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All I Want- Chapter 6

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It had been a month since Olivia had spoken to Cameron. A whole four weeks without talking to him, seeing him, touching him, and she had been driving herself crazy while trying to forget about him. Every time her mind wandered off to that forbidden territory, she had to remind herself of why they were no longer together. He had called and texted her dozens of times each and every day, but she couldn't find it in herself to talk to him again and to reopen the door that she had tried so hard to close for good. Once again, her mind traveled to the last time she made love. In Cameron's bed. All night long. She silently scolded herself for thinking about him yet again.

 "He cheated on you, Olivia. You trusted him and he just stepped on your heart. He's not worth your time, Liv. Get over him."

That was the problem- she couldn't get over him. She missed how safe she felt in his arms and how well they understood each other. It seemed as if they were always on the same page no matter what was going on around them. She missed how he knew exactly what to say and when to say it, and she missed most of all how good they were together. She was still head over heels in love with him and she knew that.

She told him that day she left that she didn't want to see him, but she hoped that he would fight for her, for them. She wanted him to take the next plane to New York and to show up at her apartment with as many flowers that his arms can carry. She wanted him to be completely honest with her and to tell her that he made a huge mistake and that he will never hurt her again.

More than anything she wanted to hear him say those magic words to her yet again: "I love you, Olivia." Her legs quivered just at the thought of his brown eyes staring into her soul as he told her his deepest thoughts. Their relationship was far from over and she only hoped that he felt the same. Her thoughts were interrupted when her sister Tatianna called her.

"Hey, Tati. What's up?"

"Liv, did you forget that you are hosting that charity event tonight?"

"Oh crap. I completely forgot about that. When does that start?"

"It starts at ten but I'm picking you up at eight. We have to meet up with the head of the organization before show time."

"Ok. I'll see you then."

"Livie, I know that you may not feel like it now, but it's going to get better for you. I promise that you're gonna realize that this set back is really getting you ready for a comeback. You'll see."

"I know, it's just that I'm still in love with him and I feel stupid for thinking about him all of the time and for wishing that he would just show up at my door. Am I stupid?"

"No! Most women wait their whole lives to experience a love like that; the kind that never dies. It may fade every now and then, but when it comes back, it's more vibrant than ever. You are lucky to have found that. All we can do now is to wait and see if he feels the same."

"Alright. Thanks, Tati."

"Anytime, baby sis."


Cameron was going out of his mind, which had become the norm as of lately. Olivia sent his call to voicemail for the seventeenth time today, and it was only eleven in the morning. He felt like shit and knowing that this whole predicament is his fault made him feel worse. He admitted to her that he did cheat on her, but he didn't mean to. In one of his many voicemail messages he told her that he swore on his life that he thought that mystery woman was her. He swore on his future children that he would never cheat on her intentionally. He swore on his heart that she was the one and only love of his life.

His mind wandered every now and then of the last time he had made love to her. How perfect her soft skin felt against his, how she captivated his attention just by putting her hands on his cheeks, how beautiful she was when she came on his erection. The memory of her on top of him, riding him and using him to find her own release was etched into his memory. Her eyes closed, head back, moaning in time with the rhythm with which she ground into him. He put his hands on her hips, holding her tightly as he felt her tighten on him. What they had was different from what he had with anyone else because just touching her wasn't enough for him. He needed to look into her eyes as she had her orgasm.

"Look at me, Baby Girl. Look at what you do to me. Look at how insane you drive me."

Damn. She opened her eyes and the look on her face was so damned sexy. Her eyes burned a hole into mine as she ground slowly into me, being sure not to blink. About a minute has gone by before she began to shake. Her orgasm was approaching. She was going to cum for me.

"Are you gonna cum, Olivia?"

"Ugh. Yes!" Fuck me. Her left hand landed on my mouth and I took this as an invitation. One by one, I sucked her fingers into my mouth, watching her as her chest heaved with anticipation and horniness. Her hips bucked once again and I had to pause for a second so that I did not blow my own load. I wanted this to last as long as possible, not coming down until I had to.

