What started out as fun
To the little housewife
She found the one
How this changed her life
He sang her sweet songs
Wrote her lots of stuff
This is where she belonged
She could never get enough
They met on a website
How could this be
He now was her knight
With him she felt free
They played naughty games
Talked about their lives
They knew each other's names
He liked married wives
The connection was strong
Love and affection was met
Both hoped it would be long
This thing was their outlet
They fantasized together
Confessing love for one another
Both of their lives were better
Their lives had more color
They played cyber games
Together it was amazing
It was never the same
Their love was breathtaking
Could this really happen
In their world of fantasy
Two lovers who found passion
Not meeting was their agony
Every day and every night
They chatted all the time
To them this felt right
It was totally sublime