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A Feather's Touch

"Pending the acceptance of an invite from Gillian, Sally and Vernon makes love in the pool"

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Author's Notes

"Continued from the story “Around The Office ***** ”Our lovers progress to the point where Sally admits her past to Vernon. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Gillian also invited them over..."

Sally took the call and walked out of earshot. As I felt comfortable with where we were, irrespective of the fact that we were obviously growing into a relationship, I still respected her privacy. She was inside where I could see her, but not hear her through the sliding door leading into the house from the entertainment area.

She looked at me a few times smiling and once blew a kiss, though I could see she was in a somewhat serious conversation with whoever it was. I could see her slowly moving toward the door and it seemed the conversation was ending. The last she said before disconnecting was, “I will chat to Vernon and let you know.”

She stepped outside, her eyes still on her phone, and said to no one in particular, “Hmmm, not a happy puppy.”

I didn’t probe and waited for Sally to talk first. It was Gillian and apparently, she wasn’t happy with whatever Sally shared with her, but I gathered it might be about Sally and my budding relationship.

She took her wine from me, “Thanks Babe. Gillian...,” she said and sighed. “She’s not too happy with us being together but she’s invited us over to her place in Blaauwberg tomorrow if you want to?”

I’ve met Gillian once before albeit very briefly. At that point, I gathered they were in some kind of relationship. It was also during one of those brief and soon smothered times when I was feeling attracted to Sally.

I was having a drink and dinner in the same Grill where she and Sally had dinner. Sally didn’t realise I was there at first, but I noticed them and eyed both surreptitiously. If you had ever seen two exquisitely beautiful women together, then this was one of those times. Gill was someone I would fuck in a heartbeat. She was the type I hunted, fucked, and discarded.

There’s a saying, a beautiful woman is the worst fuck, but I brought the worst of sluts out of women like Gill. Though I trusted few I did have a FWB or two, but dalliances were not often enough to threaten a relationship. Women like Gillian were used for a night and then shooed out the door. I seldom or ever bedded them twice.

Once Sally realized I was in the same establishment, she did not hesitate to introduce Gillian on their way out. From what I could remember from that night, Gillian was a little blonde bombshell with a lithe body and seemingly well-proportioned tits. Her blouse that night indicated enough to draw my eyes and she noticed my interest. From her smirk, it was clear she didn’t welcome my interest and to me, she was just a piece of meat to be ogled. But now, that same piece of meat has invited me and her former girlfriend to spend the day at her very opulent beach house. Awkward?

As Sally had previously mentioned, Gillian’s divorce left her substantially well off. Her house was on one of the most pristine beaches on the Cape West Coast. Not that the area where I had my humble abode was anything less than where Gillian stayed. Most properties on the South Coast were an older style and more established than the new pristine developments on the other side of the city

Gillian had a small clothing and swimwear boutique in the area, and she did well enough for herself on top of her settlement. Though, her lifestyle wasn’t one of money but rather of affordable comfort.


The Cape had its typical early summer heat which left the evenings very pleasant to be outside, so we had our dinner outside while the sun set. The meat, red wine, and Sally’s salad made for a perfect combination, and it was the ideal setting to just let our conversation flow and relax after the week.

Sally sat to my left, close enough to have her feet on my knees within easy reach to aimlessly touch and caress her. She seemed to enjoy this, looking relaxed and unbothered by the heat outside.

I was just in shorts and a light buttoned-down shirt while Sally wore a loose tee-shirt over loose white Bermudas. The area was paved around the pool and thus made shoes an unnecessary extra. According to the app on my phone, the pool was a luxurious thirty degrees, which might still feel cold on the skin when entering but comfortable once in the water.

I got up and shed my shirt. “Feeling like a dip?” I asked Sally.

“Isn’t the water cold?” she asked warily.

“Just when entering but once you’re submerged, it's actually quite pleasant.”

She took a sip of wine before making a decision. “Let me just get my suit,” she said, getting up.

“Why do you need your bathing suit?” I asked as I slipped my shorts and briefs over my buttocks.

Sally giggled. “Okay, skinny it is then,” she said as she pulled her tee over her head. I was treated to her full bare breasts and felt my cock twitch in the evening air. I could not help but slip my hand around her waist and pull her into me.

My half-hard cock laid flush against her upper leg, and she gasped at the warmth of my member against her skin. Her firm buttocks soon filled my hands, and she slipped her arms around my neck. “Why is it that I never see this extension to your body in a flaccid state?” She whispered in my ear.

“Because when you’re this close to me it would never be in a flaccid state, Sweetheart. Now, come on let’s get in the pool and cool off a bit.”

Sally wriggled out of my embrace, “Wait, we need to get wine. No use floating around the pool and not having anything to sip on.” She went inside and returned with a fresh bottle of wine, grabbed our glasses from the table, and after placing them close by, slipped into the warm water with me.

