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Sex With a Stranger Ch. 3

"Two women decide not to have casual sex anymore."

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AJ signed the bottom of the paper and stood up. She collected all of her personal items from the desk and placed them in her bag. She had a week's vacation left to take, and AJ was going to take it before her transfer. She hadn't told anyone she was transferring out, not even Olivia. It had been approved by the higher powers, and she had been told to tell Captain Miller immediately. AJ figured the longer she could put off telling Liv about her leaving, the easier it would be on both of them. AJ laid her transfer papers on the desk of Olivia's secretary. Since it was late on Friday, AJ knew she wouldn't be hearing from anyone until Monday. A quiet weekend was exactly what she needed to try to get her life figured out.

AJ was lying in her bed when she heard the noise. She grabbed her gun from her bedside drawer and made her way over to the door of her bedroom. Dressed in only a white tank top and briefs, she stepped around the door and brought her gun up toward the door to her house. Standing right inside the door was Olivia, her back pressed against the door and not moving.

"Liv?" AJ said as she lowered her gun and stepped forward. She secured the gun as she walked toward Olivia. "Are you okay?"

"You can't leave me, Anna. I just found you again." Olivia tried to keep her voice smooth and calm, but she was scared, scared that she was going to lose the woman that she loved.

"Liv, I can't keep playing this game with you. I'm glad that you're in my life again, but I'm not going to be your little plaything. And it's AJ, not Anna." AJ turned around and headed back to her bedroom. She placed her gun back in the drawer and put on a pair of shorts. She turned and found Olivia standing in the doorway to her bedroom.

"You will always be Anna Jean to me, the young girl from Texas. You had tried so hard to lose that accent, but every once in awhile, it would slip through. God, you were so adorable." Olivia took a step into the room and slowly made her way toward AJ.

"I'm much too old to be Anna Jean and play all the games that I did back then. I won't be your part time fuck buddy, Olivia. As much as I enjoy being with you, I won't risk my job, or yours." AJ tried to move around Olivia, but her arm was grabbed and twisted behind her back.

"Is that all I was to you, an enjoyable fuck? Don't you think I know you better than that, Anna? I know exactly why you're leaving. If you had come to me, I would have approved your transfer and helped where I could." Olivia pulled up on AJ's arm and turned her around to face the bed. She pushed AJ forward onto the bed and moved down on her back.

"I won't lose you, not when I've just got you back in my life again. You're mine and there's nothing you can do about it." Olivia slid a hand underneath the back of AJ's shorts and squeezed the cheek of her ass. The other hand slid under AJ's shirt and up her back. "If I want to fuck you, then that is exactly what I will do."

AJ couldn't stop her body from reacting to Olivia and her harsh words. Her ass pressed up into Olivia's hand as she laid her head down on the bed. Olivia's hand slid all the way up her back, pulling her tank top up as she went. Olivia's hand slid up her neck and pressed into the back of her head. She felt Olivia's other hand grasp her shorts and briefs and jerk them down and off her legs. Olivia knew exactly how to get AJ worked up and AJ loved that about her.

"Are you going to lay still?" Olivia asked as her finger slid down the crack of her ass.

"Yes," AJ whispered.

"Pull your shirt off, now!" Olivia lowered herself over AJ's legs and pulled her shirt over her head with her bra following closely behind. She lowered her chest down and pulled her breasts up AJ's back. "Do you feel how much I want you?"

AJ didn't speak. She pressed her ass up against Olivia's groin and ground against her. She felt Olivia's teeth bite down on her neck without breaking the skin. Olivia's hands slid down her arms and shoulders as she pulled herself up off of AJ.

Olivia kicked her shoes off and quickly rid herself of the rest of her clothing. "Turn over on your back, AJ."

AJ turned over and spread her legs for Olivia. She kept her arms above her head, her breasts raised and waiting. But Olivia didn't climb on top of her. She crawled up the bed and laid right beside of her just looking at AJ.

