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Thrill of the Chase

"She hadn't intended it, the words just slipped out... “Oh wow! You're amazing!”"

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Marianne was excited, more excited than she had ever been in her whole life!

A middle-aged housewife who had stayed at home, she raised her family in the best way that she could. Her husband, an accountant had worked hard to make a reasonable living for them all, earning just enough so that she didn't have to work herself and provide for them a comfortable existence.

When the children were at school, she would clean the house, wash the clothes, prepare dinner. In fact, doing all the things that a dutiful wife should do.

Oh, don't get the idea that she was bored. She most certainly wasn't. Indeed, she was more than content with her life but she did have one passion: she loved quizzes.

When she had time in the afternoon, she would watch any quiz that was televised and, as the years passed, she built up what she thought was a considerable general knowledge.

The children grew and, one by one, flew the nest leaving her with more time. So now, at forty-nine years old she found herself doing something she had always dreamed of... She was a contestant on a television quiz show!

The format of this particular show was that each of four contestants was given one minute to answer as many questions as possible before going head to head with a mastermind. She was the last of the four and had successfully secured five thousand pounds to add to the prize total. Of the previous three, the first, a man, had been beaten and eliminated from the game, the second, a woman whom Marianne found quite fascinating and looked totally different from herself, had secured seven thousand pounds, and the third, another woman, had been eliminated.

Marianne was buzzing with excitement now. She hadn't expected to do as well as she had, and now here she was standing beside this younger woman preparing herself for the second and final part of the contest and... she had a good chance to take six thousand pounds back home to her husband!

Her teammate was called Chloe and was a stark contrast to Marianne.

She was tallish with dyed silver hair combed backward with a slight quiff and shaved at the sides. It complemented her ice blue eyes.

Marianne thought her quite masculine for a woman who appeared to be around the thirty mark, whereas she herself was a similar height but had long, brown, wavy hair, dark brown eyes, and, although just a tiny bit overweight, dressed quite conservatively in a dress which flared from the waist and an unbuttoned short cardigan.

None of that mattered now though because, for the next two minutes, the two of them had to answer as many questions between them as they possibly could.

“Your time starts... now!”

Questions came at them thick and fast, one after another, no time to think. Even though Marianne herself knew many of the answers, her teammate was so fast that she actually only managed to answer three.

As the buzzer sounded for the end of the round she turned to the young woman beside her and, although she hadn't intended it, the words just slipped out, “Oh wow! You're amazing!”

This woman had almost single-handedly pushed the score to nineteen points!

The butch, silver haired woman just looked at her and smiled, and suddenly, as their eyes met, Marianne felt a strange churning in the pit of her stomach. She swallowed before turning back to face the compère.

All they had to do now was stand and watch whilst the mastermind had an equal two minutes to answer as many questions as he could.

The seconds counted down.

“Correct. What is...” the compare asked the next question.

Twenty seconds!

“Correct. Who are...”

Ten seconds!

Marianne's legs were aching and her heart was pounding, almost holding her breath for the whole time.

Two seconds!


There were no more questions. The game was over and she and Chloe were going home empty handed!

For some strange reason, although she had not won, Marianne was elated.

For the first time in her life, she had done something for herself and came within just two seconds from success, so she really couldn't be disappointed.

Back in the green room, there were commiserations along with congratulations for getting so close but she barely heard them, her mind was still too full of excitement to really take it all in.

Suddenly, she jumped as she felt a hand on her forearm.

It was Chloe.

“That was close, wasn't it?” she said. “Are you disappointed?”

Marianne shook her head. “Oh gosh, no!” she exclaimed. “It was amazing and you... you were incredible!”

Chloe smiled.

“We both were,” she agreed with a sharp nod of the head and then looked carefully at Marianne.

“Are you going straight home?” she asked. “I was thinking that maybe we could share a quick drink to celebrate our... well, maybe not success, but you know.”

Marianne felt as though she were floating.

“I would like that,” she said after a moments pause.

They had been at the studio all afternoon and by the time they left, it was almost seven.

Marianne had no idea what to say as they strolled in the evening air, but after a moment or two, Chloe suddenly stopped.

“I just realised,” she said, suddenly turning towards Marianne, “we haven't eaten yet! Are you hungry?”

Marianne thought carefully. Snacks had been provided but she had not had proper food since breakfast at home that morning.

“Hmm, yes, I am actually,” she said.

“Great! I know a place nearby if you would like to...?”

“Yes, all right,” Marianne replied. “Lead on.”

They turned the corner at the end of the block, and Chloe led her into a bar a few doors along.

