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A Tale Of Survival: Chapter 4

"Jeanie buys a truck"

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Five a.m., the alarm is blaring, and Jeanie reaches up to shut it off. She raises up on an elbow, studying the face of the sleeping man next to her. She leans down and places a soft kiss on his lips, holding it 'til his eyes open and he slips his arm under her and pulls her on top of him. She kisses him again and reaches down to push his hard cock between her thighs.

"No time for that right now, though I hate to leave it in that condition."

He grins mischievously and bites her chin gently, "How about if I go real fast, maybe that will work."

"How about you go pee, and it will probably behave until we get off this evening?"

Jake frowns, "Well, spoil sport, since it takes two to tango, you want the shower first and I'll make coffee? Or um... damn! You sure we don't have time?"

She bursts out laughing, "I created a monster - go shower and I'll make coffee and get Cassie's things ready to go. If we hurry we can eat at the cafe." She kisses him again and pushes his hands off her ass cheeks and rolls out of bed.

Twenty minutes after five and they walk out of the house. Jake, carrying Cassie, says, "We can take my truck and save some time, I'll go buy a car seat this afternoon."

"Are you sure that thing will run that far? I mean, after all it is four blocks over there." says Jeanie, wrinkling her nose.

Jake pretends to cry and Cassie looks sternly at mom, putting her little hands on both his cheeks.

Jeanie rolls her eyes, "Don't worry Cass, Jakey is just being a butt, trying to get his way."

She opens the passenger door, cringing upon hearing the old hinges creak and screech. Shaking her head, she climbs into the pasenger seat and Jake hands Cassie in to her and slams the door, grimacing as the door bounces back open. He says something in Spanish and Jeanie scowls at him.

"That couldn't have been anything nice; get in and take a deep breath, it's going to be okay, hun. Now drive please, I'm hungry."

After dropping Cassie off they walk into the cafe twenty minutes early and Jan brings them coffee.

"Good morning, you two. Jeanie, I have your pancakes ready, Jake what can I get for you?"

Jake smiles, "Good morning Jan, pancakes sounds good to me as well. Thank you."

Jan stops and turns back, looking intently at Jeanie and then Jake. "You two seem awfully bright eyed this morning, I must be missing something."

Irene slides into the booth across from them. "Hell, Jan, that's easy; look at her hair and the red marks on her neck. She has the typical well-sexed look."

Jeanie snarls back, "What's wrong with my hair, Irene? And there aren't any red marks on my neck... right, Jake? And the answer better be no, mister."

Jan walks away smiling as Irene grins, "Jeanie, Jeanie, Jeanie, the two of you might as well have a sign on your forehead: 'I have just been fucked, and it was great'."

Jake frowns and looks down at the table, "Um, Jeanie would you let me out please, I have to use the bathroom."

Jeanie snaps at him, "No, by God, if I have to listen to this twit run off at the mouth, so do you. I don't care if you pee your panties, Jakey."

Irene grins, "Jakey? Oh my - hey, Jan, this is 'Jakey' from now on. And he's wearing panties. Ahh, yes, you two kids have a nice day now, and keep smiling."

Jeanie watches Irene get up to leave, and whispers, "Bitch," loud enough for Jan to hear as she sets their breakfast on the table.

Jeanie looks down at her pancakes to find a smiley face made out of chocolate syrup looking back at her. Jan says,"Gotcha!" and walks back into the kitchen.

Jeanie elbows Jake in the ribs. "Not one word, mister, not even one."

The breakfast crowd is in, and Irene is busy waiting on customers. Jan is assisting her when she isn't busy taking money. Jeanie has all the meat dishes on the warmer, and she and Jake make up the serving plates. Jeanie delivers meals to the tables to help Irene, and busses tables to help out. She brings out three plates to a table.

Judith, one of the regular customers that has finished her meal, stops her. "Jeanie, you need to nail that new cook to the floor back there; breakfast was excellent."

Jake brings a meal out to a table, and Judith's eyes brighten and she turns to her companion, "Holy shit, Molly, look at that." Jeanie turns to see what Judith has seen and Jake looks over at her and winks.

Molly ogles Jake, and then says to Jeanie, "Yummy yum, Jeanie, you need to put him on the menu." The two women watch Jake as he walks back to the kitchen, then they go up front to pay.

