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The Set-Up

"“Set him up, set him up, set this fucking asshole up!”"

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So, how does a stifled wife win an ugly divorce case?

That’s the question I asked myself over and over while my husband, his rich family, and their attorney tried to railroad me and leave me with nothing.

My name is Kristin, and my now ex-husband is Tom. We were married for eight years, and as I look back, my life ended the day I married him.

I came from a loving middle class family, and I love them dearly. Tom came from a wealthy family, and he is an only child. In other words, he could do no wrong, and always had his mommy, Mrs. Vanilla-Ass to coddle his sorry ass.

I’d be remiss if I didn't give you a few details about our divorce…

Tom filed on the grounds that I didn't give him any kids. His attorney listed it as Spousal Abuse. Now he wants me out, and he wants to keep our lien-free house, all the furnishings, my car, and offered to pay me a lousy $2000 monthly alimony, and that would end if I re-marry.

Now let me give you the facts. We have no kids because we have no sex. It’s pretty hard to get pregnant that way. I’m sure he is depositing his sperm in other women, but not in me. And the kicker is, I can’t prove it. Sucks for me!

Plus, Tom works for his Dad and draws a $15,000 a month salary, plus a huge un-reported bonus. This man makes $360,000 dollars a year. Needless to say he has a great attorney, and I do not because he has the checkbook.

I guess I’m going on a little rant now, but if this M-F’r thinks he can fuck around on me, accuse ME of not giving him kids when his sperm doesn't land anywhere near my pussy, kick me out of the house, take my car, and pay me peanuts in comparison to his income, he can go fuck himself!

Okay, now that I've got that out I feel a little better.


Just to let you know, I’m thirty now, I’m pretty, and I do stay in shape. Plus, I have a great ass; mine, not my husband, and firm 36D boobs. In all honesty, only a gay man would turn me down for sex, and even some of them might want a piece.

As I mentioned - I stay in shape. I’m not a health nut, but I do work out four times a week at Girls Gym. Funny, after I joined I learned it’s a lesbian gym. You’ll never guess how I found out… Yep, I got hit on – a lot.

I've been a member at Girl’s Gym for five years now. I never told Tom it was a lesbian gym because he would have flipped out. I really like the gym, and I've made quite a few great friends there.

My best friends there are Ginger, April, and Patti. They are all around my age, and are gorgeous women with hot bodies. I must say I have a lot of fun talking and joking with them. Their claim to fame is ‘They've never had a guy’s dick inside of their pussy - Never!

While I was going through my divorce I had quite a few good cries at the gym. Ginger, April, and Patti were very supportive of me, and always expressed if there was anything they can do to help me, anything, they would do it.

Well, one Friday night after we worked out they invited me to join them for drinks at their favorite bar, The L-Lounge. How apropos, right. The bar was actually named after an L-Station, and when it became a lesbian bar they kept name.

The bar is only two blocks away from the gym so it didn't take us long to walk there. I didn't bother to call Tom because he never called me when he came home late. Fuck him.

Since this was my first time in a lesbian bar, I wasn't sure what to expect. It really was a normal looking bar, and I quickly took to the place. The music was on, but not too loud, making it much easier to carry on a conversation. There were about twenty people in the bar including us, all women.

We picked a table in the back and ordered our drinks. The seat I chose faced the open area instead of the wall. I liked that better because I like to people watch.

I have to admit, it looked hot to watch a few of the women at the bar hugging and kissing, but that was nothing in comparison to the couple sitting in the corner opposite us. Not only were they making out, they both had their tops off with their big tits hanging out, and their hands and mouths all over each other. To my surprise I felt a twitch in my pussy, and got a little wet watching them.

As we sat at our table talking, I asked my girlfriends if a lot of women play around in the bar like the couple in the corner.

“Fuck yes,” Ginger said. “One thing I love about this bar is if your horny when you come in, you won’t be when you leave. There’s always someone to play around with. Its just sex, and nobody get jealous.”

Patti added, “Maybe I shouldn't tell you this, Kristin, but this is the horniest ‘Lez-Bar’ in the city. I love it because I’m always horny. Actually, we all are.”

Ginger piped back in, “Kristin, you should have seen the three of us one night at that table. Isn't that right April?”

We all looked at April, and she had that ‘what’ look on her face. Then she said, “Okay, so what if I let everyone take turns licking my pussy. I’d do it again. I came all night.”

Patti looked at me and said, “Kristin, I’ll never forget that night. The bar was packed, and when April said everyone she wasn't joking. I’ll bet twenty women took turns licking her pussy. I recorded some of it. Do you want to see it?”

Ginger piped back in, “Okay ladies, lets not scare off our guest.”

Hearing that I said, “You won’t scare me off. I've thought about having sex with all of you. Fuck, I don’t think I've had a tongue in my pussy in five years. Sometimes, I think I’m batting for the wrong side.”

After I said that, they each gave me a hug and a kiss. Their soft touch and kisses felt wonderful. I started to think that maybe I am batting for the wrong side.

After we got off the subject of sex, one by one we each took a bathroom break.


I think we were on our third round of drinks when we started to talk about my pending divorce. I filled them in on what was happening, and then Ginger said, “Kristin, if there is anything we can do to help you beat Tom’s sorry-ass in court, just let us know.”

Hearing that, I said, “There is something the three of you can do. Seduce him, have an orgy, let him fuck all three of you, and capture it all on video. I’d win due to his infidelity. I’m sure he would settle out of court – fast!”

I have no idea where that idea came from; it just came out. Immediately after I blurted that out of my mouth I apologized. I told them it had to be the booze talking, and that I would never expect them to do something like that.

To my surprise, Ginger, April, and Patti thought it was a brilliant idea. The three of them ordered us another round, and each of them gave me a hug and a kiss.

When our drinks came, Ginger, April, and Patti held up their drinks and cheered, “Set him up, set him up, set this fucking asshole up!”

