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Our Love of Basketball turned into our love for each other

"How two teammates turned their passion of the game into passion for each other."

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Competition Entry: Rainbows

I don’t know when it changed between me and Emily. I’m Ashley, the star 5’1 point guard for the UConn Huskies. I was a part of the 2021 freshman class that was expected to take the temporary tumble the Huskies program was undergoing and turning it back into a college basketball power.

Emily, our 5’9 center had been there for 3 years, and this year was her senior and final year. Normally, the Uconn Ladies were like the men’s Kentucky Wildcats, sending prospect after prospect to the first round of the draft. But Emily was different. She had honed her skills over the years, going from someone who barely played at all, to our starting center and an all-first team player.

As we were scrimmaging in practice, the basketball’s bouncing I recalled a conversation that we had, our first conversation that began our friendship.

I was a red-haired, pigtailed girl with freckles. I was relatively modest with my size of 32B breasts so I never stood out too much. The kind of girl you’d think would be a major nerd instead of a baller. But my father got me into the game and he brought me all kinds of dribbling and shooting videos. Even though my father was a carpenter and a middle-class worker type of individual, he helped me more than any other competitor or coach.

Emily was a stunning woman to behold. Her beautiful olive skin, her brown eyes, and her black hair hanging down to her neck. She had DD breasts, and normally for most women carrying breasts of that size would be restrictive in the sports sense, but she didn’t mind wearing a sport’s bra even though it was still noticeable even with the bra, silly me started our conversation by asking about this:

“How do you move around athletically with those big jugs in the way?”

Emily smiled at the question and shrugged.

“I swim in my time off of practice or days off from games. A few breaststrokes here and there, you can surprisingly make your arms flexible enough where your breasts aren’t a problem anymore.”

“So you’re the star PG recruit, Ashley, right? I’m Emily it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

Ashley had smiled at Emily’s down to earth, yet enlightening answers.

“I should do the same to keep myself flexible, and yes you’re right Emily. Let’s win the NCAA tournament this year!”

Emily had nodded as they both stood there in the flashback.

 “What got you into basketball?” Ashley asked Emily, who in all honesty didn’t look as competitive or as obsessed as she was. She was wrong.

“I was bullied in middle school, I wanted to play basketball with the boys. But they said I could never be as good as a boy and so no one wanted to play with me. So I played with myself, and it’s been a long climb. At first, I got the walk-on here because I’m tall and tall ladies are in demand. But then, eventually, I got better and better. Of course, I’m still not playing with boys but that’s okay because now I’m playing with women.”

That determination, that spirit had earned Ashley’s respect and little did she know, growing over time with each time they played together. Her flashback and her moments of staring at Emily absentmindedly had come to an end when Emily yelled out.

“Ash, catch the ball!”

Ashley barely recognized the ball in time for her hands to come up in a position to catch it as Emily came up to set a screen, Ashley dribbled the ball between her legs, slowed down for Emily to roll to the rim and passed it to her for the layup as the whistle signaled the end of practice.

As the girls had gotten undressed and into the girl’s locker room, Emily had tapped Ashley on the shoulder.

“Are you okay? On that last play, you were fazed out.”

Ashley answered sincerely.

 “I was busy admiring you and looking at you.” Mind you, she said this as both of them were naked in the shower area.

 Emily blushed at this and she responded in kind.

“That’s pretty much most of us when we see you dazzle the court with your dribbles, spin moves, and jumpers. Man, the way you can hit from deep.”

 Ashley was having none of it though.

“Well, it’s with your screens and post play that a lot of that becomes possible. Besides, honestly, I was gifted with some of this. The way you work hard is an example to all of us, you’re someone that I look up to.”

The sexual tension was building between the two of them.  Emily knew that secretly, she was a flaming Lesbian. But she had no idea where her best friend Ashley stood on the spectrum, and she didn't want to risk what they had, as teammates and as friends. She couldn’t lie that she was always checking out that ass of Ashley’s and those dimples are just so damn cute.

She figured that she could hit the middle ground. Invite her to her dorm tonight, see where she fits on the spectrum, and whether or not things could progress or if they’d just have to ‘settle’ for the world’s most awesome friendship.   

