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Return to My Lover

"Swapping partners and other interests"

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I was glad of the solitude on the train as it rattled through the countryside. I was pleased mother and I had made peace between us, as well as knowing she and I shared similar feelings toward sex.

I thought of how I'd matured over the almost 3 years I'd been away from home, the changes I'd experienced and my new friends. I'd missed my Catherine and was looking forward to seeing her again, to make love to her. And Ms. MacDonald too, how we seemed to hit it off, there was definitely some chemistry between us.

As the train approached the station in Glasgow it slowed down so it finally seemed to just creep in to the platform. The platform was slightly curved so for the last hundred yards or so I could see people waiting for the train’s arrival. I spotted my lover standing with the others waiting for me; I was surprised to see she was wearing just a two piece suit, with her coat and handbag over her arm. She was wearing a hat with a veil that made me smile as I recognized this as her mode of dress from her younger days.

At long last the train ground to a halt with a big hiss of steam, I got off and she spotted me and waved frantically as if I could possibly miss her. We hugged and kissed, then she went to take my suitcase but it was a bit too heavy for her to carry. She ran ahead of me and brought the car to the entrance, where I waited for her.

It felt good to be home again, Catherine was all bubbly, chatting away just like a little girl, one of the things I loved about her. Once we got home the house was nice and warm, Catherine had driven back from Edinburgh that afternoon, and had got the fire going to warm the house up.

Once inside she hung our coats up along with her jacket, and went to fix us some supper. Then opening some wine, poured us both a glass, and joined me by the fire to enjoy a drink while supper cooked. She had on a crisp white blouse fastened to her neck, and adorned with a lovely silver necklace. Momentarily I compared her to Agnes; she sat there so prim and proper with her feet in their 'Granny' boots side by side. So much more elegant and lady like, suddenly she went quiet and serious.

I sensed there was something wrong with her, putting down my glass I reached over and touched her knee, "What's the matter" I asked.

Without looking me in the eye she said, "I came home during the week for a few days to make sure everything was OK. Last Wednesday afternoon Marlene phoned and invited me for supper at her house."

Not sure where she was going with this I said, "So?"

"Well I just have to tell you," she went on, "She asked me lots of questions about how we met, what you were like and who were your friends then. How did you dress and where did we go when you we first went out etc. I was puzzled by her questions and answered her honestly, I hope I said nothing wrong Miss, she seemed quite curious about you, and even invited me to sleep over. But I didn't and I did nothing wrong Miss, I couldn't reach you to get your permission. Honestly I did nothing wrong, just came straight home after."

At this point Catherine looks like she was ready to cry, "Well what's wrong with that?" I asked.

"You're not angry or mad at me?" she said puzzled.

"No why should I be? You're entitled to enjoy a night out with other friends too" I said.

However I did worry about why Marlene was so interested in me, what was she fishing for?

At this she looked relieved, "But I needed your permission as I belong to you" she went on, "You might have thought I was cheating on you."

"Cheating with one of our friends, why do you think it's cheating?" I went on, "You have feelings and I was gone for a week" I went on.

"It would have been different if you had gone out looking to meet someone else" I said.

She got up and went to put supper on the table, and I gave a thought to what she said. She had said she belonged to me, I never thought I owned her. I knew she worshipped me, but this did not mean when we were separated for any length of time that we should be celebrate. Anyway we were back together again so I didn't see the need to worry about it; after all, I didn't let that prevent me from having fun with Agnes when I was home.

And I was back home and looking forward to making love with her later; she seemed so innocent and childlike at times.

We had a nice supper washed down with wine and after tiredness kicked in, travelling seems to do that to you.

Finishing my wine I said to Catherine, "Come" and held out my hand and led her to the bedroom.

I knew she'd want to clear the dishes up after our meal, but felt that could wait till the morning.

I unzipped her skirt and got her to step out of it, and happy to see she was at least wearing the more modern underwear I preferred. That pleased me as I continued to undress her, next her granny blouse followed by her chemise. I took my time enjoying myself, next came her bra to free up her generous breasts. Kneeling down on one knee I pulled her knickers down to her feet. She held on to my head as she lifted one foot, then the other to permit me to remove them altogether.

I had her sit down while I removed her granny boots, then off with her stockings and garter belt. Now she was completely naked except for her smile, ear rings and necklace. I was privileged to enjoy her beauty, as I said before she was a few pounds overweight, but mostly in proportion.

