Your love is immaculate,
Fresh and new,
Like a crisp white shirt,
Before starch gets involved,
But after it's been ironed.
Your love is immaculate,
Free of sin,
Much like you,
Without flaw or impurity,
No blemish to be found.
Your love is immaculate,
Spotless like clean polished glass,
But you shatter easily,
And you aren't easy to fix,
Though I wish I could.
Your love is immaculate,
But I am not,
Not worthy,
Not immaculate,
Yet you still love me.
Your love is immaculate,
But I seem to only taint,
Blot your copy book,
I'm the un-dotted I,
The un-crossed t.
Your love is immaculate,
But you still love me,
Though I am not worthy,
But you still love me,
Silly old non-immaculate me.
Fresh and new,
Like a crisp white shirt,
Before starch gets involved,
But after it's been ironed.
Your love is immaculate,
Free of sin,
Much like you,
Without flaw or impurity,
No blemish to be found.
Your love is immaculate,
Spotless like clean polished glass,
But you shatter easily,
And you aren't easy to fix,
Though I wish I could.
Your love is immaculate,
But I am not,
Not worthy,
Not immaculate,
Yet you still love me.
Your love is immaculate,
But I seem to only taint,
Blot your copy book,
I'm the un-dotted I,
The un-crossed t.
Your love is immaculate,
But you still love me,
Though I am not worthy,
But you still love me,
Silly old non-immaculate me.