We met on the computer you see
And chatted every day
Now you'll finally meet me
I wonder what you'll say
Will we love each other
Like on the computer
Will we still be lover's
Will we have a future
Love for many years
Only on a computer screen
Is this excitement or fear
We've always been unseen
Will our love be enough
The excitement does grow
Hoping this won't be tough
You've been my on-line beau
We met on a website
First, it was just fun
Everything felt so right
I knew you were my special one
We'll meet at the airport
All eyes on each other
You'll need your passport
Then will go to supper
I'll be the one waving
Finally we get to kiss
Hoping the kiss is amazing
I hope our meeting will be bliss
Say we don't feel it
Are we just nervous
I hope we don't split
And we're not wordless
The day is finally here
You get off of the plane
I wipe my eyes of the tears
We meet this is insane
You're just like you said
A flood of relief passes
Thinking about the night ahead
You finally take off your sunglasses
The kiss is totally epic
All the fear was not necessary
No need for the medics
This really wasn't scary
We talked for a while
Ate dinner and had some drinks
We both had amazing smiles
Our conversation was in sync
Sex was a bit awkward at first
After several times it was great
It never felt like it was forced
This was better than a cyber date