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"Ellie broadens her horizons"

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Late evening sunshine spilled through the trees. The light danced on the gravel footpath. I was sitting on a bench under the last tree, set back slightly from the path and I guess that’s why she didn’t see me.

Her long blonde hair shone in the sunlight, bouncing with each step she took. Her snug white tennis dress hugged her svelte figure. Her long-toned legs were smooth and tanned, ending in stylish white trainers.

A jolt of excitement passed through my pussy, followed by a sense of warm dampness.

I watched as she scoped out the area. An hour earlier the park was humming with families and dog walkers, cyclists, and skateboarders but now most people had gone and shortly the rangers would drive through before locking the gates.

Reassured that she was alone, my sexy blonde quickly set up her phone on a lightweight tripod and framed the pathway.

My interest piqued, I stayed as still as I could so as not to reveal myself.

Happy with the set up she proceeded to walk the path for a short distance before returning to her phone. Seemingly liking what she had recorded, she again took the time to check the area.

Again with the walk, but this time she was adding a sexy rolling strut, working her hips for the camera.

A few metres in, her hands slipped beneath her dress and oh so slowly she pulled it up, waist-high.

Her arse was an absolute peach, firm and tanned, the flimsiest of shocking pink thongs split her cheeks. A few more paces and she let the dress drop before returning to her phone.

Had I been wearing any knickers they would have been soaked by now. Instead, an increasingly large dark patch was spreading across the front of my leggings.

I guess the video passed muster as she had now moved to stand in front of the camera. Several still shots followed: a rear view touching her toes, dress lifted, one with her hand pulling her thong aside and then she popped her sweet tits out, cupping them for the camera.

After another quick review, she collapsed her tripod and walked off toward the park gates. Just as she neared the gates, she turned and sketched a brief wave in my direction.

I couldn’t have waved back, my hand was inside my leggings, my finger slipping between my slick folds as I teased out my release.


It was the following week before I saw her again.

I was finally getting my new apartment organised and to my taste, which included removing the heavy curtains that my elderly predecessor had favoured.

Standing at my twelfth-floor windows, I now had unfettered views of the park in one direction or the harbourside to the other.

I will never understand why someone would choose to hide such a view. Honestly, twelve floors up, very few people will be able to see in and hey what if they do.

I was watching an old sailing ship entering the harbour when movement in the next block over caught my eye.

It was my Mystery Blonde. She was in the apartment across from mine and her building was slightly lower on the hill than mine I could see inside. She was setting up a couple of tripods, with those round ring lights.

My pulse quickened, matched by a throbbing, deep in my pussy. I just knew that this was going to be good.

Oh, fuck was I right. I watched as she knelt on her couch, her arse centred between the lights.

Disbelief followed by sheer horny need swept over me as I watched her hand fly out to deliver a firm spank to her arse cheek. Again and again, she spanked each cheek. I swear I could see them redden even from my distant view.

My jeans and tee were soon abandoned on the floor, my fingers gripping and twisting my nipples as I watched her flinch from her self-inflicted blows.

She paused the spanking. My pussy was literally dripping, and I had cum running down my thighs.

Now she was peeling her thong down her legs before kicking it off with her feet. Soon her fingers were deep inside herself, her body bucking and shuddering.

I was pressed against my windows, one foot resting on a stool, my pussy open and available. My long fingers were busy around my clit, building the tension but never quite pulling the trigger.

A thick red dildo was now deep inside her as she rocked her hips, riding it for all she was worth. I could see her back arch, her arse muscles clamp as she bore down on that rubber toy. She was orgasming and I needed to cum too. I raised my hand and slapped my wet slit hard.

I screamed. I’m noisy even when alone and I needed the windowsill to support me as my legs buckled, my cum spraying across my wood floor.

For a while, I just stood there, forehead against the cool glass, my pulse racing, pussy throbbing, and wallowing in the afterglow of a hard wet cum.

Eventually, my eyes opened and there she was, standing naked at her window, just watching me.

She grinned and waved. What else could I do? I waved back.

She mimed raising a glass and drinking, then pointed to the bar across the road. I couldn’t resist such an invitation, I nodded yes and held up ten fingers. I needed time to freshen up.


She was sitting at an outside table, wearing another short clingy summer dress. On the table were two tall glasses of lager, condensation rolling down the sides.

“Hi, I’m Josephine.” She had a ready smile and radiated sexy self-confidence.

“Hi. Ellie.” I offered my hand, and we shook.

“I’ve got a beer for us; I need a long cold drink after working out,” she winked and giggled as she said it.

“Skol!” I grabbed my glass and toasted her.

