about Diane. But all the signs said Veronica, the lithe sixteen-year-old beauty holding me was the one driving it. We ate dinner, and I was very aware of Veronica’s proximity as her hand often landed on my thigh as we chatted. Her eyes always searched mine when we made eye contact, and her smile was starting to wear my defences down. I dropped my hand and took hers, feeling the smallness and her thumb gently caressing mine. I started to see the little features on her delicate face: the way the tip of her nose moved as she spoke, the slight dimples when she smiled, the light smattering of freckles on her light skin, the way her eyes changed colour based on her mood.

I knew what was happening as she seduced me in front of her mother. I wondered how far she would go. She answered that question with a soft kiss, this time on my lips. Her lips parted for just a moment as did mine.

“Do you trust me, William?” she asked after the kiss.

“Yes, Veronica. Why me?”

“The heart wants what the heart wants, and I have been in love with you for a while.”

“What happens now?”

“I start working on you, William. But you have to fully grasp how much I love you. You have to understand that I will never approve of their actions because I will never approve of the destruction of a soul.”

“I see the care on your face, so I believe you.”

“Promise me that you will not back down, that you will fight for yourself, and ultimately for me, and us.”


“William, I make choices based on what I know, and I choose you because I have never felt uncomfortable or hurt by any of your actions. On top of that, I think you are a beautiful man.”

“I promise. What do I have to do?”

“Be obedient. Trust that my commands are there for your benefit, not your humiliation. That part of your life is coming to an end.”

“Okay. How much power do you want?”

“All of it, otherwise it cannot work. Please, my darling. I beg you to do this.”

“Okay, I will. Just because you are so compelling. What happens now?”

“My mom will take you, I will go and prepare. Please, William. Stay the course. You will understand.”

I just nodded and we stood up. Diane took me to a back room, and I saw a few apparatus that seemed to be for BDSM situations.

“She needs you to strip, Bill,” Diane said softly, her smile reassuring.

I nodded and started to strip. I had nothing more to lose, my family had taken my dignity already. I was finally naked and Diane smiled when she saw my cock, but it was not a pity smile. I sensed approval on her face. She motioned me to a frame and I let her strap me in. Then Veronica came in. She had dressed in a black leather mini skirt that barely covered her crotch. Her legs were glorious. Her corset was royal blue velvet and she wore knee-high boots. Her hair hung loosely over her shoulders. I had never imagined she could look so breathtaking.

“Tell me, William. Do you trust me with your heart?” she asked again.

“With whatever is left of it,” I answered.

I had no idea where the switch came from, but it hit the side of my ass and it burned.

“Ow, fuck!”

The switch spoke again, and I yelled again. Veronica hit me ten times.

“Do you trust me with your heart, William? Yes or no?”

“Yes, Veronica.”


“Yes, mistress,” I said softly. She gently touched my cheek with a gloved hand and I turned my face into her palm. I felt the emotion well up.

“Do you believe that you have value?”

“Yes, mistress.”

She had moved the switch and my other side was hit. She hit me three times.

“I will not tolerate a lie, are we clear,” she said.

“Yes, mistress.”

“Do you have value?”

“No mistress. I am worthless.”

She hit me again, then touched my cheek again.

“Will you believe me if I say you have value?”

I made eye contact with her and my tears started to flow. I wanted to believe her so badly, but she opened up that wound and it was bleeding.

“Not yet, mistress.”

“You will, my darling.”

“Yes, mistress.”

“Can you still love?”

“Yes, mistress.”

“Will you love me?”

“Yes, mistress.”


“Because you are amazing.”

The switch whistled three times.


“You want it.”

She hit me again, and I wasn't sure if she was drawing blood.


“I want to?” I answered, feeling the answer circle, and hoping I was getting it right. I did not and she hit me three more times.

“Why, William?” she asked softly.

“I need it?”

She came forward and gently kissed me.

“Yes, William. You need it. You are a man who has to love, and to not love will kill you.”

“Yes, mistress.”

For the next hour, she guided me with the switch through the things I had made myself believe about who I was after my family became the aliens they are now. I felt a lot of physical pain, which countered the emotional pain. I was sobbing bitterly as my mistress led me to a spiritual mirror, and showed me the false beliefs I had attached to myself.

