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Summer of '76

""We saw yer in the park, me 'n' 'im." He gestured to the other boy, skinny and very shy looking""

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August 1976.

It was so hot that the sun was literally scorching!

I couldn't remember a summer so hot. The tar on the roads was melting and the grass was turning yellow but here in the park I was enjoying laying back and feeling the sun on my arms and legs. The park was quite busy, after all it was Sunday and no-one was going to stay indoors in this glorious weather.

I was on a slight slope looking up at the clear blue sky, the big plastic sunglasses protecting my eyes. All around I could faintly hear the traffic and noises of the big city and the frequent roar of a jet plane that had taken off from Heathrow, heading off to goodness knows where. More prevalent though were the birds tweeting and pigeons cooing.

Every now and then a squirrel would appear, looking for titbits that visitors and locals alike would feed them. They were quite tame and I had seen one take food from a visitors hand on many occasions. I loved London’s parks. Although I loved the hustle and bustle of the city life it was nice to come here for the relative peace and quiet and enjoy the sunshine.

I enjoyed seeing and hearing the children playing and cyclists and horse riders passing by.

I hitched my short denim skirt up a little so that the sun could reach as much of my legs as possible without showing too much thigh, and I had bunched the waist of my thin polyester blouse up under my breasts. The heat on my abdomen was exhilarating.

I also had a wide straw hat but that was on the grass beside me with my handbag.

I closed my eyes and drifted of into a half sleep. I couldn't sleep fully as I was all too aware of getting burnt and I never felt safe in public. People always made me nervous. I don't know why, I had never had reason to be afraid but, nevertheless, I hated crowds so although I was dozing I was also listening and, occasionally, would open an eye.

I stayed there for several hours, just enjoying doing nothing for once. My husband was away, working, and I had no family nearby so this was sheer bliss.

The sun moved slowly across the sky and afternoon became evening. The park was beginning to empty as people went home for their evening meals or went to one of the many restaurants and cafes that surrounded it.

I decided that it was time for me too to head for home. I got to my feet, smoothed down my skirt and unraveled my blouse, being polyester it had not creased too much. I picked up my straw hat and placed it on my head and then bent down for my bag.

As I didn't live in the city itself I headed for the bus stop at the edge of the park. I didn't have to wait long as the buses were so frequent and within a minute I was on the platform of the number 53, a bright red Routemaster that was so well known to Londoners and visitors alike.

I always liked to sit on the top deck and look down on the traffic and people with a view that was unobstructed by most street furniture such as bus shelters and the like so I climbed the stairs and found a seat about half way down on the left side. I was half aware of two boys following me up the stairs chuckling to each other. They were probably trying to get a look up my skirt but they would not see anything but my stripy cotton knickers. Maybe that was enough for them.

I sat by the window and watched the park disappear as the bus pulled away. My mind wandered as I thought about the pleasant day I had just enjoyed.

"'ello Darlin'!"

It was the taller of the two boys. About seventeen, thickset and scruffy. I looked up.

"Hello," I replied and turned back to the window.

"We saw yer in the park, me 'n' 'im." He gestured to the other boy, skinny and quiet, very shy looking.

"Oh," I said, without looking at them.

"Well fit," he continued.

"Thank you," again not looking. I was getting a bit irritated by now but he didn't stop. Instead he sat beside me and put his hand on my leg.

"Gorgeous legs."

I told him to stop but he wouldn't move his hand. He started to slide it up my leg, under my skirt.

I tried to push his hand away but he was too strong.

"Playin' 'ard t' get are we?" he laughed, "I like a woman wiv spirit."

"Come on, Tommy," his friend pleaded. "She doesn't want to."

"'course she does, don't yer darlin'?"

"Please," I begged him. "Leave me alone."

"Give us a kiss then."

He moved near to me, his lips puckered, breath reeking of cigarettes and alcohol.

I was frightened now and stood up and tried to get past him but he also stood and trapped me in. I pushed him and raised my knee sharply towards his groin but he was ready and stepped back too quickly. Suddenly, my head seemed to explode with a bright flash. He punched me so hard I fell backwards onto the seat. I couldn't see properly for a moment as my head was full of flashes of light.

"That's for tryin' t' cripple me! I'll teach you yer slag!"

He leaned forward and ripped the front of my blouse open, tearing it and pulling off some buttons.

"No, please!" I begged him. "Please... don't!"