At the register, Judith tells Jan, "There will be four of us coming in for lunch, Jan; can we make a request?"

Jan looks at her with raised brows, "Sure, you can make it and we'll do our best to make it happen, but no guarantees on that. Lunch time is a little hectic in here. What is it you want?"

Molly rolls her eyes and blinks several times. "We would like to have that hunk you have cooking back there to wait on us at lunch. We would like to have him served with a bowl of gravy so we can dip him."

Judith grins, "When I saw him come out of the kitchen, I thought maybe you had started selling candy."

Jan takes a deep breath and shakes her head, "Well ladies, since we started getting customers in this morning - females in particular - I have a list made up for exactly that item. His name is Jake, and he isn't married - but I have to warn all of you, if he comes up with teeth marks on his tender body, Jeanie will be kicking ass and taking names. That's a word to the wise, girls. Oh, and one more thing; he's living with Jeanie. Maybe I'll get lucky and find another like him and auction him off."

"Dammit, I knew there was a reason that I hated Jeanie, that and the fact that she is so friggin' pretty and has a nice ass and pretty boobs. Oh well, Jan, hold our seats for us, we'll enjoy the show anyway."

As lunch time comes and the place fills Jan notices there is a more than ordinary crowd of women setting close to the kitchen. She watches Jake come out behind Irene carrying several plates of food and all the female eyes seem to be glued on him. As he turns to go back into the kitchen, there is a round of applause and many female voices saying, "Hi Jake, hello Jake," and a few wolf whistles from the ladies.

Jake looks around with a puzzled look on his face, and Jan says to Jeanie, "Girl, you better get out there and mark your territory before he gets kidnapped."

Jeanie blushes, then says, "You're the boss." She walks up to Jake, grabs his shirt front and pulls him down and kisses him on the lips with a slight hint of tongue. Jake's eyes fly open and he looks around, only to have Jeanie take him by the hand and lead him back to the kitchen.

She looks up into his eyes and then snarls only half-kiddingly, "Now, stay in here before I have to go out there and scratch some eyes out!"

After the crowd has mostly gone back to work Jan walks back to the kitchen to find Jake starting to clean up. She watches him for a bit then says, "Jake, you wouldn't happen to have any brothers would you?"

Jake looks around at her. "No, Jan, no brothers - but I have three sisters in Mexico."

"Well then, would you mind waiting tables from now on wearing only a thong, just for lunches? I have a list of ladies that asked if I would rent you to them for an afternoon."

Jake blushes, "Nope, sorry, Jan. One of those crazy ladies pinched my ass out there awhile ago and stuck five dollars in my pocket. I'm probably bruised for life. Maybe I better stick to cooking."

With everything cleaned up, Jan locks the door and turns to Jake. "Well, you made the first day Jake; what did you think of it?"

Jake grins, "It was certainly different, but a lot more fun than Aurello's - and I'm definitely going to stick around, if for nothing else than to see what you crazy ladies will come up with tomorrow."

Jeanie laughs, "Well, I'm glad it was fun for you, but I'm thinking about putting a collar on you and cast-iron shorts to keep you from getting pinched."

Irene says, "I might take it a little bit easier on everybody tomorrow, it depends on my mood when I get here."

Jake looks at her. "What do you do, Irene? Roll the dice to see what kind of mood you're in?"

"Awww, Jakey - do me a favor and wear your pink panties tomorrow, okay, baby?" She laughs and walks away down the street.

Jan smiles, "That is one crazy lady there. I'm giving you guys a heads-up; Jeanie, I'm going to start looking for another cook and another waitress tomorrow, this stuff of running ourselves to death isn't going to cut it anymore. I'm so tired when I leave here sometimes that I can't remember where my house is. See ya in the morning."

Jeanie opens her cell phone and calls Jennifer, "Hi, Jenn, would you mind watching Cassie for a couple more hours? I'll pay you overtime."

Jennifer's voice is sharp. "You'll do nothing of the kind, Jeanie; I told you before that Cassie and I have lots of fun. You need to take that young man of yours and buy him some clothes, he looked like a bum this morning. You go on now, and don't worry about Cassie."

"Okay, Jennifer, thanks - and we won't be too long."

Jake looks at her. "Where are we going? I was kinda looking forward to getting you home."

"I'm looking forward to that also, but we have things to take care of first.

