Sweet serenade of my heart
Like heated lips on the skin of my thigh
Those brassy tones all soft and mellow
Tender music of my lost soul
Reaching out from the past
To touch me on the morrow.
Sweet notes that cascade and fall,
And tumble
Across my dreaming flesh like
A soft caress
That fills the void inside of
That loving heart of yesterday.
How my spirit aches in the present
Longing for that tremor of sound
That sigh
That soft, slow breath
Emptied into the universe
And heard as a flutter of silken wings
Against the sky
And seen in the flash of sunlight
Through that single, lonely rain drop.
That silent symphony of sound
Known, always known
But unheard
That sad music of longing and want
Of need...
Of forgotten wishes that have long been whispered
And set free to roam the earth.
Would that Karma had an ear for such sad music
Would that she understood and took
That softer line...
But fate is a bitch
With a magnifying glass
Cruel and distant and deaf
To the sweet serenade
Of my heart...
Like heated lips on the skin of my thigh
Those brassy tones all soft and mellow
Tender music of my lost soul
Reaching out from the past
To touch me on the morrow.
Sweet notes that cascade and fall,
And tumble
Across my dreaming flesh like
A soft caress
That fills the void inside of
That loving heart of yesterday.
How my spirit aches in the present
Longing for that tremor of sound
That sigh
That soft, slow breath
Emptied into the universe
And heard as a flutter of silken wings
Against the sky
And seen in the flash of sunlight
Through that single, lonely rain drop.
That silent symphony of sound
Known, always known
But unheard
That sad music of longing and want
Of need...
Of forgotten wishes that have long been whispered
And set free to roam the earth.
Would that Karma had an ear for such sad music
Would that she understood and took
That softer line...
But fate is a bitch
With a magnifying glass
Cruel and distant and deaf
To the sweet serenade
Of my heart...