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Served Just Right

"She’d been seduced, no doubt about that. But there could also be no doubt she'd liked the seduction"

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They were young, restless, and bored beyond depression. The two nursing students had been in Gwen’s cramped, single-person, dorm room since coming back from supper, smoking and joking, talking about school, men, and life while playing Beatles LP’s, keeping the incense burner going, and steadily draining the bottle of bourbon Mark had left, "for safe keeping," before flying home for a friend’s wedding.

“It serves him right,” announced Gwen, in a defiant, only slightly slurred, voice.

"Say what?" asked Ann, standing over at the desk they’d converted into a make-shift bar.

"I said it serves him right. Our drinking his bourbon and all."

Ann raised an eyebrow. “And just for the record, this 'him' is that redneck boyfriend of yours, right?"

"Yeah,” Gwen sighed. “Mark."

"Gwen Kaplan you listen to me. Haven't I told you to forget that cracker, at least for tonight.” Ann chided. “This is our night to get mellow and forget about men." She stepped across the narrow room with two more glasses of bourbon and Diet Rite soda, "So take this and drink up."

"Thanks," Gwen took a long sip, her eyes following her friend as she moved to sit at the other end of the room's narrow bed.

With her warm tan skin, sexy little figure, and sassy attitude, Ann Elmore, exuded a self-confidence the shy, taller Gwen had always envied.

"But why should you want to forget about guys?” Gwen frowned. “You seem to get anyone you want."

"I wish. But I'll admit, I've been pretty lucky when it comes to guys I've had the hots for. For me, the trick is to limit myself to brothers I dig and only when I’m interested. That's what's important. Men are just a bunch of horny goats trying to get laid."

“Maybe so, but you seem to like them okay. I mean you must have dated every good-looking black guy in New York."

“Sure I like going out with them, but I've got no illusions. Dudes just want to get laid. And I use that fact to stay in control. It's when they start acting like they're God's gift to women, that I really get turned off. The bottom line is, I don't ever expect them to be after anything but my snatch. But like I said, they're usually so desperate for it, I can control the situation. Then it's okay, even fun."

She paused to take a thoughtful sip of her drink, then said,

"I’ve had this attitude ever since, back in high school, my senior English teacher, a white dude name, Mr. Langley, made me put out for a grade."

Gwen stared at her friend in stunned disbelief. She'd heard of these things happening but didn't think she’d ever known anyone who had actually gone through something quite so terrible.

"What happened?” she asked, eyes wide. “I mean, you don't have to tell me, that is, well, you know."

Ann laughed at the embarrassed stammers. "No sweat, drink up and I'll tell you the gory details while I fix another round."

Gwen studied her half-full glass, shrugged, finished it off and handed it over.

“Actually the story is pretty simple,” Ann sighed, Like I said, I had Mr. Langley for English my senior year. I had to pull an A in his class to have any hope of getting the scholarship I needed to get in here.

“I really busted my butt in that class. But English can be so damn subjective and Langley was tough. Anyway, with about two months to go in school, I still had that damn C and my other grades were beginning to suffer. By then, it was obvious that no amount of studying would ever get me an A.”

Ann paused while fishing a new can of diet soda from the room’s mini-fridge. "So I waited after class one day and asked him if there was anything special I could do to earn an A. He gave me this big smile and said that if I'd attend some private tutoring sessions at his apartment for about three hours each Saturday afternoon from then until graduation, pulling an A wouldn't be a problem.

"He'd been coming on to me all year, so that's what I'd expected him to say. I haggled him down to two hours, but couldn't get out of showing up at his place every Saturday to study "body English" as he liked to call it."

Ann picked up a glass, stirred it with a pencil while walking toward Gwen. "That's the story of my debauchery, here's your drink."

Gwen watched as Ann went back to retrieve her own drink. Dressed in her old, long-sleeved, white cotton nightgown, Ann didn't fit the image of someone who had been forced to, in effect, prostitute herself to get into college.

"Was it bad?" Gwen couldn’t help but ask.

“If you mean the afternoons with Mr. Langley, no not really." Ann paused to lick the pencil clean she'd used to stir the drinks. "I hated being forced to do it and having to please him. It really got to me, especially at first. But for a skinny white guy he wasn’t that bad looking or into anything too weird. In fact, there is one thing he did do for me."

She sat on the bed near Gwen, drink in hand. "Most black people aren't much into oral sex. I sure wasn't. I'd been fooling around with guys since the tenth grade. But the idea of putting a dick in my mouth absolutely turned me off.

