Of beauty, the Olympian Goddess glows,
As the seed of a pomegranate grows,
As she sheds her garments of primrose,
Her bounteous hips seek an interpose.
Her beauty attends a Roman Wall,
Her petals invite and proffer a call,
Of ancient days before the Fall,
Her kiss surrendered; love's protocol.
A vision of beauty, Aphrodite eyes,
My Church she beckons to arise,
Proudly it stands and gravity defies,
Pomegranates of love, she testifies.
Thirteen flowers, a primrose bouquet,
Protects our love throughout midday,
Colors of love, a passionate glissade,
With pomegranate seeds, my love invades.
Her flowered center brazens a golden hue,
I confessed my love and offered my dew,
Her flower watered, her petals askew,
My lover whispers a sweet adieu.
Returning to garments of primrose,
Her petals dewed from love's interpose,
Of beauty, the Olympian Goddess glows.
A seed from my pomegranate grows.