I felt it break with burning tears of something I expected.
The stinging sensation ran through every opening my body held.
Filled to the brim with a new experience in life, I’m ruined.
No longer is there a purity about me that no one can touch.
No longer am I safe from the dangers of the world.
No longer can I live absent-minded in childish games of life.
You awakened me. You destroyed me. You created me.
Once a girl, now a woman. I yearn to take a step back.
It is too late to return home, for I have already ventured to far.
One more lost into the throbbing crushing world of sex.
A world whose beauty and pain tend to be one in the same.
I am a part of it. It has everything of me. I can not get free.
Yet part of me prefers these prison's chains around my neck.
I yearn for your touch, your thrust, you passionate embrace.
Takes me, make me yours and do with as you please.
I can never go back. I can never go back. I can never .....