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The Ghan

"A sexy adventure on an overnight sleeper train"

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As the sun blazed down from the middle of a cobalt blue sky and I watched the green and fertile Adelaide Plains slip slowly past the window, I knew I'd made the right decision.

For the last three weeks I'd snaked my way round the coast and hinterlands of New South Wales and Victoria with nothing but a rucksack and my best friend Gemma for company. We'd started in Sydney, made our way loosely in the direction of Melbourne, before finally ending up in Adelaide. We were both absolutely shattered. Backpacking was hard work!

We wanted to spend some time in the Northern Territory before catching a flight from Darwin back to London. While we had no firm plans on how exactly how we would get to Darwin, every time the subject was up for discussion we had disagreed completely on what to do. The conversations had even started to become a little tetchy. While neither of us said it, I think deep down we both knew we could do with a bit of a break from each other's company.

Eventually we reached a compromise which let both of us have what we wanted. Gemma decided to fly up to Darwin and spend a couple of days chilling out on the beach while waiting for me to get there. I was going to have a fun adventure of my own; an adventure which would allow me to not only relax a bit, but also have some much needed "me" time. I had decided to buy myself a ticket for The Ghan.

The Ghan train ran a couple of times a week from Adelaide to Darwin via Alice Springs. The trip would last three days and two nights and I thought the whole idea sounded just perfect.

After saying goodbye to Gemma at the hostel, we parted our ways. She went to the airport and I caught the bus to the station. When I got there, the train looked like it was about two miles long. It felt like an eternity walking down the platform to find my carriage. I finally got there and jumped up the steps before looking down the aisle to locate my spot. Luckily I had a window seat. I put my rucksack on the overhead racks, settled into my "home" for the next sixty hours or so, and waited for the train to leave.

While I'd loved to have booked a sleeper cabin, I only had enough money for the Red Service. This meant I was consigned to a swivel seat for the trip, which I suspected would do a pretty poor job of reclining into a bed at night. I'm not sure I cared though. I knew I'd just be happy to be in my own company, staring out of the window in wonder as the incredible and ever changing scenery swept by.

Eventually the train pulled out of the station and slowly lumbered down the tracks, gradually picking up pace as it went. The city finally gave way to the suburbs and the suburbs to the Adelaide Plains. Hour after hour drifted by during which the Plains slowly surrendered to the ever reddening and more barren earth of the Outback. I was utterly absorbed in the views from the window and completely oblivious to the train and other passengers sharing my trip. That all changed after the first long tunnel! As the dazzling sunshine gave way to blackness, the window suddenly became a perfect mirror for the carriage around me. I was so glad it did as I would probably never have noticed her otherwise.

She was walking slowly down the aisle away from me and from the uniform she was wearing, I could tell she obviously worked for the train company. She wore a bright red blouse, which perfectly matched the livery of the train. My eyes gazed down her body to the figure hugging black pleated skirt that fell just above her knees. I'm sure my mouth was wide open as I looked longingly at her perfect legs, covered in the most delicious pair of sheer black stockings. My gaze followed the little pencil line of black material that ran up the back of them, from heel to knee and then beyond; to places I was already starting to imagine and tingle about. She had jet black hair, neatly tied back in a pony tail, which draped down her back over the blouse. I couldn't quite see her face from the angle I was sitting, but this was more than made up for by the side view I had of the swell of her small, but pert breasts beneath the blouse. To put not too fine a point on it; this girl was just stunning!

The view outside the window that had entranced me for so long suddenly felt insignificant now. I had something new to look at; something far more exciting! Over the next hour or so, I watched her come and go up and down the aisle punching tickets, ferrying drinks and snacks and making up sleepers. Her face was just picture perfect, with emerald green eyes that perfectly complimented the colour of her hair. Her crimson lips were full and rounded and it took little imagination for me to dream about kissing them. I couldn't help but stare at her backside as she walked down the aisle away from me. The sway of her hips and wiggle of her bum was utterly hypnotic and I had trouble keeping my tingles in check.

The couple opposite me ordered some drinks. Down the aisle she came again, tray in hand, carrying a couple of cold cokes. My heart skipped a beat when she bent down to place them on the couple's fold down trays. The material on her skirt tightened over the cheeks of her bum and rode slightly up the back of her thighs as she bent. I stared longingly at those cheeks, imagining myself caressing them with my hands and tongue. After that one visit across the aisle, I was practically begging the couple to order something else. I wanted to see her bend over again so I could further indulge what was quickly becoming a highly erotic set of fantasies for me. "Perhaps I should order something for myself," I thought; though I knew my needs probably stretched to more than a couple of cokes!

