We tried to talk
But couldn't
We were each too hurt
And scared
And surprised
And desperate to get back
What we once had
That connection
There was a connection
Wasn't there?
They say there are signs
Anything can be a sign
What is a sign?
I mean it
What REALLY is a sign?
Not the hit-me-in-the-face sign
Not the fucking-around-with-other women sign
Not the I-work-and-cook-and-clean-and-you-do-what-you-want-sitting-around-all-day-drinking-beer-and-watching-sports-and-playing-computer-games-sign
The slightly unsettled feel
The not quite fully addressed hurt
Once? Twice? Three times?
How many get a pass?
Will this last?
Should I stay?
Not "is this love?"
"Is this right?"
But couldn't
We were each too hurt
And scared
And surprised
And desperate to get back
What we once had
That connection
There was a connection
Wasn't there?
They say there are signs
Anything can be a sign
What is a sign?
I mean it
What REALLY is a sign?
Not the hit-me-in-the-face sign
Not the fucking-around-with-other women sign
Not the I-work-and-cook-and-clean-and-you-do-what-you-want-sitting-around-all-day-drinking-beer-and-watching-sports-and-playing-computer-games-sign
The slightly unsettled feel
The not quite fully addressed hurt
Once? Twice? Three times?
How many get a pass?
Will this last?
Should I stay?
Not "is this love?"
"Is this right?"