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It was the summer break of my second year at college. Most of my friends had left for sunny beaches to party it up, but I had stayed behind, looking for digs. I came out of a relationship with a boyfriend who had cheated on me, though he repeatedly told me that it had been a drunken fling and that I should get over it.

Well, I didn't and I packed my bags.

Problem was that I had given up my room to shack up with him, so now I needed a roof over my head. Not my favourite way of spending a holiday, but I was glad to get rid of Brian and his ways.

Finding rooms was never easy, even at the best of times, but now I had to compete with a whole lot of new arrivals. I soon realized that living anywhere near the campus was out of the question. Well, never mind. I just widened the circle. And kept widening it.

But then I had a stroke of luck: a notice on a board in a pub I walked into. I didn't fancy my chances, but I called the number anyway. The woman at the other end hesitated for a moment but then confirmed that the room was still available. I told her that I was coming over to check it out.

The address, when I got there, turned out to be a brand new town house with a view of the river. I rang the bell and the door was answered by a woman who looked to be in her forties, with short grey hair and piercing blue eyes. She gave me the once-over.

'Yes?' she asked, and I recognized her voice from the phone.

'I called you half an hour ago,' I said. 'About the room. The notice in the pub.'

'Ah, yes. You must be... Karen? I'm Hilda. No trouble finding me?' She smiled for the first time.

'No,' I said, looking around. 'It's lovely here. I didn't know they had put up these houses so close to the river bank.'

Hilda nodded. 'Yes, they did a good job. I used to live around the corner, but when this opportunity arose, I snapped it up.'

She stepped aside. 'Do come in, then I'll show you around.'

I followed her inside. Hilda was taller than me, wearing a dark blue shirt, jeans and trainers. She had an athletic figure, a bit masculine, with strong shoulders. She might be in her forties, but she looked fit and energetic. When she stepped aside to let me pass, I felt her hand on the small of my back. We made a tour of the house.

I was impressed. She'd done a beautiful job, combining a modern style interior with lots of Edwardian details, a mix that worked surprisingly well. And the kitchen was every chef's dream. Hilda took me upstairs to the room she was letting. Lots of space. Hilda raised an eyebrow at me and I just nodded.

So we went downstairs again to talk things over. 'It's a delightful house,' I said. 'Of course I'm interested. But why have you decided to rent out the room? I don't mean to pry, but you don't look as if you need the money.'

Hilda smiled. 'No, it's not that. But it's a big house, perhaps too big for me on my own. So I'd like some company, someone to share the house with. It's as simple as that.' She paused for a moment.

'Am I the first to respond?' I asked.

'No,' she answered, and left it at that. 'But I've been waiting for a suitable candidate. I think we could hit it off.'

I blushed, realizing she was paying me a compliment. 'That's wonderful,' I gushed, 'but I don't know if I could afford the rent. It's such a nice room.'

'Money is not the issue,' Hilda said. She thought for a moment and then, to my surprise, she mentioned a rent that was just within my budget. 'That alright for you?'

I smiled. 'Yes! No problem. Oh, that's great.'

Hilda grinned at my evident relief. 'Right,' she said. 'But first there are some things we need to discuss before we're agreed.'

'Try me,' I said.

'First of all, I'm a lesbian. I work for a society that supports the rights of gay women all over the world. If you've got a problem with that, then it's no deal.'

'That's alright,' I answered. 'I'm cool with that. Anything else?'

'No visitors after eight o'clock,' she said. 'No boyfriends, nor anyone. I value my privacy and I don't want half the student population stomping in and out of here at all hours. If you need company at night, just come down for coffee or a drink. And keep your room fresh and tidy. That's all.'

'Okay,' I said. 'That's more or less what I expected. Boyfriends won't be a problem. I just broke up with mine, and I'm not in the least interested in boys right now!'

Hilda smiled. 'Well, that's settled then. Welcome!'

'So when could I move in?' I asked.

'Whenever you like, sweetie,' Hilda said.

I told her that I was hoping to get my stuff out of my old apartment before my ex got back for the new semester. Hilda wanted to know if my friends would help me move. But all of my friends were out of town for the holidays. She offered her help and I gratefully accepted the offer.