"Cum for me. Show me how much you love my cock." And from the way it felt, she loved my cock. A lot. She cried out in ecstasy as she rode out the waves of her orgasm. Our hands interlocked as I kept pushing into her tightness and once she finally came down, she let me have my way with her until I came into her. 

Even though he was sure that she had some kind of contraception so that it wouldn't happen, the thought of getting her pregnant turned him on so much, perhaps too much. He greeted his erection by pulling it out of his shorts, stroking it slowly and intensely. He closed his eyes and envisioned the two of them in bed together, kissing he way they had been since day one. His arms wrapped around her tightly until she broke the kiss and whispered in his ear.

"Baby, I want you to cum inside of me. I want to be the mother of your child. Please give me your cum."

His hips bucked as his thoughts got more and more intense.

"God, I love you so much, Cameron. I need to have you inside of me, filling me up. I want you to have your way with me and to claim me as yours. Your cock is so perfect- it stretches me out so good. I want you to cum inside of me and get me pregnant with a bunch of babies. Pleeeaaaasssseeeee give it to me!"

He groaned loudly as he released about ten strings of his semen all over his chest and legs. He sighed in relief since it was the first time since he made love to Olivia a month ago that he had an orgasm. About a minute later, he jumped into the shower before he got sticky. As soon as he got out of the shower, he heard his phone ring. Running to it, hoping it was Olivia, he was disappointed to find out that it wasn't her.


"Cameron? This is Tatianna, Olivia's sister and manager. Can I talk to you for a minute?"

"Yeah, sure. Is everything okay?"

"Actually, no. Olivia has not been herself lately, and I think you know why. Do you still love her?"

"Of course I love her. I have never felt what love is like until I met her. She is my everything and I don't know what I would do without her."

"Do you want her back?"

"Of course, I do."

"Good, then listen up. I got a plan..."


Olivia and Tatianna arrived at the venue of the event at 34th street in the city. The valet escorted them into the establishment and told them where the board members of the charity event were expecting them to go. They got to the room and immediately after, they were told what the agenda for the night was. There would be a kiss auction since it was a money-maker. They told her to charm the crowd, because the more they liked her, the more compelled they would be to donate.

It was around ten when the crowd started to enter the ballroom, which was set up so that Liv was on a stage in front of the hundreds of seats that were quickly being filled up. She smiled at the growing audience as she heard a comment from someone in the sea of people about how beautiful she is. About thirty seconds after she saw that everyone had grabbed a seat, she decided to kick off the event.

"Good evening, everybody! Are you guys ready to have a good night?"

"Yeah!" the crowd called back. She loved interacting with audiences. It was her way of telling them that she appreciates their support.

"Alright! Then let's get this thing started! The first thing I want you all to do is to look around at the people sitting near you. It could be next to you, diagonally from you, even across the room if you can see that far. Then I want you to nominate the most attractive people within your vicinity to come up here because I'll be auctioning off kisses from those people. Now, remember that the bids are very important because all proceeds will be going to charity. So are you guys ready?"

Nine women and eleven men were nominated to be kissed, and Liv had fun calling the bids. The most money someone bid on a kiss was $14,000, but that man was pretty gorgeous, so Olivia understood. Five minutes went by without another nomination, but Olivia kept prodding the crowd to pick more people. Then someone called out to her.

"You should auction off a kiss from you! I would pay a lot of money to kiss you, Beautiful. Hell, I'm sure that every guy in here would!"

The room was soon filled with men voicing their agreement to the man's remark. Some women rolled their eyes as others glared at the men, presumably their partners, as they nodded in agreement. As a last resort to restore control, Olivia declined the offer because she couldn't call the bids on her own kiss. She was proud of avoiding the kiss until she saw Tatianna come onto center stage with a blindfold.

"I'll call the bids but you have to wear this. It may be better not to see who is going to kiss you."