As I filled our glasses, Sally embraced me from behind, her firm nipples drawing lines over the skin of my back. It was hard concentrating on getting the wine from the bottle to the glass when you have a beauty like Sally caressing you with her soft skin.

I was seconds away from filling the second glass when she wrapped her small soft hand around my cock from behind me, her other hand, cupped my balls and I could feel the blood rushing through my organs.

“Whoaaa, hold on a bit now,” I urged her. She bit me lightly on my shoulder before sliding against and around my body and accepting her wine.

‘It’s so easy getting your dick hard. Power women have over men is simply amazing.” She giggled.

Just suddenly, the air around us grew palpable and our eyes met.

Sally gently laid her fingertips on my forearm and sighed deeply. “I’m so glad I have you,” she said with soft eyes. Without breaking eye contact, I reached out and placed my wine on the side of the pool.

It was a very tender moment as my fingertips found the sides of her face and I leaned in to softly capture her lips. I heard glass on concrete a moment before Sally laid tender fingertips on my chest.

Our kiss completed itself and as I opened my eyes and gazed at Sally’s features up close and personal, I noticed an errant tear slowly making its way down her cheek.

The tips of my thumbs barely touched her skin as I gently swept the tear away. “What now Darling,” I enquired. “Why are you crying?”

She sobbed, “I’m just a silly girl, it’s nothing.” She looked away but I turned her face back to mine.

“Talk to me, please?”

“It’s just… I’m so happy and so scared it may be too soon to feel this way Vernon, but…” Her voice trailed off again and she turned to look out into the distance, far beyond the recent sunset.

“But what?” I asked her.

“Vernon, I love you so much, have you any idea how much?”

“Perhaps not but, no, it’s not too soon. We’ve had this conversation already. This, what we have now, is just a continuation of what we refused to admit, what we denied ourselves to have. I feel the same, and Darling, I love you just as much.” I retorted before claiming her lips as mine.

Sally slid her arms around my neck and gave all she could to our kiss. My hands rested lightly on her slender hips and as our kiss deepened with growing desire my hands slipped around her waist and pulled her against me.

Sally could feel me, hard and demanding against her groin and she uttered a long ‘hmmmmm’ against my lips as she felt me pressing against her. My hands cupped her buttocks firmly and pressed her even harder against my stalk.

I sensed her weight shifting and could feel her right leg searching against the back of my calve. The insistent rubbing of her mons against me as well as her leg action told me one thing and crouching slightly, I lifted her by her buttocks. The action kept my cock flush to her groin and as she was lifted higher, my cock grazed first her clit, before sliding between her labia. She was warm and slippery and as I pushed against her and she pleaded, “Enter me, please?” She sighed deeply as her legs wrapped around me.

My cock found its own way home and Sally sobbed as my glans pushed against her inner lips, putting pressure on her velvet sides as it sought entry to her inner recesses. She snuggled deeper into my neck as my cock progressed into her.

I was almost to the hilt before she leaned back and urged her groin against me to have me completely within her warm sheath. “AAARRGHHH,” She groaned as she accepted all of my hardness inside her. I could feel her cervix kissing my glans as if to say, ‘welcome’. Sally remained in a reclined position to have me as deep as possible for a few moments longer. During those moments her body was partially submerged and reflecting crystal clear in the warm water of the pool.

I have always been amazed at the buoyancy of breasts in water. Sally once in passing shared she had difficulty getting a proper bra as with some brands she wore a 34C and with others a 34D. Nonetheless, I was awestruck as I observed her breasts bobbing and becoming rounder and seemingly fuller in the water.

Supporting her back with my left arm, my right hand cupped the full orb and started manipulating her dark pink nipple.

Sally gasped and her eyes snapped open. “You know what happens if you play with my tits?”

“Yes, I do but, right now I can’t help myself nor care if you cum on my cock. Anyway, if you do cum on my cock now, it will be the first nipple orgasm you get with me all the way up inside you,” I whispered. I felt her clamp down on my cock. I wasn’t sure if it was the idea or my manipulation of her nipple but leaned forward and sucked the unoccupied nipple into my mouth.

Sally sighed deeply as my mouth fully engulfed both nipple and soft skin. Her pussy contracted again, and it caused my cock to twitch inside her.

Releasing her from my mouth, I pulled her up, trapping my hand on her breast between us as I held her tightly against me. I kissed her, slightly capturing her bottom lip between my teeth.

“Tell me please?” I whispered against her lips.

“Tell you what?” She breathed her hot breath against my mouth.

“I had always been fascinated about what makes women better lovers to a woman, than men. How do I compare so far?” I smirked as I leaned back to face her. “What makes such a relationship tic? What makes it different? Perhaps you should tell me about your gay past while I continue down here?”