"If a guy tried to con me into going down on him, I'd say okay but you go first, down on me that is, and they'd always back out. Which was fine with me because I figured any guy who'd do that had to be really weird.

“So I guess it also figures it was someone who was really weird, dear Mr. Langley, who did me first. The second time I went over to his place, he wanted me to go down on him. When I said, 'You first,' the son-of-a-bitch said he'd love to.”

"That really freaked me. But I had to be cool if I wanted that damn A, so I tried to sweet talk him out of it but he insisted. All I could do was make like Queen Victoria, you know, lay back, spread my legs, and think of England. But it really wasn't that bad. In fact, it was a blast." Her pleased grin contrasted with Gwen's nervous, embarrassed smile.

“I figured he'd dive right in," Ann continued, "but instead, he started out with some serious kissing and stroking. And after awhile, I started to relax.

"That's when he began working his way down my body, kissing and licking things like, you know, my neck and shoulders, not just the boobs. Oh, he played with them of course, but mainly he kept moving down.

"He’d just started licking my belly button when…".”
Gwen's half-suppressed giggle broke into Ann’s story.

"Girl, I swear it's true," she laughed. “Anyway, I just knew he'd chow down then. Instead, he licked and nibbled down one leg and then up the other. In fact, he worked on one thigh so much he gave me a hickey. And believe me girl, when a black person can see a hickey on their thigh, you know that's one serious assed hickey."

This time Gwen laughed without restraint or embarrassment. She felt great. The bourbon had relaxed her while Ann's sexual saga had, to her surprise, begun to turn her On just a bit.

Ann laid a hand on Gwen's bare thigh. "Shush, girl. You'll just have to control yourself or I'll never finish this tale of my downfall. So drink up and hush-up while I continue."

Gwen nodded. The small brown hand resting on her bare, pale leg felt warm and, well, nice. She hadn’t thought about it before, but now decided skipping pajama bottoms and just wearing panties and Mark’s old olive-drab fatigue shirt had been a good idea.

She managed to keep her long legs stretched out across the bed while leaning closer to promise Ann her total silence.

With her hand still resting on Gwen's thigh, Ann scooted closer. "Well when Mr. Langley finally got to my snatch, he seemed to spend forever licking around the outside. Then he licked where it counts and, oh, my God, talk about a rush."

"By then, I’d gotten so turned on, I nearly came off the bed. Then I did it again when he first touched me with his fingers, you know, down there. The next thing I knew he was licking his tongue right over my clit. Talk about your basic Fourth of July! I started coming and didn't think I'd ever stop.

"After what seemed like a dozen more climaxes, I got so sensitive, I had to beg him to quit. By then it was pretty late, so I figured I'd finish him off with a quick wham bam thank you ma'am, and split. But damn if that quickie wasn't one of the best lays I've ever had. After all he'd done to my pussy it was so sensitive the entire thing was one incredible rush.

“Take it from me, I learned a lot about oral sex and nothing about English during the rest of our, 'study sessions’. I've had it both ways since then, and while I'm still not crazy about giving head, I do love it when someone goes down on me. My problem is, like I said, most black guys just aren't into oral sex, and thanks to Langley, I only go out with brothers."

It was an understandable attitude, thought Gwen, as she savored her warm, sensual, drowsy feeling. Besides, it was Ann's business not….

"Hey, wait a minute," she said, looking over at Ann. "What about that guy from India, the doctor you dated a few times last summer."

"Point," said Ann. "Give me your glass. We can finish off Mark's bottle while I explain all that."

As Ann mixed the drinks, Gwen stretched and without protest or alarm, found herself sliding effortlessly down the wall until coming to rest sprawled on her back, hips at the edge of the bed, feet touching the floor.

This unexpected motion caused her Army shirt to ride up, exposing both her panties, which had been pulled into a 'wedgie' and her stomach. As she reached down, to untuck her panties, she got distracted by the sight of her now bare belly button and began absent-mindedly exploring it with her fingertip.

Drinks in hand, Ann turned around, then paused when she noticed her friend's finger play. Wordlessly, she nodded to herself, then changed expressions from a small, knowing smile to a big, teasing grin. "Thinking about Mr. Langley?" she said, handing over a glass.

The question startled Gwen. Slightly flustered, she used the offending hand to grab a pillow, then propped her head up before taking the drink. “just wool-gathering, I suppose.”

"Sure you were," smirked Ann, as she sat down with one leg tucked under facing the mostly prone Gwen.

