You left me without a word
My heart still undeterred
You moved on to someone less worthy
And left me crying with eyes all blurry
I said I love you
But now I am blue
Thinking about you and him
Trying not to imagine my life so grim
You flaunt your new love
As if I am easy to get rid of
I stood by you through thick and thin
Now I feel like such a has been
I can’t believe you would do this to me
But I am the bigger man and will set you free
Everyone said I was playing the fool
I guess we never really had that exclusive rule
You are free to go now
Fear not though I will keep my vow
We will remain friends even till the end
No matter who would be your boyfriend
My love for you will never die
Even if my tear ducts go bone-dry
My love for you will never die
For you, I hope he is a good guy