"You're goin' t' get what you deserve yer bitch!" I felt his hands go under my skirt and start to pull at my knickers but I lifted my knees so he couldn't get them down. As he tore them from under my bottom he fell forward onto me. I thought he was going to kiss me while he raped me so I turned my head to the side in disgust, all the time crying:

"No, please! Stop it! Don't!"

He didn't move.

I slowly opened my eyes. I tried to focus, to see who was there and gradually I realised it was the conductress.

"You all right love?" she asked nervously. "Has he hurt you?" I pushed him off me and stood up then put my hand to my eye. I could feel wetness from my tears but sticky also, there was a little blood.

"I... I think so," I stammered shakily.

"Did he...?," she enquired apprehensively .

"Oh, no, thank goodness, no. You were just in time."

I sat on the edge of the seat shivering violently. Crouching beside me she put her arm around me and said,

"There, there. You are all right now."

I lay my head against her shoulder. I couldn't cry, I just felt so numb and so cold. I couldn't stop trembling. Eventually I asked, "What did you do to him?"

"Hit him with my ticket machine," she grinned and then, suddenly, put her had to her mouth, "Oh Blimey!" she said, "I hope I haven't killed him!"

She turned then and picked up his hand. Placing two fingers on the front of his wrist she waited a while.

"Phew, a pulse," she breathed, relieved then turned to me and said, "I'll get the driver to go straight to the police station."

I shook my head.

"No, please. I couldn't go through all that. I just want to go home."

The would be rapist groaned and began to sit up, holding his head.

"What 'appened? Where am I?"

Legs planted firmly apart and ticket machine swinging from her hand, she told him,

"Get off my bus, you sick bastard or you'll get another!"

Dragging himself to his feet he looked at her, then at me, then back at her. Realising the situation he staggered to the back of the bus and down the stairs.

"I don't think you will be seeing him again,” she smiled and then, holding out her hand, "Maggie."

I took her hand and held it tightly, saying, "Thank you, Maggie. Thank you so very much. I am Anna."

"Let's get you sorted out, Anna."

I lifted my skirt and pulled up my pants. They were a little torn but otherwise intact. My blouse was another matter. I pulled it together but it was too torn and too many buttons gone to stay together.

"I've got some pins in my bag I'll go and get them."

"No! Don't leave me on my own, Please!" I begged her.

"All right, sweetheart, all right. We'll sort it out later."

I looked at her. "Was it my fault, Maggie? Do I look available, dressed like this? Am I slutty?"

"No, Lovey, of course not! He was just a sick pervert who thought he could do as he pleased. No wonder I hate men!"

I was shocked! "Maggie! They are not all like that!"

"No?" she looked hard at me. "Many are though, Love. I've seen enough of them last a lifetime!"

I looked out of the window. "I am nearly home," I told her. "I wish my husband was home."

"Well...." she began. "I finish work at the end of this run. would like me to stay with you until he comes home?"

"That is very sweet of you, Maggie, but he won't be back until tomorrow."

"Tell you what, I will stay until you go to bed. How's that?"

"You don't have to. I'll be all right once I am home."

"Look, Anna, you've had a shock. I'll take you home and make sure you are settled, yes?"

I nodded. "Yes, all right then, Maggie. Thank you."

I stayed on the bus with her until we reached the garage and then she walked with me to my home. I didn't live far from the it and it was still very warm but I was shivering.

Once inside my house I was able to relax a bit. I had never met Maggie before but I was very comfortable in her presence. Now I looked at her I could see she was very pretty. She had taken off her jacket and tie and her short, blonde hair suited her soft face. She was small, only about five feet tall and aged about thirty but she could obviously handle herself. Her crisp white uniform shirt fitted loosely and was tucked into black twill trousers. From behind she could easily have been mistaken for a boy but from where I was sitting she was pretty as a picture.

Suddenly I came to my senses and realised I was staring at her.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" I blushed. "I didn't mean to stare." I lowered my eyes in embarrassment.

"It's all right," she replied. "Don't worry. What were you thinking about?"

I blushed even deeper, if that were possible.

"Hmm?" she prompted me to speak.

"Just how pretty you are." I stared at the floor, my face burning.

"Aww, thank you," she said. "You're not exactly a dog, yourself!" She laughed and the sound was like the tinkling of summer rain.

"Now then," she went on. “Lets have a look at your eye."