I cheered right along with them, and I suddenly felt a sense of relief. And then the plotting began…

Ginger, April, and Patti started to think out loud. Ginger and Patti are far more outspoken than April, but I always thought April had a dark side to her, in a good way, but I wouldn't want to piss her off. I also wouldn't mind watching Patti’s video of April getting her pussy licked. I've seen her naked, and her pussy lips are scrumptious.

As I sat there, I was amazed at some of the ideas that came out of Ginger and Patti’s mouths. We all got a good laugh at some of them. April didn't say much, and I mostly listened. We finished our drinks and ordered another round.

When the next round came, we were much quieter than the last round – At first.

Shortly after our drinks arrived, April grabbed her drink, stood up and cheered, “Fuck him in the ass, fuck him in the ass, us three girls are gonna fuck him in the ass!”

All of us stood up and repeated her cheer over a half a dozen times, and then we all sat down.


April began to spell out her idea, and we listened without saying a word…

“Ginger, Patti, and I will meet him at his favorite bar, and talk him into an orgy with us, but not at a hotel, only at your house Kristin. That way, when we video his cheating ass, it will be obvious that it took place in your house.”

April added, “And Kristin, when our so-called orgy takes place, you will be out of town visiting your parents.”

Although I loved April’s plan, I was curious how they were going to avoid getting fucked by Tom, so I asked April. Her answer was priceless.

April said, “It’s simple. We will each have a strap-on cock. Once we are naked in your bedroom, we will tease him, and taunt him, play with his cock a little, suck it a little if we have to - very little - and tell Tom we fuck first. I don’t believe he will be able to resist our hot bodies and sexual advances.”

April continued, “And Kristin, if Tommy is a mommy’s boy, and I believe he is, he will gladly let us fuck him first. Then, while he’s getting fucked, one of us will record the video.”

April finished with, “When it’s his turn to fuck us, for his protection, wink-wink, one of us will inform him that we may genital herpes. We’ll tell him we don’t think we do, but our test results haven’t come back yet from our last orgy. That will scare the shit out of him because he won’t want scabs on his dick, and he’ll tell us to get out - Now. Kristin, that scare tactic works every time. I guarantee it!”

I was so impressed with her idea that I gave April a hard kiss on the lips, with a little tongue too. Then I did the same with Ginger and Patti.

A few seconds later, April looked at me and spelled out what she needed from me, and for me to do…

April needed a photo of Tom, the name of his favorite bar, and the best time to catch him there. She also wants me to go visit my parents for a while, and the sooner the better.

Finally, April said, “Kristin, relax, we’ll take it from here.”

April’s set-up was brilliant. And, when it was all said and done, Tom would be guilty of cheating, be embarrassed as hell, and Ginger, April, and Patti could still say they never had a man’s cock in their pussy.

While we sat at the table, I texted a photo of Tom to each of them, along with the name of his favorite bar, and what time he most likely would be there.

As they received my text, I also let Ginger, April, and Patti know, “Tom would crawl a mile to have sex with any one of you… And big boobs and pokies drive him nuts, so show him some tit and do not wear a bra!”

Ginger, April, and Patti all laughed and said, “Game On!”

The only thing left for me to do was to make arrangements with my parents, and go. What great girlfriends I have, and it appears I was right about April. I just knew it.

It was getting late so we decided to call it a night. Since none of the girls had to work on Saturday, Ginger invited us to crash at her place since we had been drinking, plus, her place was only a block away.


The next morning, after I woke up, I thanked Ginger for letting me stay the night, and April and Patti for all their help. I gave them all a hug and a kiss, and then I drove home.

When I arrived home Tom was in his study. He wanted to know where I was all night.

I said, “Out.”

My one word answer really pissed him off. “So sad, too bad,” I thought. A few minutes later I saw his car pull out of our driveway.

Just after Tom left I called my dad, and packed. I left a note for Tom informing him I’m going to visit my parent’s for a week, and left. I already had it in my mind that nobody, not even my family, would be privy to our plan to set-up Tom. Nobody.

As I drove away I felt a sense of relief. I stopped at a gas station, filled-up my car, and sent Ginger, April, and Patti a text message to let them know I was on my way to my parent’s house.

It is about a three-hour drive to my parent’s house. I tried not to think too much, and just listened to my favorite music.

When I arrived at my parent’s house, I informed my Mom and Dad I could be here for a day or week. We talked for a while, and then we went out for an early dinner at my favorite local Italian restaurant. Tom was nice enough to buy dinner (ha ha). It was great to spend some quality time together. I love my parents!

After dinner we watched TV and talked. After the news was over, I was exhausted so I went to bed. Shortly after I hit the pillow I was out like a light.


When I woke up Sunday morning I checked my phone for messages.

Holy Shit… Around midnight, April, Ginger, and Patti each sent me a text with these three words, “We Got Him!"

My head was now spinning with excitement. I texted back thanking them, and let them know I would head home, and I could be at The L-Lounge at four o’clock.

April, Ginger, and Patti texted back, “See you there.”

I jumped out of bed, got dressed, and went downstairs. I said good morning to my parents, kissed them both, and Mom and Dad asked me if everything was all right?

I let my parents know there was an important matter I had to address regarding my divorce. I reassured them it was nothing serious, and nothing for them to worry about, but I had to head back.

I could see their disappointment because I was leaving so soon, but I promised them as soon as I clear up this matter, I would come back and spend a week with them.

Then, I don’t know what made me think of it, I told my parents if anybody called for me to tell them I was here, but I’m not taking any calls, and hang-up.

I went up to my room, packed my things, and was back downstairs in a flash. I told them I love them, kissed them both, and said good-bye.


It was around two o’clock when I pulled into my driveway. I left my car outside, and left my travel bag in it. It turns out Tom wasn't there, but our front door was unlocked. “That’s weird,” I thought. Then I went to my bedroom.

What the fuck happened… My room was a mess. My bed looked like shit, and then I remembered what April said, “Once we are all naked in your bedroom…”

That’s when I had my A-ha Moment. This is where it all took place. I still had no idea where Tom was. Then I thought, “Fuck him!”