"I don't want to fuck you, AJ," Olivia said as her finger trailed down AJ's stomach.

AJ brought her arms down and turned over on her side. She didn't understand what was going on. "If you don't want to fuck me, then why am I laying here naked and soaked?"

Olivia pulled AJ the short distance toward her until their chests were touching. She moved her leg between AJ's and brushed against her pussy. "I want to make love with you, AJ, tonight, tomorrow, and always." Olivia kissed AJ softly, letting her lips linger for just a moment. "I love you, Anna Jean."

AJ laid there completely dumbfounded. She hadn't expected those words, not from Olivia. The woman had never been in touch with her feelings and wasn't good at expressing herself. "What does this mean, Olivia?"

"It means with you transferring, we can be together and start an actual relationship. It means that I don't have to hide what I'm feeling for you." Olivia finally pushed AJ over on her back and crawled over the top of her.

"I want you in my life, every day, and every night." Olivia lowered herself down on top of AJ as she kissed her again. As their tongues slid alongside of each other, AJ's hands came around Olivia's hips and pulled her down against her pussy. Olivia pulled her legs up, spreading AJ's legs out at her sides. She continued their passionate kiss, but pushed herself up on her arms. She pulled her pussy up and spread her juices all over AJ's pussy.

"Make love to me, Liv. Please, baby, I need you." AJ tried to press up against Olivia to get more friction but it wasn't enough.

"Oh honey, it would be my pleasure," Olivia said as she slid a hand down between their bodies. She slid her fingers through the parted, wet folds of AJ's pussy. "I love how wet you get from my touch." Olivia pushed two fingers up into AJ slowly. She eased all the way in as she kissed her way down AJ's neck. Her fingers slid down out of AJ and a third finger was added before she pushed back up. Olivia let a hand caress and tease against AJ's breast without ever touching her nipple. Every time she got close, AJ would try to push up toward her hand. Olivia would pull her hand back down to AJ's ribs and cup around the outer curve of her breast. Olivia finally kissed her way down to AJ's breasts and slid her hand up over the top of AJ's aching nipples.

"Yes," AJ whispered as lips and fingers finally found her nipples. As Olivia sucked her nipple into her mouth, her fingers pushed up into her causing sensations to flow from each point.

Olivia grinded down on AJ's leg as she thrust her fingers up into her pussy. Her tongue circled and flicked across the top of AJ's nipple as she twisted the other one with her fingers. AJ pressed against her and whimpered every time Olivia rammed her fingers up inside of her pussy.

AJ pulled her free leg up to her chest trying to raise her hips up to a better position. This gave Olivia enough room to adjust her hand and push up at a different angle which was just what AJ wanted. When Olivia started making her way down AJ's stomach, AJ put a hand on her head trying to rush her. Olivia grabbed her hand, wet two of her fingers in her mouth, and placed AJ's fingers on her own nipple. She pressed AJ's fingers together, trapping the nipple between them. Olivia continued trailing her tongue down AJ's stomach and down to the thin strand of hair on her mound.

Olivia stilled her fingers as she settled between AJ's legs. She pulled her fingers out and along with her other hand, she opened AJ's folds and ran a finger through the hot moisture that gathered there. She took her time, letting her fingers explore every area of AJ's aching pussy. Olivia wasn't trying to tease AJ. She only wanted to slow down to make this moment last. Olivia pushed her tongue forward and licked up one side of AJ's pussy. She circled and teased around AJ's clit before bringing her tongue back down the other side and settling it against AJ's opening. Olivia moved her tongue around the opening and pushed in. With her tongue stiff, she pushed in as far as she could go until her nose settled against AJ's pussy.

"Oh, God Liv, please baby," AJ begged as Olivia started moving her stiff tongue in and out of AJ's pussy. When Olivia moved a hand up to AJ's clit and started pressing against its tip, AJ's back arched up off the bed and her hands moved back up to her breasts. AJ's hips started moving against the wet tongue that was sliding in and out of her.

