My journey into submission (ch 1-2)
The following is an account of real things that happened to me. There is nothing particularly sexual about the events of this story, the purpose of this is to express how I felt about them in order for myself to better understand my feelings and find anyone with similar experiences and thoughts. Everything in this story happened after the age of consent for everyone involved. A final warning, this is not a romantic story of any kind and I’m sure some will find it and me a bit weird so please only read if you have an open mind.
Chapter 1
My story begins a couple of months into sixth form while on my walk home. I took a rather scenic route along the coast beside a quiet road with the beach on the right and a small forest on the left. This day however didn’t do the location justice, it was a typical English day, grey and drizzly, the horizon obscured by fog and the roads covered in water. I live in a fairly remote area but despite this a pair of girls shared most of my journey.
I had seen them around school and was pretty sure they were in my year but had never actually had reason or chance to talk to them before despite taking the same route home as them for the past two months. They happened to be walking right behind me that day which already made my introvert, awkward self a little nervous.
In an effort to respect their privacy I was blocking out their conversation and trying to walk faster to create some space between us. Unfortunately they kept up with me which at the time I assumed was a sub conscious thing on their part. I therefor slowed down, hoping they would overtake me so I could go back to focusing on my own thoughts. This also failed so I began planning an alternate route for the last 10 or so minutes of my journey.
While in the process of choosing my exit plan I felt a cold splash of water against my back. The water quickly soaked through both coat and shirt leaving several cold damp spots on my back. I jumped at the initial splash just as I heard the girls start giggling. At first I assumed a car had drove by a puddle but a quick recollection of my memory told me none had passed recently. I quickly concluded the girls must have done it, hopefully by accident. I tried to think of how I was going to confront them but took too long before it became it became too awkward to now acknowledge it. I instead hoped they would just back off as I increased my pace to get home as quick as possible. Having never been the subject of real confrontation before I could already feel a lump in my throat as I clutched my coat around me trying to ignore the cold patches on my back.
Again I felt water splash over me, this time over my ankles and legs muddying my jeans. The giggling spiked again as I kept up my not very convincing illusion of not noticing. I sneaked a quick look behind me and was shocked by how close they were. A few seconds later the heel of my shoe was trapped against the ground causing me to lose it. I hopped on my other foot for a few steps in an attempt to regain my balance before I turned around. I opened my mouth without any plan of what to say resulting in a timid little squeak. The girls walked past me smiling in an almost cartoonish bratty way. Overwhelmed and confused as to what happened and what to do I simply waited until they were 4-5 meters away before looking for my shoe. I found it on the side of the road against the raised pavement where a small stream had formed. I picked the soaking shoe up, grimacing from the wet seeping through my socks as I put it back on. The girls were now at a safe distance as my feelings turned to anger, my eyes teared up a bit but I was determined not to cry. I practically ran back to my house into the warm safe embrace of my bedroom.
I stood in the center of the room for several seconds, trying to contemplate what had just happened. I wasn’t used to this kind of behavior, everyone in my life had been pleasant up until now. Bullying simply wasn’t really a thing at my school although I wouldn’t have called my incident bullying at the time. I stood there letting the adrenaline fade away as I slowed my breathing. I began to strip off my now soaked clothes before wrapping myself in my fluffy towel. I lay down on my bed for a long time, replaying the events in my head, attempting to figure out what to do next. I thought about going to my parents or a teacher as they tell you to do but I decided against it believing that proving it and the possible repercussions would be too much hassle. I therefor resigned myself to a different path home from now on to avoid the girls.
Chapter 2
My tactic of avoiding the girls worked for the following week, it added a few more minutes onto my journey but the peace of mind was worth it. It wasn’t long however before I saw the girls on my new path. My heart sank.
In the interest of not making my story repetitive I’ll skip forward some weeks. Similar incidents to the first happened several times with the girls successfully predicting my path home about once every 3-4 nights. Their games now consisted of tripping me over, throwing dirt at me from afar, walking right behind me for ages as well as others. Despite this we had still not actually communicated despite my attempts to confront them and telling them to go away and after a while I had begun to accept that protesting wasn’t going to help. Honestly however the games the girls played on me were nothing to what was happening in my head which became more apparent to me over the Christmas holidays.