I eventually plucked up the courage to ask for something. At the very least I wanted to know her name. Next time she walked past I cleared my throat and said, "Excuse me."

"Hi there," she replied with a broad grin across her face. "Can I help you?"

"Hi, " I smiled back. "I'd, um, like to get a snack before night. What sort of stuff have you got?"

It was a pretty lame request, but at least I was now talking to her. For the first time I was also able to read the name badge that was proudly pinned to her blouse, right over the nipple of her left breast. I decided Polly was such a pretty name!

"Do you want something hot?" she replied.

I would have loved something hot, but I'm not sure my definition of "something hot" exactly matched what she was offering.

"No thanks, Polly," I said. "Maybe just a sandwich."

"We've got loads of packaged sandwiches I could bring you. What flavour would you like?" she asked.

"Just cheese, if you've got it?" I replied.

"No worries. We've got plenty of those. I'll get you one. Oh, by the way, what's your name? I don't know how long you're on for, but if it's all the way to Darwin I'll be seeing a fair bit of you and I like to get to know my passengers," she replied, with another big smile across her face.

While I would have loved her to see as much of me as she wanted, it was hard to believe I'd been thrown a flirt. I resisted the urge to throw a flirt back. I was on a train and she was working. Much as I wanted it, there was no way in the world anything was going to happen between us!

"I'm Katie," I said, giving a big smile back to her.

"Well it's nice to meet you Katie. I'll go get that sandwich for you."

She wiggled her way off down the aisle. My gaze followed her bum again, every step of the way, until she went through the sliding doors into what I presumed was the kitchen carriage. Two minutes later she was back with my cheese sandwich.

"There you go, Katie, " Polly said, passing me the sandwich while flashing me that beautiful smile again.

Just as she was about to turn and go, she paused, looked at me again and said, "By the way, how did you know my name?"

I had no idea if her "I like to get to know my passengers" and "Do you want something hot?" comments had been flirts, but I decided to offer one of my own, just to see what her reaction was.

"I'm very observant and like looking at pretty things," I said, grinning. "And your name badge is perfectly positioned... for a girl like me."

In that one sentence I had alluded to the fact I'd been staring at her breasts and also that I liked girls. The world seemed to stop while I waited for her reaction. After what seemed like an eternity, Polly's face broke into a huge smile.

"You can be as observant as you like then, Katie. I don't mind what you look at," she replied, before walking back up the aisle with a much more pronounced swing of her hips. At the end of the carriage she turned, paused for a moment, then grinned at me before disappearing again though the sliding doors.

I was normally rubbish at picking up on flirts, but this one came through loud and clear. Polly was clearly enjoying me watch her and wanted me to continue to do so. She didn't seem to mind that I liked girls either!

Dusk came and went as The Ghan continued on it's way through the Outback, stopping in the darkness at both Port Augusta and Manguri. The next stop, Alice Springs , lay ten hours further ahead up the tracks. Polly came back down the carriage with a stack of blankets, dishing them out to anyone that wanted one.

"Do you want something to keep you warm tonight?" she smiled at me playfully.

It was obvious that blankets were all she had but I couldn't resist the urge to flirt with her again.

"I love being cosy at night. What can you offer me?" I replied.

"Well, all I can offer you for now is a blanket, but I might be able to sort out something better later. I'll see what I can do," she said with another huge smile on her face.

My mind raced. "I might be able to sort out something better later," she'd said. What on earth could that mean? All I could do was sit and wait and hope to find out what the "something better" was later in the trip.

Eventually the lights were dimmed and I got as comfortable as I could in my swivel seat. It reclined a little, but I had a feeling I'd be in for a restless night. I draped the blanket over my lap and pulled it up tight to my chin. Eventually I rolled onto my side a little under the blanket, hoping to catch more glimpses of Polly in the reflection from the windows, mirrored again against the black of the night.

