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My Dream Date Night

"When you want to show the one you love some attention."

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Author's Notes

"So this is based on how I would treat that one special woman who's been in my life for a long time, just never had to chance to be with her. Not used to writing speech, so be kind. Would also appreciate feedback if people would like further chapters."

We haven’t spoken properly for a while but that’s probably my fault, I found myself relying on your messages to make me happy. The days I didn’t hear anything from you were my worst days. So, I took myself off social media to try to get over this infatuation, crush, whatever you want to call it. But it doesn’t work.

I sit there thinking about you, about what we could be doing or talking about if we were together. I lay at night thinking about how it would be to hold you, to wake up next to you. I know we have done it before but, that was a very long time ago and we have both changed.

I’ve tried to tell you how I feel about you, but you’ve never believed me, you still don’t. I don’t blame you; we’ve only been talking again properly for nearly a year. But it’s like we just picked up from where we left off, it’s like my feelings just pick up from where they left off. But let’s be serious, you’re in a relationship now and things seem pretty serious. So, I really shouldn’t be saying half of the things I do. I just can’t seem to help myself though.

I never stopped thinking about you, I always used to have the fleeting thought or the odd dream about you. Waking up in a sweat with a very distinct throb between my legs, I would wait until my girlfriend left the room. My hand would trail down to my pussy, sliding through the wetness circling my clit whilst I thought about you. Sometimes I would be able to finish, other times I would get interrupted. But every time I came, it was always with your name on my lips as a whisper into the empty room.

My dreams used to consist of tying you up and fucking you every way possible, but now my dreams are mainly about showing you how much I love you or how much you mean to me. So, for once I’m here to write about how I would treat you now. Go to a different story if you want something kinkier…


I get in from work and it’s so quiet without you here. We’ve only been dating for a few months, but I prefer it when you’re around. I carry on with my nightly routine, sticking a meal in the oven that I had prepared the day before and jump in the shower. Once out of the shower, I get changed into baggy shorts and a top, check on the oven, grab a beer, and sit on the sofa to watch some mind-numbing TV.

An hour goes by, I’ve had my dinner and on my second beer whilst re-watching “Chuck” for the 100th time. But that’s when my phone goes off. I look down and see it’s a message from you, I open it and it reads:

Babycakes <3: Hope work went okay? I can’t sleep… Can we video-call? Xxx

I close the chat and video-call you, a grin spreads across my face as soon as I see you. You’re curled up in bed, the glow of the bedside light illuminating your face. You look so cute with your messy hair and the duvet up under your chin.

“How are you doing, baby?” I ask whilst you reposition yourself onto your back, moving your phone to hover over your face.

“I miss you; I haven’t been able to sleep properly since leaving you last week,” you say with a pout. I can’t help but chuckle at the face you pull but what I really want to do is pull you into my arms and kiss that pout away.

“I know, but tomorrow we’ll be together again, it’s the weekend so we can do whatever you want. We could even sleep the whole time if you really wanted to.”

“Just sleep?” you ask with a smirk on your face, I can see your tongue poking out slightly.

“That’s for you to decide,” I say with a grin on my face. “Now try and get some sleep, we have a busy weekend. Plus, I need to get to bed so I’m on top form to please your every need.”

You chuckle and shake your head slightly, “Okay, I guess we should. I can’t wait for tomorrow, hun. Sleep well and sweet dreams.”

“Goodnight, baby. See you tomorrow.” You blow a kiss through the screen and we both hang up.

I get into bed and send you one last text to say goodnight. I curl up on my side hugging my pillow to my chest thinking of you and fall into a peaceful slumber.

Next thing I know the alarms going off and it’s time to get the flat ready for your arrival after you’ve finished work. I start by wiping the surfaces, dusting, hoovering then mopping. Whilst the floors drying, I go to the shop to get some food in so you can eat for the weekend. I also grab a few beers for myself and some Gin and lemonade for you. I head on home and start on my mission to make a nice meal for when you get here.