So Ash, once we’re done with the showers and stuff here you wanna come over to my dorm? We can play pool, watch a movie, you know just chill and have fun.”

 Ashley blushed and smiled at Emily’s proposition

So you mean a Netflix date.” Ashley quizzed her best friend and teammate.

Emily smiled. "Yeah, a Netflix date.”

Ashley winked. “Done deal.”

 Emily could’ve sworn she blinked. Maybe there is something to this after all.  Both of them had excitedly and carefully washed, and got dressed at damn near the same time as Ashley walked up to the hall door where she saw her best friend, and unbeknownst to her, her crush.
“Sorry Emily, were you waiting long?” Ashley asked softly and Emily shook her head.

“Nah, I haven’t been waiting long at all.”

Five minutes to be exact, but Emily wasn’t going to say anything. It’s not that long of a time that it’s inconvenient, and besides, she had much bigger things on her mind than a 5-minute delay home. Ashley had always taken the local public bus, modestly paving her path forward in paying for the college tuition and fees. Emily liked that Ashley too didn’t flaunt anything and had her proper priorities in life.  So she decided to spoil Ashley.

“I know you normally ride the college bus back to our dorms, but how about taking a ride with me instead today?”

Ashley blushed nervously.

 “You sure you want to?” Ashley asked and Emily laughed.

“Sure I’m sure! I could use the company and this way its good team bonding.”

Ashley couldn’t disagree there, though she didn’t catch onto Emily’s deeper meaning about team bonding as she got in the front seat with Emily as they drove. From the gym to the dorms was probably about 10 minutes, not really a long ride but as they listened to some music, Emily decided to be bold and ask questions.

“You dating anyone at the moment?” Emily asked, and unbeknownst to her, this would cause a little pout on Ashley’s face. It was cute as Ashley replied.

“I was dating this jerk of an asshole who dumped me last week, I wasn’t giving him enough sex because of practice time.”
Emily chuckled and smiled.

“Hey, you’re supposed to be on my side!” She childishly cried out.  Emily chuckled some more.

“Who said I wasn’t? I just found it to be immature of the guy to lose out on such a beautiful lady for such a stupid and selfish reason. And I thought it was cute how you were pouting like that.”

“You’re just teasing me,” Ashley said, not really minding the teasing despite her faux protests.

“Then, right back at you Em, you dating anyone?”

Emily paused for a second, knowing she had to be careful not to push the envelope too fast, especially knowing she was going through a breakup.

“No, but there is someone that I like. That person doesn’t know how I feel yet though.”

“Who is it?”

Ashley asked and Emily at that point parked the car at a parking space that was close to the sidewalk at her dorm. Happy and content with herself that she secured such a good parking spot despite it being relatively late in the evening and into the night.

 “Hm, I’ll answer that later if you earn it,” Emily said and chuckled as she went to open the door to her dormitory.

Her dorm was definitely the eccentric type. She had fur that was designed as a tiger on the living room floor,  and she had a 3d poster of a tiger on the wall in her living room as well. An Asian-type dragon statue on her living room table along with two ordinary-looking lamps.

"You know Em, your lamps are ironically the most out of place thing in your living room,” Ashley remarked and Emily laughed and smiled.

I wanted my living room to reflect my attitude on the court. Beastly.” That brought to mind her 25 points, 17 rebound game just the other day.

 “Beastly is one way to put it, you’ve been helping us stay undefeated," Ashley remarked.

“It’s not over yet Ashley, we’ve still got 5 more regular-season games although coach will probably start giving us some rest to prepare for the conference tournament, and then the big one the NCAA tournament. That'll be my first NCAA tournament, but even though Uconn has had this prestige around it, remember that we were struggling not too long ago and that fortune only favors the brave.”

Ashley was taken aback by the sudden and yet wise wisdom and she nodded.

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The two went back and forth in the Pool game, with Ashley nudging ahead by a few points. This was the final rack, if Emily couldn’t hit the 8-ball, she’d win.  As Emily kneeled down on the pool table, concentrating Ashley decided to pull a fast one and teased her.