I sent a text to the girls to let them know I was back, and I’d see them at four o’clock. I had plenty of time to shower, and put on some sexy clothes.

Looking at my room, I decided to leave it just as it was. I took some pictures in case I would need them, and used our guest bathroom to shower. I took my shower, dried my hair, and then put a minimum amount of make-up on.

When I was done, I went back to my room to get dressed. Looking through my clothes, I didn't have many sexy choices, but I did have a very a sexy blouse, skirt, and thong that Tom bought for me about five years ago.


Let me tell you a little story about these sexy clothes…

Tom never let me dress sexy. Then one day he comes home with a sexy top, a sexy skirt, and a sexy thong. He told he wanted me to wear them at a dinner we were hosting for an important client. He said the account was worth millions to the company, and he would make a huge annual commission.

After he said that, he also informed me he was told they were swingers, but we are not having sex with them. He just wanted me to look sexy and inviting to their eyes. Tom also told me not to wear a bra.

At first I thought, fuck him because he wasn't fucking me. As I thought about a little more, and agreed to dress like a slut for him, hoping it would improve our sex life.

I’ll never forget that night. His clients were nice people in their early-forties, and the wife, Tina, was very attractive woman. She had very pretty face, a great body, and big natural tits. She was hot!

Tina had a sexy but slutty look to her. She wore a tight red top, no bra, and a loose black mini-skirt. I didn't see a panty line, so I guessed she had a skimpy thong on, or wasn't wearing any.

After dinner, while the men were sitting outside talking and having a drink, Tina came into the kitchen to give me a hand.

Well, she gave me a hand all right. As I was putting away some dishes, I had to reach up to set them in the cabinet. Tina came up behind me, put her hands on my legs and ran them up under my skirt to my ass. I almost dropped the dishes.

Shocked but sexually turned on, I said, “ Tina, would you like to see the rest? Of the house, of course.”

Tina replied, “Kristin, I’d love to see the rest!”

We finished up in the kitchen, and I gave Tina a tour of the house. We started on the first floor with Tom’s study, then my workout room, the laundry room, and our family room. Then we went upstairs and I showed Tina the bedrooms, and the master bath.

Too my surprise Tina had not made another sexual advance on me. I guess I was a little disappointed, so I complimented her, telling her she looked great.

Tina and I continued our tour. Our next stop was our finished basement. We had a wet-bar, a pool table, a big plasma TV, and a few comfy sofas and chairs. We also had a hot tub that sat six, and a couple of washrooms.

While we were down there, like a good hostess, I offered Tina a cocktail, and she accepted. She requested a glass of white wine, so I poured two.

We sat down across from each other, and talked. Tina couldn't keep her eyes off of me, and didn’t try to hide it either.

Tina was a vixen. She even sat on the sofa with her legs crossed, putting her naked pussy on display for me to see. It looked smooth and moist. Even back then, Tom and I rarely had sex, so I was enjoying the view, and her attention.

After we finished our first glass of wine, and I went to the bar to pour us another. Along the way I suggested a friendly game of pool, and pool it was.

We each grabbed a stick and I racked up the balls. I told Tina since she was my guest, she could break.

As Tina stood at the table, she put the pool-stick between her legs, looked at me, and stroked it like a cock. Then she said, “Pool is such a sexy game, isn't it?”

“Yes it is - balls, sticks, and pockets to put them in,” I said.

Tina laughed, and then she broke. Her break was a good one and a solid ball went into one of the corner pockets.

On her next shot, she intentionally bent over the table on the side where I was standing to show off her ass. Her skirt was so short her cheeks were exposed, and she held that position for quite some time before she took her shot.

Frankly, her smooth beautiful bare ass was inviting. Even though she was a woman, I wanted to touch her, but I thought I better not. I hadn't had sex in so long I’d forgot what it was like.

Tina missed her shot, and it was my turn to shoot.

I decided I would show Tina some skin too, so I bent over the table just like she did. I took it a step further; I slowly wiggled my ass at her, and made my short skirt ride up high enough to put my bare ass on display.

That did it. Tina came behind and caressed my ass, pulled down my thong, and licked my pussy. Her tongue felt so fucking hot I just stood there, bent over, and said, “Oh fuck yes Tina, lick my pussy, ohooo.”

Fuck was she good. Her tongue found all the right spots, diving in and out, and up and down. My clit was hard and wanted more.

I never had sex with a woman before, but I loved what Tina was doing to me. I stood up and turned to face her, and then we kissed. I could taste my pussy on her tongue. It reminded me of when I would masturbate and suck my fingers.

After a series of intense kisses, Tina took off her top, and peeled off her skirt. Tina was now standing naked in front of me. Never having felt another woman’s breasts, I couldn't resist feeling her tits and pinching he nipples…

And then Tina said, “Please suck them Kristin, and suck them hard…”

Horny as fuck, I sucked Tina’s tits, and part of me was hoping our husbands would catch us.

Tina made the next move and unbuttoned my blouse, and felt, and then sucked my tits. She also put a finger in my pussy and finger-fucked me. Then, she pushed me back and wanted me on the pool table.

I jumped up and sat at the edge. Tina bent down and started to eat my pussy, only this time with far more energy and passion than before. As she did so, she vigorously fingered her pussy and squeezed her nipples. A few times, she took her fingers out of her pussy, and held them up for me to taste and suck on.

Since it had been a long time since I had an orgasm, in a matter of minutes she had me at the brink. She sensed I was about to come so she slowed her tongue down to prolong our tryst.

All of a sudden, with Tina’s fingers still fucking her pussy hard, she took her tongue out of my pussy and said, “Oh fuck, Kristin, you are so fucking hot, you’re going to make me come…”

Then, Tina again covered my pussy with her mouth, and fucked it hard with her tongue.

As she was fucking the hell out of pussy, I screamed out, “Yes, Tina, fuck it, fuck my pussy, fuck it, ooo fuck, I’m cominggg… And I exploded my juices all over her.