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As Olivia's finger continued to slide against her clit, AJ's body started moving more and more.

Olivia pulled her tongue out and slid three fingers up inside of AJ's tight opening. She started thrusting her fingers immediately. Olivia heard AJ's gasp and its slow release as she started pushing down on the fingers that were now inside of her. Olivia ran her tongue up and replaced her fingers on AJ's clit. She sucked the hard nub between her lips immediately and thrashed it with her tongue. Olivia looked up at AJ who had both hands busy grasping and pinching her nipples. AJ's eyes were closed, her mouth open and panting.

"Open your eyes for me, AJ," Olivia said as she thrust up into AJ. Her eyes opened and looked down at Olivia who was tonguing her clit. Olivia slid a finger from her other hand down between the cheeks of AJ's ass where her fluid already had her lubed and ready to go. Olivia circled her finger around the opening, watching AJ's face the entire time. When Olivia pushed her finger against the tiny opening, she saw AJ's eyes get large and then start to close when the tip of Olivia's finger slid inside. Olivia stopped everything from moving until AJ's eyes opened and looked at her again. Olivia fingers started thrusting back into AJ's pussy as her other finger slid farther into her ass. She surrounded AJ's clit with her lips and started flicking her tongue back and forth across its tip.

AJ had to fight to keep her eyes open. It was a natural thing for her eyes to close when she was being pleasured, and she had never watched anyone as they lay between her legs and got her off. It surprised AJ how hot it was watching Olivia sucking on her clit. She could see the passion and want in Olivia's eyes as she brought AJ closer and closer to her orgasm. Olivia's fingers were ramming up against AJ's upper wall and increasing the burn in her groin. The finger in her ass made AJ feel completely filled up and the sensations were going to push her over the edge quickly. When Olivia started sucking hard on her clit, AJ lost the fight in keeping her eyes open. They closed, and her head went back as a long groan escaped from her lips.

Olivia rammed her fingers up against the gripping walls of AJ's pussy. The finger in AJ's ass was thrusting in and out as well. The constant grunts and moans from AJ let Olivia know that she was close to going over the edge. Olivia moved her head just a bit and let her teeth graze across the top of AJ's clit as AJ pumped against Olivia's mouth.

"Fuck," AJ groaned and drew the word out as her hips picked up speed and thrust back against Olivia's fingers and mouth.

Olivia kept ramming her fingers into AJ as she wrapped her lips around the tip of AJ's clit and start suckling on it. A low scream sounded from AJ and kept rising in pitch as Olivia continued sucking on just the tip of her clit. AJ was riding high on the wave of her climax, and Olivia stayed right there with her fucking her pussy and her ass. She didn't stop until AJ collapsed back on the bed and stopped moving. Olivia slid the finger out of AJ's ass but left her other fingers inside of AJ pressing up against her sensitive spot. She circled her tongue around the base of AJ's clit until AJ's hands came down and started pulling her up.

"Liv," AJ whispered as Olivia started moving up next to her.

"I'm right here, honey." Olivia lay down on her side and pulled AJ into her arms.

"Please tell me this isn't some kind of joke," AJ said as she snuggled against Olivia's neck.

"I love you, Anna, and I want a life with you. Does it sound like I'm kidding?" Olivia said softly but seriously.

"I fell in love with you fifteen years ago, Liv. I was sure that my feelings would never be returned, so I just buried them deep. Now, you come back into my life and want me to open myself back up and risk my heart. I'm scared," AJ admitted as she ran a finger along the length of Olivia's collar bone.

Olivia wrapped her hands around AJ's face and pulled it up even with hers. "I love you, AJ, and I loved you fifteen years ago. I just wouldn't let myself admit it or feel it. I'm sorry it took me so long to figure all this out." Olivia kissed AJ softly, just a slight touch of lips.