She finally stood in front of me, her legs slightly parted. She lifted the switch and it touched my cock, which immediately started to respond. I was rock hard in seconds.

“Do you desire me?” she asked softly.

“Yes, mistress. Desperately.”

She stroked my cock gently with the switch.

“Cum for me.”

I did, shooting my load on the floor. I stopped orgasming, realizing I had never cum as hard. I realized another thing. I was completely under her spell now. She tucked the switch away and fetched a bottle of oil. She proceeded to gently wipe it into the places she had hit me, her lips finding mine as she worked. I was desperate for her touch, for her to hold me. She loosened my bonds and opened her arms. I knelt in front of her and held her against me, as the raw emotion heaved out of me with rasping screams. Her fingers gently ran through my hair as she started to sing softly. It was a lullaby and I felt the peace return again.

She pulled me up and then wrapped her arms around my neck, this time kissing me deeply. We kissed for a long time, her in her leather outfit and me, buck naked. She led me to her bedroom and pushed me into the shower, then stripped herself before joining me. She was incredible, her dark bush perfectly trimmed. Her hips were narrow and her breasts small. Her nipples were dark pink. I pulled her against me again. I knew I should want sex desperately, but I did not. I wanted her against me. I wanted her to hold me. I wanted her to validate me.

We showered, and she washed me. I then washed her and we repeated it when we dried off. She led me to her bed and tucked me in, then got in behind me. Her nipples drilled into my back, and her fingers made circles on my chest. I fell asleep, only waking the next morning. I turned to find her awake and smiling softly. I lifted my face and kissed her softly.

“You slept well, William,” she stated.

“I did, thanks to you loving me.”

“Do you truly believe I love you?”

“Yes, mistress. I do not dread today, knowing that you had to hurt someone you love for me to have this. I understand your sacrifice as well.”

“Thank you. We are not done, and there will be more pain.”

“The pain in my heart is reduced.”

“That is what I want.”

She snuggled into my chest and I folded my arms around her, keeping her safe. She sighed softly, kissing my chest a few times before her breathing slowed. I held her as she slept, smelling her shampoo. Had Vicky done this she would have had me. But now I was happier than yesterday, and I had hope. I dressed her and she dressed me. Diane had made us breakfast, and she smiled a satisfied smile when she searched my face, as well as Veronica’s. I dropped Veronica off at school and went home to change. I found a dejected Leigh-Anne waiting for me.

“Where were you, I was worried?”

“I slept somewhere else, and it was heaven to have peace.,” I answered tersely.

“Please Bill. I see us as married and we can work this out. You are stronger than this.”

“Leigh-Anne, what if I did this to you? Moved you to the basement and brought another woman whom the kids loved more than you? What if the kids then broke you down? There is nothing in your current actions that hint at you actually wanting to work anything out.”

“You wouldn’t do that to me.”

“Yeah, which is why I am broken and you love to see it. I am not entertaining any more conversations, Leigh-Anne. Even if you tell me that you will end it with him, I just don’t fucking care.”

I turned away and went into the basement, where I changed my clothes. I came out and realized my car was gone. I found Leigh-Anne in the kitchen.

“Where is my car?”

“Brad likes it, so he took it today.”

“Yeah, it figures. He has ten minutes to bring it back or I call the police.”

“You will not, Jesus.”

“Please try me on this,” I growled, reaching for my phone.

Eight minutes later Brad arrived back and I gut-punched him hard. I threw his papers and briefcase all over the lawn and left. He arrived ten minutes late for work and earned another written warning.

“Please Bill, this will tank my career,” he said, far less arrogant than before. I was sure he was understanding where the power balance leaned.

“Yeah, you should have thought about that when you decided to take my family. Sucks that you actually don’t have any power.”

“I own your family, and I will relinquish them if you stop this.”

“You have work to do, Brad. Have a nice day.”

Veronica texted me regularly, just jokes and silly stuff. I responded in kind. Becky breezed in and immediately noticed my change in demeanor. I explained that I found a different therapist, using alternate methods. During Veronica’s lunch break, I told her about the car, and she suggested I find my own place or move in with them temporarily. I opted for the second choice.