Her dress was thin and figure-hugging, her nipples hard against the clingy fabric. I was fairly sure my own nubs were out to play too.

We chatted awhile; the usual stuff – where are you from; what work do you do – she was a nurse, I’m a legal secretary.

When I returned with fresh beers she placed her hand over mine, “I guess you’re curious about my workout.”

“You don’t owe me any kind of explanation, and I’m sorry for intruding,” I offered.

“I post vids and pics online. Have you heard of Fanzine?” she asked.

I shook my head.

“People pay to follow you and look at your content. You decide what you want to offer,” she continued.

We moved on to chat about more mundane stuff, but we’d clicked as friends. “Text me, so I have your number,” she asked, and I did.

My phone pinged with her response. “I’ve added my Fanzine address. If you want to say hi, I’ll give you free access,” she giggled.

With a quick hug, we crossed back toward our respective buildings.


Two days later, I got in from work and decided on a long, hot scented bath. Nothing quite beats a long hot bath with a cold, pink gin after a busy day at the office. Jasmine bath salts and a little Coltrane playing in the background just add to the pleasure.

I lay back and let the stress float away. Sufficiently relaxed, I took time to shave my legs and pussy, and then moisturise all over.

Slipping into my silk kimono I moved through to the lounge and looked out toward Josie’s apartment. The lights were off, and I guessed she was working. It was then that I decided to check out her website.

She had two pages; a free page with pics of her in knickers and lingerie, a few slightly risqué pics that showed a little pussy or nipple, but the other page required you to subscribe to see anything.

I entered the code she had included in her text and the page opened before me. I was greeted by a close up of her arse, her anus gleaming with oil under the lights and her labia, swollen and slick, were trimmed in a light blonde fuzz.

Scrolling down there was a video clip with Josie reclined back, her legs parted, and a large black phallus nestled against her pussy lips. Thick white cream oozed around the black cock head.

With my heart beating faster, I pressed play and watched my new friend rubbing the rubber cock against her swollen opening. The cream smeared everywhere, and I could hear her moaning in delight and anticipation. Her nipples were bright pink and as hard as diamonds.

One hand finger-combed her long blonde fringe over her face and I realised that she never showed it. The other hand, well, that was full of thick rubber cock.

In one well-practised move, she slipped the dildo away from her pussy and happy with her hair, delivered a stinging slap to her pussy lips.

“I’m such a naughty girl; ooh fuck me,” she moaned aloud.

The dildo slipped in easily, her cum was flowing everywhere.

“Yes, fuck me, fuck me,” she moaned as she filled herself.

The bed was creaking as she fucked herself with swift firm strokes, the black cock stretching her pussy wide.

“Ooooooh fuck.” I could see her pussy twitching in release as the video stopped.

One minute forty-five seconds the caption said and I was shaking with desire as I had never seen anything so naughty, so arousing.

Should I leave a comment? Quickly, before I could change my mind, I clicked the speech balloon and typed, “Holy fuck that’s so HOT!” Double or nothing, I grabbed my bank card and added a £20 tip.

Reaching into my bedside drawer, I grabbed my vibe. It was nothing like as big as Josie’s, but size isn’t everything if you know how to use it.

Over the next while, I fucked myself into oblivion as I worked through her video clips.

Eventually, sleep took hold and I awoke the following morning, dried cum crusting my thighs, my pussy feeling pleasantly sore.


Checking my messages as I rode the metro home, I found a text from Josie, “Did you enjoy my page? Thanks for the tip. Drinks tonight??”

I replied, ‘yes’ and we agreed to meet at the bar again at seven o clock. I chose a low-cut spaghetti top and short skirt, commando style. Just thinking of Josie made me wet and horny.

Arriving at the bar first, I chose an outside table that had a view of the park. Two long cold beers on the table I sat back to await Josie.

She arrived a few minutes later in really tight leggings and a pink Tee shirt. Clearly braless, her nipples were hard against the fabric and, oh fuck, did she have one hell of a camel toe going.

“Nice look,” I giggled as she sat down.

“Thanks, you’re looking pretty good yourself,” she replied, looking pointedly down the front of my tee. Unbidden, my thighs clenched together, the pressure triggering warm tremors through my pussy.

“So, you enjoyed my page?”

I could feel myself blush, my cheeks getting distinctly warm, “Mmm yes.” I daren’t say more.

Apparently, I didn’t need to as my face had given the game away.

“Did you fuck yourself to my videos?”

I couldn’t speak and just grabbed my beer and swallowed long and hard.

“I’m making some content later; do you want to come and watch?”

