Once shared a lie becomes a cancer of the soul, Sadly without truth… gives that cancer fuel to grow, For the love we have, was formed upon the foundation of deceit, Without truth… all we really had… was merely just bullshit.
For I sense you are not who you say, but just prefer to hide, Yet to the lass you say you love, you struggle to confide. The truth is what you wanted, from me it’s what you got, Did I receive the truth?… Even with a loving smile… true you… My heart now tells me not.
I know I seem a complex lass dressed in a simple of dress, But now we have reached the raw, it’s really time you must confess, I gave the option long ago to play or get to know, But in the choice you made back then… I now know… You played me ever so,
For my mask was something you did see… but shed upon your love, Yet you retained your mask… to hide... to treat me with kid glove,
You mistook me for the type of lass who finds love with the eye For the past year we have shared true heart which begs the question why? I can understand the reason… but to conceal yourself so long, But in reflection… you did once say… ‘I think I’ve done you wrong’My instincts serve me well to think you’re not being true to me But know true love… that in my heart… You’ll always truly be I thought in sharing heart with you… I’d found a love so true But what you never realized… My love was always gifted to true you.
My instincts could be wrong - farrkkkkk … I may be crazy like me Ma, But the sight in life she gave me has done me well so far My love to you is pure but how else can I prove But all I ask… from this point on… …’Don’t spoil me with your lies, love me with your truth’
SoooOOOOO My Love This one last choice I gift you...... Do you continue to hide and play? … Introduce your true self to me OR just go our separate way. My Final words before you choose- in case you do depart Know this was my best worst year and you will always have my heart <3