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Track and Field

"It’s not the winning or losing that counts, but why you competed in the first place."

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The door of my gym locker slammed shut with a metallic bang as I lashed out at it with my full force.

“What’s wrong with me?” I sucked. I, Rin Taylor the rising star of the girl’s track team, sucked. The sports meet was in two days and I couldn’t even match my average much less set a new personal best. My locker door banged again as I hit my head against the navy blue panel trying to knock some focus back into me but my head just wouldn’t clear. I turned my gaze to the locker three spaces from mine where the name name Camelia had been scribbled on a piece of masking tape in big black letters. It was her fault, her fault my mind was in such a rut right now because without her energetic voice, bright smile and most importantly her gorgeous ass I really didn’t have the motivation to push myself to my full potential. I moved over to her locker to vent my anger but what was intended to be a punch came out as a gentle nudge.

“What am I doing?” It wasn’t her fault. Every athlete suffers setbacks so when she sprained her ankle it was up to the team, it was up to me, to take her spot in the relay event. Getting picked for the high school relay team had always been my dream… no that was a lie; my dream was to be run alongside her, not instead of her. As I pulled back my fist the door opened slightly revealing it had been left unlocked. I slammed it shut but it just bounced back even further on the rebound. In frustration I raised my hand to slam it again but froze as my eyes laid sight on what was inside. Double checking none of my teammates had returned from the track I reached in and pulled out Camelia’s white t-shirt that she always wore to practice. Desire whelmed up inside me as my desire to be with her overcame my senses. I scrunched the t-shirt and pressed it against my nose taking in the smells of the girl I secretly admired. I knew what I was doing was disgusting and if it were any other girl’s shirt I’d be disgusted at the sheer notion of it but not Camelia. The faint smell of sweat mixed with the aroma of the detergent stirred my desire further. My hand slipped beneath the waistband of my gym shorts and rubbed against the fabric of my panties. I wanted her so bad; I wanted her hand to be the one rubbing my moistening panties as she blew on my neck and fondled my breasts whispering and telling me how dirty I was.

“I should stop,” I whispered but my voice wasn’t enough to knock some reason into my head. What did however was the sound of the changing room door opening; someone was mere seconds from spotting me. With only moments to spare I shoved the t-shirt back into the locker and jumped back just as a mature woman stepped around the corner.

“Rin can I have a word?” She was Mrs Heathers. A piece of string around her neck supported a digital stopwatch and a silver whistle, two essential items for any sports coach.

“What is it?” My words came out flustered and I prayed they didn’t give away what I just been doing.

“I’ll be blunt, is something bothering you? Your times just aren’t what I was hoping for when I brought you forward to replace Camelia.” I knew that, even without a stopwatch to tell me I knew I had been pathetically slow today.

“No, I’m fine,” I lied as my eyes darted to Camelia’s locker. I wasn’t fine, I wanted to see the girl I craved but that was impossible right now.

“Listen Rin, I’ve been a sports coach for over twenty years now. I know when something is up. These veteran eyes of mine know that when you glance at someone’s locker when lying that they’re somehow involved.” Shit did she see that? “Did she say something to discourage you?”

“That’s not it!” I couldn’t control my outburst. The thought Camelia getting in trouble because of me was unbearable. “Sorry I just have something on my mind.” My eyes dropped to the floor. I didn’t want to hide the truth but what could I say? That I had a massive crush on my senior and had lost my motivation because I couldn’t sneak glances at her during practice? They’d kick me off the team if I confessed to that.

“Hello?” Mrs Heather’s suddenly said. I looked up with an open mouth to answer her but stopped for it wasn’t me she was speaking to. Her phone was pressed against her ear already engaged to someone on the other end.

“No it’s fine… actually Camelia I have a tiny wee request for you.” Did she just say Camelia? She hadn’t phoned her right? Oh God she had. I listened carefully and my heart skipped a beat when I heard Camelia’s voice leak from the speaker.

“Rin has been having some trouble so I thought that maybe I could give her your home address and she could come around later to visit.” A pause. I couldn’t speak. I wanted to knock the phone out of her hand but at the same time I wanted to hear Camelia’s response. A single word followed and I was certain she said ‘sure’.

“Fantastic, she’ll be around soon.” I didn’t even get a say in the matter. Mrs Heathers hung up and smiled at me.