I nodded my head, feeling the heat rise in my face as the juice dripped from my pussy.


Josie led the way into her apartment which was very much what I wanted for my own, pale muted tones that let the large windows and their views take precedent.

Her furnishings were light and modern adding to the sense of spaciousness.

“This is my studio, as you will have noticed from the other night,” she laughed and nodded toward my own building. The room contained a bed, a couple of poang armchairs and a large footstall. A few colourful abstract prints decorated the walls along with some lightweight shelving. The corner by the door had several ring lights and tripods standing on the floor.

“So, Ellie, tonight I need to fuck my arse.”

“Your arse?” I repeated sounding like a halfwit to my own ears.

“Yes, it’s very popular with my fans. They tip heavily and I love having my arse filled.”

Josie pulled one of the armchairs to the centre of the space before arranging the lights and camera in front of it. Kneeling in the chair she turned to look back at me, “Can you centre the camera on my arse and lower back please?”

I moved a light to get better coverage and zoomed in on her arse a little more before giving her the go-ahead.

“Okay, when I say, just hit record. Oh, and don’t speak.”

Speak? I could hardly breathe as I watched her shuck her leggings down to her ankles. She let her thong stay just above her knees.

Soon she was smearing baby oil across those tight arse cheeks, making them gleam in the light. My pussy started to drip as she slipped a couple of oily fingers into her arse, stretching her ring and groaning aloud.

“Ok, action!”

I hit record and quietly stepped back from the camera. At first, she just grabbed both cheeks, pulling them apart to fully expose her pucker to the camera.

“I’m a dirty girl and I want my arse fucked,” she groaned, before delivering two stinging slaps to her oily cheeks. Instantly two bright red handprints appeared.

She produced a thick rubber cock that reminded me of a childhood holiday. My family stayed on a farm and one day we were watching the horses when one of them reared up and started to mount the other. His cock was thick and hung like a length of hose.

I could smell Josie’s arousal as she rubbed that thick cock against her cunt lips, her cream, gooey and white, started to smear its length.

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Again, she slapped her arse and groaned aloud about her need to be fucked. My hand had slipped beneath my skirt, my fingers seeking out my wet molten slit. I watched, totally absorbed as she nudged that thick toy against her pucker. Fuck, it would split me in two.

“OOOOhh, Fuck me,” she wailed as she forced that thick ridge of rubber into her arse.

Slowly she started to work the cock deeper inside her arse. In and out, with every thrust, she moaned and squealed. The air now smelt of wet pussy with the earthy overtones of arse. By now I was kneeling behind the camera for a closer view. My skirt was around my waist as I fingered my needy cunt.

Josie’s timing was perfect, just as she hit the six-minute mark, her breathing deepened as her voice rose in pitch. Her orgasm shook her body, I could see the toned muscles of her back, thighs and arse all locking as it hit home. She ended the video as she screamed her release but anybody listening carefully would hear my screams echoing in the background.

Standing, Josie kicked off her leggings and knickers, “Oh fuck, that was just what I needed.”

She produced a couple of cups of cold water from a small chiller and passed one to me.

“You look hot and thirsty.”

I was sitting back on my hands, making no attempt to hide my wet swollen cunt from her view.

“That was amazing.” I toasted her with my water.

“Maybe next time you’d like to cum in front of the camera?”

“Me, oh I don’t know,” I stammered back.

“Well, think about it. I’ve been wanting to do a lesbian vid for a while, and it would be a real earner”.

“Us, together?” I was back to sounding stupid again, but my mind was struggling to get up to speed with the idea, even if my now throbbing pussy seemed game.

“We’d split the tips 50/50 after the site fees are deducted.”


There followed seven days of sheer arousal, confusion, and frustration. My pussy seemed to be permanently wet and swollen and every time I checked, my knickers would be sodden and stained. My body ached to cum 24hrs a day.

My brain on the other hand said, ‘no’. No to fucking in front of a camera, no to letting thousands of strangers see and hear me cum. What if I got recognised, or if it became known at work that I fucked on camera? It would be career-ending.

Each evening, I would get in from work, shower, eat and then pour a large glass of wine before checking out Josie’s page. Every time my poor pussy would get a long hard workout, either my fingers or my fav dildo, often both, as I battled my demons.

On the eighth evening, I got a text from Josie, “Come to the window and Cum.”

I only had my sheer kimono on, I carried my wine to the window. There was my horny friend. Her flat was dark apart from a spotlight highlighting her reclining in her armchair. I watched as she poured oil across her belly before slowly massaging it into her soft skin. She paid particular attention to her mound, teasing her labia and dancing around her clit.

