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The Highwayman Chapter 2: Upstairs, Downstairs

"The lady of the house interviews a new hire."

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She was a new hire and was already terrified of him. Good, that was part of his job. He was taking her through the mansion, introducing her to the various servants living and working below stairs. As he understood it, this would be her first position in a house. She would hopefully be a quick study. Hand picked by the Lady herself no less; he would be certain to keep this to himself; favourites always received the coldest of welcomes. He also made sure she was aware of this, the last thing he needed was quarrels among the staff, what was her name again?

"Angelica, M'lord."

He corrected her reproachfully, and delighted in seeing her cringe. He was not a lord, not a sir, he was a servant, just like herself, he was Mr. Bradley, and he was the head butler in this house. Mr. Bradley had a military background and kept a tight hold of the discipline of the house. Of this, he informed the girl. They moved through the kitchen and he introduced her to the cook. She was a plump woman in her mid to late forties with an air of command though her smile for Angelica was warm and welcoming. Angelica thought she was quite beautiful when she smiled. She quickly reprimanded herself for this thought.

"This is where the staff will eat, promptly at six O'Clock, is that not true Missus Porter?"

The woman nodded respectfully to Mr. Bradley, as one commander acknowledging another. Angelica was certain she had also winked at Mr. Bradley rather coquettishly before barking out an order to a scullery maid. There were now an even dozen staff working in the house with the addition of Angelica 

As they moved from the kitchen, Mr. Bradley made sure that Angelica noted where she was and how to return to the kitchen. He also paused to highlight some of the more important or interesting paintings and statues that adorned her new employer's home a home she would share. Angelica could not retain any of this information and only nodded quietly feeling very small. At the end of a long corridor, he stopped in front of an ornate door and turned to her.

"You are to enter the Lady's chamber and attend to her now."

She looked up into his face with an expression of terror. Mr. Bradley was stern but the kindness he had shown her in the last hour was more than any man had ever shown her in her entire nineteen years. Casting a quick glance from side to side, Mr. Bradley took her hands in his and lowered himself until his eyes were level with hers. She had not seen how handsome he was until the mask of etiquette was removed. Again she reproached herself for such thoughts. He looked into her eyes and spoke in a whisper.

"The Lady of this house is kind and understanding. She chose you not for your experience but for the merit of your person. You have nothing to fear. You are not her slave, my dear, you are her servant and to serve is a noble pursuit."

With that momentary lapse of protocol finished with, Mr. Bradley stood back up to his full height, stiffened his back, and knocked at the door. In the kindness of his words and eyes, Angelica found the courage she needed though she had to once again quickly banish the thoughts that began to form in her mind.

"You will go in now."

She entered the Lady's chamber. She could not drink it all in; there was simply too much to look at, too much begging to be seen. The bed dominated the room. Angelica had never seen such a bed. Beautifully carved posts held deep scarlet curtains. She fought the urge to simply lose herself in the luxury of it all. Her eyes wandered across gilded statues, paintings, and books. She had never seen so many books, every wall of the room had bookshelves. Her eyes wide, she tried to take everything in until she saw the bath and the woman lying in it watching her. The droplets of water on her milky skin shone like diamonds as they reflected the light pouring through a large bay window. Her hair hung in ringlets over her shoulders and down to her full breasts. She quickly cast her eyes to the floor as the woman smiled. She blushed hard and tried to remember the prayer the priests had taught her to keep the evil that was her body and mind in check.

"Do you read, Angelica?"

Her eyes glued to the floor she tried to steady her voice and the pounding of her heart.

"O... only a little, M... M'Lady."

This was true; she had learned to read from her mother who had been taught by the nuns. Though she had not had much opportunity to read recently.

"A little is good for now though we shall have to improve on that. Now come closer, into the light, I want to get a better look at you."

She moved forward, as if being dragged. Her eyes remained downcast; she did not want the temptation of seeing any more of M'Lady's body than she already had. She had prayed that employment and honest labour would rid her of the evil thoughts. She stood in the light of the window less than a foot away from the bath. She wanted to look up; she longed to look upon her beauty. But she must not! The priest had said it was the devil's work within her weak body and mind. That she would burn in Hell. She had to punish herself for these thoughts, she had been punished so many times... She felt the lady's fingertips caress her cheek and then gently lift her chin. She was so beautiful. Why could she not stop herself from trembling like a leaf? Just as the first day she had met her, could that only have been yesterday? So much had happened since then...

"Eyes as beautiful as yours were not meant for the floor, my dear. Besides, how will you ever find me my dressing gown if it isn't on the floor?"

Angelica drank in those dark eyes and felt the evil within her grow. 

"It is right there."