I took the afternoon off and picked Veronica up from school. She searched my face after kissing me softly and sighed happily. She still had me. We drove to my home and I packed my clothes and other things I would need. Veronica drove my car to her house and I took the bike. It was cathartic to see my former home vanish in the rearview mirror.

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Diane was not home, and Veronica led me to her bedroom, where she lay back on the bed.

“Please eat me, my angel,” she asked me.

I knelt between her knees and started to kiss up her leg, lifting her skirt as I progressed. Her pussy was covered in plain white cotton panties, with a wet spot. I blew on the wet spot and she groaned loudly. I then licked her through her panties, wetting the whole thing as I gently gnawed her clit. Veronica exploded into a massive orgasm. I pulled her soaked panties off and finally saw her perfection completely as I lowered my tongue. I thrust it into her hole, and she grabbed onto my hair. I started to circle her pussy with my tongue, plunging into her every third time. I heard her orgasm come and latched on to her button as it hit. I was sure the neighbors heard her as she screamed profanities. I gently flicked her button as she came down, causing her to spasm every time, and then I started again. Veronica did not fully come down and the intensity of her feeling started to climb rapidly, then I repeated the procedure. She started stroking my hair as she came down, and I looked up at her, into her eyes. I had no idea love could be so visible on another human's face.

She pulled me up and then kissed me gently, her hand stroking my cheek gently. I rolled off her and she snuggled into my chest. I was painfully hard, but somehow it did not matter as she took me through real intimacy.

“William, tonight we continue,” she said apprehensively.

“Yes, Mistress. I want it.”

Diane woke us up when she came home, glancing at Veronica’s still bared pussy. She smiled at me and I wondered about her complacency in all this. I also wondered a lot about the fact that I was always aroused, and never felt out of control at all. I narrowed it down to the fact that I respected Veronica.


Veronica and I cemented our love in the next ten days as she led me through breakthrough after breakthrough. I met myself on levels I had never known, and it was because of a sixteen-year-old girl. She seemed to read me perfectly. I found the barrage of texts from my ex-family did not affect me anymore. I read them all and saw no commitment to change the current state. They just wanted their cuckold back. On the eleventh night, she led me to the bedroom, not the playroom. She made me sit on the bed, then pushed me down. She crawled over me and gently kissed me.

“We will get very old together,” she whispered.

She opened my shirt and took it off. Then she took my pants and underwear off. I was rock hard. Veronica gently stroked my cock as she kissed me, then got up. She made me sit up again, then wiggled out of her panties. She straddled me and I felt her heat fold over my hardness. She moaned her first orgasm into my neck as her butt hit my thighs. She held me as she calmed down, then pulled back. I saw tears in her eyes, but she had peace. She gently started to ride me, her hand behind my neck as her other held my face. I lifted my hands to her tiny breasts and she arched her back into my hands. I unbuttoned her blouse and touched her bare skin, then slipped my hands under her bra. She kept the tempo as we made love. Her orgasms came at regular intervals, just small peaks of pleasure. Then I saw her face change and I knew she was heading for the big one.

“Cum with me, my Lion,” she gasped and I complied.

She started to buck on me and my orgasm reared its head. Veronica slammed down hard, grinding her pussy into me as I exploded, perfectly synchronized. I held her hips, helping her keep contact as her pussy spasms milked me deep into her. She opened her eyes, and I drowned in them. She rubbed her nose against mine, then pursed her lips, barely kissing me. I stroked her back gently as she started to smile at me.

“You are so perfect, my Lion.”

“Because I have a perfect lioness protecting me.”

“William, am I yours?”

“Yes, you are.”

“Then you need to become my master as well. I will teach you what I need.”

“I would love that. And Lioness, I am filing this week. I should have a while ago because that first night you settled me.”

“Your timing is right, I saw no harshness in you tonight, it is finally gone.”

The next morning I woke up with her snuggled against me, facing me. I was rock hard, and I felt my tip against her heat. I knew I could push in, but held back. She woke and realized where we were at.