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“First of all, I was presenting myself as gay to protect myself but that morning when you landed back here and you shamelessly flaunted your cock in my face, I decided to let go of the charade. I realized I could no longer ‘act’ gay, I was a woman and a red-blooded one as well.”

“I told you before about how I met Gillian. Long story but I guess, if we are at this point in our relationship, hiding stuff would only harm the trust we need to develop for each other.”

“After helping Gill come to terms with going through the same as what I experienced, we became friends quick. We had a lot more in common than the mere trauma we went through. We shared styles, interests, likes, and dislikes. We shared the love for good food, healthy food and good wine.”

“As we had a few classes together, we could easily fit our schedules to accommodate time together. Soon we realized we could be safe together and we became exclusive friends. We avoided guys without even thinking about it. A few times I considered the direction we were moving into, but it didn’t worry me. We didn’t objectify each other. We were just two girls who grew into a deep friendship without the added burden of our sexuality or men.”

“It was only natural that we eventually moved in together. I had a place already, she had a decent salary and we realized, we could save a lot by doing it together. We split the bills without any difficulty. We trusted each other and sometimes even fell asleep together, though we each had our own private space.”

“Then one day, it was a cold, wet winter night. We were lying in bed, watching a movie and she snuggled close to me saying, ‘you’re so nice and warm.’ I didn’t make anything of it and because of it being winter, snuggled back. After the movie, she spooned me, and I felt her warm breathing on my neck. It caused me to shiver, and she picked it up.”

“Her arm came around me and she held onto me asking me if I was okay with her holding me. In answer, I took her hand and held her hand on my tummy. Her hand in mine, our fingers intertwined felt right and I relaxed with the idea.”

“Then I felt it, her lips warm against my neck as she gently kissed me. I felt my pussy twitch and recognized the warmth inside me was wetness. As if it came naturally, I moved her hand to my breast and felt her fingers gently, life a feather’s touch, caress me. My nipples were hard instantly. I have never felt so turned on in my life.”

“Gill moved her kisses into my hairline and the more she softly kissed my neck, the wetter I became. I heard her whisper against my skin that she doesn’t know what’s come over her but that she needed me. That moment, I felt exactly the same.”

“Sensing her need, made my own grow and I started squirming against her, reached back toward her buttocks, pulling her against me. As I did this, I felt how her night shirt had moved up and her bare skin was under my hand. I could not stand it any longer and turned around facing her. Instantly our lips found each other’s. Her lips were soft, warm and she had the taste of the red wine from earlier on her tongue.”

I felt Sally contract and even while being submerged in the pool, I could feel her getting wetter around my cock.

“After the sensation of her bare buttock under my hand, I had the intense need to feel her skin against mine. I reached down and pulled her nightshirt up and eventually over her breasts and over her head. I gasped at the sight of her breasts and my breathing quickened. It was mere seconds before she did the same for me and the skin of our warm breasts mashed together. I felt her nipples grazing my breasts and I came on the spot.” Sally breathed.

I twitched my cock, which at this point was harder than granite and Sally gushed over me under the warm water. She shuddered in her release and as I flexed my cock deeper inside her, she came again. I realized one thing; the sensitivity of her breasts was nothing new since we got together.

I allowed Sally to come down from her twin orgasms before kissing her gently.

“You’re harder than I’ve ever felt you.” She smiled against my lips. “Seems my history isn’t putting you off. In fact, I think you’re highly turned on right now.”

I could not agree more. Yet, I needed to learn more.

“Yes, I’m so turned on right now, cock is starting to hurt. But please, continue if you want and I will fuck all my frustrations into you afterward.” I smiled.

“I will give you the deserved release for your patience my Love, I promise.”

“After I had my orgasm, our eyes met and we just knew, our healing was almost there. Our fear of sexual contact was dissipating, and we felt free in that moment.”

“We continued unhurriedly, kissing gently, and exploring each other both with our mouths, eyes, and fingers. Gillian’s body was super soft against mine and I could sense her musk as we lay there together. Her kisses were gentle, sweet, and wet. Her mouth on my breasts made me tingle all over and made me terribly wet. She paid a lot of attention to my breasts, and I returned the favor in kind without her asking. I needed it.”

“I was hesitant when she moved down. My upbringing was completely hetero, and I was uncertain how I felt about getting it on with a woman. Still, her lips burned, searching my skin as she progressed further down. She never asked whether she could take my panties off. It came so easy, my butt lifting and her just peeling it off my body before she sniffed it. My panties were wet, and it became even wetter as she started sucking my juice out of the gusset.”

I felt her twitch again and knew, before the end of her story, she would have another orgasm.

