Someone once said, the August moon is such a wily artist
And upon this magic night, with easy nonchalance
He paints sequins upon a darkened lake, while secretly
Sending one lone sensuous beam of light,
Furtively seeking lovers, unaware
So it was this love-soaked night he found us
With his probing beam,
Stealing through our open window
To smoothly, slyly, subtly settle
Across my lady’s parted, sun-kissed thighs.
Burnishing the gold in her sweet, sweet triangle,
Giving a glow to where my own
Eager lips and fingers had so recently played
To rouse her, as she roused me to
Shared orgasms, as wild a wonder
As the world had ever seen.
But that voyeur moon, he came too late
Could only rest a jealous caress
On my lady lying unknowing, yet
Quietly awake, and murmuring of
Our recent bliss, our rhapsody of love, on this night...
Then on, to pleasures of the past
“Cyprus,” she says, and strokes my chest,
“Where you first tongued my wetness,
Wild ecstasy for me, delight for you
Creamy taste, you later said. Remember?”
Warm thoughts were clear as I reply,
“Ah, yes, I remember it well.”
A jocular nudge below my ribs as she hisses,
“Don’t quote Chevalier, tell me true.”
“It was the truth, I do recall, but do you remember
Thailand, that night upon the beach?”
Her giggle comes, so fetching as she says,,
“How could I forget? Sand scraped between my buttocks,
And you, so gallant, fingered it away,
But left keen fingers probing. Oh, God to such effect.”
I place my lips close to her ear, and whisper,
“You didn’t think you’d take it.”
She turns her head, to kiss my lips,
“It seemed too large, but now, my dear,
It’s such a perfect fit.”
Holding her close, the moonlight gone,
Disgruntled at his loss, and now
Fervently, I whisper,
“I loved you then, I love you now, we really can
Look forward to a long exquisite journey.”
She raises her head above me, “I’ll buy that, my love.
Now kiss me soft, and time for sleep.”
We kiss, we sleep, but of all our nights
That one stands out, as bold as any moon