He checked his watch
Time to leave
He smiled broadly
As he walked
People he passed
Wondered what
Has made him
So happy
I'm going to spend
The day with Hope
My five year old daughter
She is waiting at the park
Rounding the corner
He can hear laughter
Being carried in the breeze
He walks faster
There she is
That shoulder length
Brown hair
Those Hazel eyes
Hey kiddo
Where is your mommy
Oh okay I see her
Waving her over
A month went by already
Hard to believe
Okay I will push
You in the swing
If memory serves me
You like to go high
Squealing and nodding
He pulls back the swing
Let's it go
Higher higher
Hold on tight
This is the best day ever
He thinks to himself
He clutches his chest
Higher higher
Dropping to his knee
She jumps out and runs
To her mom
I don't know mommy
Frantic she dials 911
Yes hurry please
I think he maybe having
A heart attack
Rushing to his side
Don't try to move
Help is on the way
Sirens can be heard
He is rushed to surgery
In and out of consciousness
Flashes of Hope
Her smile her hair her eyes
Please just one more hour
We are losing him Doctor
Call it
Time of death is 1:30
Are you his wife
No just a close friend
We did all we could
She felt her knees buckle
Ma'am are you okay
I will get you some water
Is he going to be okay
No honey he went to heaven
It is not your fault Hope
Don't blame yourself
Kneeling with both hands
On her shoulders
Look up at me
Taking her two middle fingers
Lifting her quivering chin
Looking into her teary eyes
He was a very nice man
He enjoyed playing with you
Now where is that smile
The tears slowly drying
Blowing her nose
All better now
Reaching for her hand
Gently squeezing it
Looking down
As she looked up
For a brief second
She was looking into
His Hazel eyes
Blinking several times
Are you okay mommy
Yes honey mommy
Just has something
In my eye
Can we get some ice cream
Sure that sounds great
Thinking to herself
Strawberry was his favorite flavor
I am thinking
I want some strawberry
She chuckled to herself
As she looked down at her
Okay honey strawberry it is
They both started to skip
As they held hands
On the way to the ice cream shop