I look at the clock and see it’s 4 PM, you finish work in an hour and would be here by 5:30 PM. I go shower and get dressed into a pair of black shorts, a tank top and a shirt. I do my hair so it’s up in a bun but have my fringe out for a change, then put on some eyeliner and mascara for a change. I want to look nice for my girl.

Once I’m ready, I look at the clock and see it’s 5 PM, I put a candle on the table and light it then dim the lights to create a romantic atmosphere. I turn the oven down on the vegetarian lasagne I made, and busy myself placing tea lights around the room and lighting them. I can hear your car pull up outside, so I put the plug in the bath and start running the taps adding a bath bomb and some bubbles as I know you like them.

I walk out of the bathroom and close the door so it’s a surprise just as your key turns the lock. You look so tired but as soon as you see me a smile brightens your features, you kick your shoes off and walk straight into my arms. I wrap my arms around your waist as yours wrap around my neck, I feel your breath on my skin as you turn your head into the crook of my shoulder. I place a kiss on the top of your head as you start to pull back, you look up at me and smile even wider (if that was possible).

“Hi,” you say in a small voice as you lean up to press a kiss against my lips. “You look nice, is it for a special occasion?”

I kiss you softly, giving your hips a gentle squeeze as I pull away, “Hey you, you look as beautiful as ever. And no, no special occasion just wanted to make extra effort for my girl.” I place a kiss to the tip of your nose. “Anyway, I hope you’re hungry because I made dinner. But first, you need to strip off as I have a surprise for you.” I give a wink and slightly poke my tongue out.

Your eyes go wide as your cheeks begin to blush, “Wow, okay… well… uhm…”

I pull further away and take your hand leading you into the bathroom. I hear you chuckle slightly as you realise, it was just an innuendo. “Well, I totally thought you meant something else, but this is definitely needed after today.”

“Well then, you go and relax. I’ll bring you in some of your comfy’s and a gin so you can have the full treatment,” I say as I move a piece of hair behind your ear, placing a kiss to your cheek.

You grab my hand as I turn to leave, “Join me?”

“This is for you, baby, just get in the tub and relax. I’ll be in in five minutes with your slouchy stuff and a gin, okay?” I place another kiss to your lips, but you pull me closer and deepen it.

Your tongue enters my mouth as I moan, our tongues duel as your hands tangle into my hair and my hands grip onto your waist. I push you back slightly and rest my forehead against yours, “Get in the bath before it gets cold. We can carry this on later, okay?”

You start to grumble as I leave the room but I turn back around and place a quick kiss on your lips. I check on the lasagne again, seeing it’s starting to bubble I pull it out a bit and add some cheese. I hear you get into the bath whilst I’m getting your gin ready, I quickly get your loungewear from the draw you’re slowly taking over. I grab the gin from the side and enter the bathroom, I hand you the drink and place your clothes on the top of the toilet.

“Are you sure I can’t tempt you to join me?” you ask whilst the water sloshes in the bath.

I turn around to look at you and my breath catches in my throat. The light from the candles reflects in your eyes, making them look almost golden. The bubbles cover your body keeping yourself covered, you run your hand up your chest to your neck and back down. I can’t help but gulp as I follow your hand, my mouth goes dry as I see your arm go lower.

“You don’t make this easy for me, do you?” I choke out as you let out a whimper. I can only imagine where your hand is whilst I wish it was mine.

“I just want to be close to you. Please?” You give me your infamous pout.

I bend down and press a kiss to your forehead remaining there as I say, “As I said, we can carry on with this later. Just rest, I’m trying to take care of you for once, okay?”

“Fine. Next time you’re joining me though.” You cross your arms over your chest, the bubbles sliding further up your chest.

“Deal.” I lift your chin slightly and run my tongue over your bottom lip, your lips part so I take advantage of this and bite your bottom lip. You moan into my mouth as I kiss you passionately sliding one hand into your hair. My nails scratch over your scalp as the other braces myself on the edge of the bath whilst you try to pull me closer by the collar of my shirt.