The next day Hilda showed up at my apartment in a butch pickup truck. We spent the whole afternoon moving my things over to her place. By the end of the day, we were pretty worn out. Back at her house, we flopped down on the couch in her living room, relaxing in front of the tv.

The next few weeks I thoroughly enjoyed myself. Technically speaking Hilda was my landlady, but she turned out to be more of a roommate. She was a great cook and most nights she made dinner for the both of us. And if I needed help with anything, she was there. I had really landed on my feet here.

One evening, at the beginning of term, my ex-boyfriend appeared on the doorstep. Hilda, not knowing who he was, let him in. I was a bit surprised because I had not heard from him in weeks, though I had mailed him my new address.

Hilda made coffee and we went into the living room. His voice slurred a little as if he'd had too much to drink.

It turned out he wanted me back, he had never meant us to split up and he saw no reason why we couldn't hook up again. Silly, of course. We'd had a series of flaming rows and I knew that he would cheat again if I'd be so stupid as to get back with him.

So, in the end, I asked him to leave. But he refused. 'I don't want any trouble,' he said, 'but you're coming home with me.'

'Home?' I laughed. 'Get real.'

But he made no attempt to leave, so Hilda stepped in. 'I'm sorry,' she said in a stern voice, 'but Karen doesn't want to talk to you. Show some respect, son. And now, please leave!'

'No way!' my ex snarled. 'Who is gonna make me? Not you, you fucking dyke!'

Hilda kept calm. 'I won't ask you again,' she said, and before he knew what hit him, she pulled him from the chair, dragged him across the room and kicked him out. 'Don't you dare come back,' she warned him before she shut the door.

'He was drunk,' I said when she came back. 'Are you okay?' I asked her, a bit concerned. 'So sorry that you had to deal with that loser.'

Hilda grinned. 'No problem, sweetie. I've been in worse situations. It's all part of growing up.'

I laughed and said: 'Yes, you know how to handle yourself. I don't think he'll come back. He looked pretty embarrassed, being thrown out by a woman.'

'I spent some years in the army. As a technician, but still... you learn a few tricks.'

My respect for Hilda grew. As the new term started, I had a busy time, but she was always there for me and we developed a close friendship. I knew I could trust her and I came to rely on her a lot.

Some time ago she had split up with her girlfriend and she wasn't looking for a new love interest anytime soon, she told me.

As a spokesperson for her society, she had to travel a lot, and I really missed her when she stayed away for a few days. We always hugged when she came back and I liked the way she held me. She told me about her work and I felt comfortable talking to her about school and my life in general.

When my parents came to visit, I could sense their concern about me living with her, but they had the good sense not to interfere. When they left, I saw my mother hesitate. Finally, she took the plunge and asked me: 'You and her... you're not... well, you know what I mean?'

'No, mum, we're not,' I told her. 'No worries there.'

She breathed a sigh of relief. 'Oh, good. I wouldn't like you to be that kind of girl. You can't imagine what those women get up to with one another. You know what I mean. It's so... gross.' She shuddered.

'She seemed to like you,' I said.

My mother blushed and looked away. They left, their minds set at ease.

Hilda and I were really comfortable around each other. I often saw her walking around in a tight tank top and boxer shorts, and I didn't mind her seeing me in bra and panties.

One Saturday evening I was at home, working on an assignment for one of my classes and hating it. Not because of the work as such, but my partner for the project tried to wriggle out of it, and I had no intention to fail the class.

Hilda came home around ten and asked me why I was spending Saturday night behind my desktop when I should be out drinking with my friends. I explained.

'That's a bummer,' she said. 'You look a bit down in the mouth.'

'I know,' I sighed. 'It sucks.'

'Hey, it'll work out fine,' she tried to cheer me up. 'You're a bright kid, you can handle this on your own.'

'Thanks,' I said.

Hilda, standing behind me, put her hands on my shoulders and said. 'You're tense.'

She moved my long blond hair over to one side and softly kneaded the back of my neck. It felt wonderful. I closed my eyes, enjoying her massage. Presently my body started to relax. Hilda had a magic touch. And what's more, I felt totally safe and secure with her.

