Tears stain my pillows as, beside me, I touch your phantom warmth.
How am I to continue, knowing I can't venture where you now are?
For a thousand agonising years my heart shall shatter, ne'er to reform.
My love, how I miss you, wishing you'd stayed with me that snowy morn'.
Tears stain my pillows as upon my wounded soul the dews of recollection do distil.
Blessed thoughts returning of our time together, wrapped within each other's arms.
For a thousand years, probably even more, my heart shall utterly shatter, and—
I'll endure each second; e'en relearn to smile because our sweet memories I'll always cherish.
And though night and day tears will stain my pillows, I'll bear this lonely pain and more;
'Til the final stars finally fade away and darkness is left to reign supreme.
For as long as I'm called to, I'll pay this price in full and do it all again without a second thought.
Because the only pain I could never bear is the torture of never meeting and falling in love with you.
Dedicated to all those who carry cherished memories in their hearts.