"You’ve got a nice thick ass Em, I’m jealous.” Ashley was only playing around…or was she? She definitely was attracted to seeing her best friend naked when they were in the shower, she almost felt like kissing her but she didn’t know about Emily being a Lesbian. She didn’t have any idea. This is why Emily was flustered as she pushed the stick on the ball, getting a few balls in but not the 8-ball, meaning Ashley won.

“Ashley, that was dirty!” She mockingly complained and laughed. “As punishment, you’ve got to watch Netflix with me.”

“I’m not sure if that’s much of a punishment.” She teased and Emily gave a lustful smirk.

“You really don’t want me to be serious about the punishing part.”

And they laughed as they sat down and watched various programs, including Orange Is the New Black. While that was playing, Emily decided that this was as good of a time to be serious about what she was truly curious about and desired.

“So Ashley, you still curious about who I like?” Emily asked as she sat closer, their fingertips touching and sending electric shocks through said fingertips.

“I’ve been dying with curiosity all night!” Ashley said as she turned to look at her and Emily blushed looking straight at the eyes of the woman she loved ferociously. At first for her tenacity on the court, but now for the happy-go-lucky personality she was off the court, and what a loyal friend she was.

For Ashley’s part, she knew she could always come to Emily’s when something was wrong. They’d eat popcorn or some kind of snack like they’re eating right now. She’d always listen to her about her boyfriend issues, or her nails or her eye polish. She couldn't deny her interest in her, but she wasn’t sure if she could articulate it. Emily smiled and hugged Ashley.

 “It’s you, silly. It’s always been you.”

Ashley blushed deeply at this confession of love, knowing that she felt the same as the tidal waves began knocking down all of the barriers between them.

 “Why, me?” Ashley asked, as though under a spell.
“Well, like all good things it started with our rapport on the court. You passed me the ball in spots I liked, and we always talked before and after games and practice. It’s how I know you like your coffee with sugar, not sweeteners.  It’s how I know that basketball is also a way for you to escape peer pressure and how you always want to be liked by everybody. But you know, you don’t have to be liked by everyone and you don’t need that pressure on yourself. All it takes is that one person, and I want to be that person for you.”  

Ashley was positively stunned, the romantic words coming out of the mouth of her senior center was too much for her to process, as she became moist under her pants hearing those words as she leaned in and kissed Emily on the lips, softly at first before their tongues began dancing in a lustful celebration.

 “I’ve always been straight up until now,” Ashley admitted meekly. “But, I know I want this, I want you.”  

Emily smiled and blushed at this, hugging her star point guard and her newfound lover softly and rest assuringly.

 “Well, it’s a good thing I’ve got experience with this sort of thing too. I’ll show you the ropes and make you a great lover in no time.” Emily said and winked.  

You’ve dated girls before?” Ashley asked and Emily nodded.

 “Exclusively girls, I’m a Lesbian. Welcome to our friendly and sweetly sensual club. Once you’ve had a pussy, you won’t even want to touch another man.”

 Ashley smirked. “I can’t wait to try it out.”

With that said, Emily turned off her TV and softly held her lover’s hand as they hurriedly walked to her room, which was totally different from her living room. In just about every way.  It was a nice queen-sized bed, with a black canopy and the bed set was that of a rose design as Emily lit up some candles in the room.

"The contrast between your living and bedrooms is glaring,” Ashley said as Emily romantically pulled Ashley into a bear hug, falling onto the bed as she kissed her lover passionately, and she in turn returned the passion, biting on each other’s lips as they only stopped to breathe out and they smiled.  

 “I wanted to have a nice, comfortable bedroom to relax in after an intense game, or practice or whatever,” Emily explained. “And now the night will be more relaxing than ever as I break your Lesbian cherry and corrupt you, my dear.”

She meowed and they laughed again.

 “So go ahead and take off my clothes and I’ll help you do the same.”

 She explained as she lifted off Ashley’s shirt, unhooking her bra as she sucked on her neck softly, making Ashley moan as she had never experienced these sensations to quite this level. Ashley was having trouble concentrating but managed to do the same for Emily, as their upper bodies were unveiled to each other.