“You did not push in, even though I would not have minded?” she asked.

“No, because I wanted to hear you ask for it. Ask me.”

“Please, Master. Push your heart into me.”

I did and then turned her on her back. I searched her face as I made love to her, seeing her pleasures. She was extremely responsive and she started to claw at me as I made love to her. She started having a series of mini orgasms as I felt mine build.

“Cum with me, little Sparrow,” I whispered and then stroked into her hard, using full strokes.

My orgasm hit me like a tornado, and she blew up under me as hers hit. She used her limbs to try and pull all of me into her sweetness as she screamed. I knew my back was sporting a few extra scratches. She calmed under me, then we kissed softly. I was in no mood to leave her body, and the way she wrapped herself around me told me the feeling was mutual.

That morning she took my car to school, as I had secured an early appointment with my lawyer and could not drop her off. The lawyer was happy with my recorded evidence because there was an admittance of paternity on it. He would start the process of blocking any attempts to have me declared the father in any case. He told me that the infidelity meant that I could walk away unscathed, with no alimony owed. The triplets would need to receive child support until they turn eighteen. I gave him the go-ahead.

Next, I rode to a real estate agent and listed the house. She followed me and I took her through it, seeing Brad’s clothes where mine was. Leigh-Anne came home and freaked out.

“The mortgage is in my name, and I am selling. You can apply for a home loan and buy it,” I said coldly.

“You know I don’t work. Jesus, Bill. You have gone too far.”

“You have had your fun. Now I am starting, Leigh-Anne. There will be a divorce. I am definitely not coming back again.

“Vicky says that Veronica has your car. Are you fucking Diane?”

“That is none of your fucking business. You lost all rights when you decided to fuck Brad, long before I knew.”

“Can we please just sit down as a family and talk?”

“Brad is your family now, sit down with him.”

“He applied for another job, he might move. Then we can be together again. I hate that I did this.”

“Here is the deal. You move to the basement so my new family can move in. My lover will be in my bed, not you. But she might allow you to fuck one of the kids. Those are my terms.”

I saw the realization hit her, she blew her own life up. I finished with the agent and went to the office. There I found an email asking for a reference for Brad. I checked the position. It was an Ivy League university, and it was the same position as mine, except the pay was almost double. Veronica texted me and I phoned her.

“Little Sparrow, I am going to apply. Would you move with me?”

“My mom too?”

“Of course. We can find a place in the city for her to do her therapy, there will be money to carry us through.”

“Do it, my Lion.”

I sent them my resume and grinned. Brad can stay here with my family. Four hours later I received a reply, with an offer. They had added extra benefits because of my experience. I accepted. I heard Brad swear thirty minutes later, knowing they just let him know he was unsuccessful. I felt nothing for him. It was not my circus anymore.

I rushed home at the end of the day and found my little sparrow waiting in the lounge, naked. She frantically tugged at my pants, and pulled me down on the couch, slamming her hips up as my cock split her pussy lips. She howled out her orgasm as I hilted myself. I held her as she shuddered through the aftereffects.  Then I started to stroke into her. Her pussy never stopped spasming and It meant I could not last as it rippled with her pleasure. I managed to give another, gentler orgasm before mine hit.

“I am glad you are home,” she said and started giggling.

“So am I,” I chuckled.

 I got off her, she clung to me and I carried her to the bedroom. We separated, and she undressed me, taking out my training clothes. She did the same. We had found a different gym where I could train and she could do gymnastics as well. We both kissed Diane goodbye as we rushed out. Veronica told me of her encounter with Vicky that morning. Here are her words.


I drove William’s sedan onto the school grounds. I was nervous as I knew this meant I could have a confrontation. I searched the parking, looking at the other kids, and then found the right group. As predicted I saw Vicky and her brothers rush up as I got out.

“Why the fuck are you driving our father’s car, whore!?” Vicky screamed. I looked around and saw my plan come into its own.

“He said I could,” I answered calmly.

“Are you fucking him, or is your whore mother?” John said as they reached me. I knew I might get punched. The other kids came closer, this was juicy.

