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Western Girls Come Out To Play

"Two girls get to know each other"

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I know it sounds lame but my roommate of the time, Ella, had wanted to join the Western re-enactment society because she wanted to dress up and play the role of a saloon girl in the hope of getting closer to Jack Hargreaves.

Tall and muscular with chiselled good looks, Jack was a regular member of the society and always took the handsome gunslinger roles. His other claim to fame, if he but knew it, was that he could make Ella soak her panties just by entering the room. Sadly for Ella, he was blissfully unaware of the effect he had on her and consequently paid her little heed.

Anyway, Ella’s master plan was to join the society, show a little skin, and snare her man. My role was to go along with her for support.

I guess it was all too predictable, but after a few months, it became apparent that Jack was more interested in sheriff Roger, and Ella lost her interest in cowboy life and moved her sights to Ainsley, her new neighbour but one.

Bizarrely I found that I really enjoyed the group, devising re-enactments, helping with props, creating sets for our public shows and making costumes. I found my previously rather shy self, coming out of its shell and making new friends.


I had been regularly attending the members’ evenings and weekends for about six months and it was mid-spring when we started to prepare for a series of weekend shows. Although the committee members liked to call them re-enactments, they were not based on actual historical events but were designed to give an insight into western life, coupled with a fun day out for both members and townsfolk alike.

I can throw a stitch with the best of them and so costume making was a natural fit for me. I teamed up with Bethany, a tall slim brunette, and we set about our task of making dresses for the can-can dancers.

After a little internet research, we decided to buy some basic dresses but then add our own ruffles and trim. It saved on time and cut down the expense.

Bethany suggested that as we were both in the dance troop, we should start with our own dresses to iron out any glitches before showing our handiwork to the other girls.


On Friday evening after work, I nipped home for a shower and to collect my sewing kit and dress before heading to Bethany’s condo.

It was a mild evening and I was in shorts and a tee with knee-high tube socks and my converse classics. On knocking at Bethany’s door, I found her to be in leggings and a tee.

“Hi, come on in,” she said, as she danced backwards into a surprisingly large and modern space, “I can offer beer or soda.”

Kicking off my sneakers, I opted for a chilled lager and a seat on the large overstuffed couch.

“I love your place, it’s so spacious and modern,” I offered, as I tucked my legs up and sipped the icy cold brew.

“My folks helped me out quite a bit,” she replied.

We chatted for a while before turning to the tasks at hand and deciding to try on our dresses.

I declined Beth’s offer to change in her bedroom and just slipped my shorts and tee off. After several years on high school and college netball teams, I had no trouble stripping in front of other women nor standing there in my lacy black thong with my girls on show.

I must admit that mine was a good fit, maybe a little tuck or two to keep my girls secure, and at 34D they need plenty of support. The hem needed lifting a little, but otherwise, it just needed the ruffles and trim added.

I sat back down with my beer while Beth changed. Following my lead, she stayed in the room, and I couldn’t help but notice how she blushed a deep pink as she undressed.

I am slim and toned, even if my girls are perhaps a little large for my frame. With my mother’s figure, I think that nature was generous to us both. On the other hand, Beth was tall and slim with tiny breasts, 32A as she would tell me later.

Yet there was something ever so sexy about her body; her nipples were obviously hard and very visible through her soft cotton bralette and as my eyes dropped, they were drawn to her pussy.

Her panties were plain red cotton matching her bralette and not overly tight fitting, but she was sporting the most amazing camel toe.

Beth’s eyes caught mine and she blushed crimson, from the top of those tiny breasts all the way up her long graceful neck to her cheeks, which glowed like embers.

“I know, my body is weird, all pussy and no tit as my sister likes to say.”

“I’m sorry, I never meant to stare, but you’re not weird, you’re sexy as hell,” I croaked out, surprised at just how turned on I had become.

I could feel my own face light up as my words sunk in. I had just told another girl that she was sexy, and I was still staring at her lithe body, her cute little breasts topped with large nipples, her flat toned stomach and, oh my god, those full swollen pussy lips stretching the front of her panties.

Dragging in a deep breath, I tore my gaze away from Beth’s pussy and back to her face. “I’ve never said that to a girl before,” I stuttered.

“Then I’m very flattered,” and with that, Beth started to giggle, which thankfully broke the tension in the room.

I stood and we hugged briefly. I could feel her warmth against my bare skin and how nice it felt before we stepped back, and I found my voice again. “Right, slip that dress on and let's see where we are.”

Beth’s dress was fine in the length, it barely kissed her knees, but the neckline was never going to work.

“I’m going to need some padding,” giggled Beth

“I suggest we pad the dress and get you a padded bra,” I laughed in response, amazed at how quickly we had relaxed in each other’s company.

