My eyes shut tightly
Not wanting to see
But my ears refuse deafness
To his changing tune
The song I thought was ours
He sings to another
His words play sharp
Piercing my heart
My feet stumble
Tripping over each other
Unable to keep time
With the irregular beat
The music stops
Silence ensues
My life becomes monotone
Fading into nothingness
For without music
There is no color
I blend into the background
No one sees me
But the music can play again
As long as a heart
Finds me
To hear his song
He sees a hint of blue
In my dead eyes
My form taking shape
Despite hiding in the background
He carefully places words
Upon my ears
Forming a melody
Within my heart
My toes start to tingle
My feet tap and dance
To my newfound rhythm
Found by his song
My heart flutters
To his beat
We find harmony
In our chorus
We embrace the unstoppable crescendo
And climax together