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Number one is, Jennifer said you looked like a bum this morning, so we are going to get you some clothes. But first we are going to get rid of this wreck you call a truck. What kind of truck do you like best?"

Jake looks at her with one eyebrow up in his hairline. "What do you mean, get rid of my truck? I like my truck."

Jeanie mock-glares at him, "This is not open for discussion, mister; now, what kind of truck do you like?

Jake, seeing the menace in her eyes, "Well, if I was rich I'd have one of those nice Dodge Rams with the extended cab, but I'm not rich so I'll work on mine."

"Jakey, dammit, pay attention to me; no discussion means shut up and drive. Turn left up here at the light and pull in to Butler's Dodge."

Jake smirks, "I know that anytime you call me Jakey, I'm supposed to do as I'm told."

A salesman comes out. Smiling until he looks the old truck over, he pulls the door open for Jeanie. "What can I help you with today ma'am?"

Jeanie smiles up at him. "I want a new Dodge Ram extended cab pickup, and we want to drive it home tonight." She turns to look at Jake, his mouth hanging open. "What color do you want, babe?"

"Jeanie, I can't afford that."

"Jakey you get one more chance; what friggin' color do you want?"

He looks from Jeanie to the smiling salesman shrugging. "Um, well, red I guess."

She looks at the salesman, who is drooling by now. "You have a red one that is equipped? Oh, and I want a factory child seat in the back."

The salesman scurries away into the building, and soon comes back driving a new, red Dodge Ram extended cab pickup.

"There will be a child seat here in the morning. Coming in FedEx, and we'll send a man out to install it."

Jeanie turns to Jake. "You like it, hun?"

Jake is rooted to one spot, hardly daring to breathe, "God, yes, babe - I love it!"

Jeanie grins at the salesman, "Okay, we'll take it, and you can give us $3500 for our truck. Oh, and I want the $1500 discount price you keep talking about on TV."

The salesman loses some color from his face, "Uhh, ma'am, I'm almost positive they won't give you $3500 for that old truck."

Jeanie looks at him with blinking eyes. "Oh really? I want to see Mr. Butler, where is his office?"

She and Jake follow the rapidly retreating salesman into the building, walking into Mr. Butler's office as the salesman is explaining what is taking place. Mr. Butler stands and shakes hands with Jeanie and Jake, walks to the outside door and looks out at the old truck, snorts, and comes back in, motioning them to sit. "$3500 huh? Okay done, $1500 discount, done, child seat in the morning installed, done; now, how are you going to handle this ma'am? Bank, credit union or what?"

"How about cash, Mr. Butler?"

Mr. Butler looks like he is choking on a bug. "Oh, well, of course! I hope you're not carrying that much cash with you, ma'am."

Jeanie grins. "No, it's in the bank right down the street, I'm sure Mr. Fallow would be happy to bring it down here to you. May I use your phone?" She dials a number, "Hi, Mr. Fallow, this is Jeanie Scoville. I'm sitting at Butler's Dodge right down the street and I need someone to bring me $34,294.38. Cash or a bank draft, either one. Yes, we are buying a new truck. Okay, thanks Mr. Fallow, you're a peach. Bye now."

Mr. Butler looks stunned, then yells at the salesman, "Well get moving, Don, put a thirty day tag on there for them and get things put in their new truck."

A few minutes later a sweating Mr. Fallow comes in the door and hands Jeanie the bank draft, and she stands and gives him a hug, "Thanks so much Mr. Fallow, I really appreciate you."

Mr. Fallow wipes his brow, "Yes, Ms. Scoville, always happy to be of service to you." So saying, he scurries out the door, going back to the bank.

Jeanie squeezes Jake's hand. "He is such a nice guy." She signs the bank draft and hands it to Mr Butler. "There you are, nice doing business with you. You will be doing all the warranty and service work right?"

Butler swallows again, "Yes ma'am. You can bring it in, or call and we'll come and get it for you."

The salesman comes in holding the keys out to Jeanie, but she shakes her head, "I don't drive, it's his truck. Good evening, guys."

Jake leaves the dealership, and he pulls into a Quik Trip and parks. Leaving the engine runnng, he scratches his head and then says, "Okay, Jeanie; would you mind explaining to me what just happened here?"