Emily had leaned in and begun sucking on Ashley’s nipples, flicking her tongue up and down and across her nipples.  Ashley had moaned even more loudly as her pussy got even wetter, and she felt like she was losing to Emily, which experience, of course, played a factor but she still didn’t want to lose to her new love. So she unbuttoned her lover’s pants and slid down her panties, gently rubbing Emily’s pussy lips teasingly making Emily moan in turn and after getting her finger wet with Emily’s wetness, she had slid inside of Emily and began finger fucking her, making Emily moan out and show a different side of her.

 “Fuck yeah, Ashley! Fuck that pussy nice and hard! And you have a tongue, it’s time to debut it and use it!”

Ashley did as she was told and kneeled down to Emily’s pussy and began licking around her vulva area and then she began gently flicking her tongue against her clitoris making Emily moan even louder and grabbing Ashley’s hair and gently but forcefully pushing her head into her pussy, moaning louder and louder. All of this was scary, yet arousing to the lesbian virgin as Ashley’s pussy was as wet as could be, without even touching it yet!

And part of that was definitely intentional on Emily’s part as Ashley continued to eat and finger her out for several more minutes before Emily cried out

 “I’m cumming Ash!” As her pussy sprayed its juices all over Ashley’s face, Ashley was entranced by how it tasted, how sweet and sublime as she lapped it all up with her tongue.  

 “Wow, that was impressive Ashley. I’m glad I got to you before any other girl discovered you.” They both chuckled for a minute. “Now then, it’s my turn to make you cum Ashley. This is going to be intense, but you’ll love every minute of it.”

 Ashley nodded as Emily took off Ashley’s pants and panties and put them in a neat pile with her undergarments and she stood behind Ashley.

“Get on all fours, my lovely Ash.”

Ashley complied with the wishes of her lover, as Emily began doing to her, what she did to Emily as she began fingering her pussy out and eating her out at the same time, moaning as the doggy style allowed her deeper penetration into Ashley’s pussy.

With her other hand, she began groping and massaging Ashley’s boobs gently while eating and fingering her, the amount of sensational pleasure was overwhelming as her pussy and boobs were being thoroughly ravaged by Emily’s soft firm touch.

 This had continued for a few minutes, along with some ass smacking which felt nice and hard, her ass getting pink as a result of all of this and Ashley cried out.

“I’m close to cumming Em!” And this made Emily withdraw her fingers from her pussy, making Ashley pout and frown a little.

 “Emily, why’d you do that? I was so close to cumming…”

Emily then turned her lover’s body around, so that they faced each other as she smiled sweetly and Emily straddled Ashley, their pussies and clitoris rubbing against each other as they both moaned loudly and Emily smiled, never having been happier for being so sweaty in her life.

“I told you that cumming was going to be intense for you, didn’t I?”

 “You did…OH FUCK!”

Ashley cried out as the intensity of their pussies rubbing against each other was intense, Emily leaned down and kissed her lover in a sweet, loving kiss as they hugged each other while humping each other’s pussies,  there wasn’t a need to announce to the other when they’d cum.

They knew based on the rhythm of their breathing, the connections their souls had made on this night as their pelvis’s convulsed and they screamed loudly and lovingly into the still air of the night.
Falling asleep in her arms, was the happiest moment of my life. That went through both of our minds as the sun rose the next morning for Ashley, as she woke up and she saw that her lover wasn’t in bed. She honestly wasn’t prepared for this it’s not like she brought any extra clothes but there she saw a nightgown neatly folded and clean for her to wear as she wore it and she walked to the kitchen and she saw a bright and beaming Emily.

 “You know, Ash, the whole point of cooking breakfast for your lover is for them to eat it in the bed.”

 Emily said as she discovered Ashley smiling.

“Thanks, Emily, I love you.” Ashley whispered softly into Emily's ear hugging her while she was cooking.

Emily: “I love you too, Ashley. And no matter what happens in the season or after I graduate, we’ll be together forever..”

Written by SeductiveDevil28
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