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Sex With A Stranger - Or Is It?

"A message, a keycard, and a dark hotel room lead to a night of the best sex ever."

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AJ slid the keycard into the slot and let herself in the room. She still wasn’t sure why she was here. She had gone to the bar at the end of the evening to pay up her tab, and a message was waiting for her, along with the keycard. No matter how long she stood there and looked at the card, she hadn’t been able to figure out, for sure, who it belonged to.

She knew who she wished it would belong to, but that would just be too good to be true. She had seen and talked to so many people that evening, and it could belong to any of them.

Her fifteen year reunion hadn’t been something that she had planned on going to at first, but the more she thought about it, and the more that her best friend bugged her about it, she eventually had to give in. She didn’t really care about most of her fellow graduates’ lives, but there were a few that she thought about occasionally, and one that she thought about often.

AJ took another step into the dark room and took a breath. She could smell body wash left over from a recent shower. She also smelled a faint scent of spicy incense. As she took another step, she saw someone standing at the side of the room facing toward her. She could see long hair pulled back off of a neck. That, and with the scent of the body wash, let her know that she was here with another woman.

AJ took another step into the darkness and saw the woman moving toward her. Hands reached out toward her, and she laid her hands on top of them. The keycard was removed from her hand and placed somewhere behind the woman. Hands reached up to AJ’s shoulders and gently pulled her jacket down her arms.

AJ knew she should be nervous, but the excitement of the situation outweighed her nervousness. Her jacket had been removed and placed behind the woman somewhere with the keycard. The woman turned back toward AJ and took a step toward her. She stopped right in front of AJ, reached up and undid every button on AJ’s shirt, and then slipped it down her arms. AJ could hear her own nervous breathing, but she didn’t hear a sound from the woman in front of her. The woman was complete calm and control.

“Who are you?” AJ asked as hands starting removing her pants.

“Call me Ray,” the woman whispered as she knelt down in front of AJ and removed each leg before standing and laying the pants behind her.

“Ray,” AJ whispered as her head ran through every possible person the name could belong to. But no one AJ could think of would be so daring and confident to try this on her. If she wanted, she could end this in an instant and find out exactly who it was that was toying with her.

AJ brought her head back up and looked at the woman who was barely visible. “Can I at least see who you are?” Two fingers lowered on AJ’s lips, and the woman walked around AJ, wrapped her arm around her shoulder, and stepped up against her back.

“No, you cannot,” Ray whispered. As she slid one hand around to AJ’s tight abdomen, she let the two fingers of her other hand slide down AJ’s chin. She encircled her hand around AJ’s throat, and with one finger, she pushed her head back and exposed AJ’s neck.

“What...?” AJ started to say, but was immediately quieted when wet lips come down on her lower neck. There was an instant surprise, but then her eyes closed and her body registered what exactly was going on. She felt an immediate stirring in her gut as heat spread down her face and neck. The hand around her neck moved down her chest and cupped around one of her breasts. The other hand slid down her stomach, over the top of her panties, and pressed between her legs.

The feeling in her stomach had now become an ache between her legs. AJ still had no clue what was going on or who was doing this to her, but she knew better than to turn down a sure thing. She pulled her arm up, wrapped it around Ray’s head and held her as she continued sucking on AJ’s neck.

“Do you accept this?” Ray whispered as her tongue licked along the edges of AJ’s ear.

“Yes,” AJ said quickly. AJ heard a low laugh from Ray and was slowly turned around until she was facing her. AJ brought her hands up and placed them on each side of Ray’s face. She let her fingers feel across cheekbones, eyebrows and lips as she tried to figure out who was teasing her.

She slid her hands up over Ray’s hair, and when she found the band, she removed it and slid her fingers through the long hair. She let her fingers linger in the silky hair and pulled it down over Ray’s shoulders. AJ slid both hands toward the center of Ray’s chest, and feeling no buttons, she moved her hands down quickly and pulled the shirt off and threw it out of their way. She brought her hands immediately back to Ray’s chest. Her fingers lightly grazed across the soft skin, and she felt Ray shiver from her touch.

