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"Lucy picks up a girl in a bar."

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She was dancing to Joan Jett, her long hair flying around as she played air guitar. She was with some girls that I knew from the local college rock club. Joan Jett finished and she sat down, laughing and taking a deep drink of lager. I watched her from the other side of the dance floor, moving around so I could watch her through the dancing crowd. She looked Asian with a long nose and full mouth and she had a ready smile for her friends. Her hair was straight, black and reached half way down her back. She was wearing a tight vest top with no bra, fitted hipster black leather jeans and cowboy boots. She was slim with small tits but a shapely bum and stood about 5' 3". I had never seen anyone as beautiful as her before.

I walked across to their table; stopping at the bar to buy a beer so I'd have something to keep my hands occupied, and said hello to the girls I knew. I was greeted warmly by all of them except a girl called Gail. We had recently had a huge argument about religion and she was still looking fairly pissed off with me. The beautiful vision of loveliness was introduced as Tyke.

'Tyke?' I queried, smiling and gazing into her big, brown eyes.

'I was born in Yorkshire but had to move to London to live with relatives when my Mum and Dad divorced. My cousins called me Tyke because of my accent and it sort of stuck,' she explained.

AC/DC came on the sound system and the other girls got up to dance. Tyke stayed at the table.

'Do you want to dance?' I asked.

'No. I'm knackered and a little bit too pissed to be shaking my head around,' she laughed, ' besides, Gail tells me that you're a pervert and are going to hell so I thought you might be cool to talk to.'

I spluttered a mouth full of beer over the table. Tyke started laughing hard.

'What the hell has she been saying?' I asked once I managed to get myself under control.

Gail was a born again Christian and I had made the mistake of thinking she might want a discussion on belief. Sadly she didn't, she wanted to tell me that her beliefs were right and my atheism was wrong. Of course I couldn't walk away from the argument and had let my mouth run away with me. Worse yet, I was pissed when I'd had the argument and couldn't really remember exactly what I'd said!

'Oh, she said you're an atheistic sexual deviant with the morals of a cat,' laughed Tyke.

'Oh, I thought she had said something bad about me,' I laughed back.

'She's been trying to get me to give my soul to Jesus or something since she met me. My Dad was a Sikh, my Mum was mixed race, half Sikh, half Irish Catholic if you can believe that. My maternal Uncle and Aunt brought me up and they were agnostic. I think she sees me as a challenge,' Tyke explained.

'I'm not surprised with that ethnic and religious background,' I laughed.

'Yep. I don't dare tell her that I'm gay as well,' Tyke said, looking me in the eye.

Maybe it was the beer, maybe it was her brown eyes or maybe it's because I'm me but I went weak at the knees. I leaned across the table and kissed her lips. She responded immediately, holding my face in her hands and kissing me back.

'Sorry,' I said when we parted, 'had to do that. You're too beautiful not to kiss.'

Tyke laughed and kissed me again.

'You're not exactly a dog,' she said, her smile lighting up her face.

We sat together, chatting, kissing and discreetly fondling each other. The other girls, except Gail who stormed out when she saw us kissing, were delighted to see us together. I began to get the feeling we'd been set up by our mutual friends, but didn't care. After an hour, Tyke dragged me off to the toilet and locked us in a cubicle. We practically jumped into each other's arms and started kissing. Her hands moved over my body, fondling my tits and darting between my legs to fondle my pussy. I responded in kind, pulling her vest top down and sucking her brown nipples. Tyke grabbed my hair and held my head to her breast, pushing her hand down my top and tweaking my nipple.

'Can you hurry up in there, I'm busting for the loo,' said a voice making us jump.

We laughed and straightened ourselves up then walked out of the bathroom. I was so horny I just wanted to take her home and lick her all over.

'Your place or mine?' asked Tyke when we got back to our table

'Come to mine and I'll make you cum so hard you'll think you've died and gone to heaven,' I whispered.

'Oh yes. And what makes you think I'm going to fuck you?' she laughed.

'Your hard brown nipple in my mouth and your hand between my legs were my first clue,' I answered.

We said our goodbyes, ignoring the knowing smiles from our friends, and grabbed a taxi back to my place. We held hands in the taxi but did nothing to freak the driver out. As we entered the house we heard music from the living room and the sound of energetic sex. I motioned Tyke to be quiet and led her towards the double doors into the living room.

I gently slid the door open to reveal one of my lodgers, Debbie, and a man I'd had never seen before naked on the sheepskin rug. He was flat on his back and she was riding his cock. Her large tits were bouncing up and down and she had one hand on her clit. Her other hand was behind her, fondling his balls. We watched for a minute, the couple totally unaware of us, then I led Tyke upstairs to my attic flat.

'Does that often happen?' she whispered as I led the way upstairs.

'Not really. Everyone else is out tonight and I was supposed to crash in Cathy's room back at the halls of residence,' I said. 'She's taking advantage of an empty living room because she has the smallest bedroom in the house.’

We fell through the door into my flat and kicked off our shoes. I turned a couple of mood lights on and put Rumours by Fleetwood Mac on the stereo. Tyke excused herself and went into the bathroom while I flopped on the bed, looking at the stars through the skylight.

Tyke came back in at the end of ‘Second Hand News’ wearing nothing but a smile. She walked over and knelt beside me on the bed. Her soft, brown body was well toned and she had no pubic hair. Her tits were small and firm with thick brown nipples that became erect at my touch. She pushed me on my back and sat astride me, her glistening pussy just out of reach of my tongue and her thighs holding my arms captive on the bed.

'Beg little Lucy. Beg for your supper,' she taunted, pushing her hips towards me. I could smell her sex but couldn't get my tongue to her.

'Please let me lick you,' I begged, looking up into her eyes, 'Please let me use my tongue to pleasure you. I want to taste you. I want to be inside you and make you cum.'

Tyke grabbed my hair and moved forward so she was sitting on my face. My tongue went straight to her clit and I started to lick her for all I was worth. My hands were free now so I grabbed her buttocks and pulled her closer, forcing her on to my lips and tongue. Tyke put her hands on the headboard and fucked my mouth looking down at me all the time.

'That's it. Right there, you little slut. Lick me there. Make me cum,' she whispered between moans.

I slapped her buttocks with my hands, forcing her clit hard on to my tongue.

'Fuck, yes!' Tyke cried out. 'Spank me. Treat me rough.'

I slapped her bum again, harder this time and got the same response. I started slapping her buttocks as hard as I could in the position I was in. Her moaning got louder and louder until she came with a yelp. I felt my mouth fill up as she squirted. I lapped at her pussy like a dog, cleaning her up and causing further jolts of pleasure in her body. Spent, she collapsed on to the bed at my side and I leaned over to kiss her, stopping briefly to nuzzle and suck her nipples. We kissed and hugged until she could breathe properly again.

'Told you I'd fuck you,' I said pulling my tee shirt over my head.

Tyke pushed me back on the bed and kissed me, her tongue probing my mouth. Our tongues twirled around each other as our hands moved over each other's bodies. Tyke broke away from me and moved slowly down my body, her hot mouth sucking my nipples one at a time, her teeth gently biting my soft flesh. She reached down and undid my jeans, trying to push them off my hips. They were too tight so she sat up and yanked them off, pulling my panties with them.

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As soon as they were off I spread my legs wide; pulling my knees back, exposing my trimmed blonde pubes and pink pussy for Tyke to see. She knelt between my legs and gently teased my lips with her fingers.

'Oh, don't tease me, fuck me,' I hissed.

Tyke leaned forward so her weight was holding my legs back along my body and slapped my exposed arse four times. The smacks stung my bum and made me quiver with delight. Tyke resumed her slow teasing of my pussy, slowly and gently running the tips of her fingers over my labia but stopping short of my clit. I was going out of my mind with frustration, wanting her fingers in me and her tongue on my clit.

'Please fuck me,' I said again.

This time she smacked me six times, slapping my bum and the backs of my thighs hard. I gasped as she hit me, trying to wriggle out from underneath her without actually doing it.

'Please don't smack me,' I said, which earned me another two smacks on my bum.

Her hand was smacking close to my swollen pussy lips and the feeling was fantastic. Her fingers resumed their teasing, her eyes never leaving mine as she watched my reaction to her caresses. I played with my nipples, giving in to her domination.

Another half dozen hard smacks on the bum and thighs made me leave my nipples alone and keep my hands to my side. My bum was tingling along with my pussy and I was getting close to coming. I moaned louder, hoping to encourage Tyke to put her fingers in me but she just spanked me again, harder than before - six slaps on the buttocks and six on my thighs. I was crying aloud by the time she'd finished and my skin was smarting.

Tyke looked into my eyes and sank two fingers into my cunt, her thumb pushing down on my clit and gently rubbing it as she finger fucked me. I came straight away gripping the bed as I writhed and thrashed in orgasm. When I finished Tyke lay at my side and held me tenderly, kissing my face and lips. I hugged her back, pushing my tongue into her mouth. We hugged and dozed for a while then climbed under the duvet and slept.

I was woken four hours later by Tyke climbing over me to get to the bathroom. My bed is in the corner of the room and only accessible from the side and front.

'Hi,' I said, laying back and watching her clamber off the bed.

'Hi, sorry I woke you. I won't be long,' she said heading for the loo.

I lay back and dozed for until Tyke kissed me as she climbed over me to get in bed. We snuggled up and kissed for a while, enjoying each other's warmth and softness. Eventually our kisses became more passionate and I pushed Tyke on her back and rolled on top of her. Her legs opened and wrapped around my thighs. We kissed each other as our pubic bones and breasts rubbed together. Tyke rolled me over, holding my hands down on the bed behind my head as she ground her pubic bone against mine. She lowered her face and kissed me before pushing my head to one side and sucking on my ear lobe.

'I want to lick you,' she whispered in my ear.

'I want to lick you too,' I whispered back.

Tyke turned around so we were in the 69 position on our sides. We opened our legs and both our heads darted in to lick each other's clit at the same time. I stroked her back and squeezed her bum. Her hands did the same to me, never stopping anywhere too long. I licked her clit in long, hard strokes and pushed my fingers gently in and out of her pussy.

'Ooo, yes. More of that,' I heard her say from between my legs.

Her fingers pushed inside me as she moved her tongue in little circles around my clitoris. I pushed my fingers inside her, gently rubbing my little finger over her anus. As I pushed against her arsehole for the first time I felt a gasp on my clit and a low moan. I kept pushing and she continued to moan until my little finger popped past her sphincter.

'Yes,' I heard her mutter into my pussy.

I moved my fingers and tongue slightly quicker, my little finger probing her anus as my other fingers slid in and out of her wet pussy. Her hands slowed on me as she was overcome with the pleasure my fingers and tongue were giving her. I felt her breath on my pussy lips, fast and hard, as I fucked her. Her legs seemed to spread wider, allowing me more access as I pushed my fingers deeper and deeper into her.

'Ooo!' she yelled onto my clit

I felt her spasm and cum over my fingers. I lapped her cum off my fingers and her thighs, my own pussy pulsing. Tyke is only the second girl I've been with that squirts when she comes and it really turns me on to be covered in liquid by a woman. I carried on running my tongue over her pussy, gently probing between her lips until she rolled away from me and lay on her back. I turned around and allowed her to lick her juices off my lips and chin.

We kissed and hugged for a minute until she had got her breath back then she was pushing me over on to my stomach. She lay full length on my back, nibbling my ears and the back of my neck driving me crazy with lust. I stretched out, enjoying her attention and looked into the big mirror to watch her face. She saw me watching and winked at me, her face disappearing from view as she slowly licked her way down my back to my buttocks.

'Lucy, lift up a minute,' said Tyke.

I lifted my hips and she slipped a couple of pillows under my pelvis. I lowered my weight back to the pillows and Tyke pushed my legs wide open. She knelt between them and ran her hands lightly over my bum and down my legs. I watched her face in the mirror; she had a look of lust on her face as she examined me from behind. I smiled when she looked into the mirror and saw me looking at her. She smiled back then leaned forward and started kissing my buttocks. I put my chin on my hands and watched her in the mirror.

I could see the curve of my buttocks and her face moving over them. She licked the base of my spine, across my bum and down the backs of my thighs. I twitched occasionally as her long hair tickled my legs. She slowly worked her way into my bum, her tongue sliding across my skin. She stopped just above my anus and leant back, watching me in the mirror. Slowly she raised her right hand then brought it down on my poor abused bum with a loud 'smack'. I yelped and then moaned as she leaned forward and ran her long tongue straight down my pussy lips to my clit. Again she sat back on her heels and slapped my other cheek, this time leaning forward and running her tongue from the back of my pussy over my arsehole up to the base of my spine.

'Wow, that feels good,' I said.

Tyke shifted position so she was lying between my legs then started licking me. Her tongue darted out and touched my clit, then my lips, then my thighs, buttocks and arsehole. Not lingering at all, just pushing hard enough to send a little jolt through me. I moaned into the duvet and wriggled my bum. She gently slapped my bum during a probe of my anus. Her hands grabbed a buttock each and squeezed, pulling them apart to open me up to her tongue. She began licking me harder, pushing her tongue into my pussy; twirling around my clit and lapping at my anus like a dog. I moaned and squealed as she worked on me, wiggling my bum trying to push back on her tongue.

Suddenly she stopped tonguing me. I could feel her breath on my bum, her hands still holding me open. Very gently her wet tongue touched my clit, her mouth clamping over it, her nose pushing into my cunt. Her tongue twirled over my clit, pressing it down with the wet tip. One finger gently dipped into my sopping pussy, twirling around inside me and then withdrew. I felt it slowly rubbing over my puckered anus, lubricating me. Again her finger dipped into my cunt and again my juices were smeared around my arsehole.

This time the finger didn't withdraw but pushed harder on my bum. I relaxed and pushed back and the finger popped past my sphincter and sunk deep inside me. Tyke licked me harder and harder, her long finger fucking my arsehole. Her other hand slapped my buttock as I writhed around on my belly. I gripped the duvet with both hands, crying out loudly as I came. My body shook then went limp as my orgasm subsided. Tyke pulled the pillow out from under me and lay on my back, kissing and nibbling my ear until we got back under the duvet and slept.

Written by bikerbear600
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