Now she started to undress me, taking her time to fold my clothes including my knickers and stockings and place them neatly on a chair. Now she pulled back the covers on the bed, following me she fell into my arms and began to kiss and caress me. Although it had been over a week since we'd last made love, there seemed to be no need to hurry as she slowly began to kiss and stroke my tits. She knew just how to bring my body alive, with her years of experience she could read me like a book. Using all her skills at titillating, she had me moaning and writhing with the pleasure surging through me.

She kissed and caressed her way down till I felt her hands on my thighs, inviting me to open my legs to give her the freedom of my pussy. All I could do was to oblige her and opened them wide, enjoying the pleasure from her searching tongue. I gave out a little cry as my orgasm hit, going tense for a moment to enjoy the thrill of it surging through me.

Now with both her hands on my hips, her face in my crotch, she continued to bring me again. I felt my own tits, my nipples rock hard as she maintained my pleasure with her tongue. Once she relaxed I moved on to my side to face her hips. Pulling on them with one hand I pushed my head onto her thigh, she lifted one leg to give me access to her love hole. She was wet and smelly, a smell I had learned to love. Her pubic hair holding it for my pleasure as I kissed her open labia, her pussy open for my tongue to probe.

Now I had her, she was mine to enjoy, mine to do what I wanted with. Lying on our sides like that, I felt her head still between my thighs on the 69 position. She had stopped licking me now; concentrating on the pleasure I was giving her. I felt and heard her climax; I gripped her head with my thighs and held her arse tight as she did. Her muffled cries turned to moans as I turned onto my back, releasing her head in the process, now fully satisfied and feling glad to be home.

Next thing I knew it was morning, Catherine was waking me up with a cup of tea bringing me out of a sound sleep. By now our morning routine was established, she woke me up and, while I drank my tea, went and filled the tub for me to take a bath. It was a normal work day and, while I had a quick soak, she would lay out my clothes for me to put on. She then drove me to my work as I had to be there to unlock the doors, for 6 in the morning, to begin our day.

One of the disadvantages of being a section leader, as they called it, was like being a supervisor. There were two of us and we had to take turns to open up in the morning and lock up at the end of the day. The restaurant hours for the staff were from 6 am till 8 pm, except for Wednesdays when it closed at 2 pm.

The restaurant was owned by a man called Mr. Gordon; he owned a number on businesses, at least another restaurant I knew of and a bakery. We had a manageress who ran our establishment, and she in turn had two section leaders to help supervise the floor, and a supervisor for the kitchen. I had impressed them, and as a result was promoted over the heads of other waitresses.

Around the end of March, my manager called me into her office one Wednesday afternoon to talk to me. Again she heaped praise on my work ethic, so I wondered what was coming. She went on to tell me Mr. Gordon had bought another run down restaurant, and it was being renovated to update it by giving it a makeover. The owner wanted someone with experience to manage it. She had been offered the job and had been asked to recommend someone to replace her.

She gave me some details of what was involved and, if I was interested, I should apply to become her replacement. Now, as the saying goes, I wasn't born yesterday, and was sure there was a hidden agenda here. I was still after all only 21 years old and attractive, and had demonstrated my organizational skills as a section leader. Doreen (her name) also told me there would a thirty-day trial period to see if the candidate could handle the responsibility.

It was rumored that Mr. Gordon was a womanizer, so I understood the trial period, although he had other business also being managed by women, he was in and out almost every day keeping an eye on things.

I came right out and asked Doreen about the rumors, and she avoided giving me a direct answer.

Instead she went on to say if I played my cards right, "I could be given free reign and write my own ticket."

It would also mean an almost 8 am until 5 pm job, as the staff could be assigned to open and close when required. And one thing I hated was working till 8 pm on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays.

I told Doreen I'd think about it and we both got up to leave, she was ready to go home too.

Leaving the restaurant she locked the door and quietly said, "What the hell, he's got the hots for you, play your cards right and you can have a pretty cushy job."

