Say it slow
Whisper your love
Say it
Mean it
I'm drowning in unsaid words
Unsmiled smiles
Unfucked fucks
Unloved love
Say you love me
Whisper it
Mean it
Save me
From this lust
This uncontrollable ache
This insatiable craving
I want you
On me
Near me
Under me
Save me
From this insanity that is 'us'
That is this
These midnight calls
4 am walks of shame
Calls in hushed tones
Unspoken reprimands
Unloved love
Say you love me
Mean it.
Just once.
Whisper your love
Say it
Mean it
I'm drowning in unsaid words
Unsmiled smiles
Unfucked fucks
Unloved love
Say you love me
Whisper it
Mean it
Save me
From this lust
This uncontrollable ache
This insatiable craving
I want you
On me
Near me
Under me
Save me
From this insanity that is 'us'
That is this
These midnight calls
4 am walks of shame
Calls in hushed tones
Unspoken reprimands
Unloved love
Say you love me
Mean it.
Just once.