The ocean's tides
beckoned me closer
while the shiny shell
lured you away.
The revelation of
your folly
cultivated my
Did you think she
shone brighter
than me?
How easily you
denied me and
snatched away what
you had
promised me.
You alone
own the failure
of what was us. You won
the morbid prize.
I suppressed inner
An internal struggle,
a fight for freedom
from the misery of
and deception.
I craved the courage
to face you.
I declared war
on the anguish but
have I the courage
to fight it?
“It will come…" they said
Battles raged between
my ideals and reality.
The reality of
won my war.
Tears fell
for my loss.
Love; a fool’s paradise.
My Empire of
repressed lust and
smothered passion,
live together in
a foggy forest
of oblivion.
My Courage awaits release.
In the midst of my journey,
Destination: Surrender,
dared to join my fight.
They told me you would come,
now here you are,
an ally in my
struggle for peace.
Dare I hope to believe
I could be free?
I dare,
I can see it in my eyes.
Courage is freedom.
My freedom from you
and the belief
I'd lost something good.
I'd won the war
before it was fought.
I'd lost nothing at all.
© 2016 trinket
beckoned me closer
while the shiny shell
lured you away.
The revelation of
your folly
cultivated my
Did you think she
shone brighter
than me?
How easily you
denied me and
snatched away what
you had
promised me.
You alone
own the failure
of what was us. You won
the morbid prize.
I suppressed inner
An internal struggle,
a fight for freedom
from the misery of
and deception.
I craved the courage
to face you.
I declared war
on the anguish but
have I the courage
to fight it?
“It will come…" they said
Battles raged between
my ideals and reality.
The reality of
won my war.
Tears fell
for my loss.
Love; a fool’s paradise.
My Empire of
repressed lust and
smothered passion,
live together in
a foggy forest
of oblivion.
My Courage awaits release.
In the midst of my journey,
Destination: Surrender,
dared to join my fight.
They told me you would come,
now here you are,
an ally in my
struggle for peace.
Dare I hope to believe
I could be free?
I dare,
I can see it in my eyes.
Courage is freedom.
My freedom from you
and the belief
I'd lost something good.
I'd won the war
before it was fought.
I'd lost nothing at all.
© 2016 trinket