It was quite a busy place but Chloe managed to find a small table for the two of them in a corner away from the general hubbub.

They sat there for the rest of the evening chatting away.

“You have an amazing knowledge,” Marianne said. “You were so fast, too!”

“I just enjoy quizzes,” Chloe responded. “I like watching them but I also like competing in pub quizzes, too, whenever I can.”

“I've never done that,” Marianne told her. “How do you get into those?”

The hours passed, and suddenly Chloe looked at her watch.

“Oh goodness!” she said urgently. “Look at the time. I have kept you so long. Do you have far to get home?”

“Not really,” Marianne replied. “Bristol. Only one and three-quarter hours on the train.”

She looked at her own watch.

Five past Eleven!

“Oh Crikey, the last one is in twenty-five minutes from Paddington. I'd better hurry!”

“Oh, Marianne! I'm so sorry! You won't make it!”

“Ah well, never mind,” Marianne sighed and then chuckled. “I didn't want to go home tonight anyway. I'm having too much fun. I'll find a hotel.”

Chloe looked at her for a moment.

“Look, I'm sorry. It was my fault that you will miss your train. I have a spare room and you are welcome to stay the night... if you would like to, that is.”

“Oh, no! It wasn't your fault at all. I am quite big enough and ugly enough to look after myself.”

“No, honestly, I don't mind. The bed is already made up so it is no trouble and, Marianne...”

Marianne looked at her, waiting.

“You are not ugly.”

Marianne giggled, a little like a school girl, she thought.

It was settled then, and together they walked back to Chloe's apartment.

It was a nice apartment, modern and bright but in an old building, so it had remnants of old brickwork and supporting beams incorporated into it.

Chloe took her directly to her room. It was small but nice with a single bed in the corner and a small wardrobe and dressing table. There wasn't really very much room for anything else.

The important thing was that it smelled fresh and clean. As Chloe folded back the duvet and sheet, she saw that it was spotless and, unlike her own bedding, ironed!

“I have a spare, new toothbrush you can have. I'll put it in the bathroom for you.”

Marianne smiled.

“Thank you,” she replied. “You are very kind.”

Chloe left her alone then, and she went across the hall to the bathroom and cleaned her teeth with the new brush that Chloe had left out for her. Then she returned to her room where she began to prepare for an uncertain nights sleep.

She was still flying so high after the day's events, but also she was not used to sleeping alone in unfamiliar places.

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After all, this was the first time since she married Arthur that she had ever been away on her own.

Slowly she slipped off the little cardigan and hung it on a hanger in the wardrobe, and then she reached behind her and pulled down the zip at the back of her dress.

One tug, then another, a little further and then finally a third which drew the fastening all the way down to the end.

She shrugged her shoulders out from the fabric and let the sleeves slip down her arms which allowed the whole garment to drop to the floor and pool around her ankles.

She stepped out of it, shook it straight and hung it next to her cardigan.

As she had thousands of times before and without a thought, she slipped her fingers inside the waistband of her tights and drew them down over her thighs then sat on the chair by the dressing table to pull them over her feet and then stopped.

She thought for a moment. Hmm, where to put them?

In the end, she put those on a hanger, too, and hung them beside her dress.

From the corner of her eye, she caught sight of herself in the long mirror of the wardrobe door and she paused to look at herself.

She studied the image for a while and thought that the years had not been too unkind to her.

She wasn't exactly fat but she had never exercised so her flesh was nicely soft and rounded.

She looked at her breasts, held captive in the large, white, full cup lace bra, and reached behind her to release the fasteners to let it fall to the floor.

Her ample breasts were still nicely rounded and firm although a little heavy, and she noticed that her nipples were standing a little proud from her pink areolae. The result, she decided, of the incredible day she had been having.

Suddenly there was a brief tap on her door and, without warning, it swung open and Chloe stood there, stunned.

Marianne turned to face her, immediately covering herself with her arms but said nothing.

“Oh my gosh, I'm sorry!” Chloe said slowly, “I thought you would be in bed.”

Marianne couldn't speak but stood there, blushing furiously as this younger woman stared at her.

“I, erm, I brought some coffee. I thought that... Damn it, Marianne, you are stunning!”

Marianne blushed even redder.

No one had ever said that about her before, neither man nor woman.

Chloe placed the coffee mug on the dressing table, so close that Marianne could feel her warm breath on her cool flesh and then... then she did something that surprised even herself. She let her arms relax and drop to her sides, painfully aware that her nipples were now straining outwards.

Chloe paused, her hand still around the mug on the dressing table. She turned her head sideways, just level with Marianne's breast and then suddenly released it and stood up.