Tina was lucky she was naked, because her clothes would have been soaked. Yes, I’m one of those women who have gushers when I come hard.

Right after my gusher ended Tina stood up, and I got off the pool table. She kissed me, and it was a wet one because her face was soaked.

Our orgasms created a big wet spot on the floor, as Tina had a gusher too. I was about to get a towel when Tom and Jim started to make their way downstairs.

There we were, naked and almost naked, when I quickly buttoned up my blouse and stashed my thong under a seat-cushion. Tina picked up her clothes and ran into a bathroom that was only a few feet away.

As the guys turned the corner they looked at me, and saw the wet floor. They suddenly had a very suspicious look on their face.

I smiled and said, “Hi guys! Tina’s in the bathroom… She spilled her wine and I was about to clean it up. Now you two go back out have another drink, okay?”

The guys turned around and went upstairs. Tina came out of the bathroom dressed, and kissed me again. She thanked me for covering for her. She also said, “Kristin, we don’t live far away. I would love to get you naked in my bed, and that’s a standing offer. I’ll leave you my phone number.”

As much as I thought about it, I never took her up on her offer. I should have, at least I could have had some hot sex.


Getting back… I thought I owed the girls a little eye candy.

I was excited to go to The L-Lounge, and I was horny. My emotions were scattered and flew through my mind like a tornado. I was so grateful for what Ginger, April, and Patti did for me, I wanted to dress like a sexy slut for them, and show them some skin tonight; with the hope they will touch it.

I picked my peach colored short midriff blouse that Tom bought, and the very short white skirt that turned Tina on. This skirt was hot, and sat super low on my hips. In fact this skirt barely covered the top my pussy.

I looked in the mirror at my naked body. I still look as hot as the day Tina and I had our tryst. I pinched my nipples, and they quickly came to attention. Plus, for the first time in my life, I decided to go out without wearing a bra or panties.

I put on my skirt, and then my blouse. I left one more button than I normally would un-buttoned, and put on my favorite casual sandals. I was dressed.

Feeling sexy, I looked in the mirror again, and unbuttoned one more button. I liked what I saw, a pretty face, firm breasts, and most of all - a smile!

I was ready to go. I grabbed my purse and car keys, and locked the door. If Tom was locked out, oh well.


Since my emotions were running high I kind of lost track of time. I looked at the clock in my car, and realized I was going to be early when I got to the bar. Rather than going back in the house I took off.

When I got to The L-Lounge, I was lucky and parked right in front. When I walked in a number of the women eyed me up, and a few of them even licked their lips. I guess they approved of my looks. I figured Ginger, April, and Patti would too.

I walked up to the bar and ordered a Margarita. When the bartender brought me my drink she said, “I don’t think I've seen you in here before. My name is Bobbie, what’s yours?”

“Kristin,” I said. I let her know I was in the other night with my girlfriends, Ginger, April, and Patti, and they would be here in a little while.

I should describe Bobbie to you - She is a blonde bombshell, about my age, about my height, with curves in all the right places, and she has monster tits.

I’ll admit: Bobbie was H-O-T-! Wow, did she turn me on!

Bobbie and I talked chitchat at the bar for a minute, and then I looked around for a table. I knew we would need a table for four, but the table we had the other night was taken. On the other hand, the table where the girls were making out with their tits hanging out was open.

Since I was horny I sat down there. I thought that since that table was in a dark corner, and it was also the table where April let everyone lick her pussy, maybe I’d get lucky too.

Like I said, I was horny. At this point in my life I was so sexually deprived and pissed off at men (except for my dad and brother), the thought of having sex with a female was tops on my bucket list.

Right after I sat down, I sent a text to my girlfriends to let them I was at the bar, and where I was sitting. They quickly replied back, and let me know they would be here on time. I people watched while I waited to clear my mind.

As I sat there, I noticed there was a couple at the bar making-out, and they were really going at it. I kept my eyes on them, and then my casual watch turned into a stare. I also noticed a few others were watching them too.

Lucky for me, I could easily see them, but because I was in a dark corner they couldn't see me. These two women were not only making-out, they were also feeling each other’s tits, and had their hands under each other’s skirt. I’m pretty sure they were finger-fucking each other hard from their arm movement.

As I watched them, I noticed that Bobbie the bartender was also watching them. In fact she pulled her top up and was pinching her nipples as she watched. She intrigued me because she has monster tits, plus, she was not wearing a bra.

While I watched the girl-on-girl action at the bar, my desire to be touched and kissed by a woman grew stronger. I once again I felt a twitch in my pussy, plus, I realized that just like Tom, braless women and big tits really turn me on!

As I sat and watched the live sex show, I recalled what Ginger and Patti said the other night about being horny, and nobody gets jealous, and it's just sex.

By now, I was so horny I reached under my blouse and pinched my nipples. That made my neglected pussy even hotter, so I pulled my short skirt up a little and fingered my pussy. I was getting pretty hot and knew I had to be careful not to have an orgasm and soak my chair. But I wanted to.

“Was I a lesbian now, or just curious, or just horny?” I asked myself that question, and answered myself with, “Who cares?”

As I sat there, I fantasized that a hot woman would come and sit next to me, and seduce me. I continued to pinch my nipples and masturbate.

Bobbie the bartender’s live sex show was cut short when one of the girls at the end of the bar needed a refill. She made it quick, and then checked to see if anyone else was ready for another drink.

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I guess all the others were good.

The other night when we were in, there was a girl that waited on tables. I didn't see her today, so Bobbie walked the tables to take orders.

When she got to my table, she saw my drink was almost full, and I wasn't ready for another one. She also saw my skirt was pulled up some, and I’m pretty sure she saw my moist pussy lips. I didn't care, and I didn't pull my skirt down.

As Bobbie stood there she sized me up and down with her eyes, and said, “Damn You’re Hot… You need to come in more often.”

I smiled back and said, “Thanks, so are you!”

Then, to my surprise, she moved a chair very close to me, sat down, and leaned over and planted one hell of a kiss on me, a long one, and another, then another.