Angelica followed M'Lady's pointing finger and quickly moved to take the dressing gown in her hands. It was soft and warmed from where it had lain in the sun. As she turned back with the robe in hand, M'Lady stood up. Angelica froze, holding out the robe with trembling hands. Trying not to stare at her, trying to keep her eyes cast down but she could not tear her eyes from her body, glistening in the sunlight. What she felt was wrong. She knew that. She had the lesson beaten into her repeatedly. If this kind Lady found out, she would certainly be back in the workhouse where she had found her. She knew that she needed to have these impure thoughts beaten from her just as the priest had said. A soft touch on her cheek snapped her back to the present. The Lady had caught the tear that had fallen unnoticed. She tilted her head up, and her dark eyes were gentle and calming. She let herself drown in those eyes. It was more than she could stand, more tears started to fall. The Lady stepped into her robe and led Angelica to a chair a moment before all the strength left her. 

"Angelica, I know what you are feeling and why you try to fight it. It is the reason I picked you for this position within my house. I know of your past and the horrors you have lived through. I would give all that I have and more to be able to erase your past, though I intend to do everything within my power to ensure you a comfortable future."

Angelica looked up at her through the blur of tears not comprehending. The Lady wiped the tears from her eyes with the cuff of her dressing gown and gently kissed her cheeks. She blushed deeply and felt the heat travel through her entire body. She took Angelica by the hands and helped her stand. She brushed the stray hairs from her face and cupped her cheek in her palm. She leaned in and gently kissed her lips. 

Angelica thought she was dying. The pain that coursed through her body, the ache that kiss caused was unbearable, but all she wanted was more. And M'Lady seemed more than willing to grant her wish. The kiss deepened, she could feel M'Lady's lips part as she gently pulled on her lower lip. She felt hot, feverish; she was sure she would die. M'Lady pulled away from the kiss leaving Angelica gasping. The robe fell to the ground. 

"Do you find me beautiful, Angelica?"

Angelica could no longer look away; she looked into those beautiful dark eyes. Then, despite herself, her eyes strayed over the whole of M'Lady's body. The soft curls of her hair, her full lips, her full breasts, her milk-white arms, delicate hands. Her breathing became faster as she looked back into M'Lady's beautiful face. 

"Yes, M'Lady, I do."

M'Lady put her arms around her and kissed her again. The scarf was loosened from her hair, and she felt M'Lady run her fingers through it, sending chills all over her body making her nipples push through her blouse. The mix of chills and fever made her gasp. She stood unmoving as though in a dream as M'Lady removed her clothes. The air in the room was warm but every touch, every caress made her shiver more. Every hair of her body stood on end, her nipples ached.

She stood back from Angelica who tried to hide herself and look away in shame. 

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"I think you are beautiful as well, Angelica. So very beautiful."

She took Angelica's hand in hers and kissed her palm then pressed it to her breast. Angelica began to swoon. M'Lady lead her to the bed and gently helped her slide across the duvet. Angelica had never felt anything so soft and wonderful as M'Lady's breast felt in her hand. She could not keep herself from reaching out with her other hand and touching them. She was afraid she had been too bold, but M'Lady's eyes were soothing, and she nodded her assent. Angelica felt her own wetness and crossed her legs to try and stem the flow. She felt ashamed for marring the duvet and withdrew her hands and placed them between her legs, her head down, face flushing wildly. M'Lady lifted Angelica's chin with far less resistance than before and kissed her deeply. She took Angelica's hand from between her legs; her fingers were wet, she kissed each fingertip. The taste was delightful. 

"I am glad you are enjoying this so much, Angelica."

She took Angelica's hand and placed it between her own legs. She gasped to feel M'Lady's warmth and wetness.

"You see, my dear, I am enjoying it just as much as you."

M'Lady lay herself down beside Angelica and brought her finger to her lips once more and licked them.

"You taste so sweet, my dear."

Curiosity overwhelmed her fear and Angelica brought hee own finger to her lips. M'Lady tasted sweet and salty, the taste and smell of her made her head spin. M'Lady kissed her again, the mixed taste of their pleasure made them both moan as their tongues slid against each other. Angelica felt M'Lady's hand between her legs. Part of her screamed to cross them, but instead, she found herself opening them to her touch. She had never felt such bliss as her touch. Gentle, exploring, every movement opening new horizons of pleasure. 

Angelica's breathing was heavy as she lay nearly stunned in M'Lady's arms. Unable to concentrate on returning her kisses, M'Lady's lips moved to her neck, then to her ear. All Angelica could hear was her breath as she gently licked her earlobe then pulled on it with her teeth. The pressure was building within her, and without warning it released. Her body convulsed as she gave into these wondrous new sensations. Still kissing her neck, M'Lady whispered softly in her ear. 

"I want to taste more of you, Angelica. Will you let me?" 

She was in no position to deny M'Lady anything she wanted and nodded vigorously. She felt her lips kissing down her neck. Her breathing became shallower as the felt the ache growing within her again. Those soft lips and warm wet tongue moved down to her breasts. She moaned as M'Lady began to suckle first one nipple and then the other. Her hands were so soft against her skin as she gently massaged her breasts. She began to whimper uncontrollably as her kisses and licks crossed her stomach then between her legs. Angelica cold not begin to comprehend what M'Lady was doing to her. Warmth, wetness, and pressure were all she could feel but above that Angelica's head spun as the spasms flooded over her again, hands balled into fists full of the bedclothes as her body quivered and quaked. Her moans turned to a scream as a wave of pleasure washed over her, leaving her gasping for air, her head spinning. When she regained her senses, all she wanted was to repay M'Lady's kindness, though she was at a loss on how to accomplish it.

