Thoughts are words, but words are not thoughts,
So is the language between lovers,
A cauldron simmering with word and thought
A potion brewed, whose aroma is pleasure
Lover, learn my deepest thoughts.
The forbidden word,
Ensconced in her spiritual prison
The iron trellis reaching high and safely
Neither lover dares to knock for her
Neither lover dares to duel against this mighty foe.
So, we talk a language with bodies
A phonetic lilt laid bare in coupling
When two lovers join their bodies
He sheathed in her delightful depth
Releasing his seed into his lover's womb
Can then the separation be clear,
Between the lovers and the forbidden word?
Or will the bars unchecked be
Allowed to bend and the careful captive freed
To pierce their hearts and torture their souls?
Will she allow the lover's rest?
Or will she rise and strike a blow against?
The peace and beauty they possessively guard
Because of an act so sweet, so sensual
And tear them apart, forced into exile
Forever two souls not complete
They are lovers
They are souls
They have found again the wonder
Of respect and depths unknown before
They need be vigilant lest an act or word betray them
And they lose the battle against the forbidden word.