The drumming on the roof
Grows from a whisper to a loud roar
Wash away everything
Please God, wash it away
The bed is chilly
I am in it alone but there is someone in it with me
But our fire washed away long ago
And I don’t want to sleep
I want to think of you
My mystery lover
We have never met, never spoken
But we have written
And the things you’ve written
Made me feel like I’ve always wanted to feel
Desired, special, someone worthy of a great love
And I made you my own
We went deep into the abyss
We made love, we gave love
We went together on that dark journey
We loved each other deeply, I hoped forever
Then you left, out of the blue
The reasons make sense
In fact, I’m happy for you
But I struggle, each and every day
I am in my bed, forever alone
The one next to me hasn’t a clue
Has never tried to know me
I have nothing left to give her
Should I try again
It seems like just too much effort
Trying to replace you, my love
Seems like a fool's errand
Who can fill the hole in my heart
I think only you can
But your heart is elsewhere
Gone from me now
The rain still falls, the bed is still cold
And I have no one to cuddle with
No one,
To hold