The following is an account of real things that happened to me. There is nothing particularly sexual about the events of this story, the purpose of this is to express how I felt about them in order for myself to better understand my feelings and find anyone with similar experiences and thoughts. Everything in this story happened after the age of consent for everyone involved. A final warning, this is not a romantic story of any kind and I’m sure some will find it and me a bit weird so please only read if you have an open mind.
Chapter 1
My story begins a couple of months into sixth form while on my walk home. I took a rather scenic route along the coast beside a quiet road with the beach on the right and a small forest on the left. This day however didn’t do the location justice, it was a typical English day, grey and drizzly, the horizon obscured by fog and the roads covered in water. I live in a fairly remote area but despite this a pair of girls shared most of my journey.
I had seen them around school and was pretty sure they were in my year but had never actually had reason or chance to talk to them before despite taking the same route home as them for the past two months. They happened to be walking right behind me that day which already made my introvert, awkward self a little nervous.
In an effort to respect their privacy I was blocking out their conversation and trying to walk faster to create some space between us. Unfortunately they kept up with me which at the time I assumed was a sub conscious thing on their part. I therefor slowed down, hoping they would overtake me so I could go back to focusing on my own thoughts. This also failed so I began planning an alternate route for the last 10 or so minutes of my journey.
While in the process of choosing my exit plan I felt a cold splash of water against my back. The water quickly soaked through both coat and shirt leaving several cold damp spots on my back. I jumped at the initial splash just as I heard the girls start giggling. At first I assumed a car had drove by a puddle but a quick recollection of my memory told me none had passed recently. I quickly concluded the girls must have done it, hopefully by accident. I tried to think of how I was going to confront them but took too long before it became it became too awkward to now acknowledge it. I instead hoped they would just back off as I increased my pace to get home as quick as possible. Having never been the subject of real confrontation before I could already feel a lump in my throat as I clutched my coat around me trying to ignore the cold patches on my back.
Again I felt water splash over me, this time over my ankles and legs muddying my jeans. The giggling spiked again as I kept up my not very convincing illusion of not noticing. I sneaked a quick look behind me and was shocked by how close they were. A few seconds later the heel of my shoe was trapped against the ground causing me to lose it. I hopped on my other foot for a few steps in an attempt to regain my balance before I turned around. I opened my mouth without any plan of what to say resulting in a timid little squeak. The girls walked past me smiling in an almost cartoonish bratty way. Overwhelmed and confused as to what happened and what to do I simply waited until they were 4-5 meters away before looking for my shoe. I found it on the side of the road against the raised pavement where a small stream had formed. I picked the soaking shoe up, grimacing from the wet seeping through my socks as I put it back on. The girls were now at a safe distance as my feelings turned to anger, my eyes teared up a bit but I was determined not to cry. I practically ran back to my house into the warm safe embrace of my bedroom.
I stood in the center of the room for several seconds, trying to contemplate what had just happened. I wasn’t used to this kind of behavior, everyone in my life had been pleasant up until now. Bullying simply wasn’t really a thing at my school although I wouldn’t have called my incident bullying at the time. I stood there letting the adrenaline fade away as I slowed my breathing. I began to strip off my now soaked clothes before wrapping myself in my fluffy towel. I lay down on my bed for a long time, replaying the events in my head, attempting to figure out what to do next. I thought about going to my parents or a teacher as they tell you to do but I decided against it believing that proving it and the possible repercussions would be too much hassle. I therefor resigned myself to a different path home from now on to avoid the girls.
Chapter 2
My tactic of avoiding the girls worked for the following week, it added a few more minutes onto my journey but the peace of mind was worth it. It wasn’t long however before I saw the girls on my new path. My heart sank.
In the interest of not making my story repetitive I’ll skip forward some weeks. Similar incidents to the first happened several times with the girls successfully predicting my path home about once every 3-4 nights. Their games now consisted of tripping me over, throwing dirt at me from afar, walking right behind me for ages as well as others. Despite this we had still not actually communicated despite my attempts to confront them and telling them to go away and after a while I had begun to accept that protesting wasn’t going to help. Honestly however the games the girls played on me were nothing to what was happening in my head which became more apparent to me over the Christmas holidays.