Beth rummaged in her sewing box and produced a pair of sew-in gel bra cups.

“OK, I’ll pin the cups in place, and we can gather some of the excess material at the back and then we can see how things look.”

Beth had dropped the dress to her waist and much to my delight was slipping her bralette off.

Her breasts reminded me of my younger years, little more than two puffy mounds, but her nipples were mouth-watering with large brown nubs standing proud and clear for all to see.

She handed me her bralette, still deliciously warm, and I could smell her body spray fresh and with a hint of cedar.

I set about positioning the gel cups and pinning them into place. As I moved my hands around her neckline, I could feel her rigid nipples against the backs of my hands.

After a few minutes, Beth stopped talking and uttered a long low moan. I paused my pin work to check on her.

“It’s just that my nipples are really sensitive, and your hands are so soft and warm against them. It’s driving me wild. I’m sorry, I’m really so sorry, what must you think of me.” Her lips trembled, and I was afraid that tears would follow.

Before I could chicken out, I slipped my hands back inside her dress and cupped her small bud-like breasts. Just as I rolled her nipples between my thumbs and forefingers, I locked lips with her.

Beth responded, slipping her tongue between my open lips and groaned aloud as I worked her hard bullet-like nipples.

Our tongues danced and our lips locked tight. I was delighting in the feel of her warm breath and smooth skin. Her large brown eyes were alight with passion and pleasure.

Time stood still, although, in reality, it was just a few minutes before Beth sucked in a deep ragged breath and went rigid in my arms. Another long deep groan escaped her mouth, straight into mine as her orgasm hit.

She hugged me hard as her legs quivered and I took her weight to support her.

Finally, her pleasure passed, and I released my hold to sit back down.

Her dress dropped and pooled on the floor around her bare feet, her red painted toes now matched the orgasmic flush that coloured her neck and breasts.

Bethany stood before me, sucking in deep breaths, her eyes locked on mine. Naked now bar her red panties that were stained dark with her cum.

“Sorry, thank you, are you ok?” her first words for several minutes poured out in a confused and guilty jumble.

I just nodded at first before finding my own voice. “Yes, yes that was amazing.” I could hear how ragged my own voice sounded, breathy and laced with desire, “I’ve never wanted a girl before.”

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“But you wanted me?” Beth whispered, her face lighting up in a huge smile.

“Yes, I wanted you and I want more of you if I’m honest.” I stood and pulled the fastening of my own dress. Now I stood before her in just my knee highs and thong.

I could feel how wet my pussy had become and the scent of horny women was strong in the air.

Beth stepped forward and we kissed, long, deep and slow as her hands found my breasts.

Now it was my turn to have my nipples rolled and to moan aloud in pleasure.

“Your breasts are amazing,” purred Beth in my ear as she stretched my nipples, “so large and firm.”

With that, she dropped her head and coated both my nipples with saliva.

The feel of her tongue on my aching nubs was driving me to distraction and sent shockwaves of pleasure to my pussy.

I sat back down so that I was again at eye-level with her pussy.

The red cotton was now soaked with cum, the front of her panties at least three shades darker than the back.

It just highlighted how full her pussy lips were; if anything, they had swollen further with our play.

I reached forward, drawing a finger up through her cleft, feeling the wet cotton stick to her lips.

An enormous shudder passed through her body.

“You like?” I teased and repeated the action several times. Each time she shuddered and moaned aloud.

Beth just nodded mutely.

I reached out and pulled her sodden panties down. Strings of girl cum coated the gusset as I peeled the cloth away from her shaven lips. A strong earthy aroma of arousal hit my nose and I inhaled deeply.

I let the panties hit the floor and took my first real look at Beth’s pussy. She was shaven smooth with just a thin, heavily trimmed landing strip above her clit, which, like her labia, was full and swollen and slick with her cum. It reminded me of images I had seen online where the woman had used a vacuum pump on herself.

Then it hit me. This was not a pussy, this was a cunt.

Gripping her ass cheeks in my hands I pulled her forward and ran the flat of my tongue along those swollen cunt lips, her tangy cum tasting divine.

“Oh, Fuck, Yes.” Beth had found her voice again.

“Bethany, I want you to fuck my leg,” I spoke, firmly, and Beth nodded her understanding.

I stretched my leg out before me, toes pointed, and watched as Beth moved to squat over it.

Just this movement caused a glob of her cum to drip and settle on the black fabric of my sock.

Beth slipped a hand between her legs and spread her moisture before crouching down.

I braced against her weight and watched as she slowly flexed her legs to slide up and down my extended leg. Trails of her cum immediately stained my sock and she groaned and shook with pleasure.