“Neither. You kicked him out of the house after your mother decided she preferred the lover that got her pregnant as head of the house with your approval. You threw your father away, as none of you wanted him. I found him in your basement, and now I have a father. You have a spineless cunt. Has he knocked you up yet, Victoria? Or will one of your brothers have that honor?”

“FUCK YOU! YOU ARE A FUCKING LIAR!” Marty screamed, and I thought he was definitely going to hit me, then I saw two of the football players step closer, nodding at me. I reached into my blouse pocket and pulled out the thumb drive.

“Just after it started he installed secret cameras. He has you fucking each other, fucking your mother, and Brad fucking you, Vicky. Your dad also has footage of the putrid filth you spoke over him. He will never come back to you. He now has me, a daughter willing to give him my heart and all my respect.”

I watched with satisfaction as the color drained out of their faces. They would also find only my calculus homework on the memory stick, nothing more. But the plan fell into place and they fell for my bluff. Their reaction drew an audience, including the mean girl group who thrive on this information. The Waters triplets will be going through hell until they graduate. I locked the car and walked to the school, the two footballers flanking me. They did not hit on me as I think I also revealed how dangerous it can get to cross me. I wished William was with me. The new idea was formulated in me.



I silently listened as Veronica finished telling me of the showdown. I remembered Leigh-Anne’s words, that I would be humiliated. There was humiliation, but mine has ended now. The faculty knew what happened, and some are siding with me. Others just stayed indifferent – just another drama on campus.

“William, I want to homeschool,” Veronica said softly.

“When did you decide that?”

“Just after the showdown. I am conflicted in school, as I have stopped being a girl when you moved in. I am now a woman.”

“Yes, you are. But are you sure you want to relinquish the last years?”

“There is nothing to relinquish, this is the evolutionary process of our love.”

“Okay, but I will be watching you carefully. I will monitor the amount of pressure you put on yourself, and if I find you being unfair to yourself for me there will be hell to pay.”

“Yes, Master.”

“Thank you, Mistress.”

It took a week to register her, and in that week Leigh-Anne received the divorce papers. She came to the office and had a full meltdown, wailing about me abandoning her whilst pregnant. I looked at Brad who shrugged. Then I pulled the voice recording out and played it for the faculty to hear. Leigh-Anne begged me to stop, begged me for a chance but I stepped over her and made myself a coffee. She was sitting on my couch when I returned.

“You were never this harsh, Bill.”

“You made me harsh, you and your kids.”

“Our kids.”

“Yours, they chose you and you deprived fantasy. I had nowhere to turn, nobody that had told me they loved me actually did.”

“I love you, even after what you have done.”

“I did nothing, I never cheated. You believed a lie. Brad left his work half-done, and I had to work late every fucking day. Now it makes sense. He did it on purpose and the idiot that you are fell for it. Not once did you think to come and check on me, to bring me dinner? You just believed him because he has a big cock. One day you will know that he lied to you, and I hope you have people who actually love you to lean on.”

“Please, our kids are broken. They never wanted to lose you. You are our rock. Vicky is not eating, and Marty is getting sicker. John just mopes.”

“And you lie in bed with your legs open for Brad.”

“I am kicking him out.”

“Too late. I have an offer on the house, so time for you to get a job.”

“Please. Bill, I will move out of the bedroom, and I will allow you to have lovers until we heal.”

“The days of you 'allowing' me are done. Someone else has that privilege, and I trust her completely.”


“Nope, but that is not your concern. We are done fully.”

She left sobbing, and I grinned at Brad.


I tended my resignation, citing office hostility. The faculty was sad to lose me. I had three months before we moved, and my replacement was a woman. Brad and Larry saw their arses within the first week of her starting with me. She took over my desk and I worked at the conference table. Her name was Jane.

“William, how the fuck did you manage to survive what can only be described as nazi level emotional torture?” she asked me one afternoon.

“Alternative therapy.”

“Like what? You have to tell me everything.”

“I have a dominatrix that loves me desperately. She rebuilt me with kisses and a switch.”

“Hah, that sounds like crap,” Jane laughed.

