Tears and blood
That's what I have
A monster is what
I have become
Trails of love
Of heartache left
On the alter gazed
By the Gods
Cursed to transform
My face begotten
My body unrecognizable
Seems I shall remain
Frozen in my own
Inward path of
Through tinted windows
Painted with money
And carved with hate
My lust for self
Knows no humility
No humanity
No reasoning
No reckoning
A lost soul
Money and power
Are what I crave.
But one would not
Yeld to dysfunction destiny
One souls that heard a plea
That heard a cry
That could see through
The tented window
Was you.
I yelled, you stood
I ran, you waited
I broke, you fixed
I seduced, you conquered
I cried, you held
I gave in, you saved
I kissed, you broke
How could this be?
The curse broken
The spell undone
The rage gone
The fight gone
The fear gone
The tears gone
The lonely heart.... gone
You have saved me
Now you lay before me
Trying to fight
But losing
Fighting with all your strength
All your heart
All your soul
Yet..........you lost
You saved me,
yet I failed you
Now I sit here
Tears have returned
Blood from my hands flowing
Punching your tombstone
Dagger in hand
Yet unable to join you
Because you would be disappointed
In my selfish attempt to join
You at your side
Wait for me belle
I'm coming
And I will wear this pink for you
Losing you will hurt the man
But meeting you has saved the beast
That's what I have
A monster is what
I have become
Trails of love
Of heartache left
On the alter gazed
By the Gods
Cursed to transform
My face begotten
My body unrecognizable
Seems I shall remain
Frozen in my own
Inward path of
Through tinted windows
Painted with money
And carved with hate
My lust for self
Knows no humility
No humanity
No reasoning
No reckoning
A lost soul
Money and power
Are what I crave.
But one would not
Yeld to dysfunction destiny
One souls that heard a plea
That heard a cry
That could see through
The tented window
Was you.
I yelled, you stood
I ran, you waited
I broke, you fixed
I seduced, you conquered
I cried, you held
I gave in, you saved
I kissed, you broke
How could this be?
The curse broken
The spell undone
The rage gone
The fight gone
The fear gone
The tears gone
The lonely heart.... gone
You have saved me
Now you lay before me
Trying to fight
But losing
Fighting with all your strength
All your heart
All your soul
Yet..........you lost
You saved me,
yet I failed you
Now I sit here
Tears have returned
Blood from my hands flowing
Punching your tombstone
Dagger in hand
Yet unable to join you
Because you would be disappointed
In my selfish attempt to join
You at your side
Wait for me belle
I'm coming
And I will wear this pink for you
Losing you will hurt the man
But meeting you has saved the beast