“Now about the good Dr. Gandhi, or whatever his name was. He was kinda shy but he’d been trying to work up the nerve to ask me out all summer. I kind of liked him but the doctor-student nurse thing kept putting me off, that plus the fact that he wasn't black. But the thing was, the more I got to know him the more he acted like a real human being instead of a doctor."

She paused and frowned.

“Here, take a big swig of that drink and give it to me, you're going to spill it all over the bed."

Gwen, who had been trying to balance the glass on top of her now unoccupied naval, did as ordered and settled back down.

Ann put the glasses on Gwen's nightstand and continued.

"As usual, I had the evening shift. He came in on late rounds just after I'd given out meds and gotten the patients settled down. Later, we were alone in the examination room. Since I was being transferred to another unit, odds were it would the last time we'd work together. I told him how much I appreciated the way he'd always treated me like a human being instead of just another nursing student.

"Well girl, I'll have you know, he said I was a superior student, had been a pleasure to work with, and that he liked me a lot," said Ann, pretending to smirk.

“So I said thank you kindly and told him that he had been fun to work with. Then he looked at me with those big, brown eyes and asked me for a date.”

"I told him no, of course. But instead of just shooting him down, I tried to explain why I only dated black guys. He nodded, said he understood and that he respected my stance, but asked me to consider doing just one special thing for him."

Ann casually placed her hand back on Gwen's thigh. "With that, he whips out his dick. It was uncircumcised and seemed on the small side, but it was kinda cute." Gwen snickered. "I kid you not," laughed Ann.

"Anyway, it was clear what he wanted, and judging from his thing, what the man needed. In a way, I felt he was due some sort of reward for having been so damn nice. But you better believe, if he hadn't been such a neat dude, I'd have just pulled the old point and laugh routine."

With no warning, Ann leaned closer and stuck a fingertip into Gwen's naval while chanting, "belly button, belly button." Gwen laughed in surprise and gently slapped at Ann's probing fingertip. Eventually, Ann let her finger be pushed away, only to begin casually sliding it across Gwen's exposed belly.

“Besides," she said, continuing her story, "I hadn't fooled around in that hospital once all summer. So I sashayed over, grabbed his dick, and gave him a big kiss.

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And to tell you the truth, he wasn't that bad a kisser.”

“Anyway, I knew the longer I waited, the bigger chance we'd get caught. So I knelt and, being a good nursing student, pulled back the foreskin and checked him out for disgusting stuff. Well, everything looked so good I couldn't resist giving it a loud, sloppy kiss and a few licks. You know, I had been a little curious about what it would taste like. But it turned out to have almost no taste. Like you know, the man was very, very clean.

“Still, I figured I'd better get this mercy blowjob over with ‘STAT’, so I got to work. It was kinda fun, sucking on such a small dick, not that I've done that many. I mean he may have had the smallest penis I've ever fooled with, but I swear it was also the one I enjoyed the most.”

There was a brief pause, and then Ann shook her head and continued. "Anyway, I'll spare you the gory details and cut to the chase. He came really fast and there must have been a gallon of the stuff, so I guess he must have been super horny. The thing is, it had a slightly spicy taste that was so neat, I just swallowed it instead of spitting it out, like I usually do."

Trying to ignore the pleasant feelings being created by the fingertips slowly skimming over her belly and thighs, Gwen asked, "But why did you date him?"

“Well, you see it's like this. The guy was a real gent, I mean he actually helped me to my feet and then he laid this really serious kiss on me. Believe me, I'm not talking about some little peck on the cheek either, but one of those long, deep, toe-curling numbers."

Noticing the skeptical look on her friend's face, Ann grinned, "Hey, I told you this dude was an abnormal doctor.”

They both laughed

"When we came up for air, he asked again for a date,” Ann continued, “I told him that if I ever made an exception it would be for him but that I was determined to only go out with black guys.

"He just stood there and stared at me. Then he kinda smiled and said, "Well, if it makes any difference, in South Africa, I'd be referred to as a 'colored man'."

Gwen began to giggle, as Ann struggled to finish her story. "Well, what could I do, girl? I had to strike a blow against apartheid and date him. It was my duty to help out a fellow colored person."

They were giggling so uncontrollably, it seemed natural and spontaneous when Ann toppled over on top of Gwen and began tickling her ribs. Howling with laughter, Gwen tried to escape the tormenting fingers. Instead of showing mercy, Ann lunged forward and fastened her lips onto Gwen's neck and began nuzzling and sucking on the tender flesh.

Gwen barely noticed when her shirt became unbuttoned and didn't care. By then Ann was on top, in charge, and gently nibbling on her ear. It felt incredible.