'How does that feel then?' she asked.

'Mm,' I said. 'Really good.'

'Want me to stop?' Hilda asked. 'Just say so.'

'No. Don't stop. This feels wonderful,' I said. But that was not quite what she meant.

The next moment I felt her breath warm on my neck, while she continued kneading my shoulders. Then her soft moist lips kissed my skin. For a few seconds, I allowed her to continue, until I realized what was happening. Seized by a panic I opened my eyes and resisted.

'Hilda! Please stop,' I said, and I jumped out of my chair, facing her.

'I'm sorry, Karen,' she said. 'I thought you wanted me to go on.'

'Yes... no. I meant rubbing my shoulders, not kissing me.' I realized it sounded lame and awkward.

We both were silent for a moment, not knowing what to say next. Hilda stared into my eyes, hesitated, then pulled me from my chair and held me close to her, not saying a word.

My heart was beating wildly as I felt her strong, warm body against mine. She leaned in and kissed my lips. I was shocked, but I didn't protest, this time.

Sensing that I didn't offer any resistance, Hilda kissed me more aggressively. Soon she pressed the tip of her tongue between my lips, parting them. Her wet, warm tongue explored my mouth as she kissed me passionately.

I had always considered myself straight. Or had I just turned my back on the other option? Because if I was straight, then why was I trembling with excitement?

I couldn't help it, but I felt my body respond to hers. Before I knew it, I was kissing her back, with lust and longing. God, this was wrong! I did not want to go this way. Scared to step out of my comfort zone. Scared to face facts.

Hilda was a lot older than me, almost the same age as my parents! Yet I reacted to her in a fundamental way that no boyfriend had ever aroused in me. I hungered for her love. So I wrapped my arms around her neck and kept kissing her. Our tongues fought a sensual battle.

Hilda pressed me against the desk and flung my papers onto the floor. With her strong arms, she grabbed me by the waist, picked me up and set me down on top of the desk.

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I was wearing a short white skirt and open shoes on my bare feet. Hilda removed my left shoe and started to massage my foot. She lifted it higher and sucked on my toes.

'God!' I cried. No one had ever done that to me. My body was tingling all over. Hilda looked at me, kissed my ankle and began to work her way up. When she reached my inner thigh, I was moaning for her.

Hilda straightened up, leaned towards me and kissed me again. Her tongue went straight in, pumping my mouth. I loved it.

After a while, we stopped kissing and took a moment to look into each other's eyes. For some reason, I felt hugely embarrassed, but Hilda seemed to understand why. She smiled at me.

'So that's the reason you gave me the room,' I finally said.

'Yes.' She nodded. 'There had been a lot of interest before you called, but the right girl never showed up. And then there was you.'

'But...' I didn't have to spell it out.

'You know there's something called gaydar,' she said. 'After some time you develop a sixth sense for women of your own kind. Oh, I got your number, girl. So I bided my time. I could wait.'

'But I'm not gay,' I tried to protest.

'Not yet. But I will make you,' she said.

And I knew she would.

Hilda's strong hands gripped my hips and slowly she tugged the hem of my top out of the waistband of my skirt. I raised my arms as she lifted the blue top above my head.

Then, with swift fingers, she unhooked my bra and let it fall away. My naked breasts pointed straight at my lesbian lover.

Hilda stared at my tits. 'O, darling,' she breathed. 'You're so gorgeous. I have wanted you since the first day I saw you.'

I was so confused and horny that I didn't know what to say. 'Thank you,' was all I could manage.

Hilda kissed me again. Her strong but tender hands cupped my breasts and her fingers softly pinched my hardened nipples. She licked my neck and her head moved down. First, she kissed my collarbone. Then she finally made her way down to my breasts.

I put my left arm on the desk behind me to help prop me up. Hilda squeezed my left breast and made the nipple stand out even more. Then she slid her tongue out, traced the outline of my nipple and took it in her mouth.

I looked down at her, extremely turned on by the sight of this handsome woman licking and sucking my breast.

