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The Ladies Fashion Shop

"Shop owner and customer form a mutual attraction that leads to sex and caning"

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It was a nice sunny day and forty-eight-year-old Jane Blackwood was wandering around the town, killing time in between the business meeting that she had attended and her hotel evening meal. She looked in the window of a ladies clothes shop and decided to enter.

Jane entered the shop, which was not large and was unoccupied except for a mature woman, apparently of Indian origin, who was perched on a stool behind the counter. Both women smiled and both women thought how gorgeous the other one looked.

"Good afternoon," said Jane.

"Good afternoon," echoed the woman behind the counter as she squirmed what was probably a sizeable arse on the stool.

The Indian woman gazed at the well-built blonde that had just entered the shop.

"Can I help you with anything?" asked the Indian woman, all flashing white teeth and flashing brown eyes.

"Um, no thank you; just looking at the moment," smiled Jane, who was finding it difficult to take her eyes off the other woman.

Jane looked through some of the items on rails and the two women smiled, again, at each other. "Nice shop; is it yours?" smiled Jane.

"Yes; my name is Malaika," replied the woman, squirming some more on the stool.

"That's a nice name; my name is Jane," replied the white woman, who was thinking that she must sound like a giggly schoolgirl with a crush on her teacher. The Indian lady was obviously older than Jane but Jane was not sure how much. In fact, Malaika Kapoor was aged fifty-eight.

The two women were both obviously aware of the mutual attraction but before anything further could be said, another customer entered the shop.

"Hello Malaika, how are you?" said the new arrival, obviously knowing the shop owner well.

"Hello Felicity, very well, thank you; how are you?" replied Malaika, and Jane, who was temporarily being ignored, felt a strange sort of jealousy because Malaika was doing the same sort of teeth and eye flashing with the new arrival as she had with her. Malaika and Felicity were occasional lesbian lovers, something that Jane immediately suspected.

Malaika suddenly seemed to remember Jane's presence. "Felicity here is a friend of mine; sorry, what were we saying when she arrived?" said Malaika, addressing Jane.

"Um, nothing really; I just asked you if the shop was yours," said Jane, but still feeling a bit excluded.

"I just called in to remind you about Friday night," said Felicity to Malaika.

"Oh, yes, yes, of course," smiled Malaika, making Jane wonder if that meant that the other two women had a date.

Jane Blackwood was very much a lesbian but she had recently ended a long-term relationship when she found her girlfriend in bed with another woman. She had had a couple of sexual encounters since but had nobody in particular in her life right now. Although she was right in her assumption that Malaika and Felicity were sometimes lovers, she was wrong in assuming that that was what Friday night was about.

Felicity then left the shop with a smile at Malaika and a glance at Jane. Felicity thought Jane rather attractive and she was sure that Malaika thought the same. Jane rather fancied Felicity too.

Malaika had now got off the stool and moved towards Jane, who felt strangely nervous. "I have not seen you before; do you live in town?" asked Malaika, now just a couple of feet away from Jane.

"No, I am in town for business meetings; in a hotel tonight and then another meeting tomorrow afternoon," replied Jane, looking into Malaika's beautiful brown eyes.

"I was wondering if you would like to come back here at closing time, at five-thirty?" asked Malaika, hoping that she had not misread Jane's thoughts.

"Um, I am not sure that I understand," replied Jane, although she was pretty certain what the shop owner was offering.

Thinking that she had misread the situation, Malaika tried to backtrack. "Oh sorry, I thought you, um... never mind," she said, feeling embarrassed.

"No, nothing to be sorry about; I will see you at five-thirty," smiled Jane, although she was still not certain exactly what was on offer.

Another lady entered the shop at this point, curtailing any further conversation. Jane left the shop in the knowledge that she might well be having sex with the gorgeous Indian woman that she had only just met.

Malaika had had numerous women in her life but very few of them were serious or long-term relationships. She was very fond of the female body, though, especially if it was naked and next to hers. She also liked to sometimes have a cane applied to her own large bottom, something that went back to a caning that she received from her mother as an eighteen-year-old.

Jane had about an hour before she was due back at the shop so she went to her hotel room and had a shower. She changed from the business suit that she had been wearing into a white trouser suit. She knew that the trousers were too tight across her ample backside but she hoped that that fact might help with whatever evening's entertainment was upcoming.

Jane returned to the shop just before closing time and was greeted by a smile from Malaika that just oozed sex appeal. There were no customers there but Malaika waited until the clock ticked around to the official closing time before locking up. Malaika was in traditional Indian attire and Jane loved how wide the woman's arse looked in her saree.

The women then faced each other and, without speaking, went into a long lingering kiss which neither of them wanted to break.