Small, delicate hands stroked her breasts and tenderly squeezed hard nipples. Those same hands moved up to cradle her face; then Ann began kissing her lips. Unsure what to do, Gwen hesitantly placed her arms around Ann, who responded by snuggling closer. As her passion mounted, Gwen found herself almost instinctively returning the kiss. For several minutes, they kissed and clung to one another.

Eventually, Ann snaked a hand down Gwen's body. At first, she only rubbed her belly and thighs. Soon, she began to concentrate on the panties and finally on the area over the crotch. Gwen was almost certain she didn't want Ann's hand down there. It was one thing to kiss and hug, but this was something else. Still, she felt powerless under the hand's magic touch.

A gentle pressure on the area above her clit forced out an unexpected moan. The unstoppable hand next moved up to the waistband and then slipped inside.

When the fingertips slid into her pubic hairs, Gwen shuddered. Moments later, when they gently stroked the outer lips of her vagina Gwen's entire body jerked uncontrollably.

Gwen wasn’t sure who broke the long kiss, but she felt Ann’s lips begin nibbling her body. It seemed so natural and felt so great when they claimed one of her firm, white breasts and began gently sucking.

Gwen's breathing quickened as Ann sucked harder and forced a third finger into her aroused pussy.

When Ann stopped and said to lift her bottom, Gwen obeyed automatically and felt her panties being yanked off. A steady pressure forced her compliant legs further apart until Ann slipped off the bed and positioned herself between them.

Fingers were once again exploring the opening to Gwen's pussy but now they were joined by a tongue that softly licked her inner thighs. When she felt Ann's tongue enter her pussy, Gwen's entire body shuddered with pleasure.

Glancing down, she saw the top of a small, brown head framed by a neat Afro, slowly moving up and down between her thighs. A talented tongue kept darting around her clit sending waves of pleasure washing over her body. Smooth cheeks caressed her inner thighs while soft, delicate hands stroked up and down her tingling flesh.

Ann reached up and took control of Gwen’s unresisting hands, then pulled them down until Gwen’s fingertips touched her own damp, tangled pubic hair. As her passion mounted and she raced toward an orgasm, Gwen overcame any last vestige of modesty and began using her fingertips to speed up its arrival.

She could feel a huge climax approaching and vaguely knew she was gasping and bucking all over the bed. But just when she reached the brink, Ann pushed her hands away and stopped licking. This kept happening until Gwen was almost hysterical with need and begging Ann to let her come.

Eventually, Ann responded to those pleas and showed some mercy. The next time Gwen was racing toward a climax, her fingers weren't pushed away and Ann's tongue continued its tantalizing work.

When all the pent-up passion in her body finally exploded, the orgasm was so hard, so powerful, and so all-pervasive, it seemed to take possession of her, both body and soul. It hammered every fiber of her heaving, writhing being with wave after wave of pure ecstasy, before culminating in a final, giant spasm of erotic pleasure that sent her hips arching clear of the bed and then kept them suspended in mid-air, rigid with passion.

Some time later, Gwen had no idea how long, the orgasm finally released its hold and allowed her to collapse back onto the bed’s damp, disheveled sheets.

“How do you feel?" There was a pleased look on Ann's face as she looked up from her position between Gwen's still trembling thighs.

"Tingly, and drained and… well, I'm not sure. What about you?"

Ann re-positioned her hands on top of Gwen's well-licked pussy where she rested her wet chin. "Horny as hell."

Gwen looked down at Ann for a long time. She had just been seduced, no doubt about that. But there could also be no doubt she had enjoyed being seduced. Now she was satisfied while Ann wasn't, which somehow didn't seem fair. Not with Ann, her face still glistening with Gwen’s own juices, looking up at her waiting.

"I've never done anything like this before and never wanted to. And I sure don't think I could ever do what you…." She hesitated and looked at Ann until guilt and a growing excitement overcame reluctance. "But what you did felt so incredible, and well, if you really want me to…. I mean, I've never done it, just, you know, had it done to me, so I won't be any good, but just for you…." Before she could finish, Ann was beside her.

Although she'd been reluctant, Gwen knew exactly what she wanted to do for starters. Once she had Ann on top, she began slowly licking her own juices off her friend’s smiling face. Thanks to Mark, she had sampled her own juices before and wasn't surprised to now find the taste pleasant and enjoyable. There was a certain excitement to the idea that she would soon be tasting another woman's pussy juice for the first time. After licking Ann's face clean, Gwen began kissing her lips, eyes, ears, and neck, while slowly pulling her friend’s nightgown up, and then, off.