I should have been thinking about the whole Ghan adventure I was having, but my mind kept drifting back to Polly. She was gorgeous and we'd shared some wonderful flirts. She came and went at regular intervals, smiling at me every time she passed. As I watched those hips and bum sway back and forth, I couldn't help but imagine Polly and I making love. Ever since I'd first saw her earlier that afternoon I'd been tingling on and off. The flirts we'd shared had done nothing to dampen them. Quite the opposite in fact!

My fingers wandered down my tummy under the blanket as I imagined Polly and I kissing softly. I dreamed about her lying seductively on a bed, completely naked except for those sheer black stockings. My fingers wandered further down my body as my fantasy took hold. I caressed my inner thighs under the blanket, dragging the material of my skirt higher and higher up my legs. I so desperately wanted and needed to touch myself. I imagined all the touches I gave myself were Polly's fingers rather than my own. I looked down the blanket to see if the movements of my hand and fingers could be seen. Satisfied they couldn't, I closed my eyes and let my mind race further into my fantasy. My fingers followed quickly behind, stroking the seam of my panties at the top of my thigh as it curled round between my legs.

I imagined lying naked next to Polly, our hands exploring each other bodies.

My fingers, now uncontrollably drawn to my heat, slid under the edge of my panties, the tips finding the edge of my lips. I could feel the goose bumps rise on my arms under the blanket as I stroked slowly up my lips to my now erect clit. I circled it slowly, pushing my hips against my fingers, increasing the pressure with every turn. My fingers then caressed slowly back down my lips, circling and rubbing all the time. The movement gently pried them apart, allowing my fingers to find my soft petals, already slick from the erotic thoughts about Polly I was now indulging myself in.

As I slowly slid one finger inside myself, I imagined it was Polly's, gentling entering me as she kissed me slowly. I slid another finger in, dabbing them both slowly in and out of myself, moving in time to the gentle rocking and rhythmic sway of the train. I curled the tips each time I pushed into myself, rubbing softly at my velvety inner walls. I felt my breath start to shorten as I neared my peak.

I wanted that exquisite feeling of being on the edge to last for hours. Mindful of where I was and what I was doing, I started pushing a little faster into myself, the heel of my palm rubbing against my clit as I did. I could feel my feet and toes start to point as my hand moved faster and faster between my legs. I had to stifle my moans as I climaxed with the sweetest and naughtiest of orgasms, my sticky juices running out over my fingers.

I lay there for a few minutes with my eyes closed, clutching my hand between my legs with my thighs. Eventually I opened them and looked sheepishly round the carriage again to see if I had been noticed. Everything seemed calm and I thought I'd got away with my sneaky bit of masturbation. That was until I looked towards the sliding doors at the end of the carriage. Polly stood there, staring straight at me with the broadest grin imaginable.

She winked and smiled at me before silently mouthing, "Naughty you." She blew me a tiny kiss then disappeared back through the doors.

I felt my face flush deep red. I knew she must have seen me, but despite my embarrassment, I didn't care. She'd winked, smiled and blown a kiss at me, which could only mean she'd enjoyed my "show." I wasn't wrong when I said I'd have a restless night in the swivel seat! I wondered what adventures would happen the next day, before eventually drifting off to sleep.

Sunrise over the Outback was spectacular. I watched in awe from the window as the sun finally peeked above the horizon, turning the salmon pink sky into a bright hazy orange. The wilderness was finally punctuated by the odd farm and I knew we'd soon be arriving in Alice Springs . We were scheduled a four hour stop in Alice before the second half of the journey and the long haul north to Darwin . I couldn't wait to have a break from the train, stretch my legs and find somewhere nice to have a spot of breakfast.

I felt a little deflated that I hadn't seen Polly at all after sunrise. I wondered if she was on a rest break or maybe serving in a different part of the train. My fears were unfounded. Just a minute or so before the train stopped she appeared again through the sliding doors, walked down the aisle to my seat and leant in close to me.

"Morning, Katie. I hope your restlessness didn't last too long last night," she whispered in my ear, with a very playful smile on her face.

I thought for a second about my answer, but as she knew what I'd been doing, there was no point in pretending I didn't know what she was talking about.

"Hi Polly. I, er, was a little restless at first as I'm sure you know, but I got off eventually." I couldn't help but giggle a little and redden slightly as I gave just the cheesiest answer. At least my self indulgence from the night before was completely out in the open now and it obviously encouraged both of us to step up the flirting.

" I'm glad you had a fun night," Polly said.