Although it had been over 6 months since I'd last had sex with a man, Robert had been my last in fact, and I'd never ruled them out. Still, it would depend on how demanding he might turn out to be, what strings he might attach to the job. I thought about it and figured I could fit him in on Wednesday afternoons. Catherine worked at the library and till 5 pm, so I had no reason to rush home. Not only that, living with Catherine it wouldn't be too much of a hardship if he did fire me. As I said, I didn't mind the early starts in the mornings, but hated having to work till 8 o'clock at nights. If I was to be given free rein as Doreen said, then I could rearrange my hours of work to suit myself.

The more I thought about it, the more I liked the idea and decided to apply for the job. As soon as Mr. Gordon received my application, he was quick to phone me to set up an appointment. He wanted to meet me right away, but I suggested the following Wednesday afternoon so as not to interfere with work. He was quick to agree and I could hear the excitement in his voice, also this gave me time to think about how I might handle it.

As usual, when meeting someone for the first time like that, I kept my mouth shut and listened to him as he rattled on about responsibility and all that. I could sense he was eager to hire me, that helped me get a better salary offer. I told him I'd think about his offer, and let him know in a few days. I always felt it was in my interest to pretend to not be too eager.

Sorry about that, I got carried away talking about my work, but that wasn't to happen for another three months yet.

The following evening Marlene phoned and we chatted about our holidays, she asked if I got to meet Ms. Sharp.

I told her, "Yes" and described her reaction to meeting me and the cool reception to my mother.

She laughed at this and said something about her always being a bit of a bitch. Coming from Marlene that sounded a bit strong, after all they were both School teachers.

We arranged to meet for a few drinks at the club the following Friday evening. By now I was getting to know quite a few other lesbians, and was flattered by the nice greetings and flirting remarks that I received. It made me feel like I really belonged with them. Of course I was sure they were aware of my relationship with Catherine, but everyone was too polite to make any direct or rude comments about it.

This meant too we were always welcome to join then at a table, or vice verso to share drinks and chat, so was never short of company. I also felt I was being accepted more and more into their company. I think it was two or possibly three weeks before we ran into Marlene again, it was a Friday evening and as before enjoyed her company. I wondered if she was going to mention anything about me and Ms. Sharp, but nothing was said.

Once the evening ended and we were getting ready to leave, she quietly said to me, "Why don't you come for supper tomorrow evening."

Like I said discretion was very important in those days so I just as quietly replied, "Thank you, we'd love to."

By now I was sure that Catherine would go along with any decisions I made regarding us, so I could speak for us both.

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With my having to work till 6 in the evening, I did not really have time to go home and change. Catherine picked me up from my work promptly at 6 pm, and she drove us straight to Marlene's home. We were greeted at the door by Ruth, who, after hanging up our coats, led us into the living room. It was a chilly time of year so there was a nice, bright fire burning in the grate; Marlene invited me to join her by the fire and asked me what I would like to drink.

I suggested a white wine as I knew she liked it too, and a few minutes later Ruth appeared with some glasses and we settled by the fire to enjoy a glass before dinner. Catherine went to help Ruth set the table and finish preparing the meal while Marlene and I made small talk. At what appeared to be the appropriate time, she got up and led me to the dining room. It was nicely set complete with candles and low lighting, giving the setting a nice rosy feeling. I was amazed at the communication between Ruth and Marlene; or rather I should say the lack of it. It was like they could read each other’s minds, something I would learn about later.

After dinner Marlene led me into her parlor, where there was already a fire burning in the grate. She offered me a Drambuie, a very popular liqueur, and we sat on her sofa by the fire to enjoy it.

She asked me to tell her about my school years, how well I did and what I thought about them. I was suspicious of this; quite sure she had been in touch with Ms. Sharp and assumed she had heard the worst about me. So I told her how I felt about it, how I thought the system catered to the very few and others with talent, like myself, were victimized.

My answer seemed to amuse her, "So you were subjected to punishment quite often?" she asked.

In those days it consisted of being strapped on the hands with a leather strap, limited to no more than 6 blows on each hand. I didn't deny this, but went on to tell her I prided myself on being able to take it the stings without tears.

We talked quite a lot about the discipline system, she telling me that in her day in boarding school, being caned on the arse was quite common. I thought that was a bit much and said so.

She went on to say she didn't agree that she was a firm believer on the old saying, "Spare the rod you spoil the child."