Olivia sighed as she put on the blindfold, Then, the war began.

"Do we have one hundred dollars?"

Of the 150 men in the room, 145 of them raised their paddles. As Tati increased the numbers, fewer and fewer put down their paddles, but by the time she got to twenty thousand, four were still up.

"Twenty-five thousand?" Three left standing.

"Thirty thousand?" Still three.

"Thirty-five?" Now there are two.

The numbers kept rising, and soon Tati was up to a hundred thousand.

"One hundred forty thousand?" Still two.

"One hundred fifty thousand?" A deep voice interrupted Tatianna

"Two hundred ten thousand dollars!" There was silence, so the other bidder had stepped down.

"Sold!" said Tatianna.

 The audience clapped as the winning bidder made his way to claim his prize. Olivia felt him get closer to her and she tensed up out of nerves. She wanted to see who she was going to kiss, but she trusted that if she was in any danger, Tatianna would prevent anything bad from happening.

After working up the courage, Olivia puckered her lips and prepared herself for a peck on the lips when she felt his crash down on hers. She pulled apart from him after five seconds, but no sooner than she did that, she felt his hands snake around the small of her back and bring her in for yet another kiss. This time, there was tongue. Not a lot, but enough to make Olivia a little horny. Her hands found their way around the back of his neck as the two engaged in a heated lip lock. She noted that he kissed her with an urgency that made her love kissing Cameron.

"This man kisses a lot like Cameron," she thought to herself, "He's intense and urgent yet gentle and careful."

The way he held her made her feel safe and warm inside. She loved that feeling, and she only felt that way when she was being held by... Cameron. She was in denial. There was absolutely no way that this man was Cameron; first of all, because he didn't know where she was, and also because he was doing his own thing in LA for the past month. As much as she hated to admit how good this man felt, she thought that it couldn't possibly be him. She was adamant about that until he parted from her and whispered in the most carnal, throaty voice she's ever heard, "God dammit, Baby. You turn me on so much"

Her body had a mind of its own as she reached out and traced his jawline. It had a little bit of stubble on it, but she liked the rough feeling. She took a step closer to him and she felt her body warm up, as if her heart was telling her that this was Cameron. Overcome with lust and love, she jumped on him, her legs interlocking behind his back. She felt his hands move to her upper thighs, dangerously close to her butt. She met his lips with hers for yet another kiss, and when she pulled away to catch her breath, he kissed all over her neck and collarbone.

She was so horny for him and she was ready to unzip his pants and push his dick inside of her, but at the worst time, she was interrupted.

"That was two hundred ten thousand dollars worth. Olivia, say goodbye as your mystery man returns to his seat." She felt his hands on her waist, silently telling her to release her legs from around his back. Reluctantly she did so but she was stopped when she tried to take off her blindfold.

"Olivia, don't do that. Your mystery man wants to remain a mystery to you." Tatianna said

"Please. I have to see who he was. Please." Thirty seconds elapsed when Tatianna allowed her to take off her blindfold.

"Will the mystery man please stand up?" A man rose to his feet. He was tall, about 6'10" and handsome. He was definitely great to look at, but he wasn't who she wanted to see. He wasn't the man she yearned for and tried her damnest to get over. Luckily for her, that auction concluded the agenda for the night, so that meant that she could go home and cry herself to sleep.


An hour later Tatianna arrived to Olivia's house. Liv got out of the car without saying a word to her sister. She just wanted to go to bed. Making her way to her bedroom, she sighed deeply as she thought about spending yet another night alone. She was in for a hell of a surprise.

She opened the bedroom door and she saw roses, hundreds of them, scattered throughout the room. There was a giant teddy bear and a few presents on her bed. She looked around in amazement as she took it all in until her phone started to ring. Of course, it was Cameron.


"Did you see anything different about your bedroom?"

"I see a lot of different things in my bedroom."

"Well, what do you think?"

"I think that you're crazy."