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"Are you getting off in Alice ?"

"No," I replied. "You're stuck with me for a while longer I'm afraid."

"Wow, that's brilliant. So, just how far would you like to go?" Polly said, grinning at me yet again.

"How far would you like? I was hoping to go all the way to the end of the line with you."

I was starting to tingle again as the flirting between us got more and more ridiculous.

"I'd like that," Polly replied. "I can guarantee there's all sorts of things to do and lots to see at every stop."

"Then I look forward to plenty of stops with you then," I smiled as the train ground to a halt in Alice Springs' station. I gathered up my belongings, walked down the aisle to the doors with Polly and jumped down to the platform.

"See you in a few hours," I shouted back up at Polly. "I look forward to enjoying a few stops with you."

"Me too," she replied, before disappearing back inside.

I returned to the train after having a long walk round Alice Springs and a fabulous Outback breakfast of hot buttered damper bread and jam. When I reached my seat, I was surprised to see a little white envelope addressed to me laying on the seat. I had no idea who would leave a note as, apart from Gemma, no one knew I was on the train, let alone what seat I was in. I quickly opened the envelope and read the hand written note inside.

"Hi Katie. I've managed to get you an upgrade to Platinum all the way to Darwin. Car G, Cabin 23. Told you I could sort out something better later! After Tennant Creek, I'll come and see how you're getting on. Have fun! Polly xxx"

I was completely stunned by Polly's note. I wasn't totally sure what Platinum meant, but I hoped it was a private sleeper. The thought of Polly visiting me in one of those had me tingling again. Before someone appeared to tell me this was all a joke, I quickly picked my rucksack back up and made my way down the train to Car G.

The corridor of the car was dotted with little doors every few metres apart. Number twenty three was the last one on the left. Still not quite believing I belonged in Platinum, I turned the handle and gently pushed the door open. Just as I hoped it would be, it was a sleeper. It looked amazing. While it was quite compact, there was a small double bed, a vanity unit with a mirror and a long window the width of the cabin. To cap it all off there was a small en suite bathroom with a shower. I also found as second handwritten note from Polly on the pillow of the bed. I quickly opened and read it.

"Welcome to the best of what The Ghan has to offer. Well nearly! There's something better. I'll show you what after Tennant Creek. I have a break between there and Katherine. Rest up and I'll see you in a bit. Polly xxx"

I checked the pamphlet I had in my bag with the train's timetable on. Tennant Creek was another seven hours up the line and we were due to get there at about eight o'clock that evening. That seemed so far away. It was difficult knowing Polly was one the train somewhere, looking after other passengers, but I guess I'd have to wait. I suddenly felt desperately tired. My masturbatory fun of the previous evening, coupled with a horridly uncomfortable night in the swivel chair, meant I'd had little sleep. I flopped on the bed and soon fell into a deep sleep.

I was awakened by a knocking on the cabin door. Soft at first, but slowly gaining in noise and intensity. As I came to my senses, I quickly looked at my watch. I was stunned. It was already well gone eight o'clock . I must have missed the stop in Tennant Creek and the knock could only mean one thing... Polly!

"Hold on!" I shouted through the door. "Give me a second." I tried my best to quickly straighten my hair and tidy my clothes before answering the door.

I opened the door to find Polly standing in the corridor smiling from ear to ear.

"Hi, Katie," she said. "I thought you were never going to answer. What do you think of Platinum?"

"It's brilliant," I replied. "How can I ever thank you?"

"I have an idea about that," Polly grinned as she stepped into the cabin and closed the door behind her.

We stood for a few seconds just facing each other, both with massive grins on our faces. I was tingling all over and the ache of desire between my legs was just about overwhelming. We moved into each other simultaneously, our lips hungrily meeting as we passionately kissed. I felt Polly's tongue circle round my lips and her arms wrap round my body, pulling me tight against her. My lips parted, allowing our tongues to meet. They swirled together as we kissed, our hands exploring each other's bodies.

"I have an eight hour break before Katherine. It's tropical up there and gets very steamy, so you wont be needing this," Polly said when we eventually parted. She quickly undid the buttons on my blouse and slid it back off my shoulders. She kissed me hard again, squishing my breasts together with her hands, cupping and caressing them through the lacy material of my bra. I could feel my nipples instantly harden as she rubbed the material over them. "You wont be needing this either." This time she hooked her fingers under the hem of my skirt and quickly pulled it over my hips and down my legs, kissing round my hips, tummy and thighs as she went.