Ray was having a hard time keeping calm and composed. The fact that AJ had accepted all of this, and was even a willing participant, made Ray want to rush. But she kept her hands still on AJ’s sides as she continued to touch and undress her. Ray’s breathing was not as calm as she would like, but she couldn’t blame herself for being overly excited. As AJ’s hands slid up her bare stomach and up over both breasts, Ray brought her hands up immediately and lowered her hands back down to her sides.

“Not until I say,” Ray whispered as she leaned forward and reached around AJ to release her bra. She pulled the shoulder straps down slowly, letting her fingers tease all the way down both arms before finally dropping the bra to the side. Ray walked away from AJ and back toward the table where she had been standing in the beginning. She reached down, found the towel she had placed on the table to help hide sounds, and pulled the night vision goggles up and on her head.

AJ stood there with her hands fisted at her sides. Her breathing was almost frantic, and Ray could see that AJ was trying to take in every sound around her.

“Ssshh,” Ray sounded softly, “take a breath for me.” She watched as AJ shook her arms at her sides and relaxed her hands. She then took a deep breath, her chest rising full of air, and released it slowly. Ray released the button on her jeans and made sure she made just enough noise for AJ to know what she was doing. AJ turned toward the noise, and Ray saw her reaction as soon as AJ realized that she was undressing.

Ray pulled off the night goggles and laid them softly back on the towel. She walked back over in front of AJ, cupped a hand behind one of hers, and pulled AJ’s hand down against her moist panties.

As soon as AJ realized where her hand was, it moved and pressed in tighter to the soaked panties. She pushed the material into the damp folds and heard a quick breath stop and hold. AJ smiled to herself as she slid her finger forward and grazed the top of Ray’s clit. The hand that was holding hers never stilled her roaming fingers. So, AJ continued circling, pressing, and then sliding away. Feeling even braver, AJ moved her fingers to slide underneath, but her hand was immediately pulled away.

Ray placed AJ’s hand back down at her side, placed her own hands on AJ’s hips and walked her backwards until they came to the bed. Ray gently pushed on her hips, and AJ seated herself on the end of the bed. Ray reached behind her back, unclasped her bra, and tossed it in the floor. She looped her thumbs in her panties and removed them as well.

She found AJ’s hands again and brought them up to her bare hips. She kept her hands over AJ’s as they slid around to her ass, up her bare back, and came around to slide across her nipples. Ray stilled the hands there and gripped the hands against her breasts. She let them linger only a moment before pulling them back to AJ’s lap. Ray placed a hand on AJ’s chest and pressed her onto her back.

“Slide up,” Ray whispered as she hooked her fingers on AJ’s panties and pulled them off. AJ pulled herself up the bed, and Ray lowered down and crawled after her. As she got over the top of AJ, she lowered her hips down and slid her hips up between AJ’s spread legs.

Hands almost slammed down on her ass and pulled Ray’s pelvis tight against AJ’s waiting pussy. Ray couldn’t stop the shocked breath or the soft moan when she felt AJ grinding against her. Ray realized play time was over. She lowered herself all the way down on top of AJ, took her face in her hands, and crushed her lips down on AJ.

Ray’s lips were frantic as she licked, sucked and nibbled AJ’s mouth. Only when AJ finally slid her tongue between Ray’s lips, did Ray finally pause and take in the full feeling of kissing AJ again. She moaned again and slid her tongue alongside of AJ’s in a wet, slow dance of want.

AJ felt the change in Ray and new exactly when her control had slipped. As much as AJ wanted to use that knowledge and take over this little game, she loved that Ray controlled what she could or couldn’t do.

AJ slid her arms down Ray’s neck and chest, and slid her palms against each nipple before closing her hand around both breasts. Ray’s hands quickly grabbed her by the wrists and pulled her hands up over her head. AJ tried to pull her hands free but Ray’s strong hands were not letting go. When Ray pulled her lips away, AJ relaxed her arms and didn’t move. When she gripped ahold of the top of the mattress, Ray finally released her hands and slid hers down AJ’s arms slowly.