"I was wondering if you wanted to cancel your hotel room for tonight?" asked Malaika, once the kissing had stopped.

"But where would I spend the night?" asked Jane with a grin, before the women kissed again and each pawed the other's backside.

"Naked, next to me," answered Malaika as this bout of kissing finished. Two women who had only first set eyes upon each other less than two hours previously were on the point of arranging a night of sex.

"Sounds good to me, although we could do that in my hotel room," answered Jane, as both women's cunts dampened.

"That's true, but my secluded cottage might be better," smiled Malaika.

"Because of our screams of pleasure, I suppose," giggled Jane.

"Exactly that," replied Malaika, although she also thought the possibility of the sound of a cane striking buttocks might be best in a secluded cottage.

It was agreed that Jane would cancel her reservation and check out of the hotel and then follow Malaika's car in her own vehicle to Malaika's cottage. There was the question of them having something to eat but both women put their intended sexual activity ahead of that.

Some fifteen minutes later, Jane had sorted her account and got her luggage in her car and followed Malaika's car out of the hotel car park. After less than ten minutes of driving, they pulled up at a cottage set back a little bit from the main road. Jane had been thinking whilst driving as she tried to get her head around what had happened since mid-afternoon.

The two women got out of their cars and Jane felt a bit uneasy, not about the prospect of lesbian sex but about her being with a woman that she knew virtually nothing about. "I can't believe I am doing this," Jane said.

"You have been with a woman before, haven't you?" asked Malaika, concerned that Jane appeared to be having second thoughts.

"Yes, it is not that; it is that I know nothing about you; I don't mean that to sound as it probably does," said Jane.

"Well, I am the woman that is going to make you cum with my tongue, fingers, and if you want, my strapon; what more do you want to know?" smiled Malaika.

"Don't you have a girlfriend?" asked Jane, wondering if there was maybe another woman in the cottage.

"Nobody special; if I see a woman that I like, I try to bed her; that is why you are here," said Malaika.

"But Felicity, are you and she, um...?" started Jane.

"Nothing serious, although she has spent a night or two here," replied Malaika, honestly.

Jane was still mulling things over in her mind, so Malaika gave her a way out if she wanted it. "You do not have to come in if you do not want to, but I would like you to, Jane," said the beautiful Indian woman.

"Yes, yes, I want to, it was just all so sudden," replied Jane, before moving to Malaika and kissing her.

Malaika managed to unlock the cottage door whilst they were still kissing and then the kissing continued indoors, with tongues inserted in throats. "Do you want your luggage out of your car?" asked Malaika when they came up for air.

"Just my toiletries. I will not need nightclothes, will I?" smiled a happy and turned on Jane.

"No, you will certainly not be needing nightclothes and I mean to have you out of those that you are wearing now, as soon as possible," said a lecherous Malaika, whose eyes went over Jane's clothed body.

Malaika had her first real look at Jane's large arse in her tight white trousers and the Indian woman caressed her cheeks. "You have a lovely bottom, Jane," complimented Malaika.

"Thank you; sometimes I think it is too big but I am fucking loving you stroking it," replied Jane as she closed her eyes.

"My dear, when I get it bare, I will do more than stroke it; I will fucking worship it," said Malaika as she continued running her hand over Jane's buttocks.

"Oh Malaika, let's get naked otherwise I will cum in my knickers," breathed Jane as the older woman fingered her arse crack through her trousers.

"Let me show you my bedroom, you horny bitch," laughed Malaika.

Malaika led the way up the stairs and it was Jane's turn to touch Malaika's backside. "You have a great bum too, Malaika," said Jane as she kept her hand on Malaika's arse as they mounted the stairs.

"My bum likes all sorts of attention, some of which we might discuss later," said Malaika, hoping that the woman currently touching her arse would apply a cane to it later.

They reached the bedroom and then kissed and buttock caressed again. They were both more than ready to get themselves and the other woman naked. "Um, I have never been with an Indian woman before," said Jane, who had no idea of the intricacies of removing a saree, if there were any.

"Oh, we have got tits, arse and cunt, just like you," teased Malaika.

"No, I mean I do not know how to take off your saree," confessed Jane.

"Well, you take off your clothes and I will take off mine," suggested Malaika, and Jane agreed.

They were soon both totally naked and two very full pairs of breasts were being caressed. Both women had hair down below, Malaika more than Jane. Both cunts were decidedly damp.

The naked women kissed tenderly and they both slowly ran their hands down the other's back until they both gently squeezed large arse cheeks. Their tits mashed together as their tongues touched and their cunts got wetter.