"Of course I am.

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Because you make me go crazy. You make me do crazy things and you make me feel like I can do anything because that is how it feels to be in love. You and I are made for each other, Olivia. I cannot tell you how much I hated myself for hurting you, but even though I fucked up, and even though I feel that I don't deserve you, I am devoted to making you mine again. I love you, Olivia Paige. You have my mind, body, heart, and soul. And I only hope that someday I can have yours again."

"Where are you?"

"I'm outside your house. Say the word and I'll come up. Please let me see you."

She hesitated because she knew what was going to happen. She would tell him to come up, he would be standing in front of her, looking gorgeous. And before she would be able to realize what was going on, he would be on top of her, ravaging her and worshipping her body, and she would do the same to him before riding him until they both found release. His voice snapped her out of her trance.

"Don't hesitate, Baby. You and I both know what you want me to do. Just say the word. Say it and I'll come up. I miss you too much."

"Come up." she barely whispered.

"Say it louder. Like you want me to."

"Come up, Cameron. I missed feeling your body on mine. I miss feeling what it is like to be in love and I missed feeling you fill me up."

She felt his hands grab her hips and turn her around, crashing his lips onto hers for yet another fiery kiss. She moaned into his mouth as he picked her up. While never breaking their kiss, he moved the items off her bed and laid her down on it. He couldn't keep his hands off of her as he lightly ran his fingers across her smooth legs, watching her eyes as they glazed over in lust.

"Do you know how miserable I've been without you? I didn't leave my house for anything besides going to get food, and that was rare because I wasn't hungry. I couldn't sleep, I rarely ate, and I couldn't do anything without thinking about you. About how happy you make me and about how perfect you are. You are mine, and tonight I'm going to show you how much I've missed you."

His lips met hers as he slipped his tongue into her mouth. That urgency and intensity never got old to her as she took it upon herself to gently bite his lower lip and to flip him over so that she was on top. She straddled him as she leaned down and kissed all over his face, noting the stubble that was on his jawline. She rubbed it softly, putting the pieces together.

"What are you thinking, Baby Girl?"

"I was at a charity event tonight, and there was a man who paid two hundred ten thousand dollars to kiss me. He kissed me and I felt so much passion, and when I reached out to touch his face, he had stubble, like you do. And he held me just the way you did and he kissed me just the way you did. Cameron, did you pay two hundred ten thousand dollars to kiss me?"

"I did. And I would've paid much more if I had to. Seeing you on stage, looking so beautiful, I couldn't stand the thought of someone else kissing you. I had to win that auction so that I could kiss your lips and feel your body again. And when you jumped on me, it took everything in my power not to cum in my pants. Was the kiss as magical for you as it was for me?"

"It was amazing. But what's even more amazing is how you came to New York and fought for me. I thought you were never going to do that."

"I wanted to fight for you, but I wanted to give you time to cool down. The last thing I wanted was for you to hate me more than ever for pushing too hard."

The inevitable moment of silence had come upon them. The time in which they both look deeply into each other's eyes, the sexual tension building up more and more.

"I hesitated about letting you come up because I didn't want to have sex with you without knowing how I feel about you. Now I know exactly how I feel."

"And how is that, Babe?" He put his hands on the small of her back, unable to keep his hands off her. He looked intently at her as she closed her eyes.

"I'm still in love with you, Cam. I never stopped loving you despite how angry I was. I came back here, hoping that you would chase after me and prove to me that you want another chance, and you didn't do that immediately. But now that you did, I am ready."

Cam smiled, knowing what she meant, but he had to hear her say it.

"Ready for what?"

"I'm ready to give you- to give us- a second chan-"

Before she could finish her statement, he leaned up and kissed her hard. She wanted to try again, and he was more than ready to show her how committed he was to her. He rolled over so that he was on top again and gently took her dress off. He stared in adoration as his eyes became reacquainted with her perfect body. His fingers traced along her hourglass figure as he seductively licked and kissed her body. Her bra was next to be taken off and he sucked her nipples while keeping eye contact with her. He watched as she shivered in ecstasy, and as a result he grew more aroused himself.