I remove my hands from your hair and place them over yours as I pull away from the kiss. I stand up and your hands fall from the collar of my shirt, making a little splash as they fall back into the water. “Relax, take your time. Dinner will be ready for whenever you get out,” I say as I close the door slightly so you still have a little bit of light coming from the kitchen to illuminate the bathroom.

I carry on laying the table in the dining room with placemats and cutlery, something feels missing when I stand back. I suddenly think I haven’t put the flowers on there. I look around the kitchen and I can’t see the flowers; I then realise I left them in the car, so I grab my keys and run out to get the bunch. I quickly cut the stems off and arrange them in the vase of water, placing them in the middle of the table when I’m happy with how they look.

I head back to the kitchen and grab a beer out of the fridge. I close the door jumping slightly as I didn’t expect to be face to face with you when I closed the door. You grin at me and I can’t help the wide smile that takes over my shocked expression. You’re still wrapped in a towel as beads of water run down your body. I follow a water droplet fall from your neck, down your chest where it disappears into your cleavage. You place a quick kiss to my lips before turning away to get changed.

All I want to do is lick all the droplets cascading down your skin, leaving kisses where they fall. I shake my head to clear the thoughts from my mind, “Hope you’re hungry. Dinner’s pretty much done,” I call through to the bedroom so you can hear me whilst you get changed.

“I’m absolutely starved, thank you for cooking for me, baby,” you say as you walk into the kitchen.

My mouth drops open as I look at what you’re wearing. “Well, that’s not what I got you out… This is so much better.”

You’re standing there in a short black silk robe, a lacy red bralette just peeking through the opening of the robe. Stockings adorn your muscular legs attached to what I can only assume is a suspender belt under that robe. As well as a pair of black heels on your feet that easily give you a couple of inches over me. I can feel my throat start to dry as all the images play through my mind.

“So, you like what you see?” you ask as you play with the robe tie, I nod my head fervently. “Good, because this is all for you. I know you told me to relax but, this is my thank you.”

I take your hand and tug you towards me, our fronts pressed together. My arms wrap around your waist. “Well, if this is the thanks I get I’m going to start doing this more often.”

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I kiss you passionately, my teeth pulling at your bottom lip as I pull away. You’re panting as I take your hands and lead you to the dining room table, I pull your seat out and push it back in once you are seated. I place a lingering kiss to your slightly swollen lips as I go back to the kitchen to get dinner.

I plate the lasagne up and place it on the table as well as the salad and garlic bread I had prepared. I quickly run back to the kitchen to grab my beer and refill your gin. Once everything is to my liking I sit down and we start to eat. We talk about our days and share little stories making each other laugh. Every time we share these moments, I feel like I could do this for the rest of our lives.

Once you’ve finished your meal you lean back in your chair and untie your robe. My fork drops to the plate as I can’t help but gape at the sight in front of me. Your breasts are pushed up due to the fitting of the bra that you’re wearing, you tilt your head back and moan as your neck cracks. I grab my beer and take a big swig as my mouth feels terribly dry from the noise you made.

You go to get up to remove everything from the table, but I place my hand on yours to stop you. “Don’t… I’ll sort this out, you go get comfy on the sofa. I’ll bring dessert out when I’m done, okay?”

“Okay, maybe just place everything in the sink though? I don’t want to be away from you for too long.” As you say the last statement you send a wink in my direction, my heart skips a beat.

I remove everything from the table as you go to the sofa, I scrape the plates and place them in the sick. I grab desert and move into the living room where I see you in all your glory. The robe is still untied showing off the matching lingerie set you’re wearing. I can see a darkened patch on your pants from where you have a heeled foot propped on the sofa. I can’t help but lick my lips as I stare and set the fruit on the table.

I go back to the kitchen and grab the chocolate fondue as well as the added marshmallows and the little forks it came with. I place it next to the plate of fruit ignoring all eye contact with you because, once I do make eye contact I’ll end up jumping you and that’s not what I want tonight.

“I know this isn’t anything spectacular, but I thought it’d be a little lighter after what we’ve just eaten,” I say as I spear a strawberry with the little fork and dip it in the chocolate.