Ray pulled herself up over AJ’s hips and slid her hands down across her hard, sensitive nipples. AJ arched into her hands as her body ached for more. Ray teased her fingers around each nipple slowly and gently. As she got closer and closer, she could see AJ anticipating her move. Her breaths were coming quickly, her breasts rising and falling. Ray could tell that AJ’s eyes were locked onto hers, trying to read what she was going to do. Ray clamped onto AJ’s nipples tightly and twisted them as she slid her wet pussy against AJ’s.

“God,” AJ screamed as Ray twisted and pulled her nipples for the first time. She knew it was coming, but even then, AJ couldn’t have been prepared for the surge that went from her nipples to her clit. She had always been more sensitive than most women, but never had someone about made her cum by simply playing with her nipples.

AJ’s back stayed arched off the bed as Ray continued the pleasure-pain that she triggered in AJ. The pain in AJ’s nipples eased just enough for her to register that Ray’s wet pussy was sliding and grinding into hers. AJ pulled her knees up behind Ray’s back and tilted her hips up toward Ray. She quickly grabbed AJ’s knees and used them to help pull herself tighter against AJ’s pussy.

“Please,” AJ begged as she stared up at Ray. She had never wanted to cum so badly in her life. The hour it had taken to get here had been one of the most pleasurable in AJ’s life, but right now, all she could think about was how badly she needed to cum.

“Say it,” Ray whispered as she wet her fingers and lowered them back down to AJ’s nipples.

“Please make me cum Ray. I need to cum.” Ray instantly stopped moving and released AJ’s nipples, but She didn’t get off of AJ. She realized that she hadn’t said quite what Ray wanted to hear.

“I need you to fuck me Ray. I need you to fuck me and make me cum. God, please,” AJ said as she arched her breasts up toward Ray’s hands.

Ray started rolling her hips again and felt AJ moving underneath her. She captured both nipples and tweaked them as she lowered herself down and pulled one into her mouth.

“Yes,” AJ hissed as she released the bed. One hand came around Ray’s head and held her against her breast. The other slid down Ray’s chest and captured a nipple. AJ started her own game of torture as Ray sucked and bit against one breast and then the other.

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She pulled her hand out of Ray’s hair, moved it down her chest, and then slid one finger through Ray’s cum and slid right up inside of her.

“Fuck,” Ray cursed as she dropped her hands by AJ’s head to catch herself. She held her hips down as AJ teased a finger inside of her. When AJ’s thumb pressed into her clit, Ray pulled herself up over AJ’s hips. Her hands went into her hair as she pulled her hips up and rammed them down on AJ’s finger. It felt so good Ray didn’t really want it to end, but she grabbed AJ’s wrist and held it still as she moved her hips down a few more times before pulling herself up and away from AJ.

AJ lay in bed alone. Her nipples hurt from all the twisting, and her pussy was so wet, she could feel the damp sheet under her ass. She’d already figured out that Ray had plans of how tonight was supposed to go, and AJ was not following those plans. AJ brought her hands up to her sore nipples and gently teased against them. Her hips moved even though there was nothing to rub up against. She slid one hand down and had just entered between wet folds when Ray spoke.

“Stop,” Ray said just above a whisper. Ray had taken a drink of water when she got out of bed, and then quickly placed the goggles over her eyes so she could watch what AJ did while in bed by herself. When AJ didn’t obey her command, she decided a more direct threat was due.

“You’ll either stop, or I’ll leave.” Ray sure hoped that threat worked. She quickly pulled the harness up and tightened it around her hips. She grabbed the dildo and slid it in. She got it positioned just right, and watched AJ for a few seconds more.

AJ stilled her hand, closed her eyes and let both hands fall on the bed beside her. She’d had just about enough of this little game. She pushed herself up and climbed off the end of the bed toward where she knew Ray was standing.

Ray had removed the goggles when she saw AJ sit up. She moved just enough to be in the position to capture AJ when she got out of bed. One foot hit the ground followed by AJ’s other foot, and she moved toward the corner where Ray had been standing off and on all night long. But she even got one step in, her arm was pulled behind her back, and an arm came around her waist and pulled her back.