M'Lady slid up to lie next to Angelica and take her gently in her arms. M'Lady kissed her deeply, and after a long kiss, she stammered as she finally got up the courage to ask if she could return the pleasure she had received. M'Lady beamed at her. 

"Of course you may, Angelica, nothing should make me happier."

It did not go as well as she had hoped but with M'Lady's gentle directions and corrections, Angelica made up for her lack of experience with an extraordinary amount of enthusiasm and a sincere desire to please. As M'Lady finally erupted in a deep moan, Angelica had become quite proficient enough to elicit another shortly thereafter. She was so enthused that she wished to produce a third when M'Lady's gentle touch brought her back into her arms.

"You are an apt pupil, my dearest Angelica, and you have made my toes curl quite wonderfully, but now I wish only to hold you in my arms."

Angelica's head rested on M'Lady's breast and listened to her heartbeat, to the sound of her breathing. They spoke quietly of old pains, and new pleasures in the cathartic aftermath of their lovemaking. M'Lady's caresses were softer than the silks on which they lay. Angelica was content. She never wanted to leave this embrace. She felt M'Lady's hand lift her face to meet her gaze. 

"Now, I deeply regret that I must leave your company, Angelica. It is almost supper time, and I am certain you will wish to freshen yourself up before then."

M'Lady pulled one of several ropes near the bed.

"Mr. Bradley will show you to your quarters; they are next to mine."

She took Angelica's chin in her hand and leant in for one more kiss. There was a polite knock at the door. She looked deeply into Angelica's eyes.

"How do you like our Bradley?"

Angelica blushed deeply.

"He is very kind, M'Lady, and..."

She drew Angelica from the bed and lead her to her clothes and made a sign that she should dress.


Angelica paused, she had forgotten herself in M'Lady's eyes, and her mouth went dry as she turned her back to her. 

"And.. very kind M'Lady."

She felt M'Lady's arms wrap around her. Her whisper was like silk.

"Please don't lie to me Angelica, if you are to be my maid, there can be no lies between us. Think you our Bradley, a handsome man?"

She could feel the blush washing over her. She trembled a little as M'Lady turned her to face her, lifting her chin before her eyes could move to the floor again. Those eyes were so kind, so gentle.

"Yes, M'Lady, very much so."

She saw M'Lady's smile broaden as she took her into her warm embrace. 

"I do as well, and if you are very lucky, I might even share him with you."

Angelica's blush deepened until she was scarlet to her shoulders and breasts. She finished getting dressed and then helped M'Lady back into her dressing gown. She stepped out the door to meet Mr. Bradley. She chanced a quick glance up into his calm, handsome face before his eyes could meet hers. She blushed again, and he led her to the next door, opened it and let her step inside. She walked into that room in a daze, this could not be her room! The bed was smaller but just as beautiful as M'Lady's. The window looked out over the same beautiful garden she felt she was in a dream. There were books on every shelf. And a bath. She heard Mr. Bradley clear his throat ever so politely and she tried her best to compose herself and turned back to face him. 

"Remember Angelica; supper is promptly served to staff at six O'clock."

He pointed to the clock above the small fireplace.

"It is now a quarter past five. The Lady of the house will be dining with friends from her literary circle at half past seven. She will expect you at her door promptly at seven O'clock. Is that clear?"

She could not help looking at him nor could she help blushing and turning her eyes to the floor at the memory of M'Lady's words regarding sharing him.

"Yes, Mr. Bradley."

She heard his footsteps approaching and felt his finger lift her chin. She looked up into his face as he smiled down at her.

"Eyes as beautiful as yours were not meant for the floor, my dear."

She blushed as he leaned down and kissed her gently on the lips. She felt the heat of that blush wash over her whole body as she eagerly returned it. But just as quickly it ended as he straightened and his face returned to the expressionless mask of his position. Save for his eyes, which kept their warmth and seemed to her to be dancing.

"We shall see you promptly at six O'clock in the kitchen. You will find new clothing in the wardrobe. Do you remember how to make your way to the kitchen?"

She could only nod. Satisfied, he then turned from her and walked out the door closing it gently behind him.

Mr. Bradley stepped into M'Lady's chamber and looked at the clock in the corner and then at his pocket watch to be sure; there could be time enough. She turned away from her book to look at him.

"Is she settled then?"

A deep respectful nod. She stood up, placed a bookmark in her book and rested it gently on a table. As she walked towards him, she let her dressing gown fall to the floor. There would always be time enough. She reached his arms just as he removed his shirt. She let him wrap his strong arms around her as she kissed each scar on his chest. 

"Tell me, my dear Bradley, do you ever miss the life of the Highwayman?"


Written by TheMrBurns
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