Veronica texted me, that she was at the office. I loved her perfect timing and met her at the entrance then walked in with her. She was wearing a black lace skirt that reached her ankles and still showed the profile of her amazing legs. It had a leather bodice and she wore three-inch heeled knee-high lace-up black boots that appeared through the slit that reached her hip. A hint of the dark red lace bra could be seen as well. She had the switch latched to her hip. She looked absolutely mindblowing. She held her shoulders back and made eye contact with everybody as we walked. She had put her hand on my bicep, gently holding on to me. In my office, Jane looked up and frowned.

“This is Jane, Mistress,” I said.

“I am Veronica. Nice to meet you, Jane.”

“You are kidding me. This is your dominatrix?” Jane studied Veronica, then grinned.

“He is also my master at times, and other times we are just in love.”

“How old are you?”


“And you are in love with him?”

“I know where your mind is going, Jane. There was no grooming. There were no nudges to make me fall for him. I fetched him and I fixed him for me.”

“She did. I took her home after a fight with Victoria. Then she offered dinner, but I noticed things were different. I realized she had a thing for me. An hour later she appears, dressed in something similar, just very short. Then the switch started as she revealed all the lies I believe about myself.”

“So you never interacted deeply whilst visiting his daughter?”

“No, but I was in love with him. It was something different though, and that conversation is reserved for my lion’s ears only. Suffice to say, he meant a lot more to me than he could ever know. I love you, my Lion.”

“And I love you, my Lioness.”

“I might be watching you two, as I am desperately curious. The age thing is a mindfuck though,”

“Only if you are not a legal adult, which I am. I had it sorted that week we started to fix you, my angel.”

“Which is why we never had sex?”

“No, we never had sex because you would have been making love to a ghost of your wife. Once I knew it was me you would make love to, we did it. Even that had to be pure, untarnished by their vile actions.”

“See, Jane. I stood no chance. She is years wiser than most people I know.”

“It would seem so,” Jane said softly as she contemplated the reason Veronica just gave.

“I need to pay for my online schooling, Master,” Veronica said as she pulled her laptop out.

“I will pay, little Sparrow. Where do I do it?”

I waited until she got to the right page, and then paid her fees. I could have given her my card, but I felt she needed to know I was as committed, and me going into the effort helped in a way. Veronica lay back on the couch, her leg up. This exposed her leg to her panty, which just hinted. Jane chuckled, expressing her wish to have been so confident at that age. Veronica referred her confidence back to me. She then discussed books we should read together on trauma healing and relationships.

Veronica started to work from my offices well, with Jane grabbing at the opportunity to watch the dynamic. She was seen everywhere with me, her hand always on my bicep. She was impossibly beautiful, and I had a feeling she was becoming even more so. She went to lectures with me, often sitting on the corner of the table in the lecture hall as I taught. She would be filing her nails or reading some or other philosopher like Dostoyevsky.

One of the lectures became bad when the group decided to morally berate me for leaving my pregnant wife. I started to get heated, and then I felt her gentle touch, and she lightly slapped my cheek. I calmed down immediately as she walked back to her perch without a word. I then laid out the facts, playing the snipped of the recording where Leigh-Anne admits to carrying another man’s child. That afternoon we went to the lawyer to go over the paperwork for the court. Veronica looked at the agreement, seeing Leigh-Anne would leave with almost nothing.

“No, my Lion. This will not do,” she said softly and took my pen. She changed the figures, giving Leigh-Anne half of the equity from the house as well as a chunk of the savings account. She left control of the college fund with me.

“But he is legally entitled to it,” my lawyer grumbled.

“And in ten years our marriage will take strain because William acted contrary to his character. His anger will fade and he will remember how merciless he was. That is not the way William is.”

“She is right. I will be fine with the pay rise from the new job. We would just have to recycle her outfits, as I had plans for new ones. You have never looked more breath-taking, my love.”

We concluded the meeting and I felt the peace that she had seen what I tried to hide. The divorce proceeding happened the next week, and Leigh-Anne wept through it all. My little sparrow was right. In a few years, I would remember this and would have hated myself for taking her to the cleaners. Not when I have received so much wealth in the form of a slight raven-haired beauty. I took Veronica and Diane out of the city for a long weekend. Diane rolled her eyes as Veronica started to tell me how badly I was going to get it at the lodge. I played along, promising her that she would need a team of surgeons to fix her after I am done with her. Two hours later we lay on the bed, laughing at our failed plans. We ended up making gentle love. Veronica snuggled into me.

