Vipers slither from your lips
Twisted into clever quips
Fueled by petty vengeful ire
How is it that you haven’t tired?
Every chance to take a swipe
There you are with caustic bites
Briefly do your serpents rest
Retract their fangs, coiled in their nests
But never are they still for long
Spring forth anew, to right the wrongs
They perceive were heaped on you
And help to heal the gaping wound
I don’t lash out; I hold my tongue
Yet still your cobras glide along
Then arch and hiss and strike at me
I sit back watching, silently
You no more seem to me a friend
The chances slim to make amends
I would settle for détente
But clearly that’s not what you want
So for now, I tread with care
Of your snakes I must beware
Until the vorpal sword of time
Finds someone new you can malign.
Twisted into clever quips
Fueled by petty vengeful ire
How is it that you haven’t tired?
Every chance to take a swipe
There you are with caustic bites
Briefly do your serpents rest
Retract their fangs, coiled in their nests
But never are they still for long
Spring forth anew, to right the wrongs
They perceive were heaped on you
And help to heal the gaping wound
I don’t lash out; I hold my tongue
Yet still your cobras glide along
Then arch and hiss and strike at me
I sit back watching, silently
You no more seem to me a friend
The chances slim to make amends
I would settle for détente
But clearly that’s not what you want
So for now, I tread with care
Of your snakes I must beware
Until the vorpal sword of time
Finds someone new you can malign.