If thou would be here with me
Wearing silk eggshell flows
I would have played Pachelbel’s Cannon
Taken your hand as if a sweet rose
Roaming ‘cross the dance floor
In sweet flowing elegance
The candle lights flickering
Illuminating your face
Every delicate feature
Alive in its grace…
Your heart beat I’d know it
As it races like mine
Look to each other
And see the divine
Your soul calling to me
My soul calling yours
I know I am falling
I think you are too
Heart to heart
Lips to lips
Unto your enchanting beauty
My whole being slips…
If thou would be here with me
I would fall unto thee!
Wearing silk eggshell flows
I would have played Pachelbel’s Cannon
Taken your hand as if a sweet rose
Roaming ‘cross the dance floor
In sweet flowing elegance
The candle lights flickering
Illuminating your face
Every delicate feature
Alive in its grace…
Your heart beat I’d know it
As it races like mine
Look to each other
And see the divine
Your soul calling to me
My soul calling yours
I know I am falling
I think you are too
Heart to heart
Lips to lips
Unto your enchanting beauty
My whole being slips…
If thou would be here with me
I would fall unto thee!