The softest words between gentle breaths,
Heard not with the ears but with the heart.
Unable to fathom the limitless depths,
With words barely heard the quivering starts.
So close to nothing a whisper flows,
Yet millions of thoughts invade you.
You feel the urge as the moment grows,
And hope your heart hasn’t betrayed you.
Such power and grace from whispered desires,
Seduced by heartbeats and dreams.
The body wants what the mind inspires,
Yet can never reach high enough it seems.
Whispers silent and as soft as mist,
Surround your body like perfumed lace.
As full and tender lips are kissed,
Bodies are pressed in a quickening pace.
Whispers uttered amidst passion and moans,
The twining of limbs locked in heated embrace.
Responding to words uttered in softest tones,
Desires fulfilled at this time in this place.
A journey begun with a smile and a whisper,
To a destination filled with fantasy.
I pulled her close and then I kissed her,
And whispered softly.. “Please be with me….”
Heard not with the ears but with the heart.
Unable to fathom the limitless depths,
With words barely heard the quivering starts.
So close to nothing a whisper flows,
Yet millions of thoughts invade you.
You feel the urge as the moment grows,
And hope your heart hasn’t betrayed you.
Such power and grace from whispered desires,
Seduced by heartbeats and dreams.
The body wants what the mind inspires,
Yet can never reach high enough it seems.
Whispers silent and as soft as mist,
Surround your body like perfumed lace.
As full and tender lips are kissed,
Bodies are pressed in a quickening pace.
Whispers uttered amidst passion and moans,
The twining of limbs locked in heated embrace.
Responding to words uttered in softest tones,
Desires fulfilled at this time in this place.
A journey begun with a smile and a whisper,
To a destination filled with fantasy.
I pulled her close and then I kissed her,
And whispered softly.. “Please be with me….”