“I should go,” she said, but didn't.

Marianne said nothing but stood frozen, her face on fire and her breasts aching. Her stomach was churning in a way she had never experienced before and she didn't know what to do.

Chloe stepped forward and placed a gentle kiss on Marianne's lips.

She had never been kissed this way before and most certainly not by a woman, but she responded, returning the kiss and parting her lips slightly in a way that left the younger woman in no doubt that this was what she wanted.

Chloe's lips pressed more firmly against hers, and she opened her mouth to allow her tongue to caress the others lips and teeth.

She slipped her hand around the back of the others head, feeling the short stubble-like hairs below the longer, silver strands and she pulled her closer, exploring her mouth. Their tongues danced a waltz together and saliva mixed and moistened their lips.

Gently, Chloe turned her and slowly lowered her to the bed, all the time her tongue exploring Marianne's mouth, her face, her neck, and she could feel fingers caressing her ample breasts, kneading them and stroking them.

Marianne had no thoughts now. Her body was screaming with delight, her muscles contracting and tingling, and between her legs, a heat she had not experienced for many a long year.

She began to make noises, purring at first, sounds that emanated from deep within her, uncontrolled.

She felt warm lips encircle her engorged nipples, first one and then the other, switching between them, tugging and biting whilst warm fingers pressed into the soft aching tissue.

Marianne's mind was a blur. All her thoughts had blended into one seething feeling of pure joy which centered just below her belly, an area which had become ultra sensitive and so hot that she couldn't keep still, her hips writhing unintentionally.

Chloe's hot tongue began to make a trail, licking and kissing downwards, nearer and nearer to that spot from which she was being governed. She stopped only for a moment, running her tongue slowly around the soft indentation of her belly button and flicking inside once, twice, pausing causing Marianne's belly to tickle and twitch.

Further down, she felt the moisture rise inside her and, for a split second, thought she had peed herself, the wetness soaking into the crotch of the large white panties she was still wearing.

She was so close now but she couldn't cum yet, not now, not so soon, and she clenched her thigh muscles tightly together until the desperate urge for release had resided a little.

Chloe seemed to know what Marianne was feeling and paused for a moment, content with placing tiny butterfly kisses around Marianne's soft belly and then along the line if the high waistband of her pants.

Marianne didn't protest when she felt Chloe's fingers slip beneath the elastic, in fact, she raised her hips as the thin cotton slipped slowly over her buttocks, and Chloe's tongue followed it into the thick brown curls covering her most private of places, a place that had been seen only by her husband and her midwife.

The soft cotton fabric stuck momentarily before revealing her wetness and, without pausing, Chloe pushed them down her legs, letting them slip to the floor.

Marianne gasped loudly as she felt the first tentative movements of Chloe's tongue gently part her labia and brush purposely over her now incredibly sensitive clitoris.

She was growling now. The purrs had become mews, and now that she was struggling to hold off, she could not help herself.


The cry was loud and it was because of Chloe's tongue pushing into her soaking wet entrance that made it impossible to stop.

She couldn't hold off any longer as wave after wave of thrashing, wonderful ecstasy coursed through her whole being. Her hands gripped the bedsheets like a vice and her back arched as she cried out like a demented being and then, to her horror, her orgasm was so intense that she peed herself!

She couldn't stop it!

As each wave passed over her, more pee sprayed from her!

As soon as her senses returned, she covered her face with her arm and began to weep gently, turning her face into the pillow in embarrassment.

“Hey, hey. Come on, now. What's the matter?” Chloe was concerned, her gentle voice caressing and soft.

“I wee'd on your bed,” Marianne sobbed. “I'm so embarrassed...”

She curled up into a ball, covering her nakedness as much as she was able.

Chloe laughed gently which made her feel so small. What the hell had she done, coming here? If only she had just gone straight home.

Chloe stroked her naked bottom with soft feather-light touches of her fingers.

“You didn't pee on my bed,” she whispered. “You came so hard that you squirted.”

Marianne was puzzled and turned over to face her new friend.

“I did what?” she said, wiping her eyes with her fingers.

“You squirted,” she repeated. “You were so turned on that all the moisture you were producing was pushed out.”

Chloe took Marianne's hand and ran her fingers across her own glistening face then held them up for her to see.

“That is not wee, Marianne. Do you see?”

Marianne began to realize that the slick, glistening moisture that now coated her own fingers was certainly not pee!

“You have never squirted before, have you?”

Marianne shook her head, relieved.

“No,” she whispered. “Never.”

“Well,” came the reply along with a mischievous smile. “We had better make sure that was not the last time then, eh?”


Written by Annamagique
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