“Well you heard me. Unless you plan on going like that get changed and meet me outside when you’re ready. Don’t worry it’s only a five minute drive so you’ll be back here before the end of practice.” I didn’t want to go. I didn’t want to face her yet for some reason the moment Mrs Heather’s was gone I was stripping off and jumping in the showers to clean off the sweat.

Now, changed back into my regular clothes and reeking of deodorant I was soon nervously sat in Mrs Heathers’s car. It was a Thursday afternoon and most students had already gone home. The only students on campus at this time were those in sports clubs or those in detention. There were other sports teams practicing so Mrs Heathers had put the track team under the supervision of another coach until she got back. It was too late for me to back out now, not that I had made a single attempt to back out before. I sat in nervous silence as we drove out of the school and onto the main road. I had never even seen Camelia’s house before, heck I had never seen her outside school or competitions. I could imagine her wearing stunning casual clothing that really complimented her tall body nicely. Those thoughts stirred my lust as I imagined stripping off her… shit I’m in a teacher’s car. Calm down Rin, calm down. There was a time and place for everything, that time and place being my bedroom tonight after my parents went out to do the Thursday night shopping.

“And here we are.” Mrs Heather’s car came to a slow halt on the empty driveway of a semi-detached house. She got out and I nervously followed her lead as she strolled up to the front door like she was a regular guest. The doorbell sounded a little chime while I held my breath as I awaited the appearance of the girl whose face had been on my mind all day. The door opened and there she was. Shoulder length brunette curls, green eyes, a touch of natural make-up and a great ass. She was the one and only Camelia.

“Hello,” Camelia greeted with a smile and welcoming voice. I loved that part of her more than anything. It was what caused me to fall for her in the first place.

“Excuse the intrusion.” Mrs Heather’s showed no restraint walking onto the wooden floor of the hallway. I didn’t share her boldness and kept my head down as I intruded. My gaze landed on the cause of all this; an exposed foot bound in blue supports hovering a few inches from the ground.

“Do you want me to make you something or…”

“Sorry but I need to get back. I’ll come get you in half an hour Rin. Have fun.” Mrs Heathers made a quick getaway. With a wave she jumped into her car and sped away leaving me alone with the girl I admired. It was instantly awkward, very awkward.

“Rin?” Camelia asked showing a little concern over my well-being. I couldn’t be like this; I had to greet her with a smile.

“What’s up Camelia?” I raised my head and looked into her eyes. Why couldn’t I just declare how much I liked her and be happy with myself for at least trying? I kept telling myself I’d find the perfect moment but that moment just didn’t want to come or maybe I was just too blind to see it.

“Just call me Cam. We are teammates so there is no need to be formal. So what’s up? Coach mentioned you were having some problems.”

“Oh nothing.” I couldn’t tell her the truth.

“It must be something. C’mon let’s sit down. My parents won’t be home for an hour or so giving us the run of the house.” She invited me into the living room and gestured towards the two seater sofa. Naturally I sat down and unexpectedly she sat down next to me. Suddenly her hand was on my knee and her face closer than it had ever been before.

“So what’s going on?” She had me. This close to her I couldn’t lie so the truth slipped from my lips.

“My times are shit,” I confessed. “I can’t focus right.”

“Is it because of me?” She had a good nose for finding the truth.

“Yes.” What else could I say? My heart was pounding and I couldn’t even think straight much less come up with a convincing lie. Her hand slipped away and she put some distance between us again.

“So that’s it. Rin you don’t need to worry about me. I’ll be up and on my feet again in a few weeks. The key is to just relax, find somewhere you feel completely safe and let it all unwind.” Easy for her to say, she wasn’t about to represent the school as a last minute stand in.

“How do you do it?” I had to ask. The question surprised her but she put her finger to her chin as she titled her head upwards in thought.

“I’ll show you, provided you don’t mind me getting a little close.”

“I don’t!” I practically blurted that out. Ah how obvious could I be?

“Great,” she said clapping her hands together. Under her instruction I turned around crossing my legs so I was now sitting with my back to her. Her hands touched my shoulders and began rubbing them gently. It wasn’t really a massage rather just smooth caressing but this was the closest I’d ever gotten to Cam so I felt a little buzz although something felt a little odd.