“It’s the thought that counts, it’s amazing, baby.” You lean closer to my fondue fork with the chocolate dripping strawberry. “Now are you going to feed that to me, or am I going to have to do it myself?”

I feed you the strawberry and you return the favour. We carry on like this for a little while exchanging fruits covered in chocolate until one fatal drip. It falls from your lip down your chin onto your chest, making its way slowly down your cleavage. I follow it with my eyes and can’t help but lean in closer, I run my thumb over your chin wiping off the chocolate that’s there and lick it off the digit.

Your eyes follow my every movement as I lean in closer and lick off the spillage from your chest. You bring your hand up and hold my head where it is as I suck at the skin and place a delicate kiss. I pull back and look at the small mark I left smiling to myself, I kiss my way back up your neck to your jaw and finally to your lips where I run my tongue over your bottom lip.

You climb onto my lap straddling me whilst we kiss, our tongues duel for dominance. I run my hands up your thighs to your arse, grabbing the flesh and pulling you closer towards me. You moan as your cunt rubs over my thigh, I can feel the wetness spreading as you grind against it. You pull my hair out of the bun and run your fingers through my hair, your nails scratching at my scalp and the base of my neck.

“Bedroom. Now.” I pant as I pull away and rest my forehead against your collarbone.

You get up from my lap and go to the bedroom. I chuckle to myself as I see the robe on the floor in the corridor, when I get to the bedroom I see you about to take your bra off.

“Let me help with that,” I whisper as I come up behind you kissing across your shoulders and the back of your neck.

I undo your bra and run my fingertips up your sides to your shoulders, I pull the straps down your arms. Once it falls to the floor I run my fingers over your stomach, up to your recently freed breasts. I take them in each hand and give them a squeeze, your nipples hardening in the cool air of the room. Your head tilts back onto my shoulder as I pinch and pull at your nipples, I kiss up your neck to your ear flicking my tongue over your lobe.

I spin you round to face me and pick you up, your legs wrapping around my waist. I walk the short distance to the bed and place you down. You move up further as I climb up the bed beside you, laying on my side with my head resting on my hand. I gaze into your eyes and I can see the colour change in them as I trail my fingertips over your body slowly, drawing patterns over your skin as I work them from the top of your pants up to your breasts.

You gasp as I trail my fingers over your hardened nipples, you arch your back into the touch but I move my fingers back down your torso. I reach the top of your pants and run my fingers just under the hem, you buck your hips up to try and get them lower. I pull my hand back slightly and you start to grumble, I lean over and kiss you.

Your hands go underneath my shirt pulling me closer, scratching my back over my top. Your hands get tangled in my shirt and you start to get frustrated, I take my shirt off as you start to tug my top off of my body at the same time. As soon as I’m stripped of my shirt and top, a wide grin takes over your face at the fact that I’m not wearing a bra. You pull me back down attaching your lips to mine in a bruising kiss, we both moan when our breasts press together.

I cup your cheek in my right hand as I unclip your stockings from the suspender belt, I kiss, lick and bite my way down your body. I reach your legs and roll down one stocking, leaving a trail of kisses from your thigh to your ankle. I pull off your high heel, then the stocking and repeat the process with the other leg. I make my way back up your body stopping at the apex of your thighs.

My face is level with your pussy, I press a light kiss to the damp spot on your pants. You gasp and buck your hips up as your hand grabs my head trying to pull me into you. I move my way back up to your chest taking one of your nipples into my mouth. I lick the hardened bud lightly flicking my tongue bar over it, I take it into my mouth sucking and biting lightly.

With your hand still in my hair you pull my head up to meet your lips, you moan into my mouth as I move my fingers over your panty-clad pussy lightly. You’re bucking your hips up into my hand trying to gain more pressure, I trace over your clit and you whimper into my mouth. I take pity on you so I apply more pressure to my movements circling your clit, I can feel how wet you are through the material clinging to you.

I move the material to the side, slipping my fingers through the wetness that’s there. I run my finger from your clit to your entrance pushing my finger into you slightly. You moan into my ear as your nails scratch down my back. I trail kisses back down your body to your pants, I bite at the waistband and carefully pull them down your legs. I can feel the goosebumps on your skin as I move my hands back up your legs.