She lifted my chin and looked at the damage. “That's going to be a real shiner. Pity, you have beautiful eyes."

I looked into her gorgeous deep blue eyes and whispered: "So have you."

I leaned forward and kissed her lips and she responded with a gentle, open kiss but then pulled back a little and said softly, "Anna, you have had a terrible shock. Stop and think for minute".

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"I am sorry," I answered. "I shouldn't have done that. Please forgive me."

Maggie looked into my eyes. "There is nothing to forgive. I guess you haven't been in this situation before and I don't want you to do something you will regret later."

I stared at her for a moment and took a deep breath. "You are right, I haven't, but it feels right. Maybe because of what happened to me but also because I want it, I want you." I paused and then said what I had just thought. "If you want it too, of course."

She smiled and her eyes sparkled and twinkled like deep pools as she replied, "Yes, Anna, I want it."

She put her arms around me and we embraced for a moment.

I gently pushed her back and again our mouths came together. Slowly our tongues found each other and embraced. She tasted sweet and minty and her teeth were smooth and clean. There was a stale smell of cigarette smoke from working on the buses all day but the aroma and flavours and moisture only served to heighten my arousal.

My heart was beating so hard I could hardly breathe. Her soft, wet tongue moved around my own mouth sending shocks like electricity down through my stomach causing it to flutter as though filled with millions of butterflies. Onwards, down to my vagina the sensations causing it to pulse and tingle like never before.

I became aware that her hand had moved to my breast and was massaging it through the soft cotton of my bra and under the torn fabric of my blouse. My nipples had become achingly hard and every touch and pinch of her slender fingers caused waves of desire to run right through me.

I couldn't help myself, I began to moan and mew, every touch making me tremble with excitement. I felt her hand move down and then work it's way up, under the soft fabric until it had fully enclosed my breast and was massaging and pinching me. The feeling was unbelievable. I never felt so hot in my life. Even my husband couldn't make me feel like this!

Maggie's hand pushed gently upwards and my small breasts were freed as my bra moved away from them and then, breaking away from my mouth she began to plant gentle little kisses on me, beginning very carefully at my bruised face and working slowly down my cheek and over my chin. I had let my head roll backwards to better enjoy the feeling she was producing as she kissed the now tight flesh of my throat and down, over my sternum until she reached my breast. her soft lips quickly sought out my painfully erect nipple and gently but firmly sucked it fully into her mouth, biting it and rolling it against the roof of her mouth with her tongue and against the back of her teeth as she pulled her head back a little to stretch the dark teat and let it pop out before returning and repeating the process over and again.

My body was alive and little flashes of lightning seemed to light up the room with every touch. I wanted to do the same to her but I was unable to move. What she was doing was taking away every bit of control I had over myself and I was incapable of even the slightest thought. She was in charge now and she commanded my very soul!

Eventually she began to move further downwards still leaving little kisses and flicking my flesh with her tongue, tarrying a while at my navel while her tongue briefly explored inside causing my stomach to twitch and churn so beautifully. I could do nothing but stand still and try to control my legs and stop them from buckling under the intense strain.

Undoing the buttons at the front of my denim skirt she gently pulled it down and let it fall to the floor around my feet then paused for a moment whilst she looked at my tattered cotton panties.

"I should have killed him,” she said quietly and putting her arms around my bottom turned her head to the side and held me close to her for a moment.

The feeling of her head pressing against my pubis was so tender I almost wanted to cry for her but instead, I stroked her hair and whispered, "Come on."

I helped her to her feet and took her upstairs to my bedroom. When she walked through the door Maggie stopped and, looking around her, said, "Anna! What a beautiful room, so pretty and feminine."

I didn't answer but turned to her and began to unbutton her shirt, slowly revealing her beautiful round breasts in a plain, white lace bra. Slipping it from her shoulders I pulled the remainder from her waistband and dropped it on the floor behind her then, reaching round, I unfastened the hooks and released her beautiful breasts. Her nipples were already standing proud and I had to step back to look at her and appreciate her beauty.

Kneeling in front of her I took a nipple in my mouth. I had never tasted a woman's flesh before and it felt soft but a little rough. As I drew it in between my lips it seemed to swell even more and rolled and stretched easily as I pulled with my lips and teeth.

Suddenly, I gave it a playful nip. Maggie gasped and gave a little start. I quickly released her nipple and said I was sorry but all she said was, "Don't be, I love that!" so I did it to the other one as well!