While Bobbie was kissing me my body shook with passion. She unbuttoned my blouse, felt my breasts, pinched my nipples, and had a finger sliding in and out of my wet pussy faster than a teenage boy.

Holy fuck that felt good. Bobbie knew what I wanted and quickly found my g-spot. She had me on the brink of a major orgasm that would have soaked my skirt, so I whispered to her, “You better stop or I’ll come loud and hard.”

Bobbie whispered back, “Don’t you want to come?”

“I’d love to come for you, but not here, not now,” I said, and kissed her.

Bobbie said, “Okay… I’ll see you a little later”.

Seconds later Bobbie left, and I tried to compose myself. It was a good thing I pulled my skirt up some at the table, because my chair was damp, and I would have spotted my skirt. I stood up and used a couple of napkins to dry off my chair, and then I went to the restroom. I needed to freshen up.

When I entered the restroom, I went into a stall to freshen up my wet thighs and pussy. I was happy I had a new pack of my favorite feminine wipes in my purse.

As I sat in the stall my thoughts ran wild. I didn't give a thought to all the men I used to fantasize over. Instead, I began to fantasize about being naked in bed with Bobbie, or Ginger, or April, or Patti, or all of them.

Lost in lust and aching for love, I unbuttoned my blouse, and touched my breasts like Bobbie had just done, and re-lived our few moments together. With my fingers, I penetrated my pussy, and imagined it was I, not Tom, that was getting fucked by the girls, while my tongue was buried inside of a beautiful pussy.

I masturbated and masturbated, having visions of all of us naked, kissing, touching, rubbing, feeling, and having oral sex.

It was when I envisioned that Ginger was sitting on my face with my tongue buried deep inside of her pussy, and April and Patti were sucking and gently biting my nipples, and Bobbie was penetrating my ass with her strap-on, pumping it in and out of me, that my orgasm let loose like a dam that just opened.

As I sat in the stall, my body shook with passion, releasing every ounce of juice that had built up inside of me from years of sexual neglect.

Once my orgasm subsided, I cleaned myself up, and was ready to return to my table.

I was about to open the bathroom door, but instead Bobbie walked in. She closed the door, took her top off, and leaned against it so nobody could get in.

Bobbie looked at me, and then held her huge tits in her hands and said, “Kristin, I've only got a couple of minutes, give my girls some loving.”

Still overcome with lust, for the next two-minutes I sucked her tits with the enthusiasm of a hungry child. In fact, I believe it was the fastest two-minutes of my life, because Bobbie had to back me off. She could see I wanted more, but said, “Kristin, I have to get back. You can have more later, much more…”

Bobbie gave me a kiss, put her top back on, and walked out.

Fuck, I was wet again, and this time it ran down my legs. I quickly cleaned-up again, and then returned to my table.

Still horny as hell, I quickly finished my drink, and then went to the bar with my empty glass in hand. Bobbie saw me coming and started to make me another Margarita.

When I got to the bar, I purposely stood next to the older women with the big tits. She was the one who made-out and finger-fucked the other woman at the bar a little earlier. Something about this woman really turned me on, and I was thrilled to see her big tits were still hanging out. By the way, her nipples are huge!

As I stood there, I didn't speak a word, but I made sure that I positioned myself so my bare ass would touch her bare leg. To do so, I lifted up one of my legs and set my foot on a footrest, and then leaned back.

As I stood there, this woman accepted my sexual invitation by lifting up my skirt and placing her hand on my bare ass, and exploring my cheeks.

“Nice, very nice,” she said. Then she ran a finger up and down my ass cheeks, found my moist pussy-lips, and penetrated me with one of her fingers.

Oh fuck I was hot! As she moved her finger all around inside me, I moved my ass around in a fucking motion. As she went in, I went out. Within seconds this woman had me on the verge of another orgasm, so I moved my ass and she removed her finger. She knew.

I loved what she just did. I looked at her and smiled, and since her big tits were still hanging out I grabbed them, pinched her huge nipples, and said, “Thanks.”

A few seconds later Bobbie had my drink ready, and she said, “This one’s on me.” I thanked Bobbie, left her a nice tip, and went back to my table.

As I sat down at my table, I thought about my brief sexual encounter at the bar. Plus, I couldn't stop thinking about the size of her nipples. They were huge and I wanted to suck them. Unfortunately, I only had about fifteen-minutes before my girlfriends would arrive.

Knowing time was not on my side, I stood up in front of my table with my drink in one hand. I looked at the woman at the bar, and hoped I attracted her attention. It took a couple of minutes, but she finally looked my way.

When she saw me, she got up and approached me. As soon as she was standing in front of me, I set my drink down and asked, “What’s you name?”

“Theresa. What’s yours?”

“Kristin,” I said. “I’m meeting a few friends here in about fifteen-minutes, and thought I’d take a restroom break before they arrive.”

Theresa said, “I’ll join you.”

The two of us went to the restroom and closed the door. I immediately took hold of her nipples, and then Theresa said, “Kristin, go ahead and suck them. Everyone loves my tits, that’s why I always leave my blouse unbuttoned.”

At first I just looked at them, admiring their size and shape. Then I put her right breast in my mouth first, as I kept a hold of her left breast, cupping it in my hand and flicking and pinching her nipple.

Her nipples were so fucking amazing to touch and suck. As I sucked them, Theresa continuously whispered to me, “That’s it Kristin, suck them, lick them, a-ha, that’s it, bite them, bite my nipples, that’s it baby, suck mamma’s titties baby, yes, suck them…”

Her whispers drove me fucking wild! For the next few minutes I was in tit heaven. Her nipples were big and chewy and I loved them.

Finally, I had to stop and she knew why. We shared a quick kiss and then Theresa said, “Anytime,” and she left the restroom.

I was wet again, so I went into a stall to freshen-up.

“What a hot fucking day!” I thought. And it was still early. Still hot as hell I returned to my table and sat down.