As I place kisses on the inside of your thighs, I can hear your moaning getting louder, your fingers in my hair trying to pull me closer. I wrap an arm under your thigh placing my hand on your hip, your legs automatically go over my shoulders. As I lower my head to your dripping pussy your hips buck up nearly knocking into my nose. I place a bit of pressure on your hip to keep them against the bed as I run my other hand up your thigh.

I kiss your clit gently as I slide a finger into you, curling slightly and pulling out slowly. I continue thrusting my fingers into you slowly. You moan into the quiet room as I lick at your clit, I can’t help but moan at your taste on my tongue. I take your clit into my mouth sucking gently, rolling my tongue over the sensitive bud.

“Baby, please stop teasing me,” you manage to say once you’ve caught your breath between the moans.

“As you wish, princess,” I whisper against your cunt.

The hot air from my talking causes your hips to jump as I rearrange how I’m lying. I remove my fingers from inside you, replacing them with my tongue and pushing it in as far as it will go. You start to grind against my face causing my nose to bump into your clit as your walls clench around my tongue. You tangle your hands in my hair and try to pull me to where you want me, I pull my tongue out and move back up to your clit.

I thrust two fingers into your cunt as I bite at your clit. You let out a strangled moan and pull at my hair. I can’t help but let out a hiss as you pulled rather hard but, I carry on with what I’m doing as I move my free hand up to your breast. I pinch at your nipple as I suck on your clit, I roll it in between my fingers as I circle your clit with my tongue.

Your walls start to clench around my fingers making it hard for me to move, I start to thrust my fingers into you harder. You're pulling at my hair trying to get me to come up to face level. I get the hint so I place one final kiss to your clit and crawl back up your body, fingers still thrusting and curling inside you. When I reach your face you place a hand on the back of my neck, pulling me into a sloppy kiss as your other hand undoes the button and zip on my shorts.

You push your hand into my pants and I can’t help but gasp at the feeling of your fingers against my pussy. You wrap your legs around my waist pulling me even closer to you. You trace your fingers over my pussy lips and then start to circle my clit, the action makes me pause my movement for a second. You growl in my ear so I pick up the pace, moving my thumb to circle your clit copying your movements.

I feel the familiar knot in my stomach as the stimulation gets too much. I know you’re close to your climax so I curl my fingers into your G-spot, you let out a guttural moan and bite at my shoulder. I pull back slightly and look at your face, your cheeks are red, hair stuck to your face whilst you’re biting your lip.

“Look at me, princess,” I whisper as I place a kiss to your eyelids.

You do as you’re told and open your eyes. With one more curl of my fingers and a bit more pressure on your clit your walls start to convulse around my fingers. You buck your hips and it hits the hand that’s on my clit, that extra little bit of pressure and I cum. Your walls start to relax around my fingers so I pull out gently as I roll onto the bed beside you, forcing your hand out of my shorts and pants.

We lay there for a few moments just catching our breath, our hands interlocked in the middle of the bed between us. You roll half on top of me placing your hand on my chest, resting your chin on your hand. I look down at you and chuckle at the shit-eating grin you have on your face, leaning closer I kiss your nose making your face scrunch up.

“Don’t look so cocky, you’ve been tempting me and turning me on all night. What more do you expect?” I explain.

You let out a little giggle, “I don’t care, Miss ‘I’m not easy to make cum’.”

“Shut up, I’ll prove it to you later.” I smile at you.

“Why not now?”

I slide out from underneath you, getting up from the bed. “Well, I don’t know about you… but all that exercise got me hot and sweaty.”

You turn on the bed following me as I walk around the piece of furniture, “Hmmm, yeah definitely hot and sweaty.”

I remove my shorts and pants as I reach the door with my back turned to you. “I think I’m going to take a shower.” I turn my head in your direction and I can see your eyes staring at my arse. “You want to join me?”

“Fuck yes.” You jump from the bed and push me into the bathroom.


Written by tech_chic
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