AJ felt Ray’s breasts being crushed against her back, but she also felt something new that hadn’t been there before. AJ slid her free hand back between their bodies and gripped the plastic cock in her hand. She pressed it back into Ray and heard her reaction. Ray quickly turned them facing the bed, and AJ was pushed forward on her hands and knees. AJ knew what was coming, and it was what she had wanted from the beginning. She lowered herself down on her elbows and felt Ray’s hand slide down her back to check her position.

“Good girl,” Ray whispered as she stepped forward and slid her cock between AJ’s legs. She got the dildo well lubricated before she stepped back and placed the tip against AJ’s pussy. Ray held onto her hips as she pushed the tip just inside of AJ. She ran her hand through AJ’s juices and coated the dildo again before she pushed it in further. When she felt no resistance, Ray slid the cock all the way inside of AJ.

“Fuck yes,” AJ moaned as Ray finally filled her completely. When Ray pulled back out slowly, AJ waited until she started forward again, and she pressed back against her. She heard a grunt from Ray and knew that she was just as close as AJ was. They got a rhythm going, and AJ felt Ray curling around her back and grasping both breasts in her hand.

Ray gripped AJ’s breasts and started pumping her cock into her harder and harder. AJ met each thrust and pushed back against Ray which rammed the base of the dildo against her clit. Nipples were grabbed and pinched, and a slight scream was heard from AJ. Thrust after thrust, Ray could hear AJ grunt every time she rammed into her.

When Ray heard the grunts rise in pitch, she slowed her hips down and pulled almost all the way out before pushing in just as slow. AJ’s head had fallen between her arms and was trying to get her breathing under control. Ray slipped her hand down and brought two fingers up on either side of AJ’s clit. She pressed her fingers together and slid them up and down with AJ’s clit pinched between them.

AJ’s head flew back up as Ray started stroking her clit from both sides. The tight pressure and movements on each side was something she hadn’t felt before, and it was causing strong sensations from each side. AJ pushed herself back until she could move her feet to the floor. She pushed up to her hands and pushed back against the cock that was still inside of her. It hit exactly where AJ wanted it to, her g-spot. She started riding Ray’s cock again, and on every thrust, it pressed into her upper wall.

“That’s it baby, just like that,” AJ said through gritted teeth.

“Are you ready to cum, baby?” Ray asked near her ear. Ray was ready as well and wanted them to climax together.

“Yes, God, yes,” AJ panted.

Ray no longer held back. She brought her left hand up to AJ’s shoulder, and left the other one between her legs where her clit was still trapped between two of her fingers. Every time that Ray rammed her cock into AJ, her clit was pushed into the vee of her two fingers. With all the strength she had left, she pushed into AJ time after time. She kept her fingers tightly pressed on either side of her clit and it was being pushed against her hand with every thrust.

“Yes. Yes, God Ray, yes fuck me,” AJ ranted over and over again. AJ pressed back hard against Ray and rammed the base into her clit every time. She could hear grunts sounding next to her ear every time Ray pushed inside of her. “Now Ray, finish me Ray. Oh god, baby, I’m going to cum all over you.”

Ray’s hips went into overdrive, and thrust after thrust, AJ’s screaming got louder and louder. Ray slid her hand down from AJ’s shoulder and pinched a nipple tightly. She started twisting and pulling again and that got AJ screaming. Ray couldn’t hold out much longer, and luckily, she didn’t have to.

AJ’s climax hit full force, and her body continued to thrust back against Ray until she heard Ray’s voice raise, and then scream out her name. Ray kept ramming into AJ until they both come back down to earth. Ray pulled out slowly, and AJ collapsed on the bed. Ray removed her dildo and harness, laid them on the table, and then curled up behind AJ and wrapped her arms around her. AJ turned over and buried her face in Ray’s neck.

AJ was completely satisfied and worn out. The only thing she still wanted was to know who the mystery woman was. The smell of sex filled the room, but as AJ snuggled in Ray’s neck, she could smell a faint perfume. She wrapped an arm around Ray’s back and closed her eyes. It didn’t take her long, and she was asleep.

AJ woke late the next morning. She was confused at first, but quickly remembered the events from the night before. She slid out of bed and saw that there was no sign that anyone else had ever been there. The only thing that remained was a pair of underwear that she knew didn’t belong to her.