She knew I had been a bully, no need to guess where she found this out and asked me if I enjoyed bullying others. I admitted I did, particularly boys who I obviously felt deserved it. I would fight boys who were bigger and older than me, not always winning but when I lost would come back looking for more till I would win one way or the other. Either by beating them, or they would leave me alone as. Girls were never a problem, as they learned not to mess with me. I could fight like a boy with closed fists and rather enjoyed it.

Marlene got up and poured us both another generous measure of Drambuie. I think the booze made it easier to talk about rather personal things, to loosen our tongues so to speak. She went on to tell me how she had enjoyed 'leading others' in boarding school, she said she felt a few of us were natural born leaders, while the majority were just followers. She complemented me by saying she saw 'leadership' qualities in me, and how she was aware of how I was working at 'improving myself.

She told me she was a disciplinarian, and how she had always believed in discipline, how some people needed it.

Even adults needed it on occasion, as she said, "Pain cleanses the soul."

By now a lot of what she was saying was lost on me, I was feeling quite mellow and enjoying myself.

I had no idea of the time, Marlene got up and talking my hand said, "Come on you can sleep with me tonight".

"What about my Catherine" I asked.

"She'll be OK, she'll spend the night with Ruth."

I had no objection. It all seemed so matter-of-fact, as she led me to her bedroom. The bed had the covers pulled down and I saw the sheets were black, for the first time in my life I slid between silk sheets. Marlene was onto me, her kisses and hands all over me and how I loved it, slithering around in the silk as we tongued and felt one another.

She was a very aggressive lover, one hand never still as it roamed all over my arse and pussy. She found my tit, gripping it tight and brought her head down to kiss and suck my nipples. She bit them quite hard making me call out; I fought back and managed to push her off me and onto her back. I did to her what she did to me; although she was bigger than me I was stronger. She cursed me as she struggled calling me a 'bitch' and a 'whore', all that did was bring out the sadist in me. I was on top of her holding her hands so she was pinned underneath me. I licked her face all over; this infuriated her as she tried to bite my tongue.

In our struggles I got my legs between hers, and let her feel the full weight of my body. I was very much aroused, we both were. I moved down to bite her tits as she had done mine, and in so doing, I arched my back and pressed my clit against her pussy. She brought her legs up to lock them over my hips as I started to fuck her. She was still struggling underneath me but I was winning, I kept pounding her pussy with mine and she succumbed to my thrusts.

I felt her orgasm as with a cry she tightened her legs over my hips, a curse from her lips as I joined her in the throes of a massive climax. She loosened her legs to free me and I rolled off her, we lay there panting.

She looked at me for a minute than said, "That wasn't supposed to happen; I'm the heavy hitter here."

I didn't know what to say, I just looked at her and said something like, "You mess with me lady, you got to take what I can give out."

Smiling all of a sudden she leaned over and kissed me, a long lingering French kiss then said, "My instincts were right about you, and I wanted to fuck you."

That was the roughest and quickest, yet in a way very satisfying sex. I'd had quicker with men of course, but none had triggered my endorphins like she had.

The next morning my mouth was as dry as a bone, a slight hangover no doubt from the wine and Liquor. I was alone in bed and had to pee, and headed for the bathroom.

The others heard me and called out "Good Morning, did you sleep well?"

All could do was groan, "Did I ever."

Catherine came in with a large glass of orange juice. I gulped it down in two swallows, anxious to lubricate my mouth and throat. I was still on the throne and, handing her back the glass, I asked her if she enjoyed herself.

"Oh yes" she said and went on, "Thank you for letting me sleep with Ruth".

"It was a pleasure" I said and just then Marlene came to the bathroom door to tell me Catherine and I could have the tub first.

I nodded my head and Catherine started running the water into the tub.

Once we were settled in the hot water Ruth came in with two cups of tea, she pushed a stool close to the tub and placing the cups on it said, "Enjoy" and left us to enjoy our bath.

Catherine and I talked while we soaked; she was all bubbly in her enthusiasm for me permitting her to share with Ruth. The outcome was she was pleased I had no problems sharing not only my own, but her sexuality with our friends as well. She told me it had been a common practice of hers, with her lover in South Africa to socialize with other ladies.

We got dressed and were invited to join them for lunch before leaving, and over the meal we all admitted we had had a fun night.

Before we left we gave each other warm kisses good bye and I said to them, "We must have you over to our house next time so it will be our treat."