Jeanie leans over the console and kisses him. "We just bought you a new truck sweetie - don't you like it?"

Jake raises an eyebrow. "Don't be sidestepping and blowing me off, Jeanie. How do you happen to have that kinda money in a bank where the bank President busts his butt bringing money to you? I need to know Jeanie."

Jeanie looks at him. "Can I have a cup of coffee while I unload on you?"

Jake climbs out of the truck and comes back with two cups of coffee. "Thanks, Jake. Okay, this will take a little while. Five years ago I married a man in Kerrville Wyoming. He turned out to be the owner of the Bar S ranch, 27000 acres of cows, horses, oil wells and natural gas wells. Damon Scoville is probably one of the richest men in the state. I loved ranch life, and I got anything I wanted. The first year was heaven, and then six months later it turned to shit. I got pregnant and Damon started running around on me and drinking. I would bitch at him about whoring around and being drunk most of the time."

She paused to allow Jake time to absorb that, and then continued. "He beat me up twice, and the third time he put me in the hospital for three days. I was six months pregnant and almost lost my baby. I filed charges against him, and he spent four days in jail. I ran off, hitchhiking so he couldn't track me. Damon is six-foot four 240 pounds, and I was scared of him.

She paused again, watching him shake his head sadly. "I got caught in a rain storm walking on the highway, and a trucker stopped and picked me up. His name is Glen Adams; he owns his own truck, and I finally told him what happened after he saw the marks on my neck and stitches in my head. I was covered in big bruises. We stopped to eat at a truck stop, and when we came out, truckers were passing a message from Damon . He was offering ten thousand dollars for information to find me. Lots of truckers saw me in the restaurant, and Glen said we would never get away, He called the number that was being given out and told Damon that he had picked me up and where we were."

"Damon and the ranch foreman came to get me, but Glen told me that I wasn't going with them. He got out of the truck and told me to lock the doors. Glen is six foot eight, Jake, 260 pounds of tough. Damon had the money in his hand and Glen called him a son of a bitch and hit him right on the nose - money flew everywhere. Damon went down, blood all over, and when he got back up Glen hit him again on the ear and he went down again.Glen stomped on his nuts with his cowboy boots, and then picked him up and slammed his head into the tailgate of the ranch pickup, stomped his nuts again, then picked him up and threw him into the back of the pickup. I thought he was going to kill him."

Jake looked shocked, but impressed. Jeanie went on, "He brought me here, to Durant. Jan is Glen's sister, and she took me in, paid for my divorce and my doctor and hospital bills when I had Cassie. She gave me a job, and her attorney filed criminal charges against Damon. He settled out of court to keep from going to prison. I own half of the BarS ranch in Wyoming and he pays $1200 a month for child support and all of Cassie's education all the way through college. I bought my house and I'll be indebted to Glen and Jan forever.

She sighed deeply. "I would have married Glen, but he's a trucker and loves the road. He stops in sometimes to visit - Cassie is named Cassie Glynn, for him. Damon took the north half of the ranch and I have the south half. I have never been back up there. Damon emails me from time to time asking about Cassie. His ranch foreman, Dave Gibbons, keeps the ranch going for me. He lets me know what he is doing. Last year we put six hundred thousand profit in the bank. That's why Mr. Fallow is so nice to me. So now you know all about me, and I plan on learning a lot more about you, mister, so don't plan on getting away."

Jake sits in silence for a few minutes. "Damn, Jeanie, I'm almost afraid to meet this Glen dude. What is he going to say about you having a Mexican living with you?"

Jeanie giggles, "He'll probably want to know what my intentions are, and I'll tell him that if I can talk you into it, I'll marry you."

Jake frowns. "Shit, Jeanie I don't have a pot to piss in - hell you could have any guy you want! You're a beautiful woman, and you got money and you have a thirty-five year old Mexican with nothing."

Jeanie climbs over the console and puts her arms around his neck, kissing him passionately. "You've got a new truck, sweetie, and that's a start - and hey, we better go get our little girl,she'll probably thinks we're out making whoopee."

Jake kisses her. "Okay, babe, my story isn't near as exciting as yours, but I'll tell you all about it whenever you want to hear it. In the meantime, I think we need to make up for this morning soon as we get home."

Jeanie grins, "Okay, but we'll have to be sneaky while Cassie is up!"

Written by kscorn079
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