I let my kimono drop down my arms, baring my breasts to her, and anyone else that happened to look out of their window. Josie moved her hands and started to stroke her breasts. Long slow languid strokes. Teasing the soft, sensitive undersides. I mimicked her actions. My nipples were so hard they ached with need.

We only had eyes for the other, the dark world between us ceased to exist. Our hands gripped our nipples, stretching and twisting, building our arousal as one. I could see her flexing her stomach, her hips lifting from her chair as her need to cum grew harder to fight.

I made exaggerated licking motions with my tongue. Josie nodded and pointed to her pussy, her message all too clear. My fingers delved deep into my pussy, instantly becoming coated with my hot slick cum.

Very deliberately I raised my hand to my face and took long licks of my sticky fingers. I made a great show of licking my fingers clean before returning them to my hot cunt for another scoop of Ellie cum. This time I offered my fingers to Josie, she raised her own cum smeared fingers in a mutual salute before slipping them into her mouth.

Fingers clean, Josie grabbed her dildo. Despite its size, it slid easily into her wet cunt. My much slighter friend was soon deep inside my own needy pussy. I’d set it to high and the pulsing vibrations were setting my cunt alight, literally frying my nerve endings.

With so much build-up it didn’t take me long to cum, and it was a gusher. Gallons of cum cascaded down my thighs, as I screamed my release. Thank God miss old Mrs Garthside next door is as deaf as can be or she’d have called the police.

I looked back at Josie as she pulled her cum smeared toy from her pussy and with great care licked it clean before blowing me a kiss before her spotlight clicked off.

I staggered back to the couch on jelly legs before wedging my dinnertime napkin between my thighs and collapsing against the cushions. I savoured a long swallow of my peppery Merlot as my heart rate settled and the throbbing in my cunt abated.

A single chime announced a text. “Fuck I needed that, so will you cum on camera for me?”


My pussy won out.

It took a few days, but there I was, walking into Josie’s building, hand in hand after a few drinks at our now regular bar. Entering her flat, she took my mac as I toed off my trainers.

“I didn’t wear anything special; you said not to,” I started to babble.

Josie silenced me by pressing her lips to mine and slipping her tongue deep inside my mouth.

“Stockings and a thong are all you’ll need, and not for long either,” she giggled, “and I have plenty of those.”

Her words caused a tremor to run down my spine, ending in a little drip of cum moistening my cunt lips.

“I’ve set the lights and cameras up already so really all we need to do is make out until we’re super horny and then fuck.” Her matter-of-fact tone and delivery acted to both calm and arouse me at the same time.

“Don’t worry about the camera, just be yourself and enjoy. I will edit out any awkward bits or face shots afterwards,” and with that, she wrapped her arms around me and slipped her tongue deep inside my mouth.

It was like my spirit had been set free, my hands slipped around her waist to squeeze her arse cheeks. The two cameras were positioned one behind each of us to get rear shots.

I could feel Josie lifting my short summer dress to reveal my thong covered arse. I returned the favour, slipping a finger beneath the string to bare her soft warm groove.

“Ugh fuck, I’m so wet,” I groaned aloud.

“You are making me so fucking horny,” Josie panted.

Eventually, we broke our embrace having captured way more action than the vid required.

“OK, let’s change,” Josie dropped her skirt and slipped her tee off. Her breasts were bare, her nipples rigid with desire. All she had on now was a wispy black thong and fishnet holdups. I tugged my dress off and stood before her in a matching yellow thong and bra set.

Turning to the shelving, Josie handed me a pair of white thigh-high sports socks. “Here, slip these on. I know it’s an odd combo, but guys like it.”

Josie reset the cameras while I tugged the socks on, very conscious of how wet the front of my thong had become.

“One last thing.” She handed me a knitted red ski mask. She pulled a matching pink one over her head, her long blonde hair still visible at her shoulders. The eye and mouth holes were slightly ragged where they had been enlarged.

I donned my mask. It felt really fucking naughty and my body was throbbing with need. I looked in a mirror. My tits were barely concealed by my half-bra and a dark wet patch on my thong and those socks took me right back to my college days.

I stepped into her arms – we didn’t film, we fucked; actually, we fucked hard like depraved whores. I took her bare nipples into my mouth, sucking and nipping at her rigid nubs. It drove Josie wild; she was clearly very sensitive.

My bra came off and soft warm lips engulfed my aching nubs. Josie’s tongue wrapped around my nipples, caressing and teasing them until they were slick with saliva and buzzing with need. I could feel and smell my arousal down below.