Now seemed to be a good time for some pussy licking so the two women got into a sixty-nine, with Malaika on top, and their tongues started lapping at the wet cunts. They were both so turned on that orgasms were not long in coming, with Jane starting to cum just before her hostess did.

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"Fuck, you taste good," said Jane after Malaika had lifted her sexual regions off her face.

"So, you like the taste of Indian cum?" asked Malaika, still gazing at the cum soaked cunt that she had just licked to orgasm.

"I certainly like the taste of yours," replied Jane, who then pulled Malaika back down onto her face and started licking again. Jane then felt Malaika's tongue re-enter her own cunt. The women played each other's clits and tongued all around their vagina's and both came hard again.

They were then both face to face and kissing with passion. "Shit, you are hot," Malaika complimented Jane.

"You are pretty good yourself," laughed Jane in response.

"Let me have a good look at your arse," said Malaika, turning Jane onto her front.

Jane squirmed and purred as she felt Malaika's fingers and then lips gently brush her large backside. "Oh fuck!" exclaimed Jane as Malaika slightly parted her buttocks and starting licking her arse crack.

"You like?" asked Malaika, for the moment taking her tongue out of the crevice between Jane's cheeks.

"Yeah, I like but not had that done to me often," said Jane, longing for Malaika's tongue to go back into her crack, which it did.

Malaika was then tonguing around Jane's arsehole and the blonde squirmed and bucked. "Fuck, oh fuck, I am cumming," she shouted as she writhed. Jane trembled and shook in orgasm as Malaika kept licking.

"Now let me see your arse," said Jane when she eventually calmed and she was then gazing at the firm and rounded cheeks of Malaika. She had been told earlier that Malaika liked her backside having attention paid to it. There was also something, as yet, mysterious that was to be discussed.

Jane handled and kissed Malaika's arse in much the same way as hers had been treated and she found that Malaika too could be brought to orgasm by having her arsehole licked.

The lovers were then in each other's arms and gazing into each other's lust-filled eyes. "So what is this other attention to your arse that we are to discuss?" asked Jane.

"Well, not all of my lovers are into it, but when I was eighteen, my mother gave me a thrashing with a cane," said Malaika.

"Right. So are you saying that you like to be caned?" asked Jane, who had done some mutual spanking with her former girlfriend but had never used a cane.

"The caning hurt like fuck but it made my cunt so fucking wet," continued Malaika.

"And you still like to be caned?" asked Jane, lovingly running her hand through her lover's black hair.

"When I went to my room after my mother had caned me, I did not know whether to rub my arse or my cunt first, so I did both at the same time; I came so fucking hard," said Malaika with her dark eyes alive with the memory.

"Are you asking me to cane you, Malaika?" asked Jane, although it was pretty obvious that she was.

"I would like you to, but only if you want to," replied Malaika.

"Does Felicity cane you?" asked Jane, just out of curiosity.

"She has done; fuck, I could not sit down for ages after the last time that she caned me," reminisced Malaika.

"I have never caned anyone but I will cane you; might not be as good at it as Felicity though," said Jane.

"Do you want to do it now or in the morning?" asked Malaika.

"Aren't you in your shop in the morning?" responded Jane.

"Yes, but going to work with a really sore arse is a huge turn-on for me," confided Malaika.

"I will cane you in the morning if that is what you prefer," said Jane.

"Yes, I will set the alarm so that we have time; now I want to taste your pussy again," said Malaika as she started kissing Jane's tits before going lower. She licked Jane to another orgasm and then Jane got another taste of Indian cum before they got organised for some sleep.

Malaika set the alarm so that they would have plenty of time for the administration of a caning but Jane awoke before the alarm to the feeling of having her buttocks caressed. It took her a moment to realise where she was and what was happening but she then rolled onto her back with legs spread. She then smiled as a large Indian arse and inviting cunt was slowly lowered onto her face.

The women licked each other to orgasm before exchanging good mornings, with both of them giggling.

"Shall we have breakfast before you cane me?" asked Malaika.

"Whatever you want, but I thought we just had breakfast," laughed Jane.

They showered but did not get dressed and they then had breakfast. Jane had all morning but Malaika had her shop to open in less than two hours so it was time to get the cane out of the wardrobe. Malaika handed it to her latest lover. "As hard as you can, please," she said as she put her elbows on the bed and thrust her large bare arse towards Jane.

"Okay, but I have not done this before; um, how many strokes?" asked Jane as she studied the cane in her hand.

"At least twelve but you will know when to stop because I will probably cum," said the woman with her arse in the air.

Jane held the cane against Malaika's backside, withdrew it and then brought it forward but not with much power. It made a CRACK which surprised Jane but did not impress Malaika. "Harder, harder than that," said the woman on the receiving end.

