Though hurt over and over
He stood proud
Fierce, Strong
He stood His ground.
Many kept at bay,
His growl and
Loud roar sent
many away, scared.
Women cast aside,
all his prey,
all unworthy of
his praise.
A lone lion,
cautious and guarded,
but all this protection
was futile and in vain.
Soft, regal and strong,
she bared her heart,
and in doing so,
un-shielded him.
For the first time
He felt unsure and
Not His normal self.
In His mind,
And in His heart,
He knew, he knew
He needed her.
To make her
His Queen,
Protect her,
His baby girl.
she did not know
so she kissed Him,
and all others cringed.
All others saw,
were His teeth,
heard His roar.
Not her.
She saw
His softer side,
The reluctance
in Him dissipated
The darkness in His eye
turned into a shine,
He felt the light,
She was here.
She was the one.
His passion awoken,
His adoration hers,
His heart melted.
He decided
She was to be His kitten,
She was to be His lover,
She was to be His queen.
His only fear,
her rejection.
But he knew
this was His path.
She caressed him
Stood by His side,
and both would rule
this forsaken land.
All others,
pushed aside,
together in love
that is where they stand.
The lion and His queen,
together at last,
the beast within him
at peace at last.
He stood proud
Fierce, Strong
He stood His ground.
Many kept at bay,
His growl and
Loud roar sent
many away, scared.
Women cast aside,
all his prey,
all unworthy of
his praise.
A lone lion,
cautious and guarded,
but all this protection
was futile and in vain.
Soft, regal and strong,
she bared her heart,
and in doing so,
un-shielded him.
For the first time
He felt unsure and
Not His normal self.
In His mind,
And in His heart,
He knew, he knew
He needed her.
To make her
His Queen,
Protect her,
His baby girl.
she did not know
so she kissed Him,
and all others cringed.
All others saw,
were His teeth,
heard His roar.
Not her.
She saw
His softer side,
The reluctance
in Him dissipated
The darkness in His eye
turned into a shine,
He felt the light,
She was here.
She was the one.
His passion awoken,
His adoration hers,
His heart melted.
He decided
She was to be His kitten,
She was to be His lover,
She was to be His queen.
His only fear,
her rejection.
But he knew
this was His path.
She caressed him
Stood by His side,
and both would rule
this forsaken land.
All others,
pushed aside,
together in love
that is where they stand.
The lion and His queen,
together at last,
the beast within him
at peace at last.