As I stood in front of Polly in my bra and panties, my pussy was aching to be touched. I felt an almost uncontrollable urge to push my sex at her face as she kissed the tops of my legs. I needed something else first though, and I thought we could both have fun together with it.

She kissed back up my body as she stood until her lips met mine again. "Come with me," I whispered in her ear between kisses. I held her hand in mine and led her to the tiny en suite. "Fancy a shower?"

"Katie, that would be perfect!" she said, nodding.

I lifted the handle on the shower mixer tap. Hot water instantly sprayed into the cubicle. I turned and kissed Polly again, wrapping one arm tight round her, the other massaging her left breast through her clothes.

As steam from the hot water gradually filled the tiny compartment, I undid the buttons on that gorgeous red blouse and let it slip from her shoulders to the floor. I kissed down her body to the hem of her skirt, my fingers tracing along the top of the seam and round her back. I undid the clasp and pulled the zip on the skirt lower and lower until the skirt fell loose, revealing Polly's gorgeously lacy black panties and the tops of the sheer back stockings I had looked at so longingly the day before. I kissed her thighs across the top of the stockings, letting my tongue caress her soft skin, while my fingers slid to her hips and under the hem of her panties. I gradually dragged them down her legs and off.

I could see Polly's sex already glistening with arousal. I leant in and kissed over her mound before trailing my tongue down to her clit, the tip swirling it in gentle circles, gently lapping at her dew. My hands caressed round her thighs and bum until I found the tops of her stockings. I rolled each one down her legs, my tongue continuing to flick and prod at her clit as I did so.

I stood again, my hands reaching round behind my back to unclasp my bra. Polly did the same with hers.

"Just my panties left then Polly," I said. She needed no second invitation to quickly pull them down my legs and off.

We kissed again for at least a minute, our naked bodies now pressed together in the hot mist. I could feel Polly's erect nipples rubbing against my own as we moved together.

"Shower time, Katie," Polly eventually said, before we both squished together into the tiny cubicle, hot water cascading down both our bodies.

I squeezed a big glob of shower gel over Polly's breasts and before it had time to drip down her body, my hands began to massage it into her skin. My palms caressed under and around her breasts, creating a wonderful soapy lather. My fingers tweaked and pulled at her hard nipples through the soap. My thumbs then rubbed the soap in tiny circles over her nipples and areola as I cupped and squeezed her breasts in my palms.

Polly returned the favour, dribbling the gel over my shoulders and breasts before lathering it all up by rubbing over my neck and back. Her warm and soapy hands massaged my breasts before she leant in and gently sucked both my nipples, flicking and rolling them on her tongue.

I needed the rest of her. I squeezed another two big globs of soap into each of my palms, then reached round and grabbed the cheeks of her ass, the gel squishing through my fingers and running down the backs of her legs. I massaged both cheeks simultaneously, my palms moving in circles, finger tips just grazing over the edge of her ring with each turn.

Polly gasped in pleasure each time my fingers moved over her most secret place. I knelt in front of her, water spraying all over my back from the shower head. She instinctively lifted her left leg and draped it over my right shoulder. I leant into her again, my tongue pushed against her wet folds and wormed its way inside her pussy. My fingers became more insistent on her ring, sliding and flicking gently over it. I pushed a little harder with my index finger, the lubrication of the soap making it easy for me to slip the tip just inside her ass.

Polly was starting to moan a little as my tongue hungrily licked up and down her labia, pushing back inside and swirling in circles every few licks. Her hands reached up and grabbed the shower rail above her head as she draped her other leg over my left shoulder, burying my head between her soft thighs. Her feet were now totally off the floor of the shower cubicle, legs spread around my face, as I tongued her over and over. My hands supported under her ass, one finger sliding slowly but purposefully in and out of her.

Polly began bucking her hips on my face, so I knew she was close. I pushed my nose at her clit, rubbing it as hard as I could. My mouth completely enveloped her wet hole, with my tongue pushing deep between her swollen petals, savouring the taste and smell of her sex.