AJ looked up at Olivia and saw love staring back at her. She smiled at Olivia and wrapped her arms around her neck. She brought her lips back to Olivia's and pressed against them. As she slid her naked body against Olivia's, her lips wrapped around Olivia's and teased them with her tongue. AJ slid her leg up and pressed against Olivia's pussy. She slipped her tongue forward and past Olivia's parted lips. Olivia's tongue slid alongside of AJ's as their passion was once again ignited.

Olivia opened her eyes and pulled back from AJ's kiss. She grabbed AJ's hand and pulled it down her body. She lifted her leg and placed AJ's hand against her pussy. Olivia kept her hand over AJ's and wet her fingers before pushing two of AJ's fingers up inside of her. "Make love to me, AJ."

AJ started fucking Olivia with her fingers as her other hand played with her nipples. She would tease her fingers lightly around a nipple and then would capture it between two fingers where she would pinch and pull. As AJ started kissing her way down Olivia's chest, she made sure to give the other nipple the same slow teasing torture. She continued ramming her fingers into Olivia's tight, wet pussy as her lips captured Olivia's large nipple between her lips. She sucked hard as she pinched the other nipple between her fingers.

AJ could hear Olivia whimper with every thrust of her fingers. She pushed Olivia over onto her back and kept ramming her inside of her pussy. Olivia pulled her knees up and started thrusting back down on AJ's fingers. AJ kissed her way across Olivia's chest and teased her tongue around the other nipple before capturing it in her teeth. She bit down gently and flicked her tongue across Olivia's sensitive nipple.

Olivia's hips were pushing down on AJ's fingers at an alarming speed. She was very close to cumming when AJ bit down on her nipple. That bit of pain was enough to send Olivia over the edge.

"AJ," Olivia screamed as her climax hit. She continued riding AJ's fingers and repeating her name as she rode wave after wave of her orgasm. AJ's fingers kept ramming into her as AJ moved up and crushed Olivia's lips. Olivia moaned against AJ's lips as their tongues moved along side of each other. When Olivia felt the fingers of AJ's other hand come down on her clit, she gripped AJ's arm as another orgasm shot through her.

"Fuck!" Olivia screamed and dug her nails into AJ's arm. She continued riding AJ's fingers as the muscular walls gripped and tightened. "Yes, yes, yes, oh God AJ." Olivia's head spun as her body finally started to slow down and relax. She could feel AJ's fingers pressing into her, but not moving. And the fingers on her clit were idle but pressed into her.

"AJ," Olivia panted, he eyes closed.

"I'm right here, honey." AJ kissed Olivia on the lips, on each cheek, and the forehead before finally pulling her against her chest.

"I love you, Liv. I have loved you for so long." AJ still couldn't believe that Olivia had proclaimed her love for her. She had given up the hope years ago that Olivia would ever love her. Only in her dreams would AJ still occasionally dream of her and Olivia being together and in love. She couldn't believe that her dreams had come true.

"I love you, too, honey. I've always loved you. I'm just sorry I didn't admit it sooner. We have a lot of years to make up for." Olivia kissed her way across AJ's chest and up her neck. "I want forever with you, AJ. I need to know now if that is something you don't think you can handle or want."

"That is what I want as well, honey. But are you really prepared for the political fallout of this? It's going to make your job a lot tougher." AJ slid her fingers along Olivia's cheek as she looked into her eyes. "I'll be by your side no matter what. I just want to make sure you know what you're getting into here."

"I'm getting into a relationship with the woman that I love and who loves me back. I know people will see and treat me different. I earned this position because of my years of service. That doesn't change just because I'm sleeping with you. I can handle it all as long as you are there beside me." Olivia pressed against the hand that wrapped around her cheek. She closed her eyes and let herself feel the warmth of AJ's body.

"I love you. There is no place I would rather be than beside you, especially right now." AJ kissed Olivia and spent all night showing her all the different ways she could love her.

Author's note: Please share you comments and critiques after reading. I appreciate the good and bad comments.

Written by leahharvey1821
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