“Oh Fuck, the ribbing, it feels so fucking good.” Prim Bethany had a dirty mouth too it seemed.

Up and down, her long legs flexed and drove that wet, swollen cunt along my shin. With every pass, she would moan aloud and release another stream of cum onto my sodden sock.

Hearing her breathing deepen and seeing that pink stain appearing above her breasts again, I moved my leg and beckoned her to me.

I kissed her hard and deep and slipped a finger deep between those swollen slick lips. That’s all it took. Beth screamed, and I mean screamed, like neighbours call the police screamed, as her body let go.

Fortunately, I was still sitting, because as cum flooded from her throbbing cunt that was clenching vice-like on my finger, her legs gave way and she sank into my arms.

I took her weight for the second time that evening and then lifted her legs onto the couch.

With her face in my lap, she lay limp, but her eyes were glowing with life.

I snagged a throw to pull over us and stroked her long dark hair as she drifted off to sleep.

It was obvious we both needed a little time out before we addressed the throbbing wetness between my own thighs.


When I woke, it was dusk outside, and the room was lit by the waning sunlight falling through the balcony doors.

Following the sensations enveloping my body, I looked down to see Beth nuzzling my lace-clad mound. Her nose was pressed firmly against my lips reawakening my pussy and releasing my honey.

“Hi, you smell wonderful.” Beth’s voice was husky and muffled by my pussy as she spoke without pausing in her ministrations.

I moved to stroke her back, feeling the warm soft skin

Beth moved to sit upright. “Let's lose these now, not that there’s much to them,” she giggled and tugged my thong down my thighs.

I could feel the wetness of the lace panel as it parted from my pussy; I could feel the thin string as it slipped from between my ass cheeks; I could feel my nipples aching with desire.

My body was on fire as every inch of my skin had become hypersensitive with my need to cum and to cum hard.

I had never thought of sex with other girls before, but here I was, wearing nothing but a pair of cum stained knee socks, craving the touch of the naked woman who knelt before me.

Bethany climbed into my lap and finger combed my blond hair away from my face before gently and sweetly kissing me full on the lips.

I let her tongue part my lips and felt it glide across my teeth and gums before tickling my tongue.

I had never been kissed so gently and with such care as Beth was kissing me. I hardly knew this girl, but she was hitting all the right spots and blowing my mind.

Eventually, those full soft lips made their way to my breasts and again her warm tongue coated my aching nipples with her saliva. I realised that Beth had long slim fingers and as her hands cupped my breasts, those fingers worked my nipples. She squeezed and stretched my aching nubs until they were swollen with desire before once again taking them in her mouth to suck them and graze them with her teeth.

I could hear myself panting and groaning with need as my body craved release. I could feel my juices leaking from my throbbing slit to pool on the leather beneath my ass.

My breasts could take no more. I could take no more. Every nerve-ending in my body was screaming in pleasure and need.

I cupped Bethany’s face in my hands and lifted it from my chest. I kissed her hard on the lips and then steered her head toward my pussy. Her eyes showed her understanding as she lowered her head.

I expected to feel her tongue against my slick lips but instead, I felt two fingers pushed firmly into my hot aching slit.

I screamed and bucked at the sensations that were overwhelming me. Those fingers were opening me up, pushing deep, stretching me wide, releasing yet more of my slick honey.

Bethany wriggled and slipped my legs over her shoulders, as she knelt up and spread my legs wider apart.

Her head dipped and her long hair caressed my slit.

I bucked and groaned for more and that’s what I got, she grasped a handful of her silky strands and took to rubbing them against my lips.

Then it was her fingers again, those two fingers thrusting deep inside me stretching me wide, turning me inside out.

Just as I could take no more, her mouth hit my innermost parts. Her tongue; I could feel her tongue forcing itself deep inside me.

There is nothing like a firm tonguing when you’re on the verge of a huge much-needed cum. I had never been tongued like this before.

I bucked and I screamed, my delight edging toward pain before Beth’s lips wrapped around my clit and sucked.

Stars danced before my eyes as my breathing stopped. I dug my heels into Beth’s back levering my pussy against her face as I sprayed her with my cum.

Slowly I relaxed back into the couch, my legs slipping from her shoulders.

“OH FUCK, that was awesome, so fucking awesome,” I just about managed to speak between great shuddering breaths.

“Glad you liked it,” giggled Beth, her face shiny with my cum.

“I loved it,” I giggled, sitting up and locking lips again, letting my tongue dance around Beth’s mouth feeling the slickness of my cum and wondering why I had never tried tasting myself before.

“You do realise that we still have another ten dresses to do,” sighed Beth, placing my hand against her swollen slit.


Written by leggielibby
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