With Ann held close, Gwen slowly rolled over until she became the one on top. After quickly nibbling her way down to Ann's small, hard breasts, she began to suck and fondle the brown mounds and the darker nipples that quickly became hard.

As nice as Ann’s boobs were, they weren't her main objective. Rolling over slightly, she let her fingers explore Ann's firm, smooth body before finally spreading wide the well-toned legs of her willing friend.

Once positioned between Ann's thighs, she gazed at her target. Rich tan skin set off the mass of tight, black curls that framed Ann's wet, pink pussy.

Gwen softly parted the wiry hairs with the tip of one finger, and then lay down with her face just inches away. From here she could see and even smell the waiting pussy. The odor was musky, womanly, and exciting. Using both hands, she pushed the hairs further apart and began running her tongue over the slit.

"Shit Gwen, hurry up, I don't think I can take much more of this." Ann’s plea went unheeded as Gwen continued to slowly lick the entrance to her friend's pussy. Again, Ann begged her to hurry. Gwen responded by forcing her tongue between the swollen lips of Ann’s labia and then into the warm, moist vagina.

"Yes, yes, oh yes. More girl, more." While Ann moaned, she pulled on Gwen's head, trying to force her in deeper. Resisting the pressure, Gwen pulled the lips of the vagina wide open, exposing the clit. While carefully avoiding it, she slowly licked and probed and tasted everything else.

Finally, she allowed the panting Ann to pull her face deeper into the hot, wet, pussy. With her lips massaging the entrance, Gwen swirled the length of her tongue into the smooth vagina. Eventually, she pulled out, briefly teased the clit, and then plunged back inside. It was a slow, enjoyable process she repeated several times.

Torturing Ann wasn't her objective, however. When her friend began bucking and gasping towards a climax, Gwen concentrated on her super sensitive clit. Moments later, Ann gurgled something, her hips heaved upwards, and Gwen felt her face being bathed in warm pussy juice.

But she wasn't through with Ann. She removed her tongue from inside Ann’s vagina and focused her attention on the rest of that marvelous muff. At first, she was gentle, but it wasn't long before Ann began building toward another climax. Sensing this, Gwen flicked Ann's clit and felt her body jerk and become rigid. But she hadn’t come, not quite. Gwen decided the time had come for a little revenge.

Again and again, she focused on Ann's clit, bringing her to the brink of an orgasm, only to move the tip of her tongue to another spot just before Ann could come. She got a surprising rush from this control, but being soft-hearted, she finally yielded to Ann's pleas that she finish the job. Softly placing her lips around the clit, she began to suck and lick. This time she didn't stop.

With a cry of, “Oh, yes, girl,” Ann’s body went out of control, jerking and writhing so hard Gwen could barely hold onto her heaving body. Eyes closed, mouth open Ann gasped and began babbling incoherently. Once again, a flood of pussy juice poured into Gwen's mouth, then down her chin and neck and finally onto her breasts.

Instead of trying to pull Gwen's head closer, Ann was now trying to push her away. Knowing from her own recent experience how painfully intense the pleasure could be, Gwen yielded to the pressure.

Mission accomplished, Gwen rested her head against Ann's thigh and thought about what she'd just done. Did this mean she was gay? No, she knew she still loved Mark and was sure she'd always prefer men. So why had she done this? To show Mark? To see what it was like?

Probably for all those reasons and because she was lonely and horny and a little drunk. Would she do it again? Well, she'd enjoyed it. So yes, she might. And if Mark ever asked her to do it, she knew her answer would be yes.

That last thought startled Gwen out of her reverie. She stood and crawled back on the bed. The possible implications were a little unsettling. Tonight had been fun but she was Mark's, to have and to hold, forever.

Ann pushed herself up and rolled over and looked at her. "What caused you to startle girl, indigestion?"

Gwen seemed unaware of the tease. "No. I just realized how much I still love that damn Mark."

"You know," said Ann, "I've finally figured out why white guys are so weird. It's all you weird white women."

She let out a sigh of feigned disgust, then laughed and shook her head. “I don’t know about that redneck of yours, but believe me, girl, tonight we’ve been served just right.”

Her face broke into a sly grin. “In fact, girl, it was so good, I think it’s time we got started on a second serving.”

Before the startled Gwen could respond, Ann rolled on top and stifled any feeble protest with the first of the many long, deep kisses yet to come that evening.



Written by RumpleForeskin
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