Her panties were soaked but he took them off so that he can have the source. He missed the sweet honey taste that drove him mad, and by the sounds she made, he could tell that she missed him tasting her. Liv's hands latched onto the back of his neck as he explored the folds of the most intimate spot on her body.

"Ugh, Cam. I missed you so much. I never want to fight again, Baby. I don't think my heart can take it if we break up again."

"You and I are never going to break up again. Hell, we weren't supposed to break up the first time. I could've permanently fucked up the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I will never forgive myself for that. But I am never going to break your heart again. Not as long as it is mine."

He kissed her urgently, as if it was the equivalent of a handshake. They parted and despite her runny makeup, her smudged lipstick and disheveled hair, she couldn't have looked better to him. Gently, he reached and touched her warm cheeks.

"I love you so much, Baby. I missed you."

She pushed him down so that he laid back and he watched as she undid his belt and pants. Her mouth started to water when she saw his dick once again. She didn't realize how much she missed it until that moment. She licked from the base to the tip, and once she heard him groan, she decided that it was time to see just how much she turned him on.

She let go of his dick, much to his dismay, and bent on her hands and knees, her ass facing him. She watched over her shoulder as she shook her ass slowly, teasing him and herself. His dick pulsated as she placed her index finger onto her clit and pushed her middle finger into her vagina. With every moan that escaped her lips, his dick pulsated once again. He couldn't touch himself because he knew that he was going to burst at any second.

"Why are you teasing me like this, Liv? You know what you're doing to me."

"What do you want from me?" she asked innocently

"I want to shove my dick inside of you and fucking pound you until you scream for me, but I also want to take you into my arms and hold you. There are so many things I want to do right now. What do you want me to do?"

"I want you to make love to me, Cameron. I want to feel the connection that we had since our first time. I need to feel you."

He kissed her and directed her to lie down. He took a second to admire the beautiful woman in front of him, her legs wide open for him and only him. That woman was his, her body, her pussy, and her heart. He slowly pushed his dick inside of her and felt her tighten up as he stretched her walls yet again. He felt as if he were going to combust at any moment, but he held on to whatever amount of will power he had and kept on pushing into her.

Regaining his composure, he started to move in and out of her at a quicker pace. His eyes locked on hers and he started to pound her, silently telling her that he owned her, and that the set-back that they had overcome would not change how he felt about that. What he had grown to accept as memories were becoming a reality to him once again, like how she would grind her hips against him to ride out her orgasm, or how she would bite her lip to keep from shouting in ecstasy, and he loved having those moments back.

After being deprived for a month, he didn't want to go without her ever again. "I need to have her at least three times per day," he thought to himself as he watched her come down from yet another orgasm.

She looked so beautiful there, drenched in sweat, but still hungry for more. She was ready to be fucked, and he was more than ready to hit her with a final assault. With all the strength he could muster, he thrust into her quickly, not letting up even when she started to orgasm. He felt his balls tingle as his own release was becoming more and more apparent. He pushed into her deeply, getting ready to cum inside of her, but before he could release into her silk, she pulled him out and swallowed it.

Cam looked at her in pure surprise, but he couldn't say that he wasn't turned on by her. He breathed heavily as she scooped whatever was left off her face and sucked it into her mouth.

"Goddammit, Liv. You're too much for me. Everything you do turns me on."

"That's my job, isn't it?" she asked as she got up to wash her face. She made her way back to bed and enjoyed feeling safe in his arms again.

"Do you forgive me, Olivia? Can you see yourself moving past the wrong I've done and move on to the rest of our lives together?"

"Of course, Cameron. If I couldn't forgive you, I wouldn't have let us get too far."

"Do you trust me?"

"I tend not to trust men, but I trust you more than I did any other man."