Her bright blue eyes blazed with desire through the eyeholes of her mask. My tongue slipped between her lips. I could smell the sweetness of her wine, feel the warmth of her mouth and the hard edges of her teeth as I explored her.

As our mouths duelled so did our breasts; soft warm mounds mashed together, hard aching nipples brushing against each other, triggering waves of passion in our cunts.

Slowly Josie pushed me down onto the bed. My knees touched first, and I raised my arse to the camera. SLAP, SLAP, two swift blows to my arse left me gasping for breath.

Then my thong was off, my gooey wet cunt fully bared to the camera. Josie’s fingers slipped between my petals, opening me up to the camera before dragging my cum up to coat my arse.

My entire body shuddered in desire as I groaned aloud, “OH YES, fuck me.”

We had agreed that I was open to anything, and I had revealed a limited experience with girls at college. Beyond that, there was no script except that we would just fuck, and Josie would steer the content to what triggered the most tips.

My hand moved to massage my cunt lips and I could feel cum trickling over my fingers. I was so horny I could die and all my inhibitions were gone, my body was alight with need.

Josie’s fingers were teasing my arse, her nails grazing the darker puckered skin, slowly loosening my virgin arse. Time stopped as she fingered and teased my tight little ring. She added cherry flavoured lube to my natural moisture as she prepped my hole.

“I’ll edit this down, so you’ll look like me, an anal whore when we’re done,” she whispered in my ear as her finger finally broke through.

All I could manage in reply was a hiss of escaping breath as I fought to process what I was feeling. Pain, yes, a little horny? Fuck, yes. Dirty and naughty? Oh, fuck yes!

Josie rolled me over.

“You can lose the mask for this bit; nobody will see your face,” she giggled.

I tugged my mask off, and Josie sank down, her sticky fragrant cunt enveloping my face and preserving my modesty. Her gym-toned thighs clamped my face as she rubbed against me. My tongue pierced her petals and a flood of tangy cum filled my mouth.

I started to face-fuck my beautiful new friend. No, I mean face, not tongue. I used my nose, my lips, my chin, and my tongue to fuck that sweet, tangy cunt. Just as I started to worry that I might drown or suffocate, Josie, screamed in release. Those firm muscular thighs squeezed my head like a vice as she sprayed my face with hot girly cum.

I swallowed what I could, but she coated my face, filled my nose, and stung my eyes in jet after jet of girl cum as she screamed and wailed her release. Josie lifted her weight slightly and I sucked in deep breaths of pussy-scented air before taking a long lick of her pussy lips, rejoicing in her flavour.

Something cold and hard moved against my arse. I had become so accustomed to the ripples of pleasure emanating from my ring as Josie licked and fingered my pucker, and of course, my mind had focused entirely on pleasuring Josie as I face fucked her, so it was with a start I felt the sensations again.

“Breathe deep and slow, Ellie, relax your arse.”

“Arrgh!” Despite my best endeavours to comply, I had tensed, and my arse had gripped the fingers in my arse.

“RELAX,” I said.

I tried again and felt a cool dribble of fluid invade my arse, “MMMM, Nice,” I murmured.

“Lube, a girl’s best friend,” Josie giggled

I felt my ring stretching, a sudden ring of fire as I was opened more than ever before. Something cold and hard slid inside of me and then the pressure was gone as quickly as it had arrived, but now my arse felt full. I sucked in air and willed myself to relax.

“Well, how’s that feel?” Josie was now trailing her finger around my cunt lips in lazy circles.

“Full, so full. What is it?”

“My steel butt plug.”

And with that she started to jiggle the plug, not quite pulling it, just putting a little movement through it. It’s amazing how quickly something can go from feeling wrong, to strange, to incredibly fucking good. In no time I was rocking my hips and riding the waves of sensations from my arse. I might feel sore later, but it was fucking amazing now.

“Oooh, fuck.” Josie was tonguing my cunt, sucking each of my lips into her mouth, stretching and licking my cunt lips. One hand kept jiggling that plug whilst the other strummed my cunt as she licked and sucked.

“Oooh, I’m gonna cum.” I buried my face back into her arse to keep hidden as I bucked against her fingers, the waves of pleasure surging through my body. Josie mixed little slaps on my lips with feathery kisses and sucks drove me wild.

One last slap and I screamed my release, my cum flooding down my thighs and coating Josie’s pink knit mask. Josie rolled around to lay against me, as I raised an arm to cover my face.

“The tips from this are going to be phenomenal,” she grinned, “but more importantly, I just love fucking you.”

“Maybe next time we can try a strappy,” I giggled back.

Written by leggielibby
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