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Much to my shame I had begun to find a perverse pleasure in being humiliated by these girls. I denied it for as long as I could but after a couple dreams that re-enacted the encounters I eventually had to admit that some part of me was enjoying what the girls were doing to me. I began to realize this more when I found myself missing the encounters in the second week of the holidays. I was ashamed that I felt this way and was genuinely worried about my mental health since I was unaware at the time that others had similar feelings that I now understand to be submissive tendencies and desires.
I started to explore what my feelings meant online and after speaking to a few very creepy people I found some material that adequately explained how I felt. More importantly it showed me that I wasn’t alone in how I felt and that I wasn’t a freak. For a while it did scare me that my submissiveness was often described as a sexual fetish/kink especially because I was still quite sexually repressed and unaware I was bisexual.
I evolved and matured a lot in the rest of the school year and became a lot more comfortable with how I was feeling. I also went from having a small piece of me enjoying my situation to downright loving and savoring every moment of it. I loved the humiliation and submissiveness of being the subject of their cruelty. It allowed me to explore my sexuality and submissive nature in an environment separate to the rest of my life. As a side note I do not recommend anyone follow my example, if someone is treating you badly report it and get it fixed even if you have feelings similar to mine. Looking back on it I now understand it wasn’t a healthy environment to explore my sexuality but never the less it is now a part of who I am and I want to share it.
There was a specific incident with the girls in late February that was a mile stone for me and has been the subject of many of my fantasies since. I had taken a route home through a small forest on a day with miserable weather. It had snowed about three days previous and all that was left was clumps of horrible slushy stuff. The girls had followed me and were close behind me. I was excited but knew I had to keep up the illusion that I was really trying to get away. I was therefore walking briskly whilst trying to anticipate what they were going to do. It was in rapid thought when my foot fell out from under me on some wet mud. I landed face down in a wet muddy puddle just managing to keep my mouth from completely eating dirt.
I barely had time to think and register the laughs from behind me before I felt one of the girl’s feet on my thighs. There was then a split second when all of her weight was on that foot before the other came to rest right on my bum, forcing my pelvis further into the mud. I tried to raise my upper body with my arms but the other girl’s foot forced me back down, her heel between my shoulder blades forcing the side of my face into the muddy ground. I let out a splutter and a gasp trying to get some mud out of my mouth and adapting to the extra pressure on my lungs.
“God, she’s so pathetic.” One of the girls whose name I had recently learned to be Ellen giggled.
The other girl with the deceptively innocent name of Lucy pushed her foot further into my back, laughing from the whimpers that left my mouth. “Bless her, did you fall little thing?”
I barely heard them and was far too preoccupied trying to adjust my body into the least painful position. I was also shocked by how horny I was getting as my groin was forced into the ground. Water from the puddle I had fell in had now seeped through my shorts, tights and panties! I could feel the liquid against my pussy, I felt like a complete whore and I was loving every second of it. The pressure on my bum felt so good, to be controlled in such an intimate area and supporting such a beautiful and sadistic girl.
“Did you hear me? Did you fall you stupid little thing?” Lucy said in a mocking tone.
I stretched my neck around as best I could to get a sight of the girl towering above me. I nodded my head whilst blurting out the word yes as my eyes remained transfixed on Lucy’s long beautiful legs.
“Well it must be these shoes, they’re just not suitable for walking in weather like this”.
The foot pinning my back down disappeared giving me more room to watch Lucy walk behind me and remove my shoes. I waved my feet around in vain and fake protest, partly to further indulge my fantasies. The girls mumbled something between them before I felt Ellen’s feet move, walking over me, her last step forcing the back of my head into the ground. With my shoes in hand they set off giggling to themselves as I lay in the mud.
When they were far enough away I began to get up revealing my front completely drenched in mud and water. Shaking from the cold I set off home, now taking great care of where I stepped. I was shaken up but already looking forward to masturbating for hours on end to what had just happened. I even smiled a bit which to an observer would have made me look even more insane.
After a difficult walk I got home and made straight for my bedroom. I stripped everything off and got in my shower. I sank to the floor and gave myself five amazing orgasms leaving me a trembling, horny mess as hot water cascaded over me. I closed my eyes and relished in my kinky submissive fantasies.
To be continued…