A few minutes later, Ginger, April, and Patti arrived together. Since they knew where I was sitting, they walked over to my table. As I stood up they each told me how smoking hot I looked.

“Thanks,” I said, and gave each of them a hug and a hot kiss, not just a puny peck on the cheek.

As I kissed each of them, Ginger, April, and Patti had their hands all over me for the first time, and I loved it.

After I kissed Ginger, she took it a step further and said, “Girl, you look so fucking hot I want to eat you right here!”

After she said that, Patti said, “Me first!”

Then April chimed in, “Kristin, we all want to eat you. Now get on the table like I did.” A few seconds later she said, “Just kidding.”

Hearing that, we all started laughing, and then I made a move like I was going too, and they laughed.

Finally, with all of us still laughing, we sat down.

Patti saw I was drinking a Margarita, so she went up to the bar and ordered four more. While Patti was at the bar, I saw her talk to Bobbie for a minute and look my way.

“Was my secret out? Was Bobbie a kiss-and-tell girl? Who cares,” I thought. It was wonderful to feel the physical attention of another person. My tits and pussy had not been fondled in years, unless I was the one doing it.

Patti was back with our drinks, and ordered me to drink-up my first one. Just as I finished it Bobbie was checking on her table guests.

Ginger, April, and Patti couldn't wait to tell me about their “Orgy” with Tom. But then I noticed Ginger had a dark mark on her right cheek, and I asked her what happened. She told me she’d tell me when the time was right.

April then spoke up, “Kristin, I won’t give you all the juicy details, Patti will send you the video; you can see for yourself.”

April added, “I take it you've met Bobbie by now. She is one of our best friends. Bobbie owns the bar…”

And then April said, “Kristin, I changed my original plan a touch, Bobbie went with us. I figured if Tom liked big braless tits with huge pokies, there was no way our mission could fail with Bobbie tagging along.”

Patti chimed in, “The rest went off pretty much as planned, except, when Tom saw our strap-on cocks, he actually wanted us to fuck him first, and...”

That’s when Ginger broke in, “Kristin, Tom is in jail. He got so pissed when I mentioned herpes that he smacked me hard on my face, twice. That’s why I have a red mark. I’m fine, it only hurt for a little while, and I didn't hit him back. That’s on the video too.”

Then Patti added, “As soon as Tom smacked Ginger, Bobbie called the cops. She knows them all. In fact four Officers arrived within two minutes after she called.”

Ginger added, “All the Officers laughed when they saw were all naked wearing a strap-on pointed at Tom. Tom just stood there and froze like a scared animal.”

Then April broke in, “Kristin, once the cops came in, Tom knew he was fucked. I’d imagine he probably saw his comfy life flash before his eyes.”

Ginger added, “Kristin, Tom was the one that suggested we go to your place, because the bitch, and that would be you, is out of town. He also suggested we have sex in your room, and he suggested we video our orgy, not us. He’s still in jail because he’s too fucking embarrassed to call anyone to bail him out.”

As we were talking, Bobbie approached our table and flashed her big tits.

Bobbie looked at me said, “Kristin, your husband is fucked. You’ll get everything, plus some. My attorney, her name is Michelle, will wrap his balls around his neck, and squeeze. She may even be in tonight.”

Then Bobbie added, “Kristin, I already spoke with Michelle. She is one bad-ass divorce attorney, and she won’t charge you a dime up-front. Just pay her a fair fee once all is said and done. Michelle also said that based on what happened you are going to be a rich girl!”

I really didn't know what to say other than, “Thank you!”

When Bobbie saw that I was about to shed some tears, she grabbed her monster tits and said, “Who wants give my girls some love? C’mon Kristin…”

I got up, and then Ginger, April, and Patti followed. The four of us sandwiched Bobbie between us. Together we shared some serious group kisses, and felt and sucked on her monsters. Our mini-orgy didn't last long because she had to get back and tend bar.


Once Bobbie walked away, I couldn't hold back my tears any longer, so I abruptly excused myself.

My emotions finally got the best of me, and I ran off to the restroom. For about five minutes I sat in a stall and had a good cry, and pondered my life.

Ginger, April, and Patti all came in the restroom to check-up on me. I told them I’m okay and I’ll be back soon.

When I returned, Ginger, April, and Patti were sitting at our table. I sat back down at the table and tried to compose myself. Each of them offered sweet words to console me, and I felt better. What a gift it is to have real friends that care about me.

As I sat there, I assured them I’m fine, that it’s just been a crazy time in my life. Upon hearing that, they each stood up and gave me a group hug and kiss.

It was April that broke away first and said, “Kristin, you just need some lovin,” and walked over to the spot where we stood with Bobbie. Ginger and Patti joined her.

Looking directly at me, they each took their tops off and threw them on a chair. None of them wore a bra so they were naked from the waist up. Then they shared a group kiss and touched each other’s breasts, cupping them, pinching them, and then sucking them.

Watching them made my pussy so wet. I pulled up my skirt so I wouldn't get it wet, and I fingered my pussy. Their girl-on-girl action only went on for a minute, until they all looked at me, and Ginger said, “Come on Kristin...”

By now my pussy was tingling with anticipation. Horny as fuck, I wanted their sex, I wanted their love, and I wanted to give them mine.

I stood up and walked a few steps into a small empty room next to our table. There was a dim spotlight that shined down in the center.

Inside this small room there was a bar-stool in each corner, a few intimate pictures of female lovers on one wall, a few coat-hooks on the other wall, and dark thick curtains on the back wall that opened in the center. I assumed it was a storage area.

I stood there alone in this small room with a spotlight shining down upon me.

I unbuttoned my blouse and took it off with a stripper move, and tossed it on my chair. I knew I had all of their eyes on me, so I looked at them, and licked my lips and pinched my nipples.

Next, I unhooked my skirt, and let it fall to the ground. Now naked, I turned around and bent down to let them see my hot wanting ass and moist pussy, and then I picked up my skirt and tossed it on my chair.