"So you're okay with me going to clubs and parties as a celebrity guest?"

"Yeah, I guess. I'm not going to forbid you from doing that because that's part of your job, but I think you know what's going to happen if you cheat on me again, and I know that you're smart enough to make the right decision."

He kissed her forehead and sighed, happy to hear that he has her trust.

"What are those presents over there, Cam?"

"Just a few things for my favorite woman. Open them up."

She shrieked as she grabbed the biggest one first. She opened it and it was a Prada tote bag, filled with designer sunglasses, handbags and scarves.

"Oh my goodness! You shouldn't have! This must have cost a fortune!" He smiled and enjoyed watching her. He never spent so much money on a woman before, but he loved the feeling of spoiling his love.

"Baby, you underestimate how much money your man makes. I have millions of dollars from endorsement deals, and I will gladly spend it on you. I love taking care of you. Now what's next?"

She picked up a medium-sized box and opened it. Inside were five pairs of six-inch stilettos, her size, of course. She was obsessed with shoes, and he knew that more than anyone. Last, there was a small box. She opened that and it had a card.

I thank God each and every day for bringing you into my life because I didn't believe in love until I met you. I thank God each and every day for giving me the gift of love because it is the most amazing gift I could ever receive. How I feel for you can never be duplicated or replaced by anyone because it is a feeling too pure, genuine, and overwhelming. I am madly in love and I am overwhelmed, anxious, and best of all, I am happy. You were made for me just as I was made for you and there is no place I'd rather be. In the month apart I had time to reflect on who I am, and I felt like no one without you. I want to wake up and see your face next to me every morning. I want to kiss you and tell you that I love you at least fifty times per day. I want you to be the mother of my children, but first there is something I have to know.

Infinite hugs and kisses,


"Babe, what do you have to kno..." her words got caught in her throat as she turned around to Cam. He was down on one knee, presenting a beautiful ring to her.

"I love you so much, Olivia Paige. You are everything I want and need, and I cannot let another day pass without declaring my love and proving my commitment to you. I want nothing more than for you and I to start a family, but I need you to be my wife first. I know that's how you had always envisioned it- marriage before kids, and that's how I want it as long as it's with you. I mean every word that is on this card, Baby girl. It took me hours to figure out what I wanted to say, but I finally got it when I thought of what it would be like to marry you. You can move into my house in LA or I can get us a place here in New York. Whatever you want, I swear. It would make me the happiest man alive to call you my wife. So, Olivia, will you marry me?"

He held her left hand gently as she began to cry. He got up and pulled her close to him for a hug. He kissed every finger on her left hand, making sure to linger on her ring finger. He needed to marry her because he knew that he was incapable of loving anyone even half as much as he loved her, and that he would never get down on one knee for anyone else.

"Cam, I love you so much. I really do." she paused "But I-" His heart dropped. He knew where this was going, and he didn't want to hear it at all.

"You don't have to explain. I get it. I'll just put my clothes on and go." He let go of her and started to out his clothes on. He was dressed in thirty seconds and whispered goodbye before walking out the door. She poked her head out of the window and called out to him.

"Babe, you didn't let me finish my statement."

"I'd prefer it if you don't. I know rejection when I hear it."

"I was going to say, that I don't know if I can wait until we get married to move in with you because I can't go back to sleeping alone, especially while I'm engaged." He looked up quickly, shocked at what he heard.

"So is that a yes?"

"That's a hell yeah! Now come up here so we can practice our wedding consummation!"

He ran up the stairs and kissed her for an eternity before sliding the beautiful 20-karat engagement ring on her finger.

"If you want something else, we can go to KAY or something tomorrow. I'm not good at picking out jewelry." he blushed as she touched his cheeks.

"We're not going anywhere near KAY. My fiancé picked this ring and it's absolutely perfect. I love it almost as much as I love him."

They got back in bed and made love at least four times that night. The idea of them getting married turned them on more the more often they thought about it.

Written by Leo31
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