Tenderly I stroked her short grey hair while she kept fondling, kissing and caressing my tits, her tongue flicking rhythmically around my nipples. Eagerly I pushed my breasts against her face.

Then Hilda started her way down my body. She kissed my tight, flat stomach and licked my belly button. She spent a long time caressing me there, with her tongue just above the waistband of my skirt.

My whole body screamed for her to get lower, but she kept teasing me until she paused and stood back up.

Hilda smiled and said: 'Change of scenery.' With those words and a devilish grin on her face, she lifted me up and carried me to her bedroom. It was softly lit, and on the night table, I noticed a bottle of wine and two glasses. Had she been preparing for this?

'I knew you would need to unwind on a Saturday evening,' she answered my unspoken question. 'Last night you were working late as well.'

Gently she laid me down on the bed and smiled at me. Then her hand found the zipper of my skirt. Slowly, she pulled it off, leaving me with only my panties on.

She brought her head down and kissed my belly button. She sensed my arousal, with her lips so close to my sex. I could feel her breath on me. Hilda closed her eyes and whispered to me in a way that shocked and excited me at the same time.

She straightened and took a step back from the bed. Still watching me, she took off her shirt and dropped her bra. Though she was in her forties, she still had firm breasts, with large nipples, fully erect, proof of her love for me.

Then she stepped out of her jeans and stood before me in her panties.

We were naked. Well, not quite...

The moment had come.

'Show me yours,' she whispered, 'and I'll show you mine.'

We both pulled down our panties and looked at each other. I saw Hilda's sex for the first time. She was unshaved, with a short grey bush. Her prominent clit was clearly exposed.

'Hilda, at last! Your cunt!' I moaned, hot and horny.

I realized that I was hopelessly in love, despite our differences. She was an experienced, self-assured woman of forty-three, I was a mere student of twenty-one. She was muscular and athletic, I was graceful and feminine. But all those differences only contributed to my arousal.

Hilda looked at me and breathed a sigh of contentment. 'Oh, darling, you've got everything it takes.' I saw her eyes focused on my pussy while I lay there, on her bed, hers for the taking. And she knew it.

She bent over me, placed her left hand behind my neck, pulled my face towards her and kissed me with force and passion.

'You little cunt teaser,' she whispered. 'God, you're so hot. Lay back now,' she ordered.

I complied without a word and stretched out on the bed, spreading my thighs, raising my knees, moaning for her.

Hilda knelt between my legs and I watched her face as she went down on me. She took my legs and laid them over her shoulders. Then she lifted her head again and looked into my eyes as she began to kiss my legs up to my inner thighs.

I squirmed with desire when her warm, moist lips caressed my skin. She slid her hands under my arse and kneaded my cheeks.

At last, I felt her hot breath on my pussy. My hips trembled in response, and my heart jumped as Hilda kissed my bare sex. It felt so good! Hilda probed my pussy with her soft, warm tongue. I lay there, panting like a dog.

My arms reached down towards Hilda's head and I ran my fingers through her short grey hair. That seemed to drive her wild. Her hands came up, cupping my breasts.

She began to caress and squeeze my tits, her fingers softly pinching my nipples. My body felt on fire. I was way beyond horny, building up to an unbelievable climax. My hands gripped hers and our fingers intertwined. My lover knew I was on the edge of ecstasy.

Her tongue flicked in and out of my tight pussy. Then my whole body convulsed and tensed as I came for her, calling her name.

Hilda pressed her face against my sex, licking my thighs and my belly while I rode the waves of my orgasm. I wanted to keep her there, forever.

After a few minutes, Hilda crawled up and laid beside me, pulling me close against her. We kissed each other in an intimate embrace, wrapping our bodies around each other. So we stayed, I don't know for how long, perhaps half an hour.

At last Hilda propped herself up on her elbows, reached out for the bottle of wine and poured both of us a glass. We drank, and I smiled at her. 'Thank you,' I whispered.

'My love,' she answered, looking me up and down, devouring me with her eyes. I kept glancing at her full, neatly trimmed bush, swallowing with desire. Hilda hadn't climaxed yet, and I so wanted to make her cum. I could sense her fierce arousal.

