A brazo as we first met.
B eautiful as you look.
C aused a stir in my pants.
D ebating to talk to you or not.
E ventually we do talk.
F eelings start to grow.
G em, you’re one in a million.
H ugging as we part.
I ask for your number.
J ogging over to you.
K indly you put your number in my phone.
L eaving as you sway your hips.
M oaning as I watch you leave.
N ext night I call.
O pen to a date next week.
P eople looking as we laugh with and at each other.
Q uieting as we can’t.
R esting at your door.
S tarting to kiss.
T urning passionate we go inside.
U sing our hands, tearing each other clothes off.
V iewing you, touching you, kissing you, licking you.
W asting no time? Nay, teasing, going slow, and bringing you to orgasm.
X -rated is where we’re going.
Y earning to cum.
Z ealous I am to please you.
B eautiful as you look.
C aused a stir in my pants.
D ebating to talk to you or not.
E ventually we do talk.
F eelings start to grow.
G em, you’re one in a million.
H ugging as we part.
I ask for your number.
J ogging over to you.
K indly you put your number in my phone.
L eaving as you sway your hips.
M oaning as I watch you leave.
N ext night I call.
O pen to a date next week.
P eople looking as we laugh with and at each other.
Q uieting as we can’t.
R esting at your door.
S tarting to kiss.
T urning passionate we go inside.
U sing our hands, tearing each other clothes off.
V iewing you, touching you, kissing you, licking you.
W asting no time? Nay, teasing, going slow, and bringing you to orgasm.
X -rated is where we’re going.
Y earning to cum.
Z ealous I am to please you.