“After Gillian satisfied her urge to lick out my soaked panties, she just let it fly over her shoulder. I was still following its trajectory when I felt this warmth engulfing my pussy. She barely touched me with her mouth, but I felt this overwhelming sensation. Her touch was so gentle, it was almost hesitant, but I felt it. She kissed and sucked gently on my labia, making small circles all over which made me squirm and beg for more. As I begged, she would look up to me, flick her tongue over my nub before retreating elsewhere on my pussy. I was on fire, each barely-there touch made me feel like I would burst. I felt my orgasm before I realized it was her intent to get me off. Before I felt it, I got the idea she was just licking to satisfy her own urges and curiosities.”

I bent down and fused my mouth to Sally’s left breast and suckled gently. Her hips were undulating on my cock, and I felt her growing wetter again. As her urging against me got stronger, I gently bit down on her nipple.

Sally groaned at the sensations I sent through her body and continued. “I felt her capturing my clit with her mouth and gently insert a finger into me. It was like a volcano erupting. I came with such force; such was the sensation running through my whole being my body went berserkers and my head rocked from side to side on the pillow …”

Then she came on my cock, again.

I grasped how the narrative must have affected Sally. She was trembling after her orgasm. I wasn’t sure if I caused the magnitude of her orgasm, or her own recollection of the event.

Sally was tired, her muscles must have been burning from her legs holding unto my hips for so long. I walked to the shallower end of the pool before lifting her off my cock. She protested weakly. “Please, No! I need you inside me.”

But I knew better and led her to the side of the pool where our wine was still waiting. I offered her the glass and she gulped the wine down.

“Hey, slow down there!” I cautioned but she set the glass down and slipped her arms around my neck before kissing me.

“Thanks for listening and sorry if it got to me more than you expected,” she smiled dreamily.

“I have only one question though.”

“Shoot,” she replied.

“Long term, you obviously went into a relationship. What would prevent you from succumbing to her advances again?”

“Why would you ask me that?”

“Baby, I just need to know if Gill would be a threat to our relationship. You said it yourself, she wasn’t happy. It could be jealousy or envy because you have somebody in your life. It could be disdain toward me because I took you away from her.”

Sally looked toward the ocean in the distance for an answer. “Darling, over time Gillian was let in on many of my secrets. She knows how I feel about you, but I think her not being happy is merely because she never expected my fantasies to become reality and it is a bit unexpected.”

I reached for the wine and refilled Sally’s glass.

Sally lifted her glass. “To our love and our relationship. May we have lots and lots of beautiful babies.”

I laughed at her humor and clinked my glass against hers.

Sally didn’t take long on her wine, leaning against me, kissing, playing footsie, and with her free hand, often massaging my full sack or lightly tugging on my cock.

After emptying her glass, she sipped her arms around my neck and lifted herself to her previous position. I grabbed her buttocks, and she lined up my cock with her pussy. She slipped me inside her like I was sliding on ice, non-stop till my glans bumped against her cervix.

She leaned back looked at me with hunger in her eyes and ordered, “Now, fuck me and fill me with your cum.”

In the back of my head, I could not help having a fleeting thought about Sally’s toast about babies. My cock twitched again.

Sally started riding me but after a while, I took her to a poolside lounger and pulling her legs over my shoulders, fucked her until she screamed.

“Yesss! Fuck me, fuck me hard, wreck my cunt, make me yours, Darling.”

I groaned while meeting her demands. The wine and food had slowed me down a bit and I kept a good pace, fucking her deep and relentlessly.

Sally was really getting into it. She howled like a banshee, swore like a sailor, and eventually, she felt my cock expand.

“That’s it, right there, don’t you fucking stop. Go for it Baby, fuck me hard, fuck me deep. Don’t you dare fucking pull out, cum inside me. Put that baby inside meeee!”

Hearing that, made my buttocks flex and my cock felt on fire as I shot my cum inside her. Sally came as my first shot hit her inside, her back arching, lifting her bodily of the lounger. There was so much cum, I watched it seep from her around my cock. After we both came, I remained inside her till we both got our breathing back.

I gently let her down and pulled from her. As my cock slipped free, I leaned down and started eating her out. Drawing cum from her with two fingers, licking it up, sucking cum from her, and licking it from her taint, it wasn’t long before Sally let out a long wail of agonized pleasure and sprayed my face with her cum.

I picked her up after she came down and walked with her back into the pool. Just holding her, we floated around the warm water of the pool. I kissed her gently before asking, “So, who eats pussy the best?”

Sally just giggled softly.

It was two or three glasses of wine later before we retired inside, had a shower, and slid under the sheets.

I was almost at the point of slipping away when Sally snuggled closer and murmured, “I really want that baby.”


To be continued…

Written by Gallo
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