On that note we left. I was learning to drive Catherine’s car at that time and Sunday afternoon was the most favourable time to go for a drive up into the highlands. At first she would drive the car out of the city, and then I would take over on the country roads. We usually stopped for a drink or two at a country pub so it was always a pleasant time for me.

A couple of weeks later we were into the beginning of February, and Marlene asked me if I'd be interested in going to see some films with her.

"What film?" I asked.

"Oh there will be a few of them." She went on, "It's a private showing and if you'd like to join us I can arrange to get you tickets."

Catherine agreed she would like to go so I said, "Sure."

When she told me there would be a fee and told me how much I couldn't believe it, it was about three times what you would pay in a cinema for the best seats.

She smiled at this and said, "Yes but you can't see films like this in a theater, they're what we call Blue films."

It was for a Saturday night and Catherine was to pick me up from work, and we were to drive to Marlene's, from where we would follow her. She was travelling with two other friends and we had to arrive at the same time. The others vouched for Catherine and I so there was no problem getting in. Once inside there was quite a mixed crowd of men and women, and we were given a glass of wine while we waited for everyone to arrive. There was a projector set up and once everyone had arrived, the door was locked and we topped up our glasses and took our seats. There wasn't enough room for everyone, so a lot of people had to stand around the walls.

The first film was already loaded into the machine, and I saw my first porn movie. There were about 6 pictures altogether, and there seemed to be something for everyone. Most were about 20 to 40 minutes long. There were two women and one man, two men and one woman in different positions and scenarios. One were a few gay men entertaining one another, and another with lesbians. The lesbian one was my favorite as I thought it was done with more class. The only problem was it was made in a foreign country so I couldn't understand what was being said.

It started with a woman saying goodbye to her husband as he left for work, then she took a bath and got dressed. The time period must have been in the 30s or 40s from the way they were dressed. She left and got into her car, one of those old fashioned box like ones and drove to a friend’s house. There after a coffee, her friend picked up a hamper and a blanket and they left, driving into the country.

They parked amongst some trees and walked down to a river bank, where they spread the blanket on the grass and placed the hamper on it. Arm and arm they wandered along the riverbank, weaving in and out between the trees and bushes, stopping to kiss one another on occasion. With arms wrapped around each other, they slowly made their way back to where they had left the hamper. Kneeling down they opened it and took out some sandwiches and a couple of wine glasses, then the wine.

They settled down to enjoy their lunch, tasting one another in between bites and kisses. Once they had finished their sandwiches, they placed their wine glasses in recesses of the lid of the hamper. Now, lying down, they started kissing more earnestly, slowly they came together, legs intertwined and hands undoing buttons. Soon their dresses were discarded and they lay there in their underwear, kissing and fondling one another.

They discarded their chemise tops to suck and lick each other’s tits, then moving hands down into each other’s knickers. It's difficult to explain in writing how erotic the scene was, slowly exciting each other then finally removing each other’s knickers altogether. Now, in just their stockings and shoes, their passion got hotter so it seemed they were wrestling one another.

One got on top and started tribbing her lover, the movements getting quite vigorous, and then rolling over into the scissors position to fornicate one another. Occasionally grabbing one another and kissing passionately they gave each other multiple orgasms. Finally sated, they lay there murmuring sweet nothings and stroking one another.

Finally rolling over onto their backs, they lay there enjoying the sun on their beautiful bodies, the hair of their armpits and pussy's in sharp contrast to the white of their skin.

At last they got dressed, and then checked each other to remove bits of grass and twigs from their clothes. Then, repacking the hamper and folding up the blanket, they went back to their car and left to go home.

I found it very arousing and I was not the only one. The lights were put back on and some couples couldn't get out fast enough. We were no different. Catherine was in a high state of excitement as I, and with a quick goodbye to the others we left to hurry home.

We had a wonderful night replicating what we saw in the films, until finally exhausted, we both fell asleep til around noon the next day. After lunch, Marlene called to ask what I thought of the pictures, and I told her I loved them and would be interested in seeing more. I didn't understand what she meant when she said there were other themes, but that she would gladly let me know when they were available.

Looking back, although I didn't realize it at the time, I was gradually being 'screened' about feelings about different aspects of sexuality. Catherine and I had experienced partner sharing with her and Ruth, and now this was her way of opening my eyes to other pleasures to be had.

Written by Mairi
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