Jane added a second stroke with a bit more power but Malaika needed and expected more. "Harder, much harder," ordered Malaika.

Jane took a deep breath and landed a third stroke which certainly sounded louder than the other two on impact. "Better, but harder," was Malaika's response, although Jane noticed that she swayed her arse a bit.

Another deep breath and Jane put all the power that she could muster into the next stroke. A loud CRACK reverberated around the room and the response from Malaika indicated that it was satisfactory. "Um, fuck yes, like that," said Malaika and her arse swayed from side to side.

Knowing that she was now doing it correctly, Jane slashed the cane down at that speed and at intervals of about ten seconds. Malaika twisted and squirmed with each CRACK and the sounds that she was making indicated both that it was stinging and that it was arousing.

As Malaika had told her that she would know when to stop, Jane was not actually counting the strokes but she had slashed fourteen across the woman's bare arse when Malaika twisted then clenched her buttocks. "Shit, oh fuck, oh fuck," she wailed and gave every indication that she was having an orgasm.

Jane was mesmerised as it became obvious that Malaika was cumming, induced by the cane lashing her arse. "Oh fuck Jane, that was so fucking good," Malaika groaned, still with her arse raised. Jane felt rather pleased with herself.

Malaika straightened up and turned and faced Jane. "My arse is going to be so sore all day, thank you," said Malaika before snogging Jane.

Jane found herself on her back on the bed with her legs spread as the grateful Malaika tongued her to another orgasm.

"Oh Jane, I am so glad that you came into my shop; how far away do you live?" asked the woman whose arse was on fire. A question that, despite the women having been together for about fourteen hours, had not been asked before.

"I am glad too; I live about a hundred and fifty miles away," replied Jane making regular time together for the two women very difficult if not out of the question.

"I would so like to see you again," said Malaika, whose tingling arse was keeping her cunt tingling.

"Me too, we must stay in contact and meet when we can," replied Jane, who was equally impressed with her new lover.

They both now had to get themselves tidied up and dressed, Malaika for opening her shop and Jane for her business meeting, although that was still in more than five hours. They exchanged phone numbers and email addresses.

"I will come and see you in your shop later this morning if that is okay," said Jane, who had by now got her business suit from her car and got changed into that.

"Yes, yes, please do, " replied Malaika, whose sore arse was keeping her in a state of permanent arousal.

They had one more long lingering kiss before they got into their respective cars. Malaika sitting down very gingerly in her driving seat and they both smiled at each other because of her difficulties.

Jane parked in town and, as the previous afternoon, she had time to kill this morning. She would go to Malaika's shop but not until later in the morning. She went and sat in the local park and a smile crossed her face as she thought of Malaika trying to sit down at the moment. Malaika had opened her shop and was mostly standing up but, in a masochistic sort of way, she did sometimes lower her big arse onto the stool. She would then squirm as her tingling backside made contact with the stool and that tingling again transmitted to her vagina.

It became late morning and Jane decided that now was the time to go and see her lover from the night before. Unlike the previous day, there was another customer in the shop when she entered but Malaika's face lit up, as did Jane's.

Jane was amused to see that Malaika was standing, although with her elbows on the counter. Jane would have loved to have been able to get behind Malaika now and to kiss her buttocks. For the benefit of the other customer, Malaika thought she should speak to the new arrival in her shop. "Good morning, madam, can I help you?" smiled Malaika to Jane.

"Good morning; not at the moment, thank you, just looking," replied Jane, also with a smile.

The other woman went into a changing cubicle to try an item on and, with a glance at the closed curtain, Jane moved towards Malaika and they kissed. They could not kiss as they wanted to but it was a kiss nevertheless. After a while, the other woman came out of the cubicle and purchased the item that she had tried on. Jane had moved away from Malaika and pretended to be studying items on a rail.

The other woman left the shop but before Malaika and Jane could have any sort of interaction, somebody else entered the shop. It was none other than Felicity, who glanced from Jane to Malaika and back again before speaking in amazement. "Um, you two didn't, um?" she asked, referring to the brief encounter in the shop the previous day.

"We did, actually, and she caned my arse this morning," announced Malaika, leaving Jane looking slightly embarrassed.

"Shit! I will have to come and kiss your arse better tonight, um, unless you two are...." said Felicity.

"No, we are not; I have got to go home after my meeting this afternoon," said Jane, feeling jealous of Felicity.

"It might have been fun with the three of us," said Malaika and both Jane and Felicity, who also fancied each other, agreed.

They then parted with Jane having her business meeting to consider and, sometime in the future, a return to this town to consider. Malaika and Felicity had the upcoming night to consider, and all three women thought of a possible lesbian threesome.

Written by PJH
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