One day he will find you
He will be the one across the room
Or behind you
Out of view
But you will feel him
Your heart will flutter
From recognition
A familiarity
A wish
Beyond your comprehension
You will remember
Something you had not realized
You missed
He will look into your eyes
You will see the rawness
Of what he desires
He will not blink
Or hesitate
Wanting you to see
With clarity
What his soul is whispering
To yours
And you will know
He will want to
Write his name
On your naked body
With his tongue
Take your hand
Never to let it go
You will want to feel
His lips
Touch the quiet places
Of your spirit
And create new sounds
He will cup your heart
In the warm bed of his hands
Tears will slip from eyes
As he claims you
A you now completed
And you will know
You will not be able to sleep again
Without the sound
Of his heart
Beneath your ear
He is your unfinished poem's
Last lines
He is the song
Your soul sings
He is your
You will know
And you will be
Forever changed
©AvrgBlkGrl, 2014. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical, electronic, or used in any other fashion without the express prior written permission of the owner. This manuscript is specifically written for Lush Stories. If viewed on any other site, please report as stolen.
He will be the one across the room
Or behind you
Out of view
But you will feel him
Your heart will flutter
From recognition
A familiarity
A wish
Beyond your comprehension
You will remember
Something you had not realized
You missed
He will look into your eyes
You will see the rawness
Of what he desires
He will not blink
Or hesitate
Wanting you to see
With clarity
What his soul is whispering
To yours
And you will know
He will want to
Write his name
On your naked body
With his tongue
Take your hand
Never to let it go
You will want to feel
His lips
Touch the quiet places
Of your spirit
And create new sounds
He will cup your heart
In the warm bed of his hands
Tears will slip from eyes
As he claims you
A you now completed
And you will know
You will not be able to sleep again
Without the sound
Of his heart
Beneath your ear
He is your unfinished poem's
Last lines
He is the song
Your soul sings
He is your
You will know
And you will be
Forever changed
©AvrgBlkGrl, 2014. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical, electronic, or used in any other fashion without the express prior written permission of the owner. This manuscript is specifically written for Lush Stories. If viewed on any other site, please report as stolen.