It is always winter in my heart
The cold has is icy grasp on my soul
I need to thaw but I find no shelter yet
Endless walking
Tired footsteps and a weary mind
It is always winter in my heart
Chilled tendrils of loneliness ease their way around me
Cling on and make themselves at home
They are an unwelcome guest
Stayed past their exit window
They seem set in for the night
But the days become weeks and then months
And then years
It is always winter in my heart
Stuck too high on the axis of the world
Far too close to the poles
Always bright like Alaska but day bleeds into night
Endless day
So bright it burns
But the cold is never away
Then the world shifts
A few degrees
It was always winter in my heart
But now winter thaws and new life comes with the spring
Night returns like a long lost relative
Or an old jacket that fits just right
And I find peace in you