I pushed my soapy finger deeper into her ass and left it there for a moment, before starting to curl and rub the tip inside her. She bucked once again; much harder this time. I felt the cheeks of her ass tense and her thighs clamp tightly round my head as her orgasm hit her. She just about screamed in pleasure as I hungrily devoured her sweet juices as they flooded out of her pussy and over my tongue and face.

I continued to finger and tongue Polly as she rode her orgasm before it finally subsided. She climbed off my shoulders and we stood together again, kissing and caressing in the hot water from the shower.

Eventually Polly turned the water off. "That was amazing, Katie. Now I want to give you the best The Ghan can offer," she said. "I'm going to dry you and then you are so mine."

We stepped out of the shower and returned to the cabin. Polly gently dried us both then flopped onto the bed on her back, laying as provocatively as she could with her legs spread, just as I'd fantasised the night before.

"Katie, I'm yours," she said, grinning. "Whatever you want!"

"Be careful what you wish for," I giggled back.

I climbed onto the bed and stood over Polly, with my feet either side of her head, facing her feet. I looked down and smiled again as she started to stroke up and down my calves. I slowly bent my knees, my hips and ass getting nearer and nearer her face as I lowered myself. I kept my eyes locked on Polly's and I could see the passion for me, and what was I was about to give her, burning within them. I was more or less squatting now, hovering just over her face, my pussy and ass spread wide for her. Her hands caressed over my thighs and settled on my hips. I felt a gentle pull on them; the signal that she wanted me to lower myself onto her face.

I lowered my pussy onto her mouth, sighing as her warm tongue licked over my lips and clit. Almost instinctively, I started to gyrate my hips, rubbing my swollen and very wet labia over her mouth. Her hands tugged on my hips, pulling me harder onto her. I placed my hands on her breasts to steady myself, then started rocking myself back and forth over her face.

Every time I rocked backwards I felt my engorged clit rub over her nose. Then I rocked forward, letting her tongue flick over and around my clit before feeling it slide inside me. I wanted her lo lick and tease all of me, so couldn't resist rocking further forward again and feeling her hot wet tongue caress over my ring. I held my ass there for a moment, savouring the divine sensations of having it licked, before rocking all the way back again.

Much as I'd done the night before when I'd pleasured myself in the swivel seat, I rocked back and forth and made slow love to Polly's face in time to the gentle movements of the train.

I looked down Polly's body as she writhed beneath me, loving the sensations as she eagerly tongued my pussy and ass. I had to have her again! I leant forward, until I was on all fours rather than squatting, and my face was hovering over her pussy. Polly lifted her legs off the bed and bent her knees towards her head, spreading her own lips in doing so. All the time her tongue never broke contact with either my pussy or ass as she continued to lick, kiss and caress me towards my orgasm.

I kissed over her mound and inner thighs before returning my tongue to her petals, caressing and dabbing at them with my tongue. Polly still had her hands on my hips, pulling me hard back onto her face. Her tongue settled more insistently on my ass, pushing and probing at it before slipping just inside. I relaxed completely, being pushed to the edge of orgasm by the movement of her tongue inside my ass. Her fingers were locked to my clit, pushing and rubbing in slow but firm circles.

I bucked fiercely on her face, pushing my hips hard onto her as my orgasm hit me. I saw her toes point as she bucked herself, pushing her pussy hard to my mouth, her second peak more intense than the first. My fingers clenched the sheets as I climaxed. I could feel my juices flood out and flow over her face, rubbed into her lips and cheeks by my frantic writhing.

We collapsed together on the bed in a tangle of arms and legs, both short of breath, but ready for more. We were still five hours away from Katherine and the end of Polly's break. We spent the time well, making love again and again as The Ghan pushed its way relentlessly northwards.

The train finally pulled into Darwin station after sixty long hours of slowly and steadily ploughing its way across Australia. Polly and I made our farewells and promised to keep in touch.

As the train came to a halt, I saw Gemma waiting for me on the platform. She waved hello as I jumped down from the train and we hugged. All the tetchiness we'd felt between us just a few days ago had completely dissipated.

"The beach was amazing," she finally said. "How was the train?"

"You would not believe the adventure I've had," I replied, feeling my face blush as I spoke. "Can I cancel London and go back to Adelaide? On The Ghan of course. It's the only way to travel!"

Authors note: Thanks to a special Lush friend for inspiring me to write this and also for sharing loads of flirty and fun train related metaphors, some of which have found their way into the story.

Written by KatieElizabeth
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