As I stood there and faced my lovers totally naked, I felt completely liberated. I pinched my nipples and felt my pussy swell with excitement as I looked at three beautiful women and playfully said, “Come and get me!”

They did.

Ginger, April, and Patti approached my naked body and began to touch me like I have never been touched before. The three of them kissed me, loved my breasts, my nipples, and loved my ass. It was Ginger who was the first to dive down to lick and tongue-fuck my anxious pussy.

Standing there, my vision was shielded from the rest of the bar. A few seconds later, Bobbie appeared while the four of us stood and made love. Bobbie joined in for a minute, and then opened the dark curtains.

After Bobbie opened the curtains partway, I saw a door. Bobbie had the key and I thought she was there to retrieve supplies. Then she opened the door and turned on the lights.

As I looked into the room, I knew my ultimate fantasy was about to become a reality… Ginger, April, Patti, Bobbie, and I together, making love.

Bobbie quickly went to gather all our clothing, and then she said, “Laura’s here to tend bar - Let’s make love to Kristin!”

The room that I thought was a storage room was in fact a Sex-Suite. It had two king sizes mattresses set side by side, the walls and ceiling were mirrored, and the ceiling had soft sensual lighting.

Naked, loving, and lustful, I entered the room and crawled onto the bed, and lay on my back. April was the first to get her skirt off and lay her naked body next to mine, Then she kissed me while her soft hands explored my breasts, and my nipples, as mine did hers.

As I lay there, I anxiously waited for Ginger, Patti, and Bobbie. I couldn't wait to touch, love, and explore their naked bodies.

As Ginger, Patti, and Bobbie crawled up next to us, April hovered over me and said, “Kristin – Ginger, Patti, and I have wanted to make love to you for years.”

April kissed me, and as she kissed me, her beautiful breasts swung over me and brushed against mine. Then all the girls joined in, and together they moved my body to the center of the bed.

For the next two-hours, Ginger, April, Patti, and Bobbie made love to every inch of my body as if it were a shrine. I felt like a Princess and a Porn Star, but most of all, I felt loved. I was now experiencing what was missing in my life for too many years – Love, and Hot Passionate Sex.

April started to lick and penetrate my pussy lips with her tongue. Her tongue felt like silk, and it was long and playful. Her tongue gracefully explored my pussy and I loved it. Once she touched the spot, and I mean my ‘G’ spot, I experienced a gushing orgasm, and soaked April’s face.

After I came, Ginger, Patti, and Bobbie each got down and took turns licking, tonguing, lapping, and loving my pussy. I was so fucking hot my orgasms didn't stop, and a steady stream continued to pour out of me.

Now insanely hot, the mirrors made me realize just how much of a voyeur I was. Wanting more, I had Ginger, April, Patti, and Bobbie lay next to each other, side-by-side.

One by one, I hovered my nakedness over them, kissed them, and loved their breasts with my hands, mouth, and tongue. Then, I pleasured their distinctly unique and equally beautiful pussy.

I didn't mention this before, but I have a very long tongue. When I inserted my tongue into each of their pussy-lips, I was able to quickly bring each of them into a blissful orgasm, and as they came, I came with them.

Together, we made love for over two-hours. It would be impossible to describe all of our moves, emotions, and positions, so I won’t.

After we were all sexually satisfied, we picked up our clothes. Still naked, Ginger, April, Patti, and I followed Bobbie through the bar and past the restroom to another locked door.

Bobbie unlocked the door and we went upstairs. Turns out it was her place.

Her apartment was big and beautifully decorated. She led us into the back porch area. She converted it into a huge shower room with large tinted windows, and had a hot tub that sat eight.

We all showered together, and then sat in the tub. While we sat there, I expressed my sincere love to them all. I let the girls know I will always be there for them as a friend, and lover.

When we got out of the tub, we dried off, and then followed Bobbie into her bedroom. She went through her drawers to find me something comfortable to wear. She picked a pair of tight pink short-shorts, and a short white t-shirt.

To my surprise, Ginger, April, and Patti each had their own drawer with extra clothes. Then Bobbie opened an empty drawer, looked at me and said, “Kristin, we've been waiting for you. This will be your drawer.”

I gave Bobbie a kiss and said, “I love you guys!”

It was getting late now, and Bobbie asked if we wanted dinner. We were all starving and decided on Chinese food. Bobbie placed the order and had it delivered.

As we were eating, my cell phone rang. It was Tom calling from the Police Station. I didn’t answer. He left a message asking me to come and bail him out. I told the girls and we all got a good laugh out of it.

After dinner we talked for a while, and the girls suggested I stay with one of them until Michelle works out a settlement. They didn't think I should be at my place alone.

That’s when Bobbie said, “Kristin, just stay here. You can park your car in my garage; I have one spot open. Then, in the morning we can call Michelle if she doesn't stop by tonight. Plus, who knows what may happen between now and then. It could be fun!”

I happily agreed to stay with Bobbie. Plus, I couldn't wait to sleep with her.

And with that, Ginger, April, and Patti and I shared some kisses, some real kisses, and we all agreed we’d talk tomorrow. Bobbie walked them downstairs, and they left.


When Bobbie returned, she suggested that we should go and park my car in her garage. We did. Once her garage door closed, we sat in my car and made out like a couple of lustful teenagers. I really can’t believe how fucking hot Bobbie gets me.

We made-out in my car for about five-minutes, and then went into the bar. Bobbie was surprised how many people were there on a Sunday night. Bobbie knew them all, and each and every one of them gave Bobbie a kiss and gave her monsters a feel.

Funny, after seeing this woman kiss Bobbie and squeeze her boobs, I felt a little jealous. Then I recalled what Ginger said, “Its just sex, and nobody get jealous.”

That’s something I’ll have to learn, fast, and then I thought, “I guess I just did.”

Bobbie introduced me to everyone, and then we sat at the bar and had a drink. When we were on our second drink a beautiful woman walked in. It was Michelle.

Bobbie gave her a hug and kiss, and yes, Michelle felt Bobbie’s boobs too. Then she introduced me to Michelle.