'You're gorgeous,' she said to me. 'I want you so badly.'

I smiled. 'You already had me, I think.'

'Oh, no. Not yet,' she answered hoarsely. 'I'm gonna fuck you.'

That's what I wanted as well, but inexperienced as I was, I didn't quite know what to do. So I lay on my back and instinctively spread my legs for her.

When she walked round the bed, I sneaked a glance at her nice, firm butt. It made my mouth water. Hilda seemed to read my thoughts, because she bent over to show me her asscrack. I felt my nipples stiffen even more.

God, I wanted her to take me. Make me a lesbian. Definitely. To the point of no return.

She kneeled between my legs, then mounted me.

I felt her strong body on top of me. Hilda looked into my eyes, smiling, and I smiled back. Then she lowered her head, and we kissed for several minutes. I was acutely aware of her lesbian needs and knew she must have her release.

She started moving against me and I wrapped my legs around hers. My whole body shuddered as Hilda softly rubbed her boobs over mine. Our nipples touched.

This was it. She was going to fuck me.

I gasped as she settled between my thighs. I pulled up my knees and rolled my hips to give her access, my legs spread wide. Then I felt her short bush touch my shaven pussy. I stifled a cry when her sex found mine, her hairy cunt pressed firmly against my clit.

'God...' she moaned. And she began to fuck me. Breathing heavily she ground herself into my body. It was so hot, feeling her pressed tightly against me. My hands gripped her buttocks as she slammed into me, her cunt rubbing and riding against my wide-open sex.

Our clits made contact, lost touch and made contact again when she found the right angle and started fucking me properly.

I wanted to be her girl, her lover, her fuck slut. I felt embarrassed by the words floating through my brain, the obscenities I wanted to whisper in her ear.

Hilda leaned her head in and kissed me with an even deeper sense of passion, and her pace quickened. I heard the squelching sound of her wet pussy fucking mine. She drove her hips harder into me.

I slapped her bottom, egging her on.

I couldn't believe how intense our lovemaking had become, at the same time gentle and rough. My body craved her touch. Hilda had lost all control now, fucking me so wildly that the whole bed was shaking, the headboard rattling against the wall.

Hilda's strong thighs were pounding against my own.

Then, with a stifled cry, she drove her hips hard against mine, our pussy lips pressed firmly against each other, almost kissing. Then her body started bucking against me as she came.

I felt the jet of her juices as she squirted. Some of it she shot inside my cunt. It felt amazing. Squirming and panting I had my second orgasm of that night, wrapping myself around the body of my lover, kissing her passionately.

Finally I released my hold on her and she collapsed on top of me. Still trembling from my own shattering climax I nestled in her arms, stroking her arse and feeling the throes of her orgasm slowly subside.

We kissed and cuddled, gradually falling asleep in each other's arms.

The next morning, in the shower, we had sex again. She pushed me face forward against the shower wall and got off by rubbing herself against my arse. Then I turned round and she watched me masturbate for her. I fixed my gaze on her tits and screamed her name when I climaxed.

Afterwards, having breakfast, I told Hilda: 'My mother warned me about you, you know.'

'Oh?' She smiled. 'What did she say?'

'That you were trying to get into my pants. She thinks lesbian sex is gross.'

Hilda raised an eyebrow. 'In those words?'

'More or less,' I grinned.

'Well, she's right,' concluded Hilda. 'Now, how about your coming-out?'

I nodded. 'Can't postpone that, can I?' That wouldn't be fair to Hilda. She was part of my life now.

'What would you suggest?' I asked her.

'Call your mother,' she said. 'That's what girls do.'

'And what do I tell her?' I asked. 'That I'm playing for the other team?'

'That's a mild way of putting it!' she smiled. 'Tell it like it is. That you're a lezzie, fucking your girlfriend, the dyke you're living with.'

I swallowed. 'Right. When?'

'When I'll be fucking you? Every chance I get,'' Hilda said. 'At least two times a night, on a daily basis.''

'No,' I smiled. 'I meant, when shall I call her?'

'No time like the present.'

So I took a deep breath and grabbed my phone.


Written by Anonymous
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