She went over to her clothes, which was all stacked neatly on the dresser and found that her panties weren’t there. She smiled, shook her head, and went over and picked up Ray panties. She brought them up to her face and took a deep breath of the scent that still lingered. She went back over to her clothes and started getting dressed. She slipped the panties in her pocket, grabbed her jacket, and with a last look at the bed, turned and left to head home.

It was Monday morning, and she was late for work. She had stopped to get coffee like she did every morning before work, but had to wait as some unsatisfied customer argued about his coffee for fifteen minutes. She finally got her coffee, but now had to rush to get to work. She entered the squad room and saw her partner already at his desk.

“You are late, and are already on the most wanted list of our new Captain.” Jack looked at her with a disappointed look on his face.

AJ just flipped him off and sat her coffee down on the desk. “Does she want me in the office right away?”

“Yes, she said as soon as you come in, I was to send you straight to her. She didn’t look pleased.”

“Just fucking great,” AJ said as she took a long drink of her coffee and tossed the rest in the trash can.

AJ walked toward the office, gave a light knock on the door, and waited to be allowed in.

“Come in, Detective Turner.”

AJ entered the room, stood with her hands behind her back, and waited for Captain Miller to turn around. But she didn’t right away. She walked down the side of her desk, behind AJ, and then closed the door to her office. She heard Captain Miller walk right up behind her, but AJ stayed forward.

“Do you often come into work late, Turner?”

“No ma’am. It just took a little longer than normal at the coffee shop this morning. It won’t happen again.” As Captain Miller moved from behind her and walked right past her, AJ caught just a whiff of a perfume that was still very strong in her memories. AJ glanced down at the Captain’s desk and to her nameplate which read Captain Olivia Miller. AJ looked back up at her Captain, cocked her head and tried to figure out who she reminded her of.

“How long do you think it will take you?” Captain Miller asked as she watched AJ.


“You’re trying to figure out where you know me from. Would it help you if I told you Miller was my married name?” Olivia was enjoying the confusion that AJ felt. But only because when AJ finally figure it out, then Saturday night would all make sense. “My maiden name is Granger.”

‘Olivia Granger’ AJ said to herself. It was definitely familiar, and AJ should know who she was.

When she looked back up at her new Captain, and the Captains smiled at her, AJ finally figured it out. “Liv Granger? You have got to be kidding me.” AJ forgot their positions for a moment and went around the desk and wrapped her arms around Liv. They hadn’t seen each other in many years, and AJ didn’t think they ever would, but she had been wrong.

As AJ started to pull back, the perfume that she had smelled earlier was right there in front of her. She pulled back just enough to look into Liv’s eyes. She saw a bit of nervousness, excitement and, the last AJ couldn’t quite believe, but she also saw arousal. Since Liv’s back was to the squad room, AJ lifted the collar on Liv’s jacket and ran her finger across the fading love bite that she had given Saturday night.

“You,” AJ said as she let her finger linger just a moment longer before stepping back and going back around to the correct side of the desk.

“Yes,” Liv whispered in the voice she had used Saturday night.

AJ responded immediately to the voice that she had dreamed about last night. “Why?”

“I have always wanted to hunt you down and repeat that one night we had so many years ago. I didn’t expect to ever be able to do it with the distance that was between us. When this job came open, I applied and was accepted.” Liv pulled her chair closer under her desk before finishing her explanation. “Once I started here, there would be no way that we could ever repeat anything. I asked around, did a little snooping, and found out where you would be this weekend. If I was ever going to get what I wanted, it had to be before today.”

“Where do we go from here?” AJ asked but was afraid of the answer.

“That was a one-time thing AJ, you know that. No matter how much we might like to repeat it, we can’t, not without risking both of our careers.” Liv pushed her chair back and arose. She walked around her desk and stopped in front of AJ. “I look forward to working with you Detective Turner”

“Me too, ma’am,” AJ said, nodded to Liv, and released her hand. She walked to the door but before she opened she turned back around.

“Hey,” AJ said. “Thanks for Friday night Ray. I won’t ever forget it.” AJ gave Liv a wink, and walked away from the only woman who had ever pleased her so deeply.

Written by leahharvey1821
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