“My Lion. I need to tell you my story.”

“Tell me, little sparrow.”

“When I was twelve I changed gymnastics coaches, and it was bad. I only told my mom eighteen months later.”

“I am so sorry my angel,” I cried softly.

“My mom fixed me again, but she had help.”

“Oh, who?”

“You. I came to your house one day when I was fourteen, and you smiled at me. The way you treated me was different. I sensed respect and true compassion. I felt as if you knew my shame and covered it. I knew right then that you were one of the rarest beautiful souls. I went home and I told my mom that I want a husband like you. That made my mom cry because I had fiercely resisted the notion of relationships, even hating dramas and rom-com series.”

“So, that afternoon with Vicky you saw an opportunity?”

“Jesus, no. I saw that the most beautiful human had been shattered. Had you not responded romantically I would still have fixed you.”

“I am glad I responded romantically. I am so sorry that happened to you.”

“It had to, my love. It taught me to see people differently. It opened my eyes to see you for who you are, and to see what you needed. It also ultimately brought me happiness.”

“Which is why you ward off my anger?”

“Yes, anger should not become a habit.”

“The first time we had sex?”

“That was such a big thing for me, William. But the moment I felt you enter me I knew I was going to be okay.”

I pushed her back gently, and asked her permission, before pushing into her again. My mindset changed again as I looked into the eyes of the bravest girl I had ever met. I was proud of her as we made love, hearing her respond with love words, something she should not have been able to do given her experience. I also knew that I should not have been able to love this deeply after what happened to me. But my soul was linked with Veronica’s on a deep level, and I begged the universe for the strength to never fail her.


Eight months after we moved Veronica graduated with a 4.8 GPA, one year earlier than her peers. We found a house with a separate building where Diane started her practice. She stayed with us and loved us.

Veronica started studying psychology, using the free opportunity my new university afforded her as my wife. Yeah, we got married on her eighteenth.

Brad was fired and now sells insurance.

Leigh-Anne managed to hold out with the money I gave her, studying as she worked a part-time job. She moved in with her parents. She lost the baby due to stress. Two years later she managed to get her own place again, but I never spoke with her after the kids turned eighteen.

The triplets stopped fucking the day I filed for divorce, in the hope that they could win me back. Somewhere in them they still loved me, and they started to reach out. I reverted to my wife on all of it. She proposed a bi-annual picnic, which we did. They never held any position of trust in my life again, and I could see that it ravished them.

Vicky started therapy with Diane, and we did become a lot closer. She used her birthday to fall on her knees in front of me, begging me to forgive her. I did it because my little sparrow would want it, as did I. Veronica also offered that I can have Victoria as a sexual partner, but I gently declined. That night Veronica made love to me as she did the first time and I knew I made the right choice. I never slept with Vicky, but she did feature in our family. My original kids did give us the pleasure of grandchildren and never tried to keep them from me. Veronica figured it was their way of saying that they regret the way they rejected me. I forgave the boys too and we had somewhat of a restored relationship.

I became a dad to triplets again, go figure. Two girls and a boy, Avery, Zoe, and Robert. It was quite easy to see whose temperament they had, and it was not mine. It just made it so much easier to fall in love with them. When they turned twenty Veronica and I sat down with them, and Veronica told them of the family that threw me away. They rushed to me as Veronica made space. Robert and Avery sat next to me and Zoe straddled me. They kissed me and told me that they love me completely. Then they did the same with Diane, thanking her for being so brave to set her young daughter free to heal me.

Edit By Avery:

I found this on my dad's computer, and we cried again when we realized my parents told us just enough. My mom and dad grew very old. She passed away from cancer, and he followed her twenty minutes later. They were holding hands to death's door. To me and my siblings, it was a benchmark relationship. We learned about respecting our spouses, as well as what to not tolerate from them.

Written by CuriousProbe
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