Michelle hugged me, and let me know not to worry about anything. Her exact words were, “I've seen the video. He’s fucked!”

Michelle was smart, and stunning. She was about fifty, and looked at least fifteen years younger. Her looks and body type very much resembled mine. She was hot!

Bobbie went behind the bar and made Michelle her special drink, and made two more, one for her and I. Michelle and I took our drinks and sat at the table next to the Sex-Suite.

Funny, as we sat down there, Michelle said, “Kristin, I’ll warn you, this table makes me horny as fuck.”

I replied, “Michelle, I know what you mean.”

Michelle’s eyes were all over me, as I was wearing Bobbie’s short cut-off t-shirt that barely covered my tits, and my shorts were so tight it showed off my pussy lips. I think it’s safe to say Michelle liked what she saw.

We sat and talked about my case for about an hour. When I told Michelle about Tom’s unreported income, and her eyebrows hit the ceiling. She wanted to know if I could prove it.

I said, “Sure. Just subpoena Tom’s bank records and tax returns. His salary is $15,000 a month, and siphons another $15,000 a month, not taxed, from a dedicated business account. You’ll see $30,000 a month deposited in his checking account.”

With all the info I shared with Michelle in the last hour, including our bank account info, Michelle said, “Kristin, if I need more I’ll call you. I don’t think I will. I think he will settle out of court by Wednesday.”

Then Michelle added, “I know his attorney well. He has the hots for me. I have a few outfits that drive him out of his mind. This will be a piece of cake; I always get what I want.”

I thanked her and leaned over to give Michelle a friendly kiss. Then to my surprise, Michelle said, “A real kiss works too.”

Just then, Bobbie walked over with a round of fresh drinks, and let us know since it was busy she’d be helping Laura at the bar for a while. Then Bobbie said, “Why don’t you two discuss your case in the hot tub? My apartment door is open, and Michelle, you know where the robes and towels are...”

Hearing that, Michelle said, “Actually, I’d love to be naked with my client in your hot tub, after I win her case. We are done here for the night, and I have some paperwork to complete. So I’m going to have to pass, but I’ll take a rain-check.”

I looked at Michelle and said, “That works for me,” and gave her the type of kiss she was looking for. While kissing, her hands made their way under my t-shirt. I loved the way she touched my breasts, and wanted her to bed-me. When we broke off our kiss, she whispered in my ear, “I’ll hold you to that rain-check…” And with that she left.


Bobbie stood with me for a minute and said, “C’mon, grab your drink and let’s go upstairs. You've got to be exhausted by now.”

Actually, I was tired, but I was hoping Bobbie would make love to me in her bed.

Once we were upstairs Bobbie turned on the TV, and then we sat on the sofa. We cuddled up, relaxed and just talked.

While we were talking my cell phone rang. It was in my purse so I went to get it. It was Tom calling from his phone, meaning he was out of jail. Michelle had instructed me not to see him or talk to him. I wasn’t going to answer it anyway.

I sat back down with Bobbie and cuddled up. A few seconds later my voice-mail alert went off, and naturally I knew who it was. I retrieved the message and we listened to it.

For the first time in years this man had a humble tone to his voice. His message was simple, “Kristin, we need to talk.”

Hearing that, I simply saved his message for Michelle. I noticed my battery was real low, and luckily Bobbie’s phone charger was the same as mine. She told me it was in her bedroom, and that’s when I said, “Lets go to bed.”

We got up, shut everything off, and made our way into her bedroom. I plugged my phone in, and asked Bobbie what side of the bed she preferred.

She said, “Kristin, as long as you’re in it, either side is perfect!”

I took my shorts and t-shirt off, and said, “Lets make love!”

I hopped in bed and Bobbie said, “I’ve been waiting for this moment all day.”

As soon as Bobbie was in bed we started to kiss, but far more passionately than earlier. Our kisses were more loving kisses than lustful kisses. Then, she moved her beautiful body so it hovered over me, and hung her incredible breasts in my face, swinging them back and forth, making her nipples touch my lips as they moved freely in the air.

I was in awe of this woman’s incredible body. I put my hands out and held them both, and sucked them like a child. As I did so, I felt my pussy start to flow with excitement.

Now totally turned-on, I hugged Bobbie, and drew her body up against mine, and turned her onto her back, and kissed her repeatedly. Next, I moved my body down her body until her pussy was staring at my mouth.

Excited, I spread her legs wide open and licked her pussy-lips up and down, and up and down. Bobbie’s lips were wet and her pussy had a sweet taste. I then extended my very long tongue as deep as I could inside of her, seeking the spot that will bring her the most pleasure.

All of a sudden I felt her start to buck her hips, and knew exactly where her special spot was. I worked my tongue in and out and was not going to stop until I brought my lover into a sexual frenzy.

I worked and worked her pussy with my tongue, and then reached up and found her nipples, and pinched and twisted them, while my tongue went in and out of her delicious pussy, as hard and deep and as fast as it could.

Bobbie started to moan louder and louder, and buck her hips harder until she just screamed I’m coming, and exploded her juices like a fountain all over me.

As she was coming, I held my tongue in her pussy and covered it with my mouth until she let me know when to stop. As she lay there, her body shook as she continued to push stream after stream out of her love canal…

Sexually satisfied, Bobbie reached under my arms and guided my body up until we were face to face, and then we kissed, and talked, and then fell asleep in each other’s arms.


The next morning I woke around Ten O’clock. I looked around and then Bobbie came into her room. She sat down on her bed and gave me a passionate kiss, and let me know there will be a special party in the bar tonight.

I gave Bobbie a kiss and asked, “What’s the occasion?”

“We’re having a divorce party… Kristin, Michelle called me about a half-hour ago. You now own your home, your furnishings, your car, and will be collecting $120,000 a year in alimony, forever, and, Tom will be out of your house today.”


So, how does a stifled wife win an ugly divorce case? With a little help from her friends…


This fictional story was written by Alex Foremen and shall not be copied or re-produced.

Written by AlexForemen
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