Slowly, ever so slowly, did I open my guarded heart
scars, wounds, and hurts, you made just melt away
Cautious and scared but soothed by your dark arts
Trusting, losing myself in you and the deliciousness of our play
Oh the joy you brought, constant smiles, shuddering bliss
I gave you all, consumed in our lust and believing there more
No limits to expression, always shuddering to the succulent abyss
my life seemingly complete, pure love through my heart did roar
Eyes locked, souls touching, ever surging to greater heights
our joined screams as legs quiver with rewarding release
hearts aflame through ravenous feasting of surging delights
then pain, as slowly, ever so slowly, did your love cease
Growing hints, my heart noticing every little clue, but deny it I tried
Being nice while stubbornly clinging to the heaven you unveiled to me
she's just busy, her passion will come back, but sadly, your love had died
Screaming, then silent in disbelief, the paradise I'd sought was not to be
My mind foolish, my soul darkened, my heart so deceptively betrayed
True love a mirage, just sand pouring through my clenched fingers
ever aching for your touch, a smell, a taste, instant reminders of all I've paid
A desperate grasp but true love denied, the curse on my heart forever lingers