I began undoing her trousers, first the buttons on the waistband and then slowly pulling down the zip hearing it rasp as the closer passed over each of the metal teeth. I let them fall to the floor and she stepped out of them and her shoes at the same time. Pulling down the plain white cotton panties I noticed a small spot of moisture showing on the front of them. They were almost dazzling against the colourful stripy ones I was almost wearing.

Maggie had the most beautiful vagina I had ever seen, not that I had seen that many. Her fine, blonde hairs did little to hide the perfect slit with the soft petals of her labia just showing. I knelt still for a moment, just studying this picture of sheer perfection. I had never been so close to another woman before and I was in awe. Slowly, I reached out and gently ran my finger along the surface of her labia, luxuriating in the warm, soft feeling of the flesh under my fingertip.

Pressing a little harder my finger slipped easily between the now readily lubricated folds and found the hard nub of her clitoris rising slightly from its sheath. I pressed gently against it and felt her shiver as I moved my finger around and against it. Her breathing was getting louder and stronger and the air hissed between her teeth as my finger explored this delicate place.

I continued in my quest and found the entrance to her soul. My finger slipped easily inside and the hot, wet flesh closed softly around it, gripping gently as her muscles contracted. I turned my hand and pressed my finger against the ribbed front wall and rubbed in and out adding little circular movements of my fingertip. I leaned forward and placed my mouth against her, allowing my tongue to explore along the groove and using my lips to ensnare her clitoris, blowing on it and kissing and sucking and licking.

"Oh yes, Oh yes, Oh yes..." she repeated over and over and I felt my finger getting wetter and more slippery.

I felt a vibration begin inside her, felt her legs begin to shake and her hands pressed my head hard against her until I could hardly breathe. She pushed down hard against my finger as I pushed up into her and then,suddenly...

"Haaahhh... Mmm..." and her moisture flooded over my hand and wet my mouth and chin and she gripped my finger tightly. I continued for a while until she cried out. "Stop, please stop, I can't take any more," and she sank slowly down onto her knees as I withdrew from her.

I held her head against my chest as the final throws of orgasm slowly receded from her. Looking up at me eventually, with those big blue eyes, she spoke. "You have never been with a woman before?"

"No," I answered truthfully. "Never."

"But Anna, you knew exactly what to do!"

"Maybe, Maggie, that is because I am a woman and I know what I like."

"Hmm," she said, scarcely hiding her doubt. "Maybe."

She rested her head back against me while I put my arms around her and held her close, laying my head on top of hers.

After a short time, Maggie stood and took my hand, pulling me to my feet and guiding me to the bed. I lay down and Maggie slipped the tattered, stripy pants from me and threw them to the floor then, gently parting my legs, lay between them and began to kiss and lick me. As soon as I felt her hot breath on me there I could feel a host of new and exciting sensations flooding through me. I loved it when my husband kissed me there but Maggie was softer, more gentle, less urgent. She felt what I felt.

I felt her tongue enter me. I felt her hands on my buttocks, lifting me towards her. I felt her lips encircle me. I felt the electricity flowing through me and charging every nerve ending. I felt my muscles tensing and the air being drawn noisily in and out of my lungs. I felt her finger enter my deepest recesses. I felt my body quivering and, finally, I felt the rush of pleasure explode through me like a tidal wave, washing away everything in it's path and forcing the air out of my lungs so strongly that it sounded like a cat crying for it's food. And then it receded, leaving behind a ruin of weakened muscle and nerves, incapable of even the slightest thought or movement. As coherence gradually returned Maggie moved up alongside me and rested her head upon my shoulder and there we stayed, in silence, just enjoying the feel of our naked bodies pressed against each other, resting.

After what seemed like five minutes but was nearer to an hour, I opened my eyes. I was alone!

"Maggie?" I searched the house but there was no sign of her!

I guessed she didn't want any fuss but I knew where she worked and she knew where I lived so I wasn't too upset. I went downstairs and switched on the TV. The news was just starting

"Good Evening," began the newscaster, "The trial of Martin Preston, the transport rapist who attacked and murdered the thirty year old bus conductress, Maggie Benson, last November, concluded today with Preston being given life imprisonment..."

I didn't hear anymore because on the screen was a picture of Maggie, her beautiful blue eyes smiling at me as if to say, You are safe now.

Written by Annamagique
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