The Day Love Died
The sound of the breeze as it rustles the trees
Soft and gentle through the leaves.
The breath of the earth as it turns,
The beat of my heart as it yearns.
I thought our love could never die
But now at night I want to cry,
Your arms will hold me never more
On my true love, I've closed the door.
I couldn't stand to hurt inside
“So sorry dear,” you say, “I lied.”
I thought nothing could ever quench my desire
Now all I have left is a funeral pyre.
And now that all the truth’s been told
I can’t believe you are so bold!
You ask me to love you again someday.
This isn't some silly game to play!
And I adored you, with a love so true
To the rest of my life, you were the glue.
It broke my heart when you told me you lied,
And on that day, my love for you died.
It could not be any more dead
It seems to me enough has been said.
The sound of the breeze as it rustles the trees
Soft and gentle through the leaves.
The breath of the earth as it turns,
The beat of my heart as it yearns.
I thought our love could never die
But now at night I want to cry,
Your arms will hold me never more
On my true love, I've closed the door.
I couldn't stand to hurt inside
“So sorry dear,” you say, “I lied.”
I thought nothing could ever quench my desire
Now all I have left is a funeral pyre.
And now that all the truth’s been told
I can’t believe you are so bold!
You ask me to love you again someday.
This isn't some silly game to play!
And I adored you, with a love so true
To the rest of my life, you were the glue.
It broke my heart when you told me you lied,
And on that day, my love for you died.
It could not be any more dead
It seems to me enough has been said.