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“Why are your hands so sweaty?” Her hands froze and curious I titled my head back. My view changed as I leaned back slightly and came to look at her. Our eyes met and we both froze as we shared what I wanted to believe was a romantic moment. As she looked into my longing eyes she must have understood my feelings as her hands resumed caressing my shoulders. My feelings were going wild, I wanted to believe that there was something going on and that this all meant what I was praying it did. How long did we sit there looking into each other’s eyes questioning if we both shared the same feelings. This had to be it, if I didn’t say something now I’d regret it.

“You have lovely eyes,” I whispered. I felt the moment was nearing its end and had to say something before it did.

“And you have adorable pink lips.” It sounded like she was asking for permission and I had no intention of denying her.

“If you want, you can kiss them.”

“I think I might.” Her intentions made clear she leaned over me and with her lips to mine we shared our first kiss. It was weird, maybe because I was upside down or maybe because it was something I’d been dreaming off for a long time. My nervousness and uncertainties all disappeared with that kiss and before I knew realised it I had turned around and was pressing against her with my tongue dancing with hers. Our hands intertwined as the dignified girls we pretended to be disappeared beneath our true selves. We eventually slid apart and returned to our respective positions on the couch with the awkwardness swallowed beneath the sea of passion we had just crossed.

“Well… that escalated quickly.” She wasn’t sure what to say so just said the first phrase that came to her.

“I… I’ve wanted to do that since we first met,” I confessed.

“I kinda thought you might but I was afraid I was just misreading all those glances you were shooting on me on the field and locker room.” So she had noticed. I kinda felt bad about that but as the same time did that matter anymore.

“Can we continue?” I nervously asked. I wanted more of her; I wanted to explore not just her mouth but her body both inside and out.

“Um…” Her eyes darted towards the large window. If her neighbours were particularly nosey they could easily see what we were doing plus we had to be careful of the time as Mrs Heathers could return sooner than expected. I didn’t really care if Mrs Heathers saw us but unfortunately Camelia did and as I neared her she gently pushed me back with a devious smile.

“How about this? If you win the race then I’ll let you do whatever you want.” We were both sportswomen at heart so when a challenge appeared we immediately accepted it.

“Whatever I want? You’re going to regret that.” I’d definitely hold her to that promise and with that in mind I put all my heart practicing hard to ensure that I won.

* * *
Saturday rolled in almost too soon. I had been training every second I had spare on Thursday and Friday in preparation of the sports meet and wished I had more time to continue improving but I had done everything I could. Now I just had to hope it would be enough. Before the relay event were the individual races and while there were no promises to be upheld if I won I still did my utter best to take home gold. Sadly a botched start resulted in me taking home a bronze instead. Still I kept my chin up determined to do better where it really mattered. When the time came to line up for the relay event I was ready. Being the last in the line-up meant I had only had to receive the baton then cross the line. It almost meant my chances of winning could be over before I even left the mark but I didn’t want to think about that. Regardless of how well my teammates did I had to do my absolute best so I took my place on the track and got ready. The official fired the starting pistol and the race began.

* * *
I pressed my finger against the little white doorbell button and heard delightful chime ring out. I had promised to visit Cam immediately after the race so here I was. She opened up the door with her usual kind smile.

“How’d you do?”

“Hold out your hand and close your eyes,” I instructed. She knew what I was planning or at least she though she did. The moment her eyes were closed I made my move and kissed her directly on the lips pushing her inside.

“Hey!” She playfully complained despite not resisting.

“You said I could do whatever I want remember?” I pressed the golden medal into her hands that was the symbol of my victory. Really that medal should have been hers anyway. When I had been handed the baton we were already in the lead and if I had been able to maintain it then Cam would have no trouble doing the same.

“Do I have the right to ask what you’ve planned?”

“Whatever I want.” That was all I told her as I stepped inside. Her parents weren’t home but I assumed she knew that when she told me to come here immediately after the race. The door closed behind us as I pushed her through to the living room where we fell backwards onto the two seater we first kissed. She didn’t submit completely and as we kissed her hands found their way beneath my t-shirt but to her disappointment I still had my sports bra on.

“Let’s take this to my room,” she suggested.

“You said I could do whatever I wanted,” I reminded her.

“True… but I didn’t say you could do it wherever you wanted.” She had me there. We moved upstairs to her bedroom but before continuing she stripped me of both my t-shirt and sports bra.

“So pretty,” she whispered with a finger pressing the pink of my erect nipples. My breasts were smaller than hers so I had always feared she’d be a little underwhelmed by them but I realised now her preferences was cuteness, not size. The curtains were drawn and the door closed so nobody could see my chest but her.

“I’m meant to be in charge!” I protested remembering the bet.

“Then take charge.” She threw herself backwards onto her king sized bed and lay there waiting for me. Asking me to restrain myself would be like putting a plate of fresh meat in front of hungry tiger and telling it not to eat it. I practically leapt on top of her and carefully undid each of the buttons on her blouse resisting the urge to just rip it open. When the blouse was finally opened I was treated to a surprise when I saw her lacy white bra.

“Like it? I bought it a while ago thinking of you.”

“Thinking of me? How long have you had eyes for me?” I realised I had told her that I had fallen her almost at first sight but I had yet to hear why she had fallen for me.
“Shortly after you started coming to practice. I’ve always loved watching the other girls train but never really felt attracted to them. That changed one day when you walked out of the shower and an amusing fumble dropped both your shampoo and towel. It was cute and that like I couldn’t get you out of my mind and masturbated thinking solely of you.” I imagined the Cam lying on her bed naked as she masturbated thinking about me. I wish I could have seen that but then I realised that I didn’t have to wish.

“Do it,” I ordered. “I want you to masturbate while thinking of me.” My order took her by surprise.

“You serious?” She asked with disbelief in her eyes.

“Anything means anything,” I reminded her. She slid out from under me and propped herself against the headboard of her bed. With one hand she slowly began stimulating her nipples while the other she seductively licked her fingers to entice me. With her fingers now wet she slid them down into her unbuttoned jeans and I watched them move around inside her panties. She began moaning but as a fellow girl I knew she was faking it to entice me further but it was working and I was thoroughly enjoying the show.

“Keep going,” I enticed grabbing her jeans and pulling them down as she continued to play with herself. After the jeans were on the floor I returned for her panties and they too slid effortlessly down her legs as my eyes became glued to the glistening pink lips of her pussy. Her fingers slid in and around and when my name leaked from her lips I lost it. I couldn’t control myself any longer and my tongue stole its first taste of Cam’s love juices.

“Rin you’re even dirtier than I imagined,” she teased as began to work my tongue. I was inexperienced and wasn’t sure what I was doing but that wouldn’t be a problem for long. A hand pushed my head back gently and I understood what my lover wanted. I allowed her to remove my track shorts and rather sporty panties. It was the first time I had felt a hand that wasn’t my own spread my lips and touch inside.

“You’re even cuter down here,” she teased. Without warning the tip of her finger entered me sending a shock up my spine. She stirred around then slid it out and tasted it. I wasn’t going to let her get carried away and went for her pussy while she continued to play with him. I lowered my body over her I could resume my assault on her sex. Suddenly cold air blew against my exposed pussy sending chills across my lower body. It was like she knew all my weak spots, even those I didn’t know about myself. To compensate for the cold air her warm tongue ran across my pussy and I lowered myself further to give her easier access. At the same time I pressed my assault against her and that was when I learned that the quickest way to improve your technique was from experience. As our tongues explored each other we quickly learned what felt good and what didn’t. The more I pleasured her the more pleasure I felt in return. It was amazing. Every second I had waited for this day was worth it.

“Oh God Cam, I can’t take much more!” I had to tell her how I felt.

“Keep going, I’m almost there.” I obeyed. I held on and resisted the building pressure as if my life depended on it.

“Cam!” I cried. Her assault was too much. I had to make her cum before… before… I couldn’t think straight anymore.

“Rin!” She cried out as she climaxed and in that moment my body erupted in ecstasy. Where my mind went after that I’ve no idea but when it returned I found myself lying next to my lover on her soaked bed.

“I guess I should confess… I planned on sleeping with you regardless of what happened during the sports me,” Cam whispered.

“I thought you might… but a reward feels so much better when you’ve earned it.” I leaned over and gently kissed as her. I was no longer an